@@ 9,7 9,8 @@ module Graphics.Layout.Inline(inlineMinWidth, inlineMin, inlineNatWidth, inlineH
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
Fragment(..), ParagraphLayout(..), AncestorBox(..),
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect (Rect(..), width, height, x_min, y_min)
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect (Rect(..),
+ width, height, x_max, x_min, y_min, y_max)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Char (isSpace)
@@ 62,26 63,40 @@ layoutRich' (Paragraph a b c d) width =
-- | Retrieve the rect for a fragment & convert to CatTrap types.
fragmentSize :: (CastDouble x, CastDouble y) => FragmentTree a -> Size x y
-fragmentSize (Branch _ _) = Size (c 0) (c 0) -- FIXME
-fragmentSize (Leaf self) = Size (c $ width r) (c $ height r)
- where r = fragmentRect self
+fragmentSize self = Size (c $ width r) (c $ height r)
+ where r = treeRect self
+-- | Compute the unioned rect for a subtree.
+treeRect :: FragmentTree a -> Rect Int32
+treeRect (Branch _ childs) = foldr unionRect (Rect 0 0 0 0) $ map treeRect childs
+ where unionRect a b = Rect (x_min a `min` x_min b) (y_min a `min` y_min b)
+ ((x_max a `max` x_max b) - (x_min a `min` x_min b))
+ ((y_max a `max` y_max b) - (y_min a `min` x_min b))
+treeRect (Leaf self) = fragmentRect self
-- | Variant of `fragmentSize` asserting to the typesystem that both fields
-- of the resulting `Size` are of the same type.
fragmentSize' :: CastDouble x => FragmentTree a -> Size x x
fragmentSize' = fragmentSize -- Work around for typesystem.
-- | Retrieve the position of a fragment.
fragmentPos :: (Double, Double) -> Fragment a -> (Double, Double)
-fragmentPos (x, y) self =
- (x + hbScale (x_min r), y + hbScale (y_min r))
+fragmentPos (x, y) self = (x + hbScale (x_min r), y + hbScale (y_min r))
where r = fragmentRect self
-- | Alter userdata to hold positions.
positionChildren :: (Double, Double) -> ParagraphLayout (a, b, c) ->
ParagraphLayout (a, b, ((Double, Double), c))
positionChildren pos self = self {
- paragraphFragments = [Fragment (a, b, (fragmentPos pos frag, c)) d [] f g h
- | frag@(Fragment (a, b, c) d _ f g h) <- paragraphFragments self]
+ paragraphFragments = [
+ Fragment (a, b, (pos', c)) d (positionParents pos' e) f g h
+ | frag@(Fragment (a, b, c) d e f g h) <- paragraphFragments self,
+ let pos' = fragmentPos pos frag]
+positionParents :: (Double, Double) -> [AncestorBox (a, b, c)] ->
+ [AncestorBox (a, b, ((Double, Double), c))]
+positionParents pos (parent@AncestorBox { boxUserData = (a, b, c) }:parents) =
+ parent { boxUserData = (a, b, (pos', c)) }:positionParents pos' parents
+ where pos' = pos -- FIXME: Take into account borders.
+positionParents _ [] = []
data FragmentTree x = Branch (AncestorBox x) [FragmentTree x]
| Leaf (Fragment x)
@@ 94,13 109,18 @@ reconstructTree ParagraphLayout { paragraphFragments = frags } =
reconstructTree' :: Eq x => [Fragment x] -> [FragmentTree x]
reconstructTree' (self@Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = [] }:frags) =
Leaf self:reconstructTree' frags
-reconstructTree' frags@(Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = branch:_ }:_) =
+reconstructTree' frags@(Fragment {
+ fragmentAncestorBoxes = branch:_, fragmentLine = line
+ }:_) =
Branch branch (reconstructTree' [ child { fragmentAncestorBoxes = ancestors }
| child@Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = _:ancestors } <- childs])
:reconstructTree' sibs
(childs, sibs) = span sameBranch frags
- sameBranch Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = branch':_ } = branch == branch'
+ -- Cluster ancestor branches, breaking them per-line.
+ sameBranch Fragment {fragmentAncestorBoxes=branch':_, fragmentLine=line'} =
+ branch == branch' && line == line'
+ -- Leaves are always in their own branch.
sameBranch Fragment { fragmentAncestorBoxes = [] } = False
reconstructTree' [] = []