
878e6868a7d2cbc0d08ebd81185775e1bbac1ca6 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 3 months ago a7083fe
Parse & apply CSS <table>-styling properties.
M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs => Graphics/Layout/Box.hs +2 -0
@@ 164,6 164,8 @@ instance (Zero m, Zero n) => Zero (PaddedBox m n) where
        border = Border zero zero zero zero,
        margin = Border zero zero zero zero
instance (Zero m, Zero n) => Zero (Border m n) where
    zero = Border zero zero zero zero

class CastDouble a where
    -- | Convert a double to a double or length.

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +41 -20
@@ 46,17 46,24 @@ finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style=self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=False}, children=childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        style = self'@CSSBox {
            display = Table, tableOptions = opts@TableOptions {captionBelow=False}
        children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self')
        (finalizeBox (collapseTBorders' self') font_)
        ([finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs] ++
        [finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') childs])
        [finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') opts childs])
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style = self'@CSSBox {display=Table, captionBelow=True}, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        (finalizeTable root font_ temp childs:
        style = self'@CSSBox {
            display = Table, tableOptions = opts@TableOptions {captionBelow=True}
        }, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner' font_ self')
        (finalizeBox (collapseTBorders' self') font_)
        (finalizeTable root font_ temp opts childs:
        [finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs])

@@ 103,7 110,7 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:_)
                $ flip applyFontInline parent $ txtOpts style'
        | otherwise = RootBox $ Box (map (flattenTree parent) $ enumerate childs)
            $ flip applyFontInline parent $ txtOpts style'
    flattenTree p (i, StyleTree { children = child@(_:_), style = self }) =
    flattenTree p (i, StyleTree self child@(_:_)) =
        buildInline f i self $ map (flattenTree f) $ enumerate child
      where f = pattern2font (font self) (font' self) p root
    flattenTree f (i,StyleTree {style=self@CSSBox {inlineStyles=CSSInline txt _ _}})

@@ 112,15 119,15 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:_)
    buildInline f i self childs =
        InlineBox ((f, i), finalizeBox self f, inner' parent self)
                (Box childs' $ flip applyFontInline f $ txtOpts self)
                defaultBoxOptions -- Fill in during layout.
                $ resolveBoxOpts f (tableOptions self)
      where childs' = applyBidi (inlineStyles self) childs
    finalizeParagraph (RootBox (Box [TextSequence _ txt] _))
        | Txt.all isSpace txt = Nothing -- Discard isolated whitespace.
    finalizeParagraph tree =
        Just $ constructParagraph "" tree "" $ paragraphOptions style'
    enumerate = zip $ enumFrom 0
finalizeChilds root parent style' childs
    | (_:_) <- table = finalizeTable root parent temp table:
finalizeChilds root parent style'@CSSBox { tableOptions = tOpts } childs
    | (_:_) <- table = finalizeTable root parent temp tOpts table:
        finalizeChilds root parent style' rest
    | (child:childs') <- childs = finalizeCSS root parent child:
        finalizeChilds root parent style' childs'

@@ 141,19 148,20 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs
finalizeBox self@CSSBox { cssBox = box } font_ =
    mapY' (flip finalizeLength font_) $ mapX' (flip finalizeLength font_) box

-- | (Unused, incomplete) Desugar a styletree of table elements to a grid layout.
finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
-- | Desugar a styletree of table elements to a grid layout.
finalizeTable root parent val opts childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
    grid = Track {
        cells = replicate width $ Left Auto,
        gap = Pixels 0, -- Allow styling this!
        gap = hGap,
        trackMins = [], trackNats = []
      } `Size` Track {
        cells = replicate height $  Left Auto,
        gap = Pixels 0, -- Allow styling this!
        gap = yGap,
        trackMins = [], trackNats = []
    (cells', childs') = unzip (decor ++ cells)
    (hGap, yGap) = finalizeGap opts parent

    (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs 0 emptyRow
    decor = decorateRow childs width 0 ++ decorateCol childs height 0

@@ 183,24 191,30 @@ finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
        (row, rowwidth, x') = lowerRow cells 0 h x
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest (succ h) $ commitRow x'

    lowerRow (StyleTree self'@CSSBox {display=TableCell} childs:rest) ix row x =
    lowerRow (StyleTree self@CSSBox {
            display = TableCell, tableOptions = self' } childs:rest) ix row x =
        (cell:cells, width, x')
        (cells, width, x') = lowerRow rest end row $
            insertCell start (colspan self') (rowspan self') x
        start = allocCol ix x
        end = start + colspan self'
        -- TODO: Add alignment support!
        cell = (GridItem start end Start 0 0
                `Size` GridItem row (row + rowspan self') Start 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self' { display = Block } childs)
                `Size` GridItem row (row + rowspan self') valign 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self { display = Block } childs)
        valign = finalizeVAlign self'
        halign = finalizeHAlign (paragraphOptions self) (direction self)
    lowerRow (self:rest) ix row x = (cell:cells, width, x')
        ix' = allocCol ix x
        (cells, width, x') = lowerRow rest (succ ix') row $ insertCell ix' 1 1 x
        cell = (GridItem ix' (succ ix') Start 0 0
                `Size` GridItem row (succ row) Start 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent self)
            finalizeCSS root parent self {
                style = (style self) {
                    cssBox = collapseBorders opts $ cssBox $ style self
    lowerRow [] ix _ x = ([], ix, x)

    decorateRow (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } _:rest) w row =

@@ 239,7 253,9 @@ finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
    buildDecor self col colspan row rowspan =
        (GridItem col (col + colspan) Start 0 0 `Size`
            GridItem row (row + rowspan) Start 0 0,
            finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self { display = Block } [])
            finalizeCSS root parent $ StyleTree self {
                display = Block, cssBox = collapseBorders opts $ cssBox self
            } [])

    isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableRow } _) = True
    isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } _) = True

@@ 249,3 265,8 @@ finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid cells' childs'
    isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumn } _) = True
    isRowGroup (StyleTree CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } _) = True
    isRowGroup _ = False

collapseTBorders' :: CSSBox x -> CSSBox x
collapseTBorders' self = self {
    cssBox = collapseTBorders (tableOptions self) (cssBox self)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Length.hs +4 -3
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring length units & keywords,
-- in reference to the selected font.
module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length(Unitted, auto, parseLength, parseLength', units,

@@ 17,6 17,7 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Box
-- The unit may alternately represent a keyword, in which case the number is
-- ignored & typically set to 0.
type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text)
instance Zero Unitted where zero = (0,"px")
-- | The CSS `auto` keyword.
auto :: Unitted
auto = (0,"auto")

@@ 59,8 60,8 @@ finalizeLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f
finalizeLength (x,"vb") f = Pixels $ x*vh f -- TODO: Support vertical text
finalizeLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f
finalizeLength (x,"vi") f = Pixels $ x*vw f -- TODO: Support vertical text
finalizeLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f
finalizeLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f
finalizeLength (x,"vmax") f = Pixels $ x*vmax f
finalizeLength (x,"vmin") f = Pixels $ x*vmin f
finalizeLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f
finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x*scale f*96/2.54
finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x*96*scale f

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs +31 -47
@@ 14,6 14,7 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern, unset)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length (Unitted, parseLength', parseLength, auto, units)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (CSSFont)
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS (CSSGrid(..), CSSCell(..), Placement(..))
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table (TableOptions)
import Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS (CSSInline(..))

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)

@@ 47,16 48,13 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    cellStyles :: CSSCell,
    -- | inline-related CSS properties.
    inlineStyles :: CSSInline,
    -- | Parsed CSS caption-side.
    captionBelow :: Bool,
    -- | Parsed widows & orphans controlling pagination.
    pageOptions :: PageOptions,
    -- | Parsed text-alignment & other options which applies per-paragraph.
    paragraphOptions :: ParagraphOptions,
    -- | HTML rowspan attribute
    rowspan :: Int,
    -- | HTML colspan attribute
    colspan :: Int
    -- | (Semi-)parsed CSS properties & HTML attributes relating to laying out
    -- HTML table elements.
    tableOptions :: TableOptions
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's `textDirection` attribute.
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts _ } = textDirection opts

@@ 97,12 95,11 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        gridStyles = temp,
        cellStyles = temp,
        inlineStyles = temp,
        captionBelow = False,
        pageOptions = PageOptions 0 0 2 2,
        paragraphOptions = defaultParagraphOptions {
            paragraphAlignment = AlignStart
        rowspan = 1, colspan = 1
        tableOptions = temp
    inherit parent = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = boxSizing parent,

@@ 116,10 113,9 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        gridStyles = inherit $ gridStyles parent,
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent,
        inlineStyles = inherit $ inlineStyles parent,
        captionBelow = captionBelow parent,
        pageOptions = pageOptions parent,
        paragraphOptions = paragraphOptions parent,
        rowspan = 1, colspan = 1
        tableOptions = inherit $ tableOptions parent
    priority self = concat [x font, x font', x gridStyles, x cellStyles, x inner]
      where x getter = priority $ getter self

@@ 260,26 256,33 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "inline"] = Just self { display = Inline }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { display = Inline }

    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { rowspan = 1 }
    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [String x]
        | Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = y }
    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
        | x >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = fromEnum x }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { colspan = 1 }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [String x]
        | Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { colspan = y }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
        | x >= 1 = Just self { colspan = fromEnum x }

    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "top"] = Just self { captionBelow = False }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "bottom"] = Just self { captionBelow = True }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {captionBelow = False}

    longhand _ self "orphans" [Number _ (NVInteger x)] =
        Just self { pageOptions = (pageOptions self) { pageOrphans = fromInteger x } }
    longhand _ self "widows" [Number _ (NVInteger x)] =
        Just self { pageOptions = (pageOptions self) { pageWidows = fromInteger x } }

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignEnd } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "left"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignLeft } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "right"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignRight } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignCentreH } }
    -- text-align: justify is unimplemented.
    longhand p self@CSSBox { paragraphOptions = o } "text-align"
            [Ident "match-parent"] = case paragraphAlignment$paragraphOptions p of
        AlignStart | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        AlignStart | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        x -> ret x
      where ret x = Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = x } }

    longhand a b c d | Just x <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d,
        Just y <- longhand (font' a) (font' b) c d =
            Just b { font = x, font' = y } -- Those properties can overlap!

@@ 295,6 298,8 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        Just b { gridStyles = grid' }
    longhand a b c d | Just cell' <- longhand (cellStyles a) (cellStyles b) c d =
        Just b { cellStyles = cell' }
    longhand a b c d | Just table'<-longhand (tableOptions a) (tableOptions b) c d
        = Just b { tableOptions = table' }
    longhand a b c d
        | (d', _:_)<-testLengthProp d, Just _<-longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d' =
            Just b {

@@ 316,28 321,6 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
      where p x = Numbered x Nothing

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignEnd } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "left"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignLeft } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "right"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignRight } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignCentreH } }
    -- text-align: justify is unimplemented.
    longhand p self@CSSBox { paragraphOptions = o } "text-align"
            [Ident "match-parent"] = case paragraphAlignment$paragraphOptions p of
        AlignStart | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        AlignStart | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        x -> ret x
      where ret x = Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = x } }

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand self "font" toks = case parseOperands toks of

@@ 387,6 370,7 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inlineStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (gridStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (cellStyles self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (tableOptions self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v | ret@(_:_) <- shorthand (inner self) k v = ret
    shorthand self k v
        | (v', ls)<-testLengthProp v, ret@(_:_)<-shorthand (inner self) k v' =

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/Table.hs +115 -1
@@ 1,12 1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length (Unitted, parseLength, Font', finalizeLength)
import Graphics.Layout.Box (Length(..), PaddedBox(..), zero, mapX, mapY)
import Graphics.Layout.Grid (Alignment(..))
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (
        ParagraphOptions(..), ParagraphAlignment(..))

import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Text (unpack)

type Overflowed = [Int]

emptyRow :: Overflowed
emptyRow = []

commitRow :: Overflowed -> Overflowed
commitRow = map $ max 0 . pred
commitRow = map $ Prelude.max 0 . pred

allocCol :: Int -> Overflowed -> Int
allocCol ix cols = ix + length (span (> 0) $ drop ix cols)

@@ 15,3 28,104 @@ insertCell :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Overflowed -> Overflowed
insertCell ix colspan rowspan cols =
    before ++ replicate colspan rowspan ++ drop colspan after
  where (before, after) = splitAt ix cols

data TableOptions = TableOptions {
    -- | HTML rowspan attribute
    rowspan :: Int,
    -- | HTML colspan attribute
    colspan :: Int,
    -- | Parsed CSS caption-side.
    captionBelow :: Bool,
    -- | Parsed CSS border-collapse
    borderCollapse :: Bool,
    -- | Semi-parsed border-spacing, horizontal axis
    borderHSpacing :: Unitted,
    -- | Semi-parsed border-spacing, vertical axis
    borderVSpacing :: Unitted,
    -- TODO: Implement `table-layout: fixed`, that needs its own layout formula...
    -- | Parsed CSS vertical-align
    verticalAlign :: Unitted

instance PropertyParser TableOptions where
    temp = TableOptions {
        rowspan = 1, colspan = 1,
        captionBelow = False, borderCollapse = False,
        borderHSpacing = (0,"px"), borderVSpacing = (0,"px"),
        verticalAlign = (0,"baseline")
    inherit = id

    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { rowspan = 1 }
    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [String x]
        | Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = y }
    longhand _ self "-argo-rowspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
        | x >= 1 = Just self { rowspan = fromEnum x }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Ident "initial"] = Just self { colspan = 1 }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [String x]
        | Just y <- readMaybe $ unpack x, y >= 1 = Just self { colspan = y }
    longhand _ self "-argo-colspan" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
        | x >= 1 = Just self { colspan = fromEnum x }

    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "top"] = Just self { captionBelow = False }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "bottom"] = Just self { captionBelow = True }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {captionBelow = False}

    longhand _ self "border-collapse" [Ident "collapse"] =
        Just self { borderCollapse = True }
    longhand _ self "border-collapse" [Ident "separate"] =
        Just self { borderCollapse = False }
    longhand _ self "border-collapse" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { borderCollapse = False }

    longhand _ self "border-spacing" v@[Dimension _ _ _] | Just x <- parseLength v =
        Just self { borderHSpacing = x, borderVSpacing = x }
    longhand _ self "border-spacing" [x@(Dimension _ _ _), y@(Dimension _ _ _)]
            | Just x' <- parseLength [x], Just y' <- parseLength [y] =
        Just self { borderHSpacing = x', borderVSpacing = y' }
    longhand _ self "border-spacing" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { borderHSpacing = (0,"px"), borderVSpacing = (0,"px") }

    longhand _ self "vertical-align" [Ident x]
        | x `elem` ["baseline", "sub", "super", "text-top", "text-bottom",
            "middle", "top", "bottom"] = Just self { verticalAlign = (0,x) }
        | x == "initial" = Just self { verticalAlign = (0,"baseline") }
        | otherwise = Nothing
    longhand _ self "vertical-align" v | Just x <- parseLength v =
        Just self { verticalAlign = x }

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

finalizeGap :: TableOptions -> Font' -> (Length, Length)
finalizeGap TableOptions { borderCollapse = True } _ = (Pixels 0, Pixels 0)
finalizeGap TableOptions { borderHSpacing = x, borderVSpacing = y } font =
    (finalizeLength x font, finalizeLength y font)

type UPaddedBox = PaddedBox Unitted Unitted
collapseBorders :: TableOptions -> UPaddedBox -> UPaddedBox
collapseBorders TableOptions { borderCollapse = False } ret = ret
collapseBorders _ box = box {
    margin = zero,
    border = mapX half $ mapY half $ border box
collapseTBorders :: TableOptions -> UPaddedBox -> UPaddedBox
collapseTBorders TableOptions { borderCollapse = False } ret = ret
collapseTBorders _ box = box {
    padding = zero,
    border = mapX half $ mapY half $ border box
half (x,u) = (x/2,u)

finalizeVAlign :: TableOptions -> Alignment
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"top") } = Start
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"middle") } = Mid
finalizeVAlign TableOptions { verticalAlign = (_,"bottom") } = End
finalizeVAlign _ = Start -- FIXME: Support baseline alignment!
finalizeHAlign :: ParagraphOptions -> Direction -> Alignment
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignStart) _ = Start
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignEnd) _ = End
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignLeft) DirLTR = Start
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignLeft) _ = End
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignRight) DirLTR = End
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignRight) _ = Start
finalizeHAlign (paragraphAlignment -> AlignCentreH) _ = Mid

M Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Inline/CSS.hs +26 -2
@@ 1,7 1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring text related CSS properties.
module Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS(
    CSSInline(..), Default(..), UnicodeBidi(..), applyFontInline, applyBidi) where
    CSSInline(..), Default(..), UnicodeBidi(..), applyFontInline, applyBidi,
    resolveVAlign, resolveBoxOpts) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))

@@ 11,7 12,11 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font'(..), hbUnit)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length (finalizeLength, Unitted)
import Graphics.Layout.Box (Length(..))
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.Table (TableOptions(..)) -- for VAlign
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- To report unexpected cases.

-- | Document text with Balkón styling options, CSS stylable.

@@ 65,7 70,7 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSInline where
applyFontInline :: TextOptions -> Font' -> TextOptions
applyFontInline opts font = opts {
    textFont = hbFont font,
    textLineHeight = Absolute $ toEnum $ fromEnum $ lineheight font * hbUnit
    textLineHeight = Absolute $ toHB $ lineheight font
-- | Apply Bidi chars around the inline text. FIXME: Handle the tree!
applyBidi :: Default d => CSSInline -> [InnerNode Text d] -> [InnerNode Text d]

@@ 110,3 115,22 @@ leaf ch = TextSequence def $ Txt.singleton ch

class Default a where
    def :: a

resolveVAlign :: Font' -> Unitted -> VerticalAlignment
resolveVAlign _ (_,"top") = AlignLineTop
resolveVAlign _ (_,"super") = AlignLineTop -- FIXME: Is there a better translation?
resolveVAlign _ (_,"text-top") = AlignLineTop -- FIXME: Better translation?
resolveVAlign _ (_,"bottom") = AlignLineBottom
resolveVAlign _ (_,"sub") = AlignLineBottom -- FIXME: Better translation?
resolveVAlign _ (_,"text-bottom") = AlignLineBottom
resolveVAlign _ (_,"baseline") = AlignBaseline 0
resolveVAlign f (_,"middle") = AlignBaseline $ toHB $ fontHeight f 'x' / 2
resolveVAlign f x | Pixels y <- finalizeLength x f = AlignBaseline $ toHB y
    | Percent y <- finalizeLength x f = AlignBaseline $ toHB $ y * lineheight f
    | otherwise = trace ("Invalid length! " ++ show x) $ AlignBaseline 0
resolveBoxOpts f grid = defaultBoxOptions {
    boxVerticalAlignment = resolveVAlign f $ verticalAlign grid

toHB :: Double -> Int32
toHB = toEnum . fromEnum . (*) hbUnit