
79c5cd4691c26d69867eee511802d356352aefd9 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago 80287f8
Implement unicode-bidi-property, attempted. Doesn't handle tree.
3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +1 -1
@@ 91,7 91,7 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs')
                $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
            defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
          where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root
    flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _}})
    flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _ _}})
        = InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner self)
            (Box [TextSequence ((f, 0), zero, inherit $ inner self) txt] $
                flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs +2 -2
@@ 45,9 45,9 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    pageOptions :: PageOptions
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's `textDirection` attribute.
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts } = textDirection opts
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts _ } = textDirection opts
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's options.
txtOpts CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts } = opts
txtOpts CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts _ } = opts
-- | Possible values for CSS box-sizing.
data BoxSizing = BorderBox | ContentBox
-- | Empty border, to use as default value.

M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs +75 -20
@@ 1,42 1,64 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring text related CSS properties.
module Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS(CSSInline(..), applyFontInline) where
module Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS(CSSInline(..), applyFontInline, applyBidi) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.Text (Text, cons, snoc)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font'(..), hbUnit)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- To report unexpected cases.

-- | Document text with Balkón styling options, CSS stylable.
data CSSInline = CSSInline Txt.Text TextOptions
data CSSInline = CSSInline Txt.Text TextOptions UnicodeBidi
-- | To what degree is the text direction isolated?
data UnicodeBidi = BdNormal | BdEmbed | BdOverride | BdIsolate
        | BdIsolateOverride | BdPlainText deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Show)

instance PropertyParser CSSInline where
    temp = CSSInline "" $ defaultTextOptions DirLTR
    inherit (CSSInline _ opts) = CSSInline "" opts
    temp = CSSInline "" (defaultTextOptions DirLTR) BdNormal
    inherit (CSSInline _ opts _) = CSSInline "" opts BdNormal
    priority _ = ["direction"] -- To inform logical spacing in caller!

    longhand _ (CSSInline _ o) "content" [Ident "initial"] = Just $ CSSInline "" o
    longhand _ (CSSInline _ opts) "content" toks
    longhand _ (CSSInline _ opts bidi) "content" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just $ CSSInline "" opts bidi
    longhand _ (CSSInline _ opts bidi) "content" toks
        | all isString toks =
            Just $ CSSInline (Txt.concat [x | String x <- toks]) opts
            Just $ CSSInline (Txt.concat [x | String x <- toks]) opts bidi
        isString (String _) = True
        isString _ = False
    longhand _ (CSSInline t o) "-argo-lang" [Ident kw]
        | kw `elem` ["initial", "auto"] = Just $ CSSInline t o {textLanguage=""}
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts) "-argo-lang" [String x] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textLanguage = Txt.unpack x }
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts) "direction" [Ident "ltr"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirLTR }
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts) "direction" [Ident "rtl"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirRTL }
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts) "direction" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirLTR }

    longhand _ (CSSInline t o b) "-argo-lang" [Ident kw]
        | kw `elem` ["initial", "auto"] = Just $ CSSInline t o {textLanguage=""} b
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts bidi) "-argo-lang" [String x] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textLanguage = Txt.unpack x } bidi

    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts bidi) "direction" [Ident "ltr"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirLTR } bidi
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts bidi) "direction" [Ident "rtl"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirRTL } bidi
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts bidi) "direction" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts { textDirection = DirLTR } bidi

    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdNormal
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "normal"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdNormal
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "embed"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdEmbed
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "isolate"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdIsolate
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "bidi-override"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdOverride
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "isolate-override"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdIsolateOverride
    longhand _ (CSSInline txt opts _) "unicode-bidi" [Ident "plaintext"] =
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdPlainText
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

applyFontInline :: TextOptions -> Font' -> TextOptions

@@ 44,5 66,38 @@ applyFontInline opts font = opts {
    textFont = hbFont font,
    textLineHeight = Absolute $ toEnum $ fromEnum $ lineheight font * hbUnit
-- | Apply Bidi chars around the inline text. FIXME: Handle the tree!
applyBidi :: CSSInline -> Text
applyBidi (CSSInline txt _ BdNormal) = txt
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdEmbed) =
    chLREmbed `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdEmbed) =
    chRLEmbed `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolate) =
    chLRIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolate) =
    chRLIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdOverride) =
    chLROverride `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdOverride) =
    chRLOverride `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolateOverride) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` chLROverride `cons` txt
        `snoc` chPopDir `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolateOverride) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` chRLOverride `cons` txt
        `snoc` chPopDir `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt _ BdPlainText) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> dir) _) =
    trace ("Unexpected direction! " ++ show dir) txt

chLREmbed = '\x202A'
chRLEmbed = '\x202B'
chLROverride = '\x202D'
chRLOverride = '\x202E'
chPopDir = '\x202C'
chLRIsolate = '\x2066'
chRLIsolate = '\x2067'
ch1stStrongIsolate = '\x2068'
chPopDirIsolate = '\x2069'