
0eabb5958ef005e5b25651b4520bd033f642d59f — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 3 months ago 8b24d68
Implement table layout.
3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
A Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs
M cattrap.cabal
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +33 -30
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@ import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS

import Data.Char (isSpace)

@@ 154,32 155,32 @@ finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
    (cells', childs') = unzip cells

    (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs 0
    lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } cells:rest) h =
    (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs 0 emptyRow
    lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } cells:rest) h x =
        (row ++ rows, Prelude.max rowwidth width', height')
        (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 h -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest $ succ h
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } childs:rest) h =
        (row, rowwidth, x') = lowerRow cells 0 h x
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest (succ h) $ commitRow x'
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } childs:rest) h x =
        -- Ignore table-header-group styles for now...
        -- Though it'd be nice for this to impact pagination...
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } childs:rest) h =
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h -- As per TableHeaderGroup
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRowGroup } childs:rest) h =
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h -- As per TableHeaderGroup
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _:rest) h =
        lowerCells rest h -- It'd be nice to allow styling based on this...
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumn } _:rest) h =
        lowerCells rest h -- As per TableColumnGroup, should be contained within.
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableCaption } _:rest) h =
        lowerCells rest h -- Handled by callers!
    lowerCells [] h = ([], 0, h)
    lowerCells items h = (row ++ rows, Prelude.max rowwidth width', height')
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h x
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } childs:rest) h x =
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h x -- As per TableHeaderGroup
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRowGroup } childs:rest) h x =
        lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h x -- As per TableHeaderGroup
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _:rest) h x =
        lowerCells rest h x -- It'd be nice to allow styling based on this...
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumn } _:rest) h x =
        lowerCells rest h x -- As per TableColumnGroup, should be contained within.
    lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableCaption } _:rest) h x =
        lowerCells rest h x -- Handled by callers!
    lowerCells [] h _ = ([], 0, h)
    lowerCells items h x = (row ++ rows, Prelude.max rowwidth width', height')
        (cells, rest) = break isRowGroup items
        (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 h -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest $ succ h
        (row, rowwidth, x') = lowerRow cells 0 h x
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest (succ h) $ commitRow x'
        isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRow } _) = True
        isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } _) = True
        isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } _) = True

@@ 187,20 188,22 @@ finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
        isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableCaption } _) = True
        isRowGroup _ = False

    lowerRow (StyleTree self'@CSSBox { display = TableCell } childs:rest) ix row =
        (cell:cells, width)
    lowerRow (StyleTree self'@CSSBox {display=TableCell} childs:rest) ix row x =
        (cell:cells, width, x')
        (cells, width) = lowerRow rest end row
        end = ix + colspan self'
        (cells, width, x') = lowerRow rest end row $
            insertCell start (colspan self') (rowspan self') x
        start = allocCol ix x
        end = start + colspan self'
        -- TODO: Add alignment support!
        cell = (GridItem ix end Start 0 0
        cell = (GridItem start end Start 0 0
                `Size` GridItem row (row + rowspan self') Start 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self' { display = Block } childs)
    lowerRow (self:rest) ix row = (cell:cells, width)
    lowerRow (self:rest) ix row x = (cell:cells, width, x')
        (ix', row') = (fromEnum ix, fromEnum row)
        (cells, width) = lowerRow rest (succ ix) row
        ix' = allocCol ix x
        (cells, width, x') = lowerRow rest (succ ix') row $ insertCell ix' 1 1 x
        cell = (GridItem ix' (succ ix') Start 0 0
                `Size` GridItem row' (succ row') Start 0 0,
                `Size` GridItem row (succ row) Start 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent self)
    lowerRow [] ix _ = ([], ix)
    lowerRow [] ix _ x = ([], ix, x)

A Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs +17 -0
@@ 0,0 1,17 @@
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table where

type Overflowed = [Int]

emptyRow :: Overflowed
emptyRow = []

commitRow :: Overflowed -> Overflowed
commitRow = map $ max 0 . pred

allocCol :: Int -> Overflowed -> Int
allocCol ix cols = ix + length (span (> 0) $ drop ix cols)

insertCell :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Overflowed -> Overflowed
insertCell ix colspan rowspan cols =
    before ++ replicate colspan rowspan ++ drop colspan after
  where (before, after) = splitAt ix cols

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +1 -1
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ library
                        Graphics.Layout.Box, Graphics.Layout.Arithmetic,
                        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length, Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font,
                        Graphics.Layout.Inline, Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
  other-modules:        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse
  other-modules:        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse, Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, containers, parallel >= 3,
                        css-syntax, scientific, text, deepseq,