@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect(Rect(..), Rects(..), shrink, shrink1, renderRects,
- RectStyle(..), colour, Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..), Resize(..), Length(..),
+ RectStyle(..), colour,
+ Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..), Resize(..), Length(..), RadialShape(..),
Atlas, buildAtlas, atlasFromStyles, Texture, styleResolveImages) where
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS
@@ 36,7 37,7 @@ styleResolveImages atlas self =
atlasLookup' None = None
atlasLookup' (Img path) = Img $ atlasLookup path atlas
atlasLookup' (Linear a b) = Linear a b
- atlasLookup' (Radial a) = Radial a
+ atlasLookup' (Radial a b) = Radial a b
atlasFromStyles :: MonadIO m =>
(Text -> IO DynamicImage) -> [RectStyle Text] -> m Atlas
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Backgrounds(Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..),
- Resize(..), Length(..), resolveSize, renderBackgrounds) where
+ RadialShape(..), Resize(..), Length(..), resolveSize, renderBackgrounds) where
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types
@@ 68,13 68,42 @@ radialFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
"in vec2 coord;",
"out vec4 fcolour;",
"uniform vec2 size;",
+ "uniform vec2 center;",
"uniform vec4 stops[10];",
"uniform float stopPoints[10];",
"uniform int nStops;",
"void main() {",
- " vec2 pos = coord/size;",
- " float a = distance(pos, vec2(0.5)) * 2;",
+ " float a = distance(coord/size, center/size) * 2;",
+ "",
+ " int i = 0;",
+ -- Workaround for buggy GPU drivers on test machine.
+ " if (8 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[8]) i = 8;",
+ " else if (7 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[7]) i = 7;",
+ " else if (6 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[6]) i = 6;",
+ " else if (5 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[5]) i = 5;",
+ " else if (4 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[4]) i = 4;",
+ " else if (3 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[3]) i = 3;",
+ " else if (2 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[2]) i = 2;",
+ " else if (1 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[1]) i = 1;",
+ "",
+ " a = smoothstep(stopPoints[i], stopPoints[i+1], a);",
+ " fcolour = mix(stops[i], stops[i+1], a);",
+ "}"
+ ]
+circleFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString
+circleFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
+ "#version 330 core",
+ "in vec2 coord;",
+ "out vec4 fcolour;",
+ "uniform vec2 center;",
+ "uniform float radius;",
+ "uniform vec4 stops[10];",
+ "uniform float stopPoints[10];",
+ "uniform int nStops;",
+ "",
+ "void main() {",
+ " float a = distance(coord, center)/radius;",
" int i = 0;",
-- Workaround for buggy GPU drivers on test machine.
@@ 99,8 128,10 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size"]
linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size", "angle",
"stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
- radial <- renderRectWith radialFragmentShader
- ["size", "nStops", "stops", "stopPoints"]
+ ellipse <- renderRectWith radialFragmentShader ["size", "center",
+ "stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
+ circle <- renderRectWith circleFragmentShader ["center", "radius",
+ "stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
return $ \self a b -> do
base [] [c $ background self] (headDef borderBox $ clip self) a b
let layers = image self `zip` (clip self ++ repeat borderBox)
@@ 114,9 145,14 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
u $ v2 $ size', u angle, cs 10 $ map fst stops,
us $ ls2fs size' $ map snd $ take 10 stops, u $ length stops
] clip0 a b
- Radial stops -> let size'@(_,h) = size $ clip0 a in radial [] [
- u $ v2 $ size', u $ length stops, cs 10 $ map fst stops,
- us $ ls2fs (0,h/2) $ map snd $ take 10 stops
+ Radial Ellipse stops -> let sz@(w,h) = size $ clip0 a in ellipse [] [
+ u $ v2 sz, u $ v2 (w/2, h/2), cs 10 $ map fst stops,
+ us $ ls2fs (0,h/2) $ map snd $ take 10 stops, u $ length stops
+ ] clip0 a b
+ Radial Circle stops -> let (w,h) = size $ clip0 a in circle [] [
+ u $ v2 (w/2, h/2), u (min w h/2), cs 10 $ map fst stops,
+ us $ ls2fs (0,min w h/2) $ map snd $ take 10 stops,
+ u $ length stops
] clip0 a b
return ()
@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
-module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds (Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..),
+module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds (Backgrounds(..),
+ Pattern(..), RadialShape(..),
Resize(..), Length(..), resolveSize) where
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseUnorderedShorthand, parseOperands)
@@ 23,7 24,8 @@ data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {
type C = AlphaColour Float
data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear Float [(C, Length)]
- | Radial [(C, Length)] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
+ | Radial RadialShape [(C, Length)] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
+data RadialShape = Circle | Ellipse deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- We need to resolve images before we can compute the actual lengths!
data Resize = Cover | Contain | Size Length Length deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
@@ 76,7 78,14 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
("top", 0), ("right", pi/2), ("bottom", pi), ("left", pi*1.5)],
Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp toks = Just $ Linear angle cs
inner (Function "radial-gradient":toks)
- | Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp (Comma:toks) = Just $ Radial cs
+ | Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp (Comma:toks) =
+ Just $ Radial Ellipse cs
+ | Just (shp, ts) <- radArgs toks, Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp ts
+ = Just $ Radial shp cs
+ where
+ radArgs (Ident "circle":ts) = Just (Circle, ts)
+ radArgs (Ident "ellipse":ts) = Just (Ellipse, ts)
+ radArgs _ = Nothing
inner _ = Nothing
longhand _ self "background-size" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
Just self { bgSize = reverse val }