@@ 17,6 17,7 @@ import Graphics.Layout
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
+import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
import Data.Char (isSpace)
@@ 140,63 141,66 @@ finalizeBox self@CSSBox { cssBox = box } font_ =
mapY' (flip finalizeLength font_) $ mapX' (flip finalizeLength font_) box
-- | (Unused, incomplete) Desugar a styletree of table elements to a grid layout.
-finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutFlow val lengthBox [] -- Placeholder!
-{-finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid $ zip cells' childs'
- where -- FIXME? How to handle non-table items in <table>?
- grid = Grid {
- rows = take width $ repeat ("", (0,"auto")),
- rowBounds = [],
- subgridRows = 0,
- columns = take height $ repeat ("", (0,"auto")),
- colBounds = [],
- subgridCols = 0,
- gap = Size (0,"px") (0,"px"), -- FIXME where to get this from?
- containerSize = Size Auto Auto, -- Proper size is set on parent.
- containerMin = Size Auto Auto,
- containerMax = Size Auto Auto
- }
- cells' = adjustWidths cells
+finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
+ where
+ grid = Track {
+ cells = replicate width $ Left Auto,
+ gap = Pixels 0, -- Allow styling this!
+ trackMins = [], trackNats = []
+ } `Size` Track {
+ cells = replicate height $ Left Auto,
+ gap = Pixels 0, -- Allow styling this!
+ trackMins = [], trackNats = []
+ }
+ (cells', childs') = unzip cells
- (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs
- lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } cells:rest) =
- (row:rows, max rowwidth width', succ height)
+ (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs 0
+ lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } cells:rest) h =
+ (row ++ rows, Prelude.max rowwidth width', height')
- (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
- (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } childs:rest) =
+ (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 h -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
+ (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest $ succ h
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } childs:rest) h =
-- Ignore table-header-group styles for now...
-- Though it'd be nice for this to impact pagination...
- lowerCells (childs ++ rest)
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } childs:rest) =
- lowerCells (childs ++ rest) -- As per TableHeaderGroup
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRowGroup } childs:rest) =
- lowerCells (childs ++ rest) -- As per TableHeaderGroup
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _:rest) =
- lowerCells rest -- It'd be nice to allow styling based on this...
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumn } _:rest) =
- lowerCells rest -- As per TableColumnGroup, should be contained within it.
- lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableSummary } _:rest) =
- lowerCells rest -- Handled by callers!
- lowerCells [] = ([], 0, 0)
- lowerCells items = (row:rows, max rowwidth width', succ height)
+ lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } childs:rest) h =
+ lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h -- As per TableHeaderGroup
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRowGroup } childs:rest) h =
+ lowerCells (childs ++ rest) h -- As per TableHeaderGroup
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _:rest) h =
+ lowerCells rest h -- It'd be nice to allow styling based on this...
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumn } _:rest) h =
+ lowerCells rest h -- As per TableColumnGroup, should be contained within.
+ lowerCells (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableCaption } _:rest) h =
+ lowerCells rest h -- Handled by callers!
+ lowerCells [] h = ([], 0, h)
+ lowerCells items h = (row ++ rows, Prelude.max rowwidth width', height')
(cells, rest) = break isRowGroup items
- (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
- (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest
+ (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 h -- FIXME: How to dodge rowspans?
+ (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest $ succ h
isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRow } _) = True
isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } _) = True
isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableFooterGroup } _) = True
isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRowGroup } _) = True
+ isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableCaption } _) = True
isRowGroup _ = False
- lowerRow (StyleTree self'@CSSBox { display = TableCell } childs:rest) ix =
+ lowerRow (StyleTree self'@CSSBox { display = TableCell } childs:rest) ix row =
(cell:cells, width)
- (cells, width) = lowerRow rest end
+ (cells, width) = lowerRow rest end row
end = ix + colspan self'
- cell = (GridItem' ix end _ _ _ `Size` _,
- finalizeCSS __ $ StyleTree self' { display = Block } childs)
- lowerRow (self:rest) ix = (cell:cells, width)
+ -- TODO: Add alignment support!
+ cell = (GridItem ix end Start 0 0
+ `Size` GridItem row (row + rowspan self') Start 0 0,
+ finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self' { display = Block } childs)
+ lowerRow (self:rest) ix row = (cell:cells, width)
- (cells, width) = lowerRow rest $ succ ix
- cell = (GridItem' ix (succ ix) _ _ _ `Size` _, finalizeCSS __ self)-}
+ (ix', row') = (fromEnum ix, fromEnum row)
+ (cells, width) = lowerRow rest (succ ix) row
+ cell = (GridItem ix' (succ ix') Start 0 0
+ `Size` GridItem row' (succ row') Start 0 0,
+ finalizeCSS root parent self)
+ lowerRow [] ix _ = ([], ix)
@@ 54,9 54,9 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
-- | Parsed text-alignment & other options which applies per-paragraph.
paragraphOptions :: ParagraphOptions,
-- | HTML rowspan attribute
- rowspan :: Integer,
+ rowspan :: Int,
-- | HTML colspan attribute
- colspan :: Integer
+ colspan :: Int
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's `textDirection` attribute.
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts _ } = textDirection opts
@@ 264,12 264,12 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [String x]
| Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = y }
longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
- | x >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = x }
+ | x >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = fromEnum x }
longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { colspan = 1 }
longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [String x]
| Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { colspan = y }
longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
- | x >= 1 = Just self { colspan = x }
+ | x >= 1 = Just self { colspan = fromEnum x }
longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "top"] = Just self { captionBelow = False }
longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "bottom"] = Just self { captionBelow = True }