
66067a7cdf1e88d0a0073351fa2591fcaf887949 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 3 months ago 3a25ee5
Fix release of CatTrap 0.4 (as I should've called it...)
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +3 -2
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@ module Graphics.Layout(LayoutItem(..), UserData,
        boxMinWidth, boxMaxWidth, boxNatWidth, boxWidth,
        boxNatHeight, boxMinHeight, boxMaxHeight, boxHeight,
        boxSplit, boxPaginate, boxPosition, boxLayout,
        glyphs, codepoints, fragmentFont, {-, glyphsPerFont-}) where
        glyphs, codepoints, fragmentFont, glyphsPerFont) where

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
                                ParagraphLayout(..), layoutRich)

@@ 66,7 66,7 @@ instance (Zero m, CastDouble m, NFData m, Zero n, CastDouble n, NFData n) =>
        NFData (LayoutItem m n x) where
    rnf = rnf . layoutGetBox -- Avoid auxiliary properties that don't cleanly `rnf`

--- | Retrieve the surrounding box for a layout item.
-- | Retrieve the surrounding box for a layout item.
layoutGetBox :: (Zero m, Zero n, CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
        LayoutItem m n x -> PaddedBox m n
layoutGetBox (LayoutFlow _ ret _) = ret

@@ 101,6 101,7 @@ layoutGetInner (LayoutInline' ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutConst ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutSpan x) = treeInner x

-- | Retrieve the font associated with inline layout.
fragmentFont x = let (ret, _, _) = treeInner' x in ret

-- | map-ready wrapper around `setCellBox` sourcing from a child node.

M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs => Graphics/Layout/Box.hs +9 -0
@@ 117,11 117,17 @@ maxWidth PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding +
maxHeight PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding +
    block max + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin

-- | Amount of whitespace to the left, summing margins, borders, & padding.
leftSpace PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding
-- | Amount of whitespace to the right, summing margins, borders, & padding.
rightSpace PaddedBox {..} = right margin + right border + right padding
-- | Amount of whitespace to the top, summing margins, borders, & padding.
topSpace PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding
-- | Amount of whitespace to the bottom, summing margins, borders, & padding.
bottomSpace PaddedBox {..} = bottom margin + bottom border + bottom padding
-- | Amount of whitespace along the x axis, summing margins, borders, & padding.
hSpace self = leftSpace self + rightSpace self
-- | Amount of whitespace along the y axis, summing margins, borders, & padding.
vSpace self = topSpace self + bottomSpace self

-- | A partially-computed length value.

@@ 148,6 154,7 @@ mapAuto x Preferred = Pixels x
mapAuto x Min = Pixels x
mapAuto _ x = x

-- | Typeclass for zeroing out fields, so layout primitives can be more reusable.
class Zero a where
    -- | Return the empty (or zero) value for a CatTrap geometric type.
    zero :: a

@@ 167,6 174,8 @@ instance (Zero m, Zero n) => Zero (PaddedBox m n) where
instance (Zero m, Zero n) => Zero (Border m n) where
    zero = Border zero zero zero zero

-- | Typeclass for converting between doubles & layout types, approximately if needs be.
-- So layout primitives can be more reusable.
class CastDouble a where
    -- | Convert a double to a double or length.
    fromDouble :: Double -> a

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +3 -0
@@ 28,6 28,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
instance (PropertyParser x, Zero m, Zero n) => Default (UserData m n x) where
    def = ((placeholderFont, 0), zero, temp)

-- | Resolves length units in properties handled by downstream components.
inner' :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> CSSBox x -> x
inner' f self = foldr apply (inner self) $ innerProperties self
  where apply (k, v) ret = fromMaybe ret $

@@ 74,6 75,7 @@ finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        (finalizeChilds root font_ self' childs)
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
-- | Desugars parsed CSS with a provided system font into more generic layout parameters.
finalizeCSS' sysfont self@StyleTree { style = self' } =
    finalizeCSS (pattern2font (font self') (font' self') sysfont sysfont) sysfont self

@@ 274,6 276,7 @@ finalizeTable root parent val opts childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
    isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _) = True
    isRowGroup _ = False

-- | Applies border-collapse to a table element.
collapseTBorders' :: CSSBox x -> CSSBox x
collapseTBorders' self = self {
    cssBox = collapseTBorders (tableOptions self) (cssBox self)

M Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs +1 -1
@@ 152,7 152,7 @@ trackPosition self childs = map gridCellPosition childs
    align _ Start = 0
    align excess Mid = excess/2
    align excess End = excess
-- Compute the maximum size along an axis of a child, for it to be sized to.
-- | Compute the maximum size along an axis of a child, for it to be sized to.
cellSize :: CastDouble x => Track x -> GridItem' -> Double
cellSize self child = track (cellEnd child) - track (cellStart child)

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +1 -0
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Box
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout

-- | Mapping from area identifiers to bounding boxes.
type Areas = HM.HashMap Text ((Int, Int), (Int, Maybe Int))

-- | Converts a grid to lookup table start & indices for row & columns.

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs +30 -4
@@ 1,4 1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Datastructures for parsing table styling properties,
-- & for positioning cells into Grid layout regions.
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))

@@ 13,22 15,36 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Text (unpack)

-- | Tracks `rowspan` attributes so later rows can dodge it.
type Overflowed = [Int]

-- | A row with no cells overflowing into it.
emptyRow :: Overflowed
emptyRow = []

-- | Decrement all `rowspan`s being overflowed, removing 0'd ones.
commitRow :: Overflowed -> Overflowed
commitRow = map $ Prelude.max 0 . pred

-- | Find the next column which a previous multi-row cell hasn't called "dibs" on.
allocCol :: Int -> Overflowed -> Int
allocCol ix cols = ix + length (span (> 0) $ drop ix cols)

-- | Splice a newly-allocated cell covernig `colspan` (2nd arg) & `rowspan` (3rd arg)
-- from "ix" (from 1st arg) into the final arg.
insertCell :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Overflowed -> Overflowed
insertCell ix colspan rowspan cols =
    before ++ replicate colspan rowspan ++ drop colspan after
  where (before, after) = splitAt ix cols

insertCell ix colspan rowspan cols = before ++ inner colspan after
    (before, after) = splitAt ix cols
    inner x cols' | x <= 0 = cols'
    inner colspan (col:cols') = Prelude.max col rowspan:inner (pred colspan) cols'
    inner x [] = replicate x colspan

-- | Parsed CSS properties & HTML attributes for laying out "table" elements.
-- To parse HTML attributes, expects the following useragent stylesheet rules:
-- [rowspan] { -argo-rowspan: attr(rowspan) }
-- [colspan] { -argo-colspan: attr(colspan) }
data TableOptions = TableOptions {
    -- | HTML rowspan attribute
    rowspan :: Int,

@@ 96,31 112,41 @@ instance PropertyParser TableOptions where

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- | Resolve any units in the "border-spacing" property according to the given font.
-- If "border-collapse" is set, removes this spacing.
finalizeGap :: TableOptions -> Font' -> (Length, Length)
finalizeGap TableOptions { borderCollapse = True } _ = (Pixels 0, Pixels 0)
finalizeGap TableOptions { borderHSpacing = x, borderVSpacing = y } font =
    (finalizeLength x font, finalizeLength y font)

-- | Shorthand for a padded box without its CSS units resolved, simplifies type signatures.
type UPaddedBox = PaddedBox Unitted Unitted
-- | Removes margins & halves borders if "border-collapse" is set,
-- as per the CSS specification. Apply this on the table cells, rows, & columns.
collapseBorders :: TableOptions -> UPaddedBox -> UPaddedBox
collapseBorders TableOptions { borderCollapse = False } ret = ret
collapseBorders _ box = box {
    margin = zero,
    border = mapX half $ mapY half $ border box
-- | Removes padding & halves borders if "border-collapse" is set,
-- as per the CSS specification. Apply this on the table itself.
collapseTBorders :: TableOptions -> UPaddedBox -> UPaddedBox
collapseTBorders TableOptions { borderCollapse = False } ret = ret
collapseTBorders _ box = box {
    padding = zero,
    border = mapX half $ mapY half $ border box
-- | Helper for halving a unit.
half (x,u) = (x/2,u)

-- | Lower vertical alignment to grid alignment options.
finalizeVAlign :: TableOptions -> Alignment
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"top") } = Start
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"middle") } = Mid
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"bottom") } = End
finalizeVAlign _ = Start -- FIXME: Support baseline alignment!
-- | Lower text alignment to grid alignment.
finalizeHAlign :: ParagraphOptions -> Direction -> Alignment
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignStart) _ = Start
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignEnd) _ = End

M Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline.hs +9 -2
@@ 77,6 77,7 @@ lowerSpacing (Paragraph a b (RootBox c) d) = Paragraph a b (RootBox $ inner c) d
    inner' self@(TextSequence _ _) = self

-- | A tree extracted from Balkón's inline layout.
data FragmentTree x = Branch (AncestorBox x) [FragmentTree x]
    | Leaf (Fragment x)
    deriving (Show, Eq)

@@ 155,11 156,13 @@ fragmentPos :: (Double, Double) -> Fragment a -> (Double, Double)
fragmentPos (x, y) self = (x + hbScale (x_min r), y + hbScale (y_min r))
    where r = fragmentRect self

-- | Extract the tree datastructure out of Balkón's ParagraphLayout
reconstructTree :: Eq x => ParagraphLayout x -> [FragmentTree x]
reconstructTree ParagraphLayout { paragraphFragments = frags } =
    reconstructTree' [frag {
            fragmentAncestorBoxes = reverse $ fragmentAncestorBoxes frag
        } | frag <- frags]
-- | Extract the tree datastructure out of Balkón's fragments.
reconstructTree' :: Eq x => [Fragment x] -> [FragmentTree x]
reconstructTree' (self@Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = [] }:frags) =
    Leaf self:reconstructTree' frags

@@ 178,12 181,12 @@ reconstructTree' frags@(Fragment {
    sameBranch Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = [] } = False
reconstructTree' [] = []

-- | Add an X,Y offset to all positions, annotating the userdata.
positionTree :: (CastDouble m, CastDouble n) => (Double, Double) ->
        FragmentTree (a, PaddedBox m n, c) ->
        FragmentTree (a, PaddedBox m n, ((Double, Double), c))
positionTree (x, y) self@(Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, c) d e f g) childs) =
    Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, (pos, c)) d e f g) $
        map (positionTree pos) childs
    Branch (AncestorBox (a, b, (pos, c)) d e f g) $ map (positionTree pos) childs
    pos = (x + hbScale (x_min rect), y + hbScale (y_min rect))
    rect = treeRect self

@@ 192,16 195,20 @@ positionTree (x, y) self@(Leaf (Fragment (a, b, c) d _ f g h i)) =
    pos = (x + hbScale (x_min rect), y + hbScale (y_min rect))
    rect = treeRect self
-- | Retrieve 3rd userdata field.
treeInner :: FragmentTree (a, b, c) -> c
treeInner (Branch AncestorBox { boxUserData = (_, _, ret) } _) = ret
treeInner (Leaf Fragment { fragmentUserData = (_, _, ret) }) = ret
-- | Retrieve userdata field.
treeInner' :: FragmentTree a -> a
treeInner' (Branch self _) = boxUserData self
treeInner' (Leaf self) = fragmentUserData self

-- | Retrieve Harfbuzz data out of the tree extracted from Balkón.
glyphs :: FragmentTree x -> [(HB.GlyphInfo, HB.GlyphPos)]
glyphs (Branch _ _) = []
glyphs (Leaf self) = fragmentGlyphs self
-- | Retrieve the Unicode codepoints out of the tree extracted from Balkón.
codepoints :: FragmentTree x -> [Word32]
codepoints self = map HB.codepoint $ map fst $ glyphs self

M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs +8 -0
@@ 71,6 71,7 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSInline where
        Just $ CSSInline txt opts BdPlainText
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- | Fills in properties from looked-up fonts.
applyFontInline :: TextOptions -> Font' -> TextOptions
applyFontInline opts font = opts {
    textFont = hbFont font,

@@ 100,6 101,7 @@ applyBidi (CSSInline _ _ BdPlainText) txt =
applyBidi (CSSInline _ (textDirection -> dir) _) txt =
    trace ("Unexpected direction! " ++ show dir) txt

-- | Append a single character to the end of a string.
a +: b = a ++ [b]

chLREmbed, chRLEmbed, chLROverride, chRLOverride, chPopDir,

@@ 115,11 117,15 @@ chRLIsolate = leaf '\x2067'
ch1stStrongIsolate = leaf '\x2068'
chPopDirIsolate = leaf '\x2069'

-- | A Balkón fragment holding a magic character.
leaf ch = TextSequence def $ Txt.singleton ch

-- | Types with default values.
-- Used to fill in values into generated fragments from caller.
class Default a where
    def :: a

-- | Converts parsed valign keywords or length units to Balkón alignment.
resolveVAlign :: Font' -> Unitted -> VerticalAlignment
resolveVAlign _ (_,"top") = AlignLineTop
resolveVAlign _ (_,"super") = AlignLineTop -- FIXME: Is there a better translation?

@@ 132,9 138,11 @@ resolveVAlign f (_,"middle") = AlignBaseline $ toHB $ fontHeight f 'x' / 2
resolveVAlign f x | Pixels y <- finalizeLength x f = AlignBaseline $ toHB y
    | Percent y <- finalizeLength x f = AlignBaseline $ toHB $ y * lineheight f
    | otherwise = trace ("Invalid length! " ++ show x) $ AlignBaseline 0
-- | Converts grid options to box options.
resolveBoxOpts f grid = defaultBoxOptions {
    boxVerticalAlignment = resolveVAlign f $ verticalAlign grid

-- | Convert from CatTrap units to Balkón|Harfbuzz units.
toHB :: Double -> Int32
toHB = toEnum . fromEnum . (*) hbUnit

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +19 -9
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@
-- documentation, see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/

name:                cattrap
synopsis:            Lays out boxes according to the CSS Box Model.
description:         Computes where to place e.g. images, paragraphs, containers, tables, etc onscreen given desired amounts of whitespace.
homepage:            https://argonaut-constellation.org/

@@ 30,12 30,13 @@ library
  other-modules:        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, containers, parallel >= 3,
                        css-syntax, scientific, text, deepseq,
                        stylist-traits >= && < 1,
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, containers >= 0.6 && < 1, parallel >= 3 && <4,
                        css-syntax >= 0.1 && < 0.2, scientific >= 0.3 && < 1, text >= 2.0.2,
                        deepseq >= 1.4 && <2, stylist-traits >= && < 1,
                        fontconfig-pure >= 0.2 && < 0.5,
                        harfbuzz-pure >= && < 1.1, bytestring,
                        balkon >= 1.2 && <2, unordered-containers, data-array-byte
                        harfbuzz-pure >= && < 1.1, bytestring >= 0.11 && <1,
                        balkon >= 1.2 && <2, unordered-containers >= 0.2 && <1,
                        data-array-byte >= 0.1 && < 0.2
  -- hs-source-dirs:
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:         -Wincomplete-patterns

@@ 44,7 45,8 @@ executable cattrap
  main-is:             Main.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text, css-syntax, xml, stylist-traits, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text, css-syntax, xml >= 1.3 && < 2,
                        stylist-traits, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010

@@ 52,7 54,12 @@ executable cattrap-argonaut
  main-is:             Integration.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text>=2.0.2, css-syntax, stylist-traits, stylist>=, hurl-xml, hurl, sdl2 >= 2.5.4, containers, network-uri, xml-conduit, directory, xml-conduit-stylist, bytestring, file-embed, deepseq, fontconfig-pure
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text>=2.0.2, css-syntax,
                        stylist-traits , stylist>= && <3,
                        hurl-xml >= 0.2 && < 1, hurl >= 2.3 && < 3,
                        sdl2 >= 2.5.4 && < 2.6, containers, network-uri >=2.6 && <3,
                        xml-conduit >= 1.8 && < 2, directory >= 1.3 && < 2, xml-conduit-stylist,
                        bytestring, file-embed >= 0.0.15 && < 0.1, deepseq, fontconfig-pure
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:	-threaded

@@ 61,7 68,10 @@ executable cattrap-stylist
  main-is:             Integration2.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text>=2.0.2, css-syntax, stylist-traits, stylist>=, network-uri, html-conduit, xml-conduit, xml-conduit-stylist, deepseq, fontconfig-pure
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text>=2.0.2 && <3, css-syntax,
                        stylist-traits, stylist>= && <3, network-uri,
                        html-conduit >=1.3 && <2, xml-conduit >= 1.8 && < 2,
                        xml-conduit-stylist >= 3 && < 4, deepseq, fontconfig-pure
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010