
1adb7b35a44df9d6e6c3b21672d3577ffba8b3f6 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 6 months ago 7e76e9b
Add basic support for linear gradients!
M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +6 -4
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.Rect
import Stylist.Parse (parseProperties')
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize, serialize)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize, serialize, Token(Whitespace))

import SDL hiding (trace)
import Graphics.GL.Core32

@@ 28,10 28,12 @@ parseStyle syn
    toks = tokenize $ pack syn
    apply ((key, val):props)
        | Just self' <- longhand self self key val = self'
        | props'@(_:_) <- shorthand self key val = apply (props' ++ props)
        | Just self' <- longhand self self key val' = self'
        | props'@(_:_) <- shorthand self key val' = apply (props' ++ props)
        | otherwise = trace ("Unsupported property " ++ unpack key) self
      where self = apply props
        self = apply props
        val' = filter (/= Whitespace) val
    apply [] = temp

orthoProjection (V2 ww wh) =

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect.hs +7 -3
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect(Rect(..), Rects(..), shrink, shrink1, renderRects,
    RectStyle(..), colour, Backgrounds(..),
    RectStyle(..), colour, Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..), Resize(..), Length(..),
    Atlas, buildAtlas, atlasFromStyles, Texture, styleResolveImages) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS

@@ 30,10 30,14 @@ renderRects = do

styleResolveImages :: Atlas -> RectStyle Text -> RectStyle Texture
styleResolveImages atlas self =
    let textures = map (flip atlasLookup atlas) $ image $ backgrounds self
    let textures = map atlasLookup' $ image $ backgrounds self
    in self { backgrounds = (backgrounds self) { image = textures } }
    atlasLookup' None = None
    atlasLookup' (Img path) = Img $ atlasLookup path atlas
    atlasLookup' (Linear a b) = Linear a b

atlasFromStyles :: MonadIO m =>
        (Text -> IO DynamicImage) -> [RectStyle Text] -> m Atlas
atlasFromStyles cb styles =
    buildAtlas cb $ nub $ concat $ map (image . backgrounds) styles
    buildAtlas cb $ nub  [path | s <- styles, Img path <- image $ backgrounds s]

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs +21 -5
@@ 1,4 1,5 @@
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Backgrounds(Backgrounds(..), renderBackgrounds) where
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Backgrounds(Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..),
    Resize(..), Length(..), resolveSize, renderBackgrounds) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types

@@ 26,19 27,34 @@ imageFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "void main() { fcolour = texture(image, coord/size); }"

linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "in vec2 coord;",
    "out vec4 fcolour;",
    "uniform vec2 size;",
    "uniform vec4 start;",
    "uniform vec4 end;",
    "void main() { fcolour = mix(start, end, coord.y/size.y); }"

renderBackgrounds :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) =>
    n (Backgrounds Texture -> Rects -> M44 Float -> m ())
renderBackgrounds = do
    base <- renderRectWith baseFragmentShader ["colour"]
    layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size"]
    linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size", "start", "end"]
    return $ \self a b -> do
        base [] [c $ background self] (headDef borderBox $ clip self) a b
        let layers = image self `zip` (clip self ++ repeat borderBox)
                `zip` (bgSize self ++ repeat (Size Auto Auto))
        forM layers $ \((img0, clip0), size0) ->
            layer [img0] [
                u $ v2 $ resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0
            ] clip0 a b
        forM layers $ \((pat0, clip0), size0) -> case pat0 of
            None -> return ()
            Img img0 -> layer [img0] [
                    u $ v2 $ resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0
                ] clip0 a b
            Linear start end -> linear [] [
                    u $ v2 $ size $ clip0 a, c start, c end
                ] clip0 a b
        return ()

headDef def = fromMaybe def . listToMaybe

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs +24 -10
@@ 1,8 1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds (Backgrounds(..),
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds (Backgrounds(..), Pattern(..),
    Resize(..), Length(..), resolveSize) where

import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseUnorderedShorthand)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseUnorderedShorthand, parseOperands)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)

@@ 12,14 12,20 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Colour (ColourPallet, parseColour)
import Data.Colour (AlphaColour, transparent)
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types (Rects(..), Rect(..))

import Debug.Trace (traceShow)

data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {
    pallet :: ColourPallet,
    background :: AlphaColour Float,
    background :: C,
    clip :: [Rects -> Rect],
    image :: [img],
    image :: [Pattern img],
    bgSize :: [Resize]
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

type C = AlphaColour Float

data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear C C deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- We need to resolve images before we can compute the actual lengths!
data Resize = Cover | Contain | Size Length Length deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Length = Absolute Float | Scale Float | Auto deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

@@ 27,7 33,7 @@ data Length = Absolute Float | Scale Float | Auto deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
    temp = Backgrounds {
        pallet = temp, background = transparent, clip = [borderBox],
        image = [""], bgSize = [Size Auto Auto]
        image = [None], bgSize = [Size Auto Auto]
    inherit _ = temp
    priority _ = []

@@ 45,11 51,19 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
    longhand _ self "background-image" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { image = reverse val }
        inner [Ident "none"] = Just ""
        inner [Ident "initial"] = Just ""
        inner [Url ret] = Just ret
        inner [Function "url", String ret, RightParen] = Just ret
        inner [Ident "none"] = Just None
        inner [Ident "initial"] = Just None
        inner [Url ret] = Just $ Img ret
        inner [Function "url", String ret, RightParen] = Just $ Img ret
        inner (Function "linear-gradient":toks)
            | Just [s, e] <- colourStops (Comma:toks) = Just $ Linear s e
            | otherwise = traceShow toks Nothing
        inner _ = Nothing
        colourStops [RightParen] = Just []
        colourStops (Comma:toks)
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ c:ret
        colourStops _ = Nothing
    longhand _ self "background-size" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { bgSize = reverse val }
      where -- TODO: Add shorthand support, after background-position.

@@ 88,7 102,7 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where

parseCSSList cb toks | all isJust ret = catMaybes ret
    | otherwise = []
  where ret = map cb $ splitList Comma toks
  where ret = map cb $ concat $ splitList [Comma] $ parseOperands toks

f :: NumericValue -> Float
f (NVInteger x) = fromInteger x