
9478d6300bcae4f6d5c29d7777a7544303358dba — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 4 months ago 6db35ca
Performance optimizations: Concurrency, & move download/styling/layout to out-of-thread.
4 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs
M app/Integration.hs
M cattrap.cabal
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +22 -19
@@ 14,6 14,7 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..),
                                ParagraphLayout(..), layoutRich)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (paginate, PageContinuity(..), PageOptions(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(temp))
import Control.Parallel.Strategies

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout.Grid as G

@@ 99,7 100,7 @@ boxMinWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    self' = self { B.min = mapSizeX (B.mapAuto min') (B.min self) }
    min' = flowMinWidth parent' self childs''
    childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
    childs' = map (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    selfWidth = width $ mapX' (lowerLength parent') self
    parent' = fromMaybe 0 parent
boxMinWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'

@@ 108,7 109,7 @@ boxMinWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' ce
    cells = sizeTrackMins parent' (inline self) $ map inline cells'
    cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells0 -- Flatten subgrids
    childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
    childs' = map (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    selfWidth = trackNat (lowerLength parent') $ inline self
    parent' = fromMaybe (gridEstWidth self cells0) parent
    zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double

@@ 126,7 127,7 @@ boxNatWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    self' = self { B.nat = Size size' $ block $ B.nat self }
    size' = flowNatWidth parent' self childs''
    childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
    childs' = map (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    selfWidth = width $ mapX' (lowerLength parent') self
    parent' = fromMaybe 0 parent
boxNatWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'

@@ 135,7 136,7 @@ boxNatWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' ce
    cells = sizeTrackNats parent' (inline $ self) $ map inline cells'
    cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells0 -- Flatten subgrids
    childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
    childs' = map (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
    selfWidth = trackNat (lowerLength parent') $ inline self
    parent' = fromMaybe (gridEstWidth self cells0) parent
    zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double

@@ 149,13 150,13 @@ boxNatWidth _ self@(LayoutSpan _) = self
boxMaxWidth :: CastDouble y => PaddedBox a Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> LayoutItem y Length x
boxMaxWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    childs' = map (boxMaxWidth self'') childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxMaxWidth self'') childs
    self'' = mapX' (lowerLength $ inline $ B.size parent) self'
    self' = self { B.max = Size (Pixels max') (block $ B.max self) }
    max' = flowMaxWidth parent self
boxMaxWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self cells childs'
  where -- Propagate parent track as default.
    childs' = map inner $ zip cells childs
    childs' = parMap' inner $ zip cells childs
    inner (Size cellx celly, child) =
        boxMaxWidth (cellSize (inline self) cellx `size2box` cellSize (block self) celly) child
    size2box x y = zeroBox { B.min = Size x y, B.max = Size x y, B.size = Size x y }

@@ 169,14 170,14 @@ boxWidth :: (Zero y, CastDouble y) => PaddedBox b Double -> LayoutItem y Length 
        LayoutItem y Double x
boxWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    childs' = map (boxWidth self') childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxWidth self') childs
    self' = (mapX' (lowerLength $ inline $ size parent) self) {
        size = Size size' $ block $ B.max self
    size' = flowWidth parent self
boxWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
  where -- Propagate parent track as default
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ parMap' recurse $ zip cells childs
    recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child')
        cell' = setCellBox cell $ layoutGetBox child'

@@ 207,13 208,13 @@ boxNatHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    self' = self { size = mapSizeY (mapAuto size') (size self) }
    size' = flowNatHeight parent self childs''
    childs'' = map (mapY' (lowerLength parent)) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
    childs' = map (boxNatHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxNatHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
boxNatHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells childs'
    self' = Size (inline self) (block self) { trackNats = heights }
    heights = sizeTrackNats parent (block self) $ map block cells'
    cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells -- Flatten subgrids
    childs' = map (boxNatHeight width) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxNatHeight width) childs
    width = trackNat id $ inline self
boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutInline _ _ _) = self
boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _) = self

@@ 224,12 225,12 @@ boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutSpan _) = self
boxMinHeight :: Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> LayoutItem Length Double x
boxMinHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    childs' = map (boxMinHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxMinHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
    self' = self { B.min = Size (inline $ B.min self) (Pixels min') }
    min' = flowMinHeight parent self
boxMinHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ parMap' recurse $ zip cells childs
    recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids.
        cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')

@@ 247,13 248,13 @@ boxMaxHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x ->
        LayoutItem Length Double x
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    childs' = map (boxMaxHeight $ mapY' (lowerLength width) self') childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxMaxHeight $ mapY' (lowerLength width) self') childs
    self' = self { B.max = Size (inline $ B.max self) (Pixels max') }
    max' = flowMaxHeight (inline $ size parent) self
    width = inline $ size self
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self cells' childs'
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ parMap' recurse $ zip cells childs
    recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids
        cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')

@@ 269,7 270,7 @@ boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutSpan self') = LayoutSpan self'
boxHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> LayoutItem Double Double x
boxHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    childs' = map (boxHeight self') childs
    childs' = parMap' (boxHeight self') childs
    self' = (mapY' (lowerLength $ inline $ size parent) self) {
        size = Size (inline $ size self) size'

@@ 277,7 278,7 @@ boxHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
    width = inline $ size self
boxHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells0 childs
    (cells', childs') = unzip $ parMap' recurse $ zip cells0 childs
    recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids.
        cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')

@@ 351,12 352,12 @@ boxPosition :: (PropertyParser x, Eq x) => (Double, Double) ->
    LayoutItem Double Double x -> LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), x)
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow (pos, val) self childs'
    childs' = map recurse $ zip pos' childs
    childs' = parMap' recurse $ zip pos' childs
    recurse ((Size x' y'), child) = boxPosition (x + x', y + y') child
    pos' = positionFlow $ map layoutGetBox childs
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid (pos, val) self cells childs'
    childs' = map recurse $ zip pos' childs
    childs' = parMap' recurse $ zip pos' childs
    recurse ((x', y'), child) = boxPosition (x + x', y + y') child
    pos' = gridPosition self cells
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutInline val self paging) =

@@ 364,7 365,7 @@ boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutInline val self paging) =
boxPosition pos@(x, y) self@(LayoutInline' val _ _) =
    boxPosition pos $ LayoutConst val (layoutGetBox self) $ layoutGetChilds self
boxPosition pos (LayoutConst val self childs) =
    LayoutConst (pos, val) self $ map (boxPosition pos) childs
    LayoutConst (pos, val) self $ parMap' (boxPosition pos) childs
boxPosition pos (LayoutSpan self) = LayoutSpan $ positionTree pos self
-- | Compute sizes & position information for all nodes in the (sub)tree.
boxLayout :: (PropertyParser x, Eq x) => PaddedBox Double Double ->

@@ 392,3 393,5 @@ glyphsPerFont (LayoutSpan _ font self) =
    (pattern font, fontSize font) `M.singleton` IS.fromList glyphs
  where glyphs = map fromEnum $ map Hb.codepoint $ map fst $ fragmentGlyphs self
glyphsPerFont node = M.unionsWith IS.union $ map glyphsPerFont $ layoutGetChilds node -}

parMap' = parMap rseq

M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs => Graphics/Layout/Box.hs +2 -0
@@ 8,6 8,8 @@ module Graphics.Layout.Box(Border(..), mapX, mapY,
        leftSpace, rightSpace, topSpace, bottomSpace, hSpace, vSpace,
        Length(..), mapAuto, lowerLength, Zero(..), CastDouble(..)) where

import Debug.Trace

-- | Amount of space surrounding the box.
data Border m n = Border {
    top :: m, bottom :: m, left :: n, right :: n

M app/Integration.hs => app/Integration.hs +83 -28
@@ 1,10 1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.Directory as Dir

import Graphics.Layout.CSS (CSSBox(..), finalizeCSS')
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (placeholderFont)

@@ 13,16 17,32 @@ import Graphics.Layout (LayoutItem, boxLayout,
import Graphics.Layout.Box (zeroBox)
import qualified Graphics.Layout.Box as B

import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Network.URI.Fetch.XML (Page(..), fetchDocument)
import Network.URI.Fetch (newSession)
import Network.URI.Fetch.XML (Page(..), fetchDocument, applyCSScharset)
import Network.URI.Fetch (newSession, fetchURL)
import Network.URI.Charset (charsets)
import Network.URI (URI(..), nullURI, parseURIReference)
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject, embedStringFile)
import Data.HTML2CSS (el2stylist)

import Text.XML as X (Document(..), Element(..), Node(..), Prologue(..))
import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..), preorder, treeMap)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), cssPriorityAgent, cssPriorityUser)
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text as CSSTxt
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions as CSSCond
        (ConditionalStyles, conditionalStyles, loadImports, Datum(..), resolve)
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses as CSSPseudo

import Control.Concurrent.MVar (putMVar, newEmptyMVar, tryReadMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)

import SDL hiding (rotate)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Control.Monad (unless)

initReferer :: IO (Page (CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSBox Nil)))
initReferer = do
    cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
    return $ Page {

@@ 38,7 58,7 @@ initReferer = do
            documentEpilogue = []
        pageTitle = "", pageMIME = "", apps = [],
        backStack = [], forwardStack = [], visitedURLs = M.empty,
        backStack = [], forwardStack = [], visitedURLs = S.empty,
        initCSS = conditionalStyles,
        appName = "cattrap"

@@ 48,51 68,81 @@ stylize' style = preorder inner
    inner parent _ el = Style.cascade style el [] $
            Style.inherit $ fromMaybe Style.temp parent

resolveCSS manager page = do
    let agentStyle = cssPriorityAgent (css page) `CSS.parse`
            $(makeRelativeToProject "app/useragent.css" >>= embedStringFile)
    userStyle <- loadUserStyles agentStyle
    CSSCond.loadImports loadURL lowerVars lowerToks userStyle []
    loadURL url = do
        response <- fetchURL manager ["text/css"] url
        let charsets' = map Txt.unpack charsets
        return $ case response of
            ("text/css", Left text) -> text
            ("text/css", Right bytes) -> applyCSScharset charsets' $ BS.toStrict bytes
            (_, _) -> ""

loadUserStyles styles = do
    dir <- Dir.getXdgDirectory Dir.XdgConfig "rhapsode"
    exists <- Dir.doesDirectoryExist dir
    loadDirectory dir exists
    loadDirectory _ False = return styles
    loadDirectory dir True = do
        files <- Dir.listDirectory dir
        loadFiles (cssPriorityUser styles) files
    loadFiles style (file:files) = do
        source <- readFile file
        CSS.parse style (Txt.pack source) `loadFiles` files
    loadFiles style [] = return style
-- FIXME: Support more media queries!
resolve' = CSSCond.resolve lowerVars lowerToks
lowerVars _ = CSSCond.B False
lowerToks _ = CSSCond.B False

main :: IO ()
main = do

    let wcfg = defaultWindow {
            windowInitialSize = V2 640 480,
            windowResizable = True
            windowInitialSize = V2 1280 480,
            -- Simplify moving layout/download out-of-thread
            windowResizable = False
    w <- createWindow "CatTrap" wcfg
    renderer <- createRenderer w (-1) defaultRenderer

    args <- getArgs
    url <- readFile $ case args of
        (url:_) -> url
        [] -> "https://git.argonaut-constellation.org/~alcinnz/CatTrap"
    let url = case args of
            (url:_) -> url
            [] -> "https://git.argonaut-constellation.org/~alcinnz/CatTrap"
    sess <- newSession
    let xml = fetchDocument sess initReferer $ parseURIReference url
    ref <- initReferer
    xml <- fetchDocument sess ref $ fromMaybe nullURI $ parseURIReference url
    let pseudoFilter = CSSPseudo.htmlPsuedoFilter Style.queryableStyleSheet
    css' <- resolveCSS sess xml
    let css = CSSPseudo.inner $ resolve' pseudoFilter css'
    let styles = CSSTxt.resolve $ treeMap Style.innerParser $
            stylize' (css xml) $ el2stylist $ html xml
            stylize' css $ el2stylist $ X.documentRoot $ html xml
    let layout = finalizeCSS' placeholderFont styles
    V2 x y <- get $ windowSize w
    pages' <- forkCompute $ boxLayout zeroBox {
            B.size = B.Size (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
          } layout False

    fix $ \loop -> do
        events <- fmap eventPayload <$> pollEvents
        rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 255 255 255 255
        clear renderer

        V2 x y <- get $ windowSize w
        let (display:_) = boxLayout zeroBox {
            B.size = B.Size (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
          } layout False
        renderDisplay renderer display
        pages <- tryReadMVar pages'
        case pages of
            Just (display:_) -> renderDisplay renderer display
            _ -> return ()

        present renderer
        unless (QuitEvent `elem` events) loop

xml2styles :: CSSBox Nil -> X.Element -> StyleTree (CSSBox Nil)
xml2styles parent el = StyleTree {
    style = self',
    children = [xml2styles self' child | X.Elem child <- X.elContent el]
  } where self' = foldl (applyStyle parent) temp $ X.elAttribs el

applyStyle parent style (X.Attr (X.QName name _ _) val) =
    fromMaybe style $ longhand parent style (Txt.pack name) $
        filter (/= Whitespace) $ tokenize $ Txt.pack val

data Nil = Nil deriving Eq
instance PropertyParser Nil where
    temp = Nil

@@ 134,3 184,8 @@ drawBox renderer x y width height = do

c :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
c = toEnum . fromEnum

forkCompute dat = do
    ret <- newEmptyMVar
    forkIO $ putMVar ret $! dat
    return ret

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +10 -9
@@ 29,7 29,7 @@ library
                        Graphics.Layout.Inline, Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
  other-modules:        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Parse
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, containers,
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, containers, parallel >= 3,
                        css-syntax, scientific, text,
                        stylist-traits >= && < 1,
                        fontconfig-pure >= 0.2 && < 0.3,

@@ 43,17 43,18 @@ executable cattrap
  main-is:             Main.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, cattrap, text, css-syntax, xml, stylist-traits, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text, css-syntax, xml, stylist-traits, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010

--executable cattrap-argonaut
--  main-is:             Integration.hs
--  -- other-modules:
--  -- other-extensions:
--  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, cattrap, text, css-syntax, stylist-traits, stylist, hurl-xml, hurl, sdl2 >= 2.5.4
--  hs-source-dirs:      app
--  default-language:    Haskell2010
executable cattrap-argonaut
  main-is:             Integration.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <5, cattrap, text>=2.0.2, css-syntax, stylist-traits, stylist>=, hurl-xml, hurl, sdl2 >= 2.5.4, containers, network-uri, xml-conduit, directory, xml-conduit-stylist, bytestring, file-embed
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:	-threaded

test-suite test-cattrap
  hs-source-dirs:      test