
9db95983af991d37a2222242676b1c08504a3404 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago 55b1018
Refactor tree to aid future dev (Inline layout got a major overhaul anyways...)
4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 455 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs
M cattrap.cabal
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +5 -5
@@ 11,15 11,15 @@ module Graphics.Layout(LayoutItem(..),
        boxSplit, boxPaginate, boxPosition, boxLayout{-, glyphsPerFont-}) where

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
                                Fragment(..), ParagraphLayout(..), layoutRich)
                                ParagraphLayout(..), layoutRich)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (paginate, PageContinuity(..), PageOptions(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(temp))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout.Grid as G
import Graphics.Layout.Flow as F
import Graphics.Layout.Inline as I
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font'(..))
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font')

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

@@ 86,7 86,7 @@ layoutGetInner (LayoutGrid ret _ _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutInline ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutInline' ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutConst ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutSpan x) = subtreeInner x
layoutGetInner (LayoutSpan x) = treeInner x

-- | map-ready wrapper around `setCellBox` sourcing from a child node.
setCellBox' (child, cell) = setCellBox cell $ layoutGetBox child

@@ 365,7 365,7 @@ boxPosition pos@(x, y) self@(LayoutInline' val _ _) =
    boxPosition pos $ LayoutConst val (layoutGetBox self) $ layoutGetChilds self
boxPosition pos (LayoutConst val self childs) =
    LayoutConst (pos, val) self $ map (boxPosition pos) childs
boxPosition pos (LayoutSpan self) = LayoutSpan $ positionSubtree pos self
boxPosition pos (LayoutSpan self) = LayoutSpan $ positionTree pos self
-- | Compute sizes & position information for all nodes in the (sub)tree.
boxLayout :: (PropertyParser x, Eq x) => PaddedBox Double Double ->
        LayoutItem Length Length x -> Bool -> 

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +4 -396
@@ 3,414 3,22 @@
module Graphics.Layout.CSS(CSSBox(..), BoxSizing(..), Display(..),
        finalizeCSS, finalizeCSS') where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser, parseOperands,
                parseUnorderedShorthand', parseUnorderedShorthand)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (PageOptions(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (paragraphLineHeight, constructParagraph,
                                        defaultParagraphOptions, textDirection,
                                        defaultBoxOptions, LineHeight(..),
                                        InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..))
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))
        defaultParagraphOptions, defaultBoxOptions,
        LineHeight(..), InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern(..), unset)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Char (isSpace)

-- | Parsed CSS properties relevant to layout.
data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    -- | Which layout formula to use, a.k.a. parsed CSS display property.
    display :: Display,
    -- | (Unused) Parsed CSS box-sizing
    boxSizing :: BoxSizing,
    -- | sizing, margins, border-width, & padding CSS properties.
    -- Stores units in case they're needed for font-related units.
    cssBox :: PaddedBox Unitted Unitted, -- calc()?
    -- | Query parameters describing desired font.
    font :: Pattern,
    -- | Additional font-related CSS properties.
    font' :: CSSFont,
    -- | Caller-specified data, to parse additional CSS properties.
    inner :: a,
    -- | Grid-related CSS properties.
    gridStyles :: CSSGrid,
    -- | Grid item related CSS properties.
    cellStyles :: CSSCell,
    -- | inline-related CSS properties.
    inlineStyles :: CSSInline,
    -- | Parsed CSS caption-side.
    captionBelow :: Bool,
    -- | Parsed widows & orphans controlling pagination.
    pageOptions :: PageOptions
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's `textDirection` attribute.
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts } = textDirection opts
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's options.
txtOpts CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts } = opts
-- | Possible values for CSS box-sizing.
data BoxSizing = BorderBox | ContentBox
-- | Empty border, to use as default value.
noborder = Border (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px")

-- | Possibly values for CSS display property.
data Display = Block | Grid | Inline | Table | None |
    TableRow | TableHeaderGroup | TableRowGroup | TableFooterGroup | TableCell |
    TableColumn | TableColumnGroup | TableCaption deriving Eq
-- | Can the display value contain table-rows?
rowContainer CSSBox { display = d } =
    d `elem` [Table, TableHeaderGroup, TableRowGroup, TableFooterGroup]

instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    temp = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = ContentBox,
        display = Inline,
        cssBox = PaddedBox {
            B.min = Size auto auto,
            size = Size auto auto,
            nat = Size 0 0,
            B.max = Size auto auto,
            padding = noborder,
            border = noborder,
            margin = noborder
        font = temp,
        font' = temp,
        inner = temp,
        gridStyles = temp,
        cellStyles = temp,
        inlineStyles = temp,
        captionBelow = False,
        pageOptions = PageOptions 0 0 2 2
    inherit parent = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = boxSizing parent,
        display = Inline,
        cssBox = cssBox (temp :: CSSBox TrivialPropertyParser),
        font = inherit $ font parent,
        font' = inherit $ font' parent,
        inner = inherit $ inner parent,
        gridStyles = inherit $ gridStyles parent,
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent,
        inlineStyles = inherit $ inlineStyles parent,
        captionBelow = captionBelow parent,
        pageOptions = pageOptions parent
    priority self = concat [x font, x font', x gridStyles, x cellStyles, x inner]
      where x getter = priority $ getter self

    -- Wasn't sure how to implement in FontConfig-Pure
    longhand _ self "font-family" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { font = unset "family" $ font self}

    longhand _ self "box-sizing" [Ident "content-box"] = Just self {boxSizing = ContentBox}
    longhand _ self "box-sizing" [Ident "border-box"] = Just self {boxSizing = BorderBox}
    longhand _ self "box-sizing" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {boxSizing = ContentBox}

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-top" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { top = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-bottom" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { bottom = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-left" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { left = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-right" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { right = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-inline-start" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirLTR <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { left = x } } }
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirRTL <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { right = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "padding-inline-end" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirLTR <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { right = x } } }
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirRTL <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { padding = (padding box) { left = x } } }

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "border-top-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { border = (border box) { top = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "border-bottom-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { border = (border box) { bottom = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "border-left-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { border = (border box) { left = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "border-right-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { border = (border box) { right = x } } }
    longhand p self "border-inline-start-color" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-color" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-color" toks
    longhand p self "border-inline-start-width" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-width" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-width" toks
    longhand p self "border-inline-start-style" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-style" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-style" toks
    longhand p self "border-inline-end-color" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-color" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-color" toks
    longhand p self "border-inline-end-width" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-width" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-width" toks
    longhand p self "border-inline-end-style" toks
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-right-style" toks
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-left-style" toks
    longhand p self "border-start-start-radius" t
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-top-left-radius" t
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-top-right-radius" t
    longhand p self "border-start-end-radius" t
        | DirLTR <- direction self = longhand p self "border-top-right-radius" t
        | DirRTL <- direction self = longhand p self "border-top-left-radius" t
    longhand p s "border-end-start-radius" t
        | DirLTR <- direction s = longhand p s "border-bottom-left-radius" t
        | DirRTL <- direction s = longhand p s "border-bottom-right-radius" t
    longhand p s "border-end-end-radius" t
        | DirLTR <- direction s = longhand p s "border-bottom-right-radius" t
        | DirRTL <- direction s = longhand p s "border-bottom-left-radius" t

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-top" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { top = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-bottom" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { bottom = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-left" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { left = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-right" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { right = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-inline-start" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirLTR <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { left = x } } }
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirRTL <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { right = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "margin-inline-end" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirLTR <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { right = x } } }
        | Just x <- parseLength toks, DirRTL <- direction self =
            Just self { cssBox = box { margin = (margin box) { left = x } } }

    -- Placeholder implementations until vertical text is implemented.
    longhand p self "padding-block-start" t = longhand p self "padding-top" t
    longhand p self "padding-block-end" t = longhand p self "padding-bottom" t
    longhand p self "margin-block-start" t = longhand p self "margin-top" t
    longhand p self "margin-block-end" t = longhand p self "margin-bottom" t
    longhand p self "border-block-start-color" toks =
        longhand p self "border-top-color" toks
    longhand p self "border-block-start-style" toks =
        longhand p self "border-top-style" toks
    longhand p self "border-block-start-width" toks =
        longhand p self "border-top-width" toks
    longhand p s "border-block-end-color" t = longhand p s "border-bottom-color" t
    longhand p s "border-block-end-style" t = longhand p s "border-bottom-style" t
    longhand p s "border-block-end-width" t = longhand p s "border-bottom-width" t

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "width" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { size = (size box) { inline = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "height" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { size = (size box) { block = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "max-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { B.max = (B.max box) { inline = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "min-width" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { B.min = (B.min box) { inline = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "max-height" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { B.max = (B.max box) { block = x } } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "min-height" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { B.min = (B.min box) { block = x } } }

    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "block"] = Just self { display = Block }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "none"] = Just self { display = None }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "grid"] = Just self { display = Grid }
    {-longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table"] = Just self { display = Table }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-row-group"] =
        Just self { display=TableRowGroup }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-header-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableHeaderGroup }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-footer-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableFooterGroup }
    longhand parent self "display" [Ident "table-row"] | rowContainer parent =
        Just self { display = TableRow }
    longhand CSSBox { display = TableRow } self "display" [Ident "table-cell"] =
        Just self { display = TableCell }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-column-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableColumnGroup }
    longhand CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } self "display" [Ident "table-column"] =
        Just self { display = TableColumn }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-caption"] =
        Just self { display=TableCaption } -}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "inline"] = Just self { display = Inline }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { display = Inline }

    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "top"] = Just self { captionBelow = False }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "bottom"] = Just self { captionBelow = True }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {captionBelow = False}

    longhand _ self "orphans" [Number _ (NVInteger x)] =
        Just self { pageOptions = (pageOptions self) { pageOrphans = fromInteger x } }
    longhand _ self "widows" [Number _ (NVInteger x)] =
        Just self { pageOptions = (pageOptions self) { pageWidows = fromInteger x } }

    longhand a b c d | Just x <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d,
        Just y <- longhand (font' a) (font' b) c d =
            Just b { font = x, font' = y } -- Those properties can overlap!
    longhand a b c d | Just font' <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d = Just b {
        font = font'
    longhand a b c d | Just font <- longhand (font' a) (font' b) c d = Just b {
        font' = font
    longhand a b c d | Just inline' <- longhand (inlineStyles a) (inlineStyles b) c d =
        Just b { inlineStyles = inline' }
    longhand a b c d | Just grid' <- longhand (gridStyles a) (gridStyles b) c d =
        Just b { gridStyles = grid' }
    longhand a b c d | Just cell' <- longhand (cellStyles a) (cellStyles b) c d =
        Just b { cellStyles = cell' }
    longhand a b c d | Just inner' <- longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d = Just b {
        inner = inner'

    -- Technically a grid shorthand, but we need parent data to parse it!
    longhand CSSBox { gridStyles = parent } self "grid-area" [Ident x]
        | Just ((colS, colE), (rowS, rowE)) <- x `HM.lookup` templateAreas parent
            = Just self { cellStyles = (cellStyles self) {
                columnStart = p colS,
                columnEnd = p colE,
                rowStart = p rowS,
                rowEnd = p $ fromMaybe (length $ templateAreas parent) rowE
      where p x = Numbered x Nothing

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand self "font" toks = case parseOperands toks of
        (a:b:c:d:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c,d] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:c:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a] -> inner ret toks'
        toks' -> inner [] toks'
        unordered operands = parseUnorderedShorthand' self [
            "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-stretch"] operands
        inner ret (size:[Delim '/']:height:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" size,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "line-height" height,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", size):("line-height", height):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner ret (size:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" size,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", size):("line-height", [Ident "initial"]):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner _ _ = []
    shorthand self "margin" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, all (validProp self "margin-top") x,
            (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x =
                [("margin-top", top), ("margin-right", right),
                 ("margin-bottom", bottom), ("margin-left", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "padding" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, all (validProp self "padding-top") x,
            (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x =
                [("padding-top", top), ("padding-right", right),
                 ("padding-bottom", bottom), ("padding-left", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    -- Define other border shorthands here to properly handle border-widths
    shorthand self "border" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-color", "border-style", "border-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-top" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-right" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-bottom" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-left" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-left-color", "border-left-style", "border-left-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-color", "border-inline-style", "border-inline-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-start-color", "border-inline-start-style",
        "border-inline-start-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-end-color", "border-inline-end-style",
        "border-inline-end-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-color", "border-block-style", "border-block-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-start-color", "border-block-start-style",
        "border-block-start-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-end-color", "border-block-end-style",
        "border-block-end-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-color") x =
                [("border-top-color", top), ("border-right-color", right),
                 ("border-bottom-color", bottom), ("border-left-color", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-style") x =
                [("border-top-style", top), ("border-right-style", right),
                 ("border-bottom-style", bottom), ("border-left-style", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-color") x =
                [("border-inline-start-color", s), ("border-inline-end-color", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-style") x =
                [("border-inline-start-style", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-width") x =
                [("border-inline-start-width", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-color") x =
                [("border-block-start-color", s), ("border-block-end-color", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-style") x =
                [("border-block-start-style", s), ("border-block-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-width") x =
                [("border-block-start-width", s), ("border-block-end-width", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks

    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font' self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inlineStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (gridStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (cellStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v = shorthand (inner self) k v

validProp self key value = isJust $ longhand self self key value
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse

-- | Desugar parsed CSS into more generic layout parameters.
finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) ->

M Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs +23 -53
@@ 1,25 1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Sizes inline text & extracts positioned children,
-- wraps Balkón for the actual logic.
module Graphics.Layout.Inline(inlineMinWidth, inlineMin, inlineNatWidth, inlineHeight,
    inlineSize, inlineChildren, layoutSize, layoutChildren, positionChildren,
    fragmentSize, fragmentSize', fragmentPos, treeBox, FragmentTree(..),
    positionSubtree, subtreeInner, paragraphMap, layoutMap, treeMap) where
module Graphics.Layout.Inline(paragraphMap, layoutMap, treeMap,
    inlineMin, inlineSize, inlineChildren, layoutSize, layoutChildren,
    treeBox, positionTree, treeInner, FragmentTree(..)) where

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
                                Fragment(..), ParagraphLayout(..), AncestorBox(..),
                                InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..),
                                layoutRich, boxSpacing, BoxSpacing(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect (Rect(..),
                                       width, height, x_max, x_min, y_min, y_max)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Char (isSpace)
                                width, height, x_max, x_min, y_min, y_max)
import Data.Int (Int32)

import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (min, max, width, height)
import qualified Graphics.Layout.Box as Box
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font', hbUnit)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (hbUnit)

-- | Convert from Harfbuzz units to device pixels as a Double
hbScale :: Int32 -> Double

@@ 31,32 27,20 @@ c = fromDouble . hbScale
unscale :: CastDouble x => x -> Int32
unscale = floor . (*hbUnit) . toDouble

-- | Compute minimum width for some richtext.
inlineMinWidth :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c) -> Double
inlineMinWidth self = hbScale $ width $ layoutRich' self 0
-- | Compute minimum width & height for some richtext.
inlineMin :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox x y, c) -> Size x y
inlineMin self = Size (c $ width rect) (c $ height rect)
    where rect = layoutRich' self 0
-- | Compute natural (single-line) width for some richtext.
inlineNatWidth :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c) -> Double
inlineNatWidth self = hbScale $ width $ layoutRich' self maxBound
-- | Compute height for rich text at given width.
inlineHeight :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
        Double -> Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c) -> Double
inlineHeight width self =
    hbScale $ height $ layoutRich' self $ round (hbUnit * width)

-- | Compute width & height of some richtext at configured width.
inlineSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) => Paragraph a -> Size x y
inlineSize self = layoutSize $ layoutRich self
inlineSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox x y, c) -> Size x y
inlineSize self = layoutSize $ layoutRich $ lowerSpacing self
-- | Retrieve children out of some richtext,
-- associating given userdata with them.
inlineChildren :: Eq a => Paragraph a -> [FragmentTree a]
inlineChildren self = layoutChildren $ layoutRich self
inlineChildren :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y, Eq x, Eq y, Eq a, Eq c) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox x y, c) -> [FragmentTree (a, PaddedBox x y, c)]
inlineChildren self = layoutChildren $ layoutRich $ lowerSpacing self

-- | Retrieve a laid-out paragraph's rect & convert to CatTrap types.
layoutSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) => ParagraphLayout a -> Size x y

@@ 72,6 56,7 @@ layoutRich' :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
layoutRich' (Paragraph a b c d) width = paragraphRect $ layoutRich $
    lowerSpacing $ Paragraph a b c d { paragraphMaxWidth = width }

-- | Copy surrounding whitespace into Balkon properties.
lowerSpacing :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
    Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c) -> Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c)
lowerSpacing (Paragraph a b (RootBox c) d) = Paragraph a b (RootBox $ inner c) d

@@ 83,6 68,10 @@ lowerSpacing (Paragraph a b (RootBox c) d) = Paragraph a b (RootBox $ inner c) d
      where box = mapX' unscale $ mapY' unscale f
    inner' self@(TextSequence _ _) = self

data FragmentTree x = Branch (AncestorBox x) [FragmentTree x]
    | Leaf (Fragment x)

-- | Apply an operation to the 2nd field of the paragraph's userdata,
-- for it's entire subtree.
paragraphMap :: (b -> b') -> Paragraph (a, b, c) -> Paragraph (a, b', c)

@@ 162,25 151,6 @@ fragmentPos :: (Double, Double) -> Fragment a -> (Double, Double)
fragmentPos (x, y) self = (x + hbScale (x_min r), y + hbScale (y_min r))
    where r = fragmentRect self

-- | Alter userdata to hold positions.
positionChildren :: (Double, Double) -> ParagraphLayout (a, b, c) ->
                    ParagraphLayout (a, b, ((Double, Double), c))
positionChildren pos self = self {
    paragraphFragments = [
        Fragment (a, b, (pos', c)) d (positionParents pos' e) f g h
        | frag@(Fragment (a, b, c) d e f g h) <- paragraphFragments self,
        let pos' = fragmentPos pos frag]
positionParents :: (Double, Double) -> [AncestorBox (a, b, c)] ->
        [AncestorBox (a, b, ((Double, Double), c))]
positionParents pos (parent@AncestorBox { boxUserData = (a, b, c) }:parents) =
    parent { boxUserData = (a, b, (pos', c)) }:positionParents pos' parents
  where pos' = pos -- FIXME: Take into account borders.
positionParents _ [] = []

data FragmentTree x = Branch (AncestorBox x) [FragmentTree x]
    | Leaf (Fragment x)

reconstructTree :: Eq x => ParagraphLayout x -> [FragmentTree x]
reconstructTree ParagraphLayout { paragraphFragments = frags } =
    reconstructTree' [frag {

@@ 204,20 174,20 @@ reconstructTree' frags@(Fragment {
    sameBranch Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = [] } = False
reconstructTree' [] = []

positionSubtree :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) => (Double, Double) ->
positionTree :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) => (Double, Double) ->
        FragmentTree (a, PaddedBox m n, c) ->
        FragmentTree (a, PaddedBox m n, ((Double, Double), c))
positionSubtree (x, y) self@(Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, c) d e f g) childs) =
positionTree (x, y) self@(Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, c) d e f g) childs) =
    Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, (pos, c)) d e f g) $
        map (positionSubtree pos) childs
        map (positionTree pos) childs
    pos = (x + hbScale (x_min rect), y + hbScale (y_min rect))
    rect = treeRect self
positionSubtree (x, y) self@(Leaf (Fragment (a, b, c) d _ f g h)) =
positionTree (x, y) self@(Leaf (Fragment (a, b, c) d _ f g h)) =
    Leaf (Fragment (a, b, (pos, c)) d [] f g h)
    pos = (x + hbScale (x_min rect), y + hbScale (y_min rect))
    rect = treeRect self
subtreeInner :: FragmentTree (a, b, c) -> c
subtreeInner (Branch AncestorBox { boxUserData = (_, _, ret) } _) = ret
subtreeInner (Leaf Fragment { fragmentUserData = (_, _, ret) }) = ret
treeInner :: FragmentTree (a, b, c) -> c
treeInner (Branch AncestorBox { boxUserData = (_, _, ret) } _) = ret
treeInner (Leaf Fragment { fragmentUserData = (_, _, ret) }) = ret

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +1 -1
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ library
                        Graphics.Layout.Box, Graphics.Layout.Arithmetic,
                        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length, Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font,
                        Graphics.Layout.Inline, Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
  -- other-modules:
  other-modules:        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, containers,
                        css-syntax, scientific, text,