
fdea2a59d330c866ce42526c4644952b038d073d — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago 79c5cd4
Insert Bidi characters into the tree handed to Balkon!
3 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@
-- Attempts to follow the CSS specs.
-- See `boxLayout` for a main entrypoint,
-- & `Graphics.Layout.CSS` to receive CSS input.
module Graphics.Layout(LayoutItem(..),
module Graphics.Layout(LayoutItem(..), UserData,
        layoutGetBox, layoutGetChilds, layoutGetInner,
        boxMinWidth, boxMaxWidth, boxNatWidth, boxWidth,
        boxNatHeight, boxMinHeight, boxMaxHeight, boxHeight,

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +14 -9
@@ 1,4 1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- These following language extensions are to aid a dependency injection into
-- inline styling.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Parses & desugars CSS properties to general CatTrap datastructures.
module Graphics.Layout.CSS(CSSBox(..), BoxSizing(..), Display(..),
        finalizeCSS, finalizeCSS') where

@@ 20,6 23,9 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse

instance (PropertyParser x, Zero m, Zero n) => Default (UserData m n x) where
    def = ((placeholderFont, 0), zero, temp)

-- | Desugar parsed CSS into more generic layout parameters.
finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) ->
        LayoutItem Length Length x

@@ 86,16 92,15 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs')
    flattenTree0 childs = RootBox $ Box (map (flattenTree parent) $
        enumerate childs) $ flip applyFontInline parent $ txtOpts style'
    flattenTree p (i, StyleTree { children = child@(_:_), style = self }) =
        InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner self)
            (Box (map (flattenTree f) $ enumerate child)
                $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
            defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
          where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root
        buildInline f i self $ map (flattenTree f) $ enumerate child
      where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root
    flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _ _}})
        = InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner self)
            (Box [TextSequence ((f, 0), zero, inherit $ inner self) txt] $
                flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
            defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
        = buildInline f i self [TextSequence ((f,0),zero,inherit $ inner self) txt]
    buildInline f i self childs =
        InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner self)
                (Box childs' $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
                defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
      where childs' = applyBidi (inlineStyles self) childs
    finalizeParagraph (RootBox (Box [TextSequence _ txt] _))
        | Txt.all isSpace txt = Nothing -- Discard isolated whitespace.
    finalizeParagraph tree =

M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs +43 -34
@@ 1,11 1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring text related CSS properties.
module Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS(CSSInline(..), applyFontInline, applyBidi) where
module Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS(
    CSSInline(..), Default(..), applyFontInline, applyBidi) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text, cons, snoc)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))

@@ 67,37 68,45 @@ applyFontInline opts font = opts {
    textLineHeight = Absolute $ toEnum $ fromEnum $ lineheight font * hbUnit
-- | Apply Bidi chars around the inline text. FIXME: Handle the tree!
applyBidi :: CSSInline -> Text
applyBidi (CSSInline txt _ BdNormal) = txt
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdEmbed) =
    chLREmbed `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdEmbed) =
    chRLEmbed `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolate) =
    chLRIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolate) =
    chRLIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdOverride) =
    chLROverride `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdOverride) =
    chRLOverride `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDir
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolateOverride) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` chLROverride `cons` txt
        `snoc` chPopDir `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolateOverride) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` chRLOverride `cons` txt
        `snoc` chPopDir `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt _ BdPlainText) =
    ch1stStrongIsolate `cons` txt `snoc` chPopDirIsolate
applyBidi (CSSInline txt (textDirection -> dir) _) =
applyBidi :: Default d => CSSInline -> [InnerNode Text d] -> [InnerNode Text d]
applyBidi (CSSInline _ _ BdNormal) txt = txt
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdEmbed) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdEmbed) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolate) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolate) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdOverride) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdOverride) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirLTR) BdIsolateOverride) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> DirRTL) BdIsolateOverride) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ _ BdPlainText) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> dir) _) txt =
    trace ("Unexpected direction! " ++ show dir) txt

chLREmbed = '\x202A'
chRLEmbed = '\x202B'
chLROverride = '\x202D'
chRLOverride = '\x202E'
chPopDir = '\x202C'
chLRIsolate = '\x2066'
chRLIsolate = '\x2067'
ch1stStrongIsolate = '\x2068'
chPopDirIsolate = '\x2069'
a +: b = a ++ [b]

chLREmbed, chRLEmbed, chLROverride, chRLOverride, chPopDir,
    chLRIsolate, chRLIsolate, ch1stStrongIsolate, chPopDirIsolate :: Default a =>
        InnerNode Text a
chLREmbed = leaf '\x202A'
chRLEmbed = leaf '\x202B'
chLROverride = leaf '\x202D'
chRLOverride = leaf '\x202E'
chPopDir = leaf '\x202C'
chLRIsolate = leaf '\x2066'
chRLIsolate = leaf '\x2067'
ch1stStrongIsolate = leaf '\x2068'
chPopDirIsolate = leaf '\x2069'

leaf ch = TextSequence def $ Txt.singleton ch

class Default a where
    def :: a