
9d1b071daa7564775c5f69c41be86b7ab38e1c53 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 7 months ago f7e9b3f
Integrate text-alignment support!
2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +2 -3
@@ 9,8 9,7 @@ module Graphics.Layout.CSS(CSSBox(..), BoxSizing(..), Display(..),
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (constructParagraph,
        defaultParagraphOptions, defaultBoxOptions,
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (constructParagraph, defaultBoxOptions,
        LineHeight(..), InnerNode(..), Box(..), RootNode(..))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B

@@ 109,7 108,7 @@ finalizeChilds root parent style' childs@(child:childs')
    finalizeParagraph (RootBox (Box [TextSequence _ txt] _))
        | Txt.all isSpace txt = Nothing -- Discard isolated whitespace.
    finalizeParagraph tree =
        Just $ constructParagraph "" tree "" defaultParagraphOptions
        Just $ constructParagraph "" tree "" $ paragraphOptions style'
    enumerate = zip $ enumFrom 0
finalizeChilds _ _ _ [] = []

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Parse.hs +33 -4
@@ 5,7 5,8 @@ import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser, parseOperands,
                parseUnorderedShorthand', parseUnorderedShorthand)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (PageOptions(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (textDirection)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (textDirection, ParagraphOptions,
            defaultParagraphOptions, paragraphAlignment, ParagraphAlignment(..))
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B

@@ 42,7 43,9 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    -- | Parsed CSS caption-side.
    captionBelow :: Bool,
    -- | Parsed widows & orphans controlling pagination.
    pageOptions :: PageOptions
    pageOptions :: PageOptions,
    -- | Parsed text-alignment & other options which applies per-paragraph.
    paragraphOptions :: ParagraphOptions
-- | Accessor for inlineStyle's `textDirection` attribute.
direction CSSBox { inlineStyles = CSSInline _ opts _ } = textDirection opts

@@ 81,7 84,10 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        cellStyles = temp,
        inlineStyles = temp,
        captionBelow = False,
        pageOptions = PageOptions 0 0 2 2
        pageOptions = PageOptions 0 0 2 2,
        paragraphOptions = defaultParagraphOptions {
            paragraphAlignment = AlignStart
    inherit parent = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = boxSizing parent,

@@ 94,7 100,8 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent,
        inlineStyles = inherit $ inlineStyles parent,
        captionBelow = captionBelow parent,
        pageOptions = pageOptions parent
        pageOptions = pageOptions parent,
        paragraphOptions = paragraphOptions parent
    priority self = concat [x font, x font', x gridStyles, x cellStyles, x inner]
      where x getter = priority $ getter self

@@ 274,6 281,28 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
      where p x = Numbered x Nothing

    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignStart } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignEnd } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "left"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignLeft } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "right"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignRight } }
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {paragraphOptions=o} "text-align" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = AlignCentreH } }
    -- text-align: justify is unimplemented.
    longhand p self@CSSBox { paragraphOptions = o } "text-align"
            [Ident "match-parent"] = case paragraphAlignment$paragraphOptions p of
        AlignStart | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        AlignStart | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirLTR <- direction p -> ret AlignRight
        AlignEnd | DirRTL <- direction p -> ret AlignLeft
        x -> ret x
      where ret x = Just self { paragraphOptions = o { paragraphAlignment = x } }

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand self "font" toks = case parseOperands toks of