@@ 1,5 1,7 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.XML.Light.Input (parseXMLDoc)
import qualified Text.XML.Light.Types as X
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
@@ 17,19 19,23 @@ import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), tokenize)
-import Graphics.UI.GLUT
-import Graphics.GL.Core32
-import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, nullPtr)
-import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
-import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArrayLen, allocaArray, peekArray)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
-import Foreign.C.String (withCString)
+import SDL hiding (rotate)
+import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
+import Data.Function (fix)
+import Control.Monad (unless)
main :: IO ()
main = do
- (progname, args) <- getArgsAndInitialize
+ SDL.initializeAll
+ let wcfg = defaultWindow {
+ windowInitialSize = V2 640 480,
+ windowResizable = True
+ }
+ w <- createWindow "CatTrap" wcfg
+ renderer <- createRenderer w (-1) defaultRenderer
+ args <- getArgs
source <- readFile $ case args of
(filename:_) -> filename
[] -> "styletree.xml"
@@ 37,30 43,19 @@ main = do
let styles = xml2styles temp xml
let layout = finalizeCSS' placeholderFont styles
- w <- createWindow progname
- vertexShader <- compileOGLShader vertexSource GL_VERTEX_SHADER
- fragmentShader <- compileOGLShader fragmentSource GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
- shader <- compileOGLProgram [] [vertexShader, fragmentShader]
- glDetachShader shader vertexShader
- glDetachShader shader fragmentShader
- glDeleteShader vertexShader
- glDeleteShader fragmentShader
+ fix $ \loop -> do
+ events <- fmap eventPayload <$> pollEvents
+ rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 255 255 255 255
+ clear renderer
- displayCallback $= do
- clear [ ColorBuffer ]
- Size x y <- get windowSize
+ V2 x y <- get $ windowSize w
let (display:_) = boxLayout zeroBox {
B.size = B.Size (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
} layout False
+ renderDisplay renderer display
- glUseProgram shader
- attribScale <- withCString "windowsize" $ glGetUniformLocation shader
- glUniform3f attribScale (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) 1
- renderDisplay shader display
- flush
- mainLoop
+ present renderer
+ unless (QuitEvent `elem` events) loop
xml2styles :: CSSBox Nil -> X.Element -> StyleTree (CSSBox Nil)
xml2styles parent el = StyleTree {
@@ 78,138 73,38 @@ instance PropertyParser Nil where
inherit _ = Nil
longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
-renderDisplay :: Eq a => GLuint -> LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), a)
+renderDisplay :: Renderer -> LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), Nil)
-> IO ()
-renderDisplay shader display = do
+renderDisplay renderer display = do
let ((x, y), _) = layoutGetInner display
let box = layoutGetBox display
- attribColour <- withCString "fill" $ glGetUniformLocation shader
- glUniform3f attribColour 1 0 0
- drawBox x y (B.width box) (B.height box)
- glUniform3f attribColour 0 1 0
- drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box)) (y + B.top (B.margin box))
- (B.width box - B.left (B.margin box) - B.right (B.margin box))
- (B.height box - B.top (B.margin box) - B.bottom (B.margin box))
- glUniform3f attribColour 0 0 1
- drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box))
- (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box))
- (B.inline (B.size box) + B.left (B.padding box) + B.right (B.padding box))
- (B.block (B.size box) + B.top (B.padding box) + B.bottom (B.padding box))
- glUniform3f attribColour 1 1 0
- drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box) + B.left (B.padding box))
- (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box) + B.top (B.padding box))
- (B.inline $ B.size box) (B.block $ B.size box)
- mapM (renderDisplay shader) $ layoutGetChilds display
+ rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 255 0 0 255
+ drawBox renderer x y (B.width box) (B.height box)
+ rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 0 255 0 255
+ drawBox renderer
+ (x + B.left (B.margin box)) (y + B.top (B.margin box))
+ (B.width box - B.left (B.margin box) - B.right (B.margin box))
+ (B.height box - B.top (B.margin box) - B.bottom (B.margin box))
+ rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 0 0 255 255
+ drawBox renderer
+ (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box))
+ (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box))
+ (B.inline (B.size box) + B.left (B.padding box) + B.right (B.padding box))
+ (B.block (B.size box) + B.top (B.padding box) + B.bottom (B.padding box))
+ rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 255 255 0 255
+ drawBox renderer
+ (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box) + B.left (B.padding box))
+ (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box) + B.top (B.padding box))
+ (B.inline $ B.size box) (B.block $ B.size box)
+ mapM (renderDisplay renderer) $ layoutGetChilds display
return ()
-drawBox x y width height = do
- buf <- withPointer $ glGenBuffers 1
- glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf
- glBufferData' GL_ARRAY_BUFFER [
- x, y, 0,
- x + width, y, 0,
- x, y + height, 0,
- x + width, y, 0,
- x + width, y + height, 0,
- x, y + height, 0
- glEnableVertexAttribArray 0
- glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf
- glVertexAttribPointer 0 3 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 nullPtr
- glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 6
- glDisableVertexAttribArray 0
-withPointer cb = alloca $ \ret' -> do
- cb ret'
- peek ret'
-glBufferData' _ [] _ = return ()
-glBufferData' target dat usage =
- withArrayLen (map realToFrac dat :: [Float]) $ \len dat' -> do
- glBufferData target (toEnum $ len*sizeOf (head dat)) (castPtr dat') usage
-compileOGLShader :: String -> GLenum -> IO GLuint
-compileOGLShader src shType = do
- shader <- glCreateShader shType
- if shader == 0
- then error "Could not create shader"
- else do
- success <-do
- withCString (src) $ \ptr ->
- with ptr $ \ptrptr -> glShaderSource shader 1 ptrptr nullPtr
- glCompileShader shader
- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
- glGetShaderiv shader GL_COMPILE_STATUS ptr
- peek ptr
- if success == GL_FALSE
- then do
- err <- do
- infoLog <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
- glGetShaderiv shader GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
- logsize <- peek ptr
- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
- glGetShaderInfoLog shader logsize nullPtr logptr
- peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr
- return $ unlines [ "Could not compile shader:"
- , src
- , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
- ]
- error err
- else return shader
-compileOGLProgram :: [(String, Integer)] -> [GLuint] -> IO GLuint
-compileOGLProgram attribs shaders = do
- (program, success) <- do
- program <- glCreateProgram
- forM_ shaders (glAttachShader program)
- forM_ attribs
- $ \(name, loc) ->
- withCString name
- $ glBindAttribLocation program
- $ fromIntegral loc
- glLinkProgram program
- success <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
- glGetProgramiv program GL_LINK_STATUS ptr
- peek ptr
- return (program, success)
- if success == GL_FALSE
- then with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
- glGetProgramiv program GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
- logsize <- peek ptr
- infoLog <- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
- glGetProgramInfoLog program logsize nullPtr logptr
- peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr
- error $ unlines
- [ "Could not link program"
- , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
- ]
- else do
- forM_ shaders glDeleteShader
- return program
-vertexSource = unlines [
- "#version 330 core",
- "layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPositionModelSpace;",
- "uniform vec3 windowsize;",
- "void main() {",
- "gl_Position.xyz = vertexPositionModelSpace/windowsize - 1;",
- "gl_Position.y = -gl_Position.y;",
- "gl_Position.w = 1.0;",
- "}"
- ]
-fragmentSource = unlines [
- "#version 330 core",
- "uniform vec3 fill;",
- "out vec3 colour;",
- "void main() { colour = fill; }"
- ]
+drawBox :: Renderer -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
+drawBox renderer x y width height = do
+ fillRect renderer $ Just $ Rectangle
+ (P $ V2 (c x) (c y)) (V2 (c width) (c height))
+c :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
+c = toEnum . fromEnum
@@ 43,7 43,7 @@ executable cattrap
main-is: Main.hs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
- build-depends: base >=4.12 && <4.16, cattrap, xml, text, css-syntax, stylist-traits, GLUT, gl
+ build-depends: base >=4.12 && <4.16, cattrap, xml, text, css-syntax, stylist-traits, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010