Implement background-origin!
Implement conic gradients, support elliptical extents.
Parse radial gradient extents, slightly differs for circles vs ellipse.
Minor legibility & theoretical-performance optimizations.
Use forward-unrolled loop to lookup the transition to apply, avoiding else-if branches.
Use GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP to avoid the need to upload duplicate vertex data.
Parse radial gradient center-position.
Add support for circular gradients, prepare shaders to allow setting center.
Add simple radial gradient support, fix lint warnings.
Allow configuring where colour stops occur.
Add support for colour stops, equally spaced.
10 stops should be generous!
Add angular linear gradient support!
Add basic support for linear gradients!
Implement background-size!
Fix coordinatespace for texture-pixel lookup.
Build texturing infrastructure & implement background-color!
Build texturing infrastructure.
Add support for background-clip & prepare for multilayered backgrounds!
Fix transformation matrix (should be fixed upstream, but that'd be breaking).
Fix colour output, add OpenGL cleanup.
Implement background-colour rendering!