
745d80f2f3e02c13ca96361434be2f42c86f677e — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 6 months ago bd6dd38
Add simple radial gradient support, fix lint warnings.
M Mondrian.cabal => Mondrian.cabal +8 -0
@@ 33,6 33,8 @@ library
  hs-source-dirs:      lib
  default-language:    Haskell2010

  ghc-options: -Wall

executable Mondrian
  main-is:             Main.hs
  -- other-modules:

@@ 42,15 44,21 @@ executable Mondrian
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010

  ghc-options: -Wall

executable Convert
  main-is:              Convert.hs
  build-depends:        base >= 4.13 && <4.14, JuicyPixels
  hs-source-dirs:       app
  default-language:     Haskell2010

  ghc-options: -Wall

test-suite Mondrian-test
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0
  hs-source-dirs:      test
  main-is:             MyLibTest.hs
  build-depends:       base >=4.13 && <4.14

  ghc-options: -Wall

M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +7 -5
@@ 10,21 10,21 @@ import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize, serialize, Token(Whitespace))
import SDL hiding (trace)
import Graphics.GL.Core32
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Linear.Projection (ortho)

import Data.Function (fix)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))

import Codec.Picture (DynamicImage(..), Image(..), PixelRGBA8(..),
import Codec.Picture (DynamicImage(..), PixelRGBA8(..),
                        readImage, generateImage)

import Debug.Trace (trace) -- To warn about invalid args

parseStyle :: PropertyParser p => String -> p
parseStyle syn
    | (ret, []) <- parseProperties' toks = apply ret
    | (ret, tail) <- parseProperties' toks =
        trace ("Extraneous chars: " ++ unpack (serialize tail)) $ apply ret
    | (ret, rest) <- parseProperties' toks =
        trace ("Extraneous chars: " ++ unpack (serialize rest)) $ apply ret
    toks = tokenize $ pack syn
    apply ((key, val):props)

@@ 36,6 36,7 @@ parseStyle syn
        val' = filter (/= Whitespace) val
    apply [] = temp

orthoProjection :: (Fractional a1, Integral a2) => V2 a2 -> M44 a1
orthoProjection (V2 ww wh) =
  let (hw,hh) = (fromIntegral ww, fromIntegral wh)
  in ortho 0 hw hh 0 0 1

@@ 79,10 80,11 @@ main = do
        liftIO $ glSwapWindow w
        unless (QuitEvent `elem` events) loop

loadImage "" = return $ ImageRGBA8 $ generateImage transparent 1 1
loadImage :: Text -> IO DynamicImage
loadImage path = do
    ret <- readImage $ unpack path
    return $ case ret of
        Right x -> x
        Left _ -> ImageRGBA8 $ generateImage transparent 1 1
transparent :: p1 -> p2 -> PixelRGBA8
transparent _ _ = PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 0

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect.hs +1 -0
@@ 36,6 36,7 @@ styleResolveImages atlas self =
    atlasLookup' None = None
    atlasLookup' (Img path) = Img $ atlasLookup path atlas
    atlasLookup' (Linear a b) = Linear a b
    atlasLookup' (Radial a) = Radial a

atlasFromStyles :: MonadIO m =>
        (Text -> IO DynamicImage) -> [RectStyle Text] -> m Atlas

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs +45 -1
@@ 11,6 11,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Control.Monad (forM)

baseFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString
baseFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "out vec4 fcolour;",

@@ 18,6 19,7 @@ baseFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "void main() { fcolour = colour; }"

imageFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString
imageFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "in vec2 coord;",

@@ 27,6 29,7 @@ imageFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "void main() { fcolour = texture(image, coord/size); }"

linearFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString
linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "in vec2 coord;",

@@ 36,6 39,7 @@ linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "uniform float stopPoints[10];",
    "uniform int nStops;",
    "uniform float angle;",
    "void main() {",
    "   vec2 pos = coord/size;", -- Range 0..1
    "   pos -= 0.5; pos *= 2;", -- Range -1..1

@@ 58,6 62,36 @@ linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [

radialFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString
radialFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "in vec2 coord;",
    "out vec4 fcolour;",
    "uniform vec2 size;",
    "uniform vec4 stops[10];",
    "uniform float stopPoints[10];",
    "uniform int nStops;",
    "void main() {",
    "   vec2 pos = coord/size;",
    "   float a = distance(pos, vec2(0.5)) * 2;",
    "   int i = 0;",
    -- Workaround for buggy GPU drivers on test machine.
    "   if (8 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[8]) i = 8;",
    "   else if (7 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[7]) i = 7;",
    "   else if (6 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[6]) i = 6;",
    "   else if (5 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[5]) i = 5;",
    "   else if (4 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[4]) i = 4;",
    "   else if (3 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[3]) i = 3;",
    "   else if (2 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[2]) i = 2;",
    "   else if (1 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[1]) i = 1;",
    "   a = smoothstep(stopPoints[i], stopPoints[i+1], a);",
    "   fcolour = mix(stops[i], stops[i+1], a);",

renderBackgrounds :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) =>
    n (Backgrounds Texture -> Rects -> M44 Float -> m ())
renderBackgrounds = do

@@ 65,11 99,13 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
    layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size"]
    linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size", "angle",
            "stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
    radial <- renderRectWith radialFragmentShader
            ["size", "nStops", "stops", "stopPoints"]
    return $ \self a b -> do
        base [] [c $ background self] (headDef borderBox $ clip self) a b
        let layers = image self `zip` (clip self ++ repeat borderBox)
                `zip` (bgSize self ++ repeat (Size Auto Auto))
        forM layers $ \((pat0, clip0), size0) -> case pat0 of
        _ <- forM layers $ \((pat0, clip0), size0) -> case pat0 of
            None -> return ()
            Img img0 -> layer [img0] [
                    u $ v2 $ resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0

@@ 78,11 114,18 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
                    u $ v2 $ size', u angle, cs 10 $ map fst stops,
                    us $ ls2fs size' $ map snd $ take 10 stops, u $ length stops
                ] clip0 a b
            Radial stops -> let size'@(_,h) = size $ clip0 a in radial [] [
                    u $ v2 $ size', u $ length stops, cs 10 $ map fst stops,
                    us $ ls2fs (0,h/2) $ map snd $ take 10 stops
                ] clip0 a b
        return ()

headDef :: c -> [c] -> c
headDef def = fromMaybe def . listToMaybe
v2 :: (a, a) -> V2 a
v2 = uncurry V2
-- Easier to express this algorithm on CPU-side...
ls2fs :: (Float, Float) -> [Length] -> [Float]
ls2fs (_,h) ls = resolveAutos 0 $ inner True 0 ls
    -- https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images/#color-stop-fixup Step 1.

@@ 94,6 137,7 @@ ls2fs (_,h) ls = resolveAutos 0 $ inner True 0 ls
    inner _ _ (Scale x:ls') = Scale x:inner False x ls'
    inner _ _ (Absolute x:ls') = Absolute x:inner False (x/h) ls'
    inner _ prev (Auto:ls') = Auto:inner False prev ls'
    inner _ _ [] = []
    -- Step 3
    resolveAutos :: Float -> [Length] -> [Float]
    resolveAutos _ (Scale x:ls') = x:resolveAutos x ls'

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS.hs +2 -0
@@ 5,11 5,13 @@ import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Colour (ColourPallet(foreground))
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Backgrounds (Backgrounds(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Colour(AlphaColour)

data RectStyle img = RectStyle {
    colours :: ColourPallet,
    backgrounds :: Backgrounds img
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
colour :: RectStyle img -> AlphaColour Float
colour = foreground . colours

instance PropertyParser (RectStyle Text) where

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs +40 -35
@@ 12,8 12,6 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Colour (ColourPallet, parseColour)
import Data.Colour (AlphaColour, transparent)
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types (Rects(..), Rect(..))

import Debug.Trace (traceShow)

data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {
    pallet :: ColourPallet,
    background :: C,

@@ 24,7 22,8 @@ data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {

type C = AlphaColour Float

data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear Float [(C, Length)] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear Float [(C, Length)]
    | Radial [(C, Length)] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- We need to resolve images before we can compute the actual lengths!
data Resize = Cover | Contain | Size Length Length deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

@@ 48,23 47,23 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
        inner [Ident "border-box"] = Just borderBox
        inner [Ident "initial"] = Just borderBox -- To aid shorthand implementation.
        inner _ = Nothing
    longhand _ self "background-image" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { image = reverse val }
    longhand _ self@Backgrounds { pallet = pp } "background-image" t
        | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t = Just self { image = reverse val }
        inner [Ident "none"] = Just None
        inner [Ident "initial"] = Just None
        inner [Url ret] = Just $ Img ret
        inner [Function "url", String ret, RightParen] = Just $ Img ret
        inner (Function "linear-gradient":toks)
            | Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops (Comma:toks) = Just $ Linear pi cs
            | Just cs@(_:_:_)<-colourStops pp (Comma:toks) = Just $ Linear pi cs
        inner (Function "linear-gradient":Dimension _ x unit:toks)
            | Just s <- lookup unit [("deg", pi/180), ("grad", pi/200),
                    ("rad", 1), ("turn", 2*pi)],
                Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops toks = Just $ Linear (f x*s) cs
                Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp toks = Just $ Linear (f x*s) cs
        inner (Function "linear-gradient":Ident "to":Ident a:Ident b:toks)
            | Just angle <- corner a b, Just stops@(_:_:_) <- colourStops toks =
            | Just angle<-corner a b, Just stops@(_:_:_)<-colourStops pp toks =
                Just $ Linear angle stops
            | Just angle <- corner b a, Just stops@(_:_:_) <- colourStops toks =
            | Just angle<-corner b a, Just stops@(_:_:_)<-colourStops pp toks =
                Just $ Linear angle stops
            corner "top" "right" = Just $ 0.25*pi

@@ 75,37 74,24 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
        inner (Function "linear-gradient":Ident "to":Ident side:toks)
            | Just angle <- lookup side [
                ("top", 0), ("right", pi/2), ("bottom", pi), ("left", pi*1.5)],
                Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops toks = Just $ Linear angle cs
                Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp toks = Just $ Linear angle cs
        inner (Function "radial-gradient":toks)
            | Just cs@(_:_:_) <- colourStops pp (Comma:toks) = Just $ Radial cs
        inner _ = Nothing
        colourStops [RightParen] = Just []
        colourStops (Comma:toks)
            | Just (Percentage _ x:toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
            | Just (Dimension _ x "px":toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Auto):ret
        colourStops (Comma:Percentage _ x:toks)
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
        colourStops (Comma:Dimension _ x "px":toks)
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
        colourStops _ = Nothing
    longhand _ self "background-size" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { bgSize = reverse val }
      where -- TODO: Add shorthand support, after background-position.
        inner [x, y] | Just a <- length x, Just b <- length y = Just $ Size a b
        inner [x, y] | Just a <- l x, Just b <- l y = Just $ Size a b
        inner [Ident "contain"] = Just Contain
        inner [Ident "cover"] = Just Cover
        inner [Ident "auto"] = Just $ Size Auto Auto
        inner [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Size Auto Auto
        inner _ = Nothing
        -- NOTE: Leave lowering other units to CatTrap.
        length (Ident "auto") = Just Auto
        length (Dimension _ x "px") = Just $ Absolute $ f x
        length (Percentage _ x) = Just $ Scale $ p x
        length _ = Nothing
        l (Ident "auto") = Just Auto
        l (Dimension _ x "px") = Just $ Absolute $ f x
        l (Percentage _ x) = Just $ Scale $ p x
        l _ = Nothing
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    -- The multi-layered shorthand is one source of parsing complexity.

@@ 128,6 114,25 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
    shorthand self key val | Just _ <- longhand self self key val = [(key, val)]
        | otherwise = []

colourStops :: ColourPallet
        -> [Token] -> Maybe [(AlphaColour Float, Length)]
colourStops _ [RightParen] = Just []
colourStops cs (Comma:toks)
    | Just (Percentage _ x:toks', c) <- parseColour cs toks,
        Just ret <- colourStops cs toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
    | Just (Dimension _ x "px":toks', c) <- parseColour cs toks,
        Just ret <- colourStops cs toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
    | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour cs toks,
        Just ret <- colourStops cs toks' = Just $ (c, Auto):ret
colourStops cs (Comma:Percentage _ x:toks)
    | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour cs toks,
        Just ret <- colourStops cs toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
colourStops cs (Comma:Dimension _ x "px":toks)
    | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour cs toks,
        Just ret <- colourStops cs toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
colourStops _ _ = Nothing

parseCSSList :: ([Token] -> Maybe a) -> [Token] -> [a]
parseCSSList cb toks | all isJust ret = catMaybes ret
    | otherwise = []
  where ret = map cb $ concat $ splitList [Comma] $ parseOperands toks

@@ 152,10 157,10 @@ splitList sep list = h:splitList sep t

-- | Split is like break, but the matching element is dropped.
split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
split f s = (left,right)
split filt s = (x,y)
        (left,right')=break f s
        right = if null right' then [] else tail right'
        (x,y')=break filt s
        y = if null y' then [] else tail y'

--- Dynamically-computed properties

@@ 167,7 172,7 @@ resolveSize (owidth, oheight) (width, height) Contain
    | width > owidth = (width*sw, height*sw)
    | height > oheight = (width*sh, height*sh)
    | height > width = (width*sw, height*sw)
    | width > height = (width*sh, height*sh)
    | otherwise = (width*sh, height*sh)
    sh = oheight/height
    sw = owidth/width

@@ 179,7 184,7 @@ resolveSize (owidth, oheight) (width, height) Cover
    | oheight > height*sw = (width*sh, height*sh)
    | owidth > width*sh = (width*sw, height*sw)
    | height > width = (width*sw, height*sw)
    | width > height = (width*sh, height*sh)
    | otherwise = (width*sh, height*sh)
    sh = oheight/height
    sw = owidth/width

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Colour.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Colour.hs +18 -18
@@ 13,14 13,14 @@ import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt

import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Bits (toIntegralSized)
import Data.Char (isHexDigit, toLower, isUpper)
import Data.Char (isHexDigit, toLower)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For warning messages.

import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))

hsl' h s l = uncurryRGB rgb $ hsl h s l
hsl' :: RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> Colour a
hsl' hue s l = uncurryRGB rgb $ hsl hue s l

data ColourPallet = ColourPallet {
    foreground :: AlphaColour Float,

@@ 238,21 238,21 @@ parseColour self@ColourPallet { foreground = colour} (Ident x:toks)
    | Txt.toLower x `elem` ["currentcolor", "initial"] = Just (toks, colour)
    | Txt.toLower x == "accentcolor" = Just (toks, accent self)

parseColour _ (Function "hsl":h':Comma:
        Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:RightParen:toks) | Just h <- d h' =
    Just (toks, opaque $ hsl' h (pc s) (pc l))
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":h':Comma:Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:
        Comma:a':RightParen:toks) | Just h <- d h', Just a <- f' a' =
    Just (toks, hsl' h (pc s) (pc l) `withOpacity` a)
parseColour _ (Function "hsla":h':Comma:Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:
        Comma:a':RightParen:toks) | Just h <- d h', Just a <- f' a' =
    Just (toks, hsl' h (pc s) (pc l) `withOpacity` a)
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":h':s':l':RightParen:toks)
    | Just h <- d' h', Just s <- pc' s', Just l <- pc' l' =
        Just (toks, opaque $ hsl' h s l)
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":h':s':l':Delim '/':a':RightParen:toks)
    | Just h <- d' h', Just s <- pc' s', Just l <- pc' l', Just a <- f' a' =
        Just (toks, hsl' h s l `withOpacity` a)
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":hue':Comma:Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:
    | Just hue <- d hue' = Just (toks, opaque $ hsl' hue (pc s) (pc l))
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":hue':Comma:Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:
        Comma:a':RightParen:toks) | Just hue <- d hue', Just a <- f' a' =
    Just (toks, hsl' hue (pc s) (pc l) `withOpacity` a)
parseColour _ (Function "hsla":hue':Comma:Percentage _ s:Comma:Percentage _ l:
        Comma:a':RightParen:toks) | Just hue <- d hue', Just a <- f' a' =
    Just (toks, hsl' hue (pc s) (pc l) `withOpacity` a)
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":hue':s':l':RightParen:toks)
    | Just hue <- d' hue', Just s <- pc' s', Just l <- pc' l' =
        Just (toks, opaque $ hsl' hue s l)
parseColour _ (Function "hsl":hue':s':l':Delim '/':a':RightParen:toks)
    | Just hue <- d' hue', Just s <- pc' s', Just l <- pc' l', Just a <- f' a' =
        Just (toks, hsl' hue s l `withOpacity` a)

parseColour _ _ = Nothing

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Image.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Image.hs +4 -4
@@ 4,15 4,13 @@ module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Image(

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Text (Text)
import Codec.Picture (DynamicImage(..), Image(..), PixelRGBA8(..), PixelF,
                        pixelMap, generateImage)
import Codec.Picture (DynamicImage(..), Image(..), PixelF, pixelMap)
import Codec.Picture.Types (promoteImage, dynamicMap, convertImage)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Typograffiti.GL
import Graphics.GL.Core32
import Graphics.GL.Types
import Graphics.GL.Ext.EXT.Cmyka

@@ 26,7 24,7 @@ import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray, peekArray)
data Atlas = Atlas { unAtlas :: HM.HashMap Text Texture }

buildAtlas :: MonadIO m => (Text -> IO DynamicImage) -> [Text] -> m Atlas
buildAtlas cb [] = return $ Atlas HM.empty
buildAtlas _ [] = return $ Atlas HM.empty
buildAtlas cb srcs = do
    -- TODO Merge textures into an actual atlas.
    let len = length srcs

@@ 57,6 55,7 @@ buildAtlas cb srcs = do
    return $ Atlas $ HM.fromList $ zip srcs textures'

data Texture = Texture { unTexture :: GLuint, texSize :: (Float, Float) }
nilTexture :: Texture
nilTexture = Texture 0 (0, 0)
atlasLookup :: Text -> Atlas -> Texture
atlasLookup key = fromMaybe nilTexture . HM.lookup key . unAtlas

@@ 79,6 78,7 @@ convertDyn (ImageYCbCr8 img) = ImageRGB8 $ convertImage img
convertDyn (ImageCMYK8 img) = ImageRGB8 $ convertImage img
convertDyn (ImageCMYK16 img) = ImageRGB16 $ convertImage img

glFormat :: DynamicImage -> (GLenum, GLenum)
glFormat (ImageY32 _) = (GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_INT)

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs +12 -6
@@ 28,10 28,12 @@ data Rect = Rect {
    left :: Float, top :: Float,
    right :: Float, bottom :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
rect2geom :: Rect -> UV.Vector (V2 Float)
rect2geom Rect{..} = UV.fromList [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl]
    (tl, tr) = (V2 left top, V2 right top)
    (bl, br) = (V2 left bottom, V2 right bottom)
size :: Rect -> (Float, Float)
size Rect {..} = (right - left, bottom - top)

data Rects = Rects {

@@ 40,6 42,7 @@ data Rects = Rects {
    borderBox :: Rect,
    marginBox :: Rect
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
rect :: Float -> Rect
rect x = Rect x x x x

type BoxSelector = Rects -> Rect

@@ 51,6 54,7 @@ instance Show BoxSelector where
        | a rects == rect 1 = "paddingBox"
        | a rects == rect 2 = "borderBox"
        | a rects == rect 3 = "marginBox"
        | otherwise = "?"
      where rects = Rects (rect 0) (rect 1) (rect 2) (rect 3)
instance Read BoxSelector where
    readsPrec _ ('c':'o':'n':'t':'e':'n':'t':'B':'o':'x':t) = [(contentBox, t)]

@@ 59,6 63,7 @@ instance Read BoxSelector where
    readsPrec _ ('m':'a':'r':'g':'i':'n':'B':'o':'x':t) = [(marginBox, t)]
    readsPrec _ _ = []

vertexShader :: ByteString
vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "uniform mat4 transform;",

@@ 106,15 111,15 @@ renderRectWith fragmentShader uniformNames = do
    glEnable GL_BLEND
    return $ \textures uniforms getter rects mat -> do
        let rect = getter rects
        let r = getter rects
        vao <- liftIO $ newBoundVAO
        pbuf <- newBuffer
        bufferGeometry 0 pbuf $ rect2geom rect
        bufferGeometry 0 pbuf $ rect2geom r

        glUseProgram prog
        liftIO $ updateUniform prog matID $ mflip mat
        liftIO $ updateUniform prog originID $ V2 (left rect) (top rect)
        forM (zip uniformIDs uniforms) $ \(slot, cb) -> cb prog slot
        liftIO $ updateUniform prog originID $ V2 (left r) (top r)
        _ <- forM (zip uniformIDs uniforms) $ \(slot, cb) -> cb prog slot

        withBoundTextures (map unTexture textures) $ do
            glBindVertexArray vao

@@ 131,5 136,6 @@ liftGL n = do
        Left err -> liftIO $ die err
        Right x -> return x

mflip (V4 (V4 a b c d) (V4 e f g h) (V4 i j k l) (V4 m n o p)) =
    V4 (V4 a e i m) (V4 b f j n) (V4 c g k o) (V4 d h l p)
mflip :: V4 (V4 a) -> V4 (V4 a)
mflip (V4 (V4 a b cc d) (V4 e f g h) (V4 i j k l) (V4 m n o p)) =
    V4 (V4 a e i m) (V4 b f j n) (V4 cc g k o) (V4 d h l p)