
590ef319be4179b113a8fc2212fe0f27b0dc3daf — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 7 months ago 437eeb7
Fix inline sizing, handle length units for callers.
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +21 -13
@@ 21,41 21,48 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

instance (PropertyParser x, Zero m, Zero n) => Default (UserData m n x) where
    def = ((placeholderFont, 0), zero, temp)

inner' :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> CSSBox x -> x
inner' f self = foldr apply (inner self) $ innerProperties self
  where apply (k, v) ret = fromMaybe ret $
            longhand (innerParent self) ret k $ finalizeLengths f v

-- | Desugar parsed CSS into more generic layout parameters.
finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) ->
        LayoutItem Length Length x
finalizeCSS root parent StyleTree { style = self'@CSSBox { display = None } } =
    LayoutFlow (inner self') lengthBox []
    LayoutFlow (inner' parent self') lengthBox []
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
    style = self'@CSSBox { display = Grid, inner = val }, children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow val (finalizeBox self' font_) [
    style = self'@CSSBox { display = Grid }, children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_) [
        finalizeGrid (gridStyles self') font_ (map cellStyles $ map style childs)
            (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs)]
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style = self'@CSSBox { display = Table, captionBelow = False }, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        style=self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=False}, children=childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        ([finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs] ++
        [finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') childs])
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style = self'@CSSBox { display = Table, captionBelow = True }, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        style = self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=True}, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        (finalizeTable root font_ temp childs:
        [finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs])
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
    style = self'@CSSBox { inner = val }, children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow val (finalizeBox self' font_) (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs)
    style = self', children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs)
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS' sysfont self@StyleTree { style = self' } =

@@ 68,10 75,10 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' (StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = None }
    finalizeChilds root parent style' childs
finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs')
    | isInlineTree childs, Just self <- finalizeParagraph (flattenTree0 childs) =
        [LayoutInline (inherit $ inner style') self paging]
        [LayoutInline (inherit $ inner' parent style') self paging]
    | (inlines@(_:_), blocks) <- spanInlines childs,
        Just self <- finalizeParagraph (flattenTree0 inlines) =
            LayoutInline (inherit $ inner style') self paging :
            LayoutInline (inherit $ inner' parent style') self paging :
                finalizeChilds root parent style' blocks
    | (StyleTree { style = CSSBox { display = Inline } }:childs') <- childs =
        finalizeChilds root parent style' childs' -- Inline's all whitespace...

@@ 99,9 106,10 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs')
        buildInline f i self $ map (flattenTree f) $ enumerate child
      where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root
    flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _ _}})
        = buildInline f i self [TextSequence ((f,0),zero,inherit $ inner self) txt]
        = buildInline f i self [
            TextSequence ((f, 0), zero, inherit $ inner' parent self) txt]
    buildInline f i self childs =
        InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner self)
        InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner' parent self)
                (Box childs' $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
                defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
      where childs' = applyBidi (inlineStyles self) childs

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs +13 -3
@@ 1,12 1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring length units & keywords,
-- in reference to the selected font.
module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length(Unitted, auto, parseLength, parseLength',
        n2f, finalizeLength, px2pt, Font'(..)) where
module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length(Unitted, auto, parseLength, parseLength', units,
        n2f, finalizeLength, finalizeLengths, px2pt, Font'(..)) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat, fromFloatDigits)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For warnings.
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern(..))

@@ 27,6 27,7 @@ parseLength [Percentage _ x] = Just (n2f x,"%")
parseLength [Dimension _ x unit]
    | n2f x == 0 && unit == "" = Just (0,"px")
    | unit `elem` units = Just (n2f x,unit)
parseLength [Number _ x] | n2f x == 0 = Just (0,"px")
parseLength [Ident "auto"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength [Ident "initial"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength _ = Nothing

@@ 76,6 77,15 @@ finalizeLength (_,unit) _ = trace ("Invalid unit " ++ Txt.unpack unit) $ Pixels 
-- | Convert from a computed length to the "pt" unit.
px2pt f x = x / scale f / 96 * 72

-- | Convert any length-units in the given CSS tokens to device pixels
finalizeLengths :: Font' -> [Token] -> [Token]
finalizeLengths f (Dimension _ x unit:toks)
    | unit `elem` units, Pixels y <- finalizeLength (n2f x,unit) f =
        Dimension "" (NVNumber $ fromFloatDigits y) "px":finalizeLengths f toks
finalizeLengths f (Number a b:ts)|n2f b==0=Dimension a b "px":finalizeLengths f ts
finalizeLengths f (tok:toks) = tok:finalizeLengths f toks
finalizeLengths _ [] = []

-- | A Harfbuzz font with sizing parameters.
data Font' = Font' {
    -- | The Harfbuzz font used to shape text & query character-size information.

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs +35 -78
@@ 11,13 11,15 @@ import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern, unset)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length (Unitted, parseLength', parseLength, auto)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length (Unitted, parseLength', parseLength, auto, units)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (CSSFont)
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS (CSSGrid(..), CSSCell(..), Placement(..))
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS (CSSInline(..))

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Text (Text)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For debug warnings.

-- | Parsed CSS properties relevant to layout.
data CSSBox a = CSSBox {

@@ 34,6 36,10 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    font' :: CSSFont,
    -- | Caller-specified data, to parse additional CSS properties.
    inner :: a,
    -- | Properties to lower size units before passing onto to `inner`
    innerProperties :: [(Text, [Token])],
    -- | Parent to use when parsing length-expanded inner properties.
    innerParent :: a,
    -- | Grid-related CSS properties.
    gridStyles :: CSSGrid,
    -- | Grid item related CSS properties.

@@ 80,6 86,9 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        font = temp,
        font' = temp,
        inner = temp,
        innerProperties = [],
        innerParent = trace ("Parent not overriden upon " ++
            "buffering inner properties for length resolution!") temp,
        gridStyles = temp,
        cellStyles = temp,
        inlineStyles = temp,

@@ 96,6 105,8 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        font = inherit $ font parent,
        font' = inherit $ font' parent,
        inner = inherit $ inner parent,
        innerProperties = [],
        innerParent = inner parent,
        gridStyles = inherit $ gridStyles parent,
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent,
        inlineStyles = inherit $ inlineStyles parent,

@@ 266,6 277,12 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        Just b { gridStyles = grid' }
    longhand a b c d | Just cell' <- longhand (cellStyles a) (cellStyles b) c d =
        Just b { cellStyles = cell' }
    longhand a b c d
        | (d', _:_)<-testLengthProp d, Just _<-longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d' =
            Just b {
                innerProperties = (c, d):innerProperties b,
                innerParent = inner a
    longhand a b c d | Just inner' <- longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d = Just b {
        inner = inner'

@@ 346,88 363,28 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    -- Define other border shorthands here to properly handle border-widths
    shorthand self "border" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-color", "border-style", "border-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-top" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-right" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-bottom" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-left" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-left-color", "border-left-style", "border-left-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-color", "border-inline-style", "border-inline-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-start-color", "border-inline-start-style",
        "border-inline-start-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-inline-end-color", "border-inline-end-style",
        "border-inline-end-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-color", "border-block-style", "border-block-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-start-color", "border-block-start-style",
        "border-block-start-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-block-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-block-end-color", "border-block-end-style",
        "border-block-end-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-color") x =
                [("border-top-color", top), ("border-right-color", right),
                 ("border-bottom-color", bottom), ("border-left-color", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-style") x =
                [("border-top-style", top), ("border-right-style", right),
                 ("border-bottom-style", bottom), ("border-left-style", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-color") x =
                [("border-inline-start-color", s), ("border-inline-end-color", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-style") x =
                [("border-inline-start-style", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-inline-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-inline-start-width") x =
                [("border-inline-start-width", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-color") x =
                [("border-block-start-color", s), ("border-block-end-color", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-style") x =
                [("border-block-start-style", s), ("border-block-end-style", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-block-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-block-start-width") x =
                [("border-block-start-width", s), ("border-block-end-width", e)]
      where x = parseOperands toks

    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font' self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inlineStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (gridStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (cellStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v = shorthand (inner self) k v
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inner self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v
        | (v', ls)<-testLengthProp v, ret@(_:_)<-shorthand (inner self) k v' =
            [(key, map (restore ls) value) | (key, value) <- ret]
        restore ls (Dimension _ (NVInteger x) "px") | x' < length ls = ls !! x'
          where x' = fromInteger x
        restore _ ret = ret
    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
        | otherwise = []

validProp self key value = isJust $ longhand self self key value

testLengthProp (tok@(Dimension _ _ unit):toks) | unit `elem` units =
    let (toks', lengths) = testLengthProp toks
    in (Dimension "" (NVInteger $ toInteger $ succ $ length lengths) "px":toks',
testLengthProp (tok:toks) = let (toks',ls) = testLengthProp toks in (tok:toks',ls)
testLengthProp [] = ([], [])

M Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs +11 -8
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
                                Fragment(..), ParagraphLayout(..), AncestorBox(..),
                                InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..),
                                layoutRich, boxSpacing, BoxSpacing(..),
                                activateBoxSpacing, paragraphSafeWidth)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect (Rect(..),
                                width, height, x_max, x_min, y_min, y_max)
import Data.Int (Int32)

@@ 32,12 32,12 @@ unscale = floor . (*hbUnit) . toDouble
-- | Compute minimum width & height for some richtext.
inlineMin :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox x y, c) -> Size x y
inlineMin self = Size (c $ width rect) (c $ height rect)
    where rect = layoutRich' self 0
inlineMin = layoutSize' . flip layoutRich' 0
-- | Compute width & height of some richtext at configured width.
inlineSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox x y, c) -> Size x y
inlineSize self = layoutSize $ layoutRich $ lowerSpacing self
inlineSize self@(Paragraph _ _ _ opts) =
    layoutSize' . layoutRich' self $ paragraphMaxWidth opts
-- | Retrieve children out of some richtext,
-- associating given userdata with them.
inlineChildren :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y, Eq x, Eq y, Eq a, Eq c) =>

@@ 46,17 46,20 @@ inlineChildren self = layoutChildren $ layoutRich $ lowerSpacing self

-- | Retrieve a laid-out paragraph's rect & convert to CatTrap types.
layoutSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) => ParagraphLayout a -> Size x y
layoutSize self = Size (c $ width r) (c $ height r)
  where r = paragraphRect self
layoutSize = layoutSize' . paragraphRect
layoutSize' r = Size (c $ width r) (c $ height r)
-- | Retrieve a laid-out paragraph's children & associate with given userdata.
layoutChildren :: Eq a => ParagraphLayout a -> [FragmentTree a]
layoutChildren self = reconstructTree self

-- | Layout a paragraph at given width & retrieve resulting rect.
layoutRich' :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
        Paragraph (a, PaddedBox m n, c) -> Int32 -> Rect Int32
layoutRich' (Paragraph a b c d) width = paragraphRect $ layoutRich $
    lowerSpacing $ Paragraph a b c d { paragraphMaxWidth = width }
layoutRich' (Paragraph a b c d) width =
    (paragraphRect layout) { x_size = paragraphSafeWidth layout}
    layout = layoutRich$lowerSpacing$Paragraph a b c d {paragraphMaxWidth=width}

-- | Copy surrounding whitespace into Balkon properties.
lowerSpacing :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>