
3e2dcdd310874d60ca44f4e8412556f5b39cbfcb — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 9 months ago 52bc844
Implement property prioritization & shorthands.
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +100 -1
@@ 5,7 5,8 @@ module Graphics.Layout.CSS(CSSBox(..), BoxSizing(..), Display(..),

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser, parseOperands,
                parseUnorderedShorthand', parseUnorderedShorthand)
import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (PageOptions(..))

@@ 17,6 18,9 @@ import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM

-- | Parsed CSS properties relevant to layout.
data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    -- | Which layout formula to use, a.k.a. parsed CSS display property.

@@ 91,6 95,8 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        captionBelow = captionBelow parent,
        pageOptions = pageOptions parent
    priority self = concat [x font, x font', x gridStyles, x cellStyles, x inner]
      where x getter = priority $ getter self

    -- Wasn't sure how to implement in FontConfig-Pure
    longhand _ self "font-family" [Ident "initial"] =

@@ 188,8 194,101 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    longhand a b c d | Just inner' <- longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d = Just b {
        inner = inner'

    -- Technically a grid shorthand, but we need parent data to parse it!
    longhand CSSBox { gridStyles = parent } self "grid-area" [Ident x]
        | Just ((colS, colE), (rowS, rowE)) <- x `HM.lookup` templateAreas parent
            = Just self { cellStyles = (cellStyles self) {
                columnStart = p colS,
                columnEnd = p colE,
                rowStart = p rowS,
                rowEnd = p $ fromMaybe (length $ templateAreas parent) rowE
      where p x = Numbered x Nothing

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand self "font" toks = case parseOperands toks of
        (a:b:c:d:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c,d] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:c:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a] -> inner ret toks'
        toks' -> inner [] toks'
        unordered operands = parseUnorderedShorthand' self [
            "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-stretch"] operands
        inner ret (size:[Delim '/']:height:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" size,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "line-height" height,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", size):("line-height", height):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner ret (size:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" size,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", size):("line-height", [Ident "initial"]):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner _ _ = []
    shorthand self "margin" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, all (validProp self "margin-top") x,
            (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x =
                [("margin-top", top), ("margin-right", right),
                 ("margin-bottom", bottom), ("margin-left", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "padding" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, all (validProp self "padding-top") x,
            (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x =
                [("padding-top", top), ("padding-right", right),
                 ("padding-bottom", bottom), ("padding-left", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    -- Define other border shorthands here to properly handle border-widths
    shorthand self "border" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-color", "border-style", "border-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-top" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-right" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-bottom" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-left" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
        "border-left-color", "border-left-style", "border-left-width"] toks
    shorthand self "border-color" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-color") x =
                [("border-top-color", top), ("border-right-color", right),
                 ("border-bottom-color", bottom), ("border-left-color", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-style" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-style") x =
                [("border-top-style", top), ("border-right-style", right),
                 ("border-bottom-style", bottom), ("border-left-style", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks
    shorthand self "border-width" toks
        | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
            all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
                [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
                 ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
      where x = parseOperands toks

    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (font' self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inlineStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (gridStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (cellStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v = shorthand (inner self) k v

validProp self key value = isJust $ longhand self self key value

-- | Desugar parsed CSS into more generic layout parameters.
finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) ->
        LayoutItem Length Length x

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Font.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Font.hs +1 -0
@@ 121,6 121,7 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSFont where
        opticalSize = True
    inherit parent = parent
    priority _ = []

    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "xx-small"] = fracDefault self $ 3/5
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "x-small"] = fracDefault self $ 3/4

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs +2 -0
@@ 55,7 55,9 @@ finalizeLength (x,"lh") f = Pixels $ x*lineheight f
finalizeLength (x,"rem") f = Pixels $ x*rootEm f
finalizeLength (x,"rlh") f = Pixels $ x*rlh f
finalizeLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f
finalizeLength (x,"vb") f = Pixels $ x*vh f -- TODO: Support vertical text
finalizeLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f
finalizeLength (x,"vi") f = Pixels $ x*vw f -- TODO: Support vertical text
finalizeLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f
finalizeLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f
finalizeLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +125 -9
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS(CSSGrid(..), Axis(..), CSSCell(..), Placement(..),
                                finalizeGrid, Areas, parseASCIIGrid) where

import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseOperands)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))

import Data.Text (Text)

@@ 18,8 18,6 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Box
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout

import Debug.Trace

type Areas = HM.HashMap Text ((Int, Int), (Int, Maybe Int))

-- | Converts a grid to lookup table start & indices for row & columns.

@@ 54,7 52,7 @@ data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-auto-rows
    autoRows :: Unitted,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-areas
    templateAreas :: [[Text]],
    templateAreas :: Areas,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-columns
    templateColumns :: [([Text], Unitted)],
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-rows

@@ 89,13 87,14 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
        autoFlow = Row,
        autoFlowDense = False,
        autoRows = auto,
        templateAreas = [],
        templateAreas = HM.empty,
        templateColumns = [],
        templateRows = [],
        cssGap = Size (0,"px") (0,"px"),
        alignItems = Size Start Start -- FIXME: Should be stretch, unsupported.
    inherit _ = temp
    priority _ = []

    longhand _ s "grid-auto-columns" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns=x}
    longhand _ s "grid-auto-rows" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s { autoRows = x }

@@ 113,11 112,15 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
        autoFlow = Col, autoFlowDense = True

    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "none"] = Just self {templateAreas = []}
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {templateAreas=[]}
    -- FIXME Parse & validate the ASCII-art grid into rectangles.
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "none"] =
        Just self { templateAreas = HM.empty }
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { templateAreas = HM.empty }
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" toks
        | all isString toks, validate [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] =
            Just self { templateAreas = [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] }
        | all isString toks, let grid = [Txt.words x | String x <- toks],
            validate grid, Just areas <- parseASCIIGrid grid 0 HM.empty =
                Just self { templateAreas = areas }
        isString (String _) = True
        isString _ = False

@@ 193,6 196,7 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSCell where
        alignSelf = Size Nothing Nothing
    inherit _ = temp
    priority _ = []

    longhand _ self "grid-column-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks =
        Just self { columnStart = x}

@@ 252,6 256,118 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSCell where

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand _ "grid-column" toks = case break (== Delim '/') toks of
        (a, Delim '/':b) | Just _ <- placement a, Just _ <- placement b ->
            [("grid-column-start", a), ("grid-column-end", b)]
        _ | Just _ <- placement toks ->
            [("grid-column-start", toks), ("grid-column-end", toks)]
        _ -> []
    shorthand self "grid-gap" toks = case parseOperands toks of
        [a] | Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-row-gap" a ->
            [("grid-row-gap", a), ("grid-column-gap", a)]
        [a, b] | Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-row-gap" a,
            Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-column-gap" b ->
                [("grid-row-gap", a), ("grid-column-gap", b)]
        _ -> []
    shorthand _ "grid-row" toks = case break (== Delim '/') toks of
        (a, Delim '/':b) | Just _ <- placement a, Just _ <- placement b ->
            [("grid-row-start", a), ("grid-row-end", b)]
        _ | Just _ <- placement toks ->
            [("grid-row-start", toks), ("grid-row-end", toks)]
        _ -> []
    shorthand _ "grid-template" toks@[Ident "none"] =
        [("grid-template-columns", toks), ("grid-template-rows", toks),
         ("grid-template-areas", toks)]
    shorthand self "grid-template" toks
        | (rows, Delim '/':cols) <- break (== Delim '/') toks,
            Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-rows" rows,
            Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-columns" cols =
                [("grid-template-rows", rows), ("grid-template-columns", cols),
                 ("grid-template-areas", [Ident "none"])]
        | (rowsTemplate, Delim '/':cols) <- break (== Delim '/') toks,
            Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate rowsTemplate,
            Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-cols" cols,
            Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-areas" areas =
                [("grid-template-rows", concat rows),
                 ("grid-template-columns", cols), ("grid-template-areas", areas)]
        splitTemplate (LeftSquareBracket:t)
            | (names, RightSquareBracket:t') <- break (== RightSquareBracket) t,
              all isIdent names, Just (areas, row:rows) <- splitTemplate t' =
                Just (areas,
                    (LeftSquareBracket:names ++ RightSquareBracket:row):rows)
        splitTemplate (x@(String _):toks)
            | Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate' toks = Just (x:areas, rows)
        splitTemplate _ = Nothing
        splitTemplate' (x:LeftSquareBracket:t)
            | (names, RightSquareBracket:t') <- break (== RightSquareBracket) t,
              all isIdent names, Just _ <- parseFR' [x],
              Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate t' =
                Just (areas,
                    (x:LeftSquareBracket:names ++ [RightSquareBracket]):rows)
        splitTemplate' (x:toks)
            | Just _ <- parseFR' [x], Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate toks =
                Just (areas, [x]:rows)
        splitTemplate' (LeftSquareBracket:t)
            | (names, RightSquareBracket:t') <- break (== RightSquareBracket) t,
              all isIdent names, Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate t' =
                Just (areas,
                    (LeftSquareBracket:names ++ [RightSquareBracket]):rows)
        splitTemplate' toks
            | Just (areas, rows) <- splitTemplate toks = Just (areas, []:rows)
            | otherwise = Nothing
        isIdent (Ident _) = True
        isIdent _ = False
    shorthand self "grid" toks
        | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand self "grid-template" toks =
            ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "row"]):ret
    shorthand self "grid" toks = case break (== Delim '/') toks of
        (rows, Delim '/':Ident "auto-flow":Ident "dense":cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-template-rows", rows),
             ("grid-template-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-columns", cols), ("grid-auto-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "column", Ident "dense"])]
        (rows, Delim '/':Ident "dense":Ident "auto-flow":cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-template-rows", rows),
             ("grid-template-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-columns", cols), ("grid-auto-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "column", Ident "dense"])]
        (rows, Delim '/':Ident "auto-flow":cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-template-rows", rows),
             ("grid-template-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-columns", cols), ("grid-auto-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "column"])]
        (Ident "auto-flow":Ident "dense":rows, Delim '/':cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-auto-rows", rows), ("grid-auto-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-template-columns", cols),
             ("grid-template-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "row", Ident "dense"])]
        (Ident "dense":Ident "auto-flow":rows, Delim '/':cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-auto-rows", rows), ("grid-auto-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-template-columns", cols),
             ("grid-template-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "row", Ident "dense"])]
        (Ident "auto-flow":rows, Delim '/':cols) |
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-auto-rows" rows,
          Just _ <- longhand self self "grid-template-columns" cols ->
            [("grid-auto-rows", rows), ("grid-auto-columns", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-template-columns", cols),
             ("grid-template-rows", [Ident "none"]),
             ("grid-auto-flow", [Ident "row"])]
        _ -> []
    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
        | otherwise = []

-- | Parse a length or FR unit.
parseFR [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR toks = parseLength toks