Fix release of CatTrap 0.4 (as I should've called it...)
Support colspan on column elements.
Parse & apply CSS <table>-styling properties.
Allow styling table columns & rows!
Implement basic table layout.
Implement more of <table> layout
Fix inline sizing, handle length units for callers.
Integrate text-alignment support!
Upgrade underlying Balkon.
Handle property on containing blocks.
Insert Bidi characters into the tree handed to Balkon!
Implement unicode-bidi-property, attempted. Doesn't handle tree.
Refactor tree to aid future dev (Inline layout got a major overhaul anyways...)
Refactor to use newer Balkón APIs.
Add support for logical properties thanks to Stylist Traits update.
Implement property prioritization & shorthands.
Describe remaining submodules.
Reference-document generic layout/tree-traversal, seperate natural from final size fields.
Decided against adding invisible length-lowering into CatTrap, Mondrian's would be too sophisticated!