
bd6dd38bb87e2ad65b9824eca974b3c190d08590 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 6 months ago e816039
Allow configuring where colour stops occur.
M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs +45 -5
@@ 33,6 33,7 @@ linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "out vec4 fcolour;",
    "uniform vec2 size;",
    "uniform vec4 stops[10];",
    "uniform float stopPoints[10];",
    "uniform int nStops;",
    "uniform float angle;",
    "void main() {",

@@ 40,8 41,20 @@ linearFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "   pos -= 0.5; pos *= 2;", -- Range -1..1
    "   float a = pos.x*sin(angle) + pos.y*-cos(angle);", -- Range -1..1
    "   a /= 2; a += 0.5;", -- Range 0..1
    "   a *= float(min(nStops, 10) - 1);", -- Range 0..(nStops-1)
    "   fcolour = mix(stops[int(floor(a))], stops[int(ceil(a))], fract(a));",
    "   int i = 0;",
    -- Workaround for buggy GPU drivers on test machine.
    "   if (8 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[8]) i = 8;",
    "   else if (7 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[7]) i = 7;",
    "   else if (6 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[6]) i = 6;",
    "   else if (5 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[5]) i = 5;",
    "   else if (4 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[4]) i = 4;",
    "   else if (3 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[3]) i = 3;",
    "   else if (2 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[2]) i = 2;",
    "   else if (1 < nStops - 1 && a > stopPoints[1]) i = 1;",
    "   a = smoothstep(stopPoints[i], stopPoints[i+1], a);",
    "   fcolour = mix(stops[i], stops[i+1], a);",

@@ 50,7 63,8 @@ renderBackgrounds :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) =>
renderBackgrounds = do
    base <- renderRectWith baseFragmentShader ["colour"]
    layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size"]
    linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size","stops","nStops","angle"]
    linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size", "angle",
            "stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
    return $ \self a b -> do
        base [] [c $ background self] (headDef borderBox $ clip self) a b
        let layers = image self `zip` (clip self ++ repeat borderBox)

@@ 60,10 74,36 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
            Img img0 -> layer [img0] [
                    u $ v2 $ resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0
                ] clip0 a b
            Linear angle stops -> linear [] [
                    u $ v2 $ size $ clip0 a, cs 10 stops, u $ length stops, u angle
            Linear angle stops -> let size' = size $ clip0 a in linear [] [
                    u $ v2 $ size', u angle, cs 10 $ map fst stops,
                    us $ ls2fs size' $ map snd $ take 10 stops, u $ length stops
                ] clip0 a b
        return ()

headDef def = fromMaybe def . listToMaybe
v2 = uncurry V2
-- Easier to express this algorithm on CPU-side...
ls2fs (_,h) ls = resolveAutos 0 $ inner True 0 ls
    -- https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images/#color-stop-fixup Step 1.
    inner True _ (Auto:ls') = Scale 0:inner False 0 ls'
    inner _ _ [Auto] = [Scale 1]
    -- Step 2
    inner _ prev (Scale x:ls') | x < prev = Scale prev:inner False prev ls'
    inner _ prev (Absolute x:ls') | x/h < prev = Scale prev:inner False prev ls'
    inner _ _ (Scale x:ls') = Scale x:inner False x ls'
    inner _ _ (Absolute x:ls') = Absolute x:inner False (x/h) ls'
    inner _ prev (Auto:ls') = Auto:inner False prev ls'
    -- Step 3
    resolveAutos :: Float -> [Length] -> [Float]
    resolveAutos _ (Scale x:ls') = x:resolveAutos x ls'
    resolveAutos _ (Absolute x:ls') = (x/h):resolveAutos (x/h) ls'
    resolveAutos _ [] = []
    resolveAutos prev ls0 = [prev + succ i*grad | i <- [0..n - 1]] ++ fs
        (autos, ls') = span (==Auto) ls0
        n = toEnum $ length autos
        fs = resolveAutos 0 ls' -- Doesn't matter if prev's in another branch...
        next | (x:_) <- fs = x
            | otherwise = 1 -- Step 1 should've taken care of this...
        grad = (next - prev)/(n + 1)

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs +12 -2
@@ 24,7 24,7 @@ data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {

type C = AlphaColour Float

data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear Float [C] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Pattern img = None | Img img | Linear Float [(C, Length)] deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- We need to resolve images before we can compute the actual lengths!
data Resize = Cover | Contain | Size Length Length deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

@@ 79,8 79,18 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
        inner _ = Nothing
        colourStops [RightParen] = Just []
        colourStops (Comma:toks)
            | Just (Percentage _ x:toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
            | Just (Dimension _ x "px":toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ c:ret
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Auto):ret
        colourStops (Comma:Percentage _ x:toks)
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Scale $ p x):ret
        colourStops (Comma:Dimension _ x "px":toks)
            | Just (toks', c) <- parseColour (pallet self) toks,
                Just ret <- colourStops toks' = Just $ (c, Absolute $ f x):ret
        colourStops _ = Nothing
    longhand _ self "background-size" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { bgSize = reverse val }

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs +6 -3
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@
-- So getters can implement typeclasses
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types(Rect(..), size, Rects(..), BoxSelector,
        Uniform, u, c, cs, renderRectWith, liftGL) where
        Uniform, u, us, c, cs, renderRectWith, liftGL) where

import Linear (M44, V2(..), V4(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8

@@ 74,6 74,10 @@ vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
type Uniform m = GLuint -> GLint -> m ()
u :: (MonadIO m, UniformValue a) => a -> Uniform m
u val prog slot = liftIO $ updateUniform prog slot val
us :: MonadIO m => [Float] -> Uniform m
us vals prog slot = do
    liftIO $ withArrayLen vals $ \len -> glUniform1fv slot (toEnum len)
    clearUniformUpdateError prog slot vals

c :: MonadIO m => AlphaColour Float -> Uniform m
c rgba = u $ c' rgba

@@ 86,8 90,7 @@ c' rgba = V4 r g b a
cs :: MonadIO m => Int -> [AlphaColour Float] -> Uniform m
cs mlen rgba prog slot = do
    let val = map c' $ take mlen rgba
    liftIO $ withArrayLen val $ \len ->
        glUniform4fv slot (toEnum len) . castPtr
    liftIO $ withArrayLen val $ \len -> glUniform4fv slot (toEnum len) . castPtr
    clearUniformUpdateError prog slot val

renderRectWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => ByteString -> [String] ->