Performance optimizations: Concurrency, & move download/styling/layout to out-of-thread.
Fix inline sizing, handle length units for callers.
Draft integration test against Stylist & HURL, shelve due to incomplete Text v2 transition.
Integrate text-alignment support!
Fix Balkon's behaviour regarding lack of additional whitespace.
Upgrade underlying Balkon.
Now I'm having trouble with GLUT in test program, switch back to SDL2 this time without GL.
Correct coordinate-space involved in rect unionizing.
Handle property on containing blocks.
Insert Bidi characters into the tree handed to Balkon!
Implement unicode-bidi-property, attempted. Doesn't handle tree.
Commit extracted property-parsing code from Graphics.Layout.CSS
Refactor tree to aid future dev (Inline layout got a major overhaul anyways...)
Correctly reporting surrounding whitespace on inline elements.
Incorporate CSS Box Model into positioning inline ancestors.
Correctly assign positions, prepare to incorporate padding into size calc
Compute boxes & positions.