
7a7ce8ffa2aadc1747f9333e9096f6f55beb5f6f — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago eba0f9a
Implement background-colour rendering!
M Mondrian.cabal => Mondrian.cabal +1 -1
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ library
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.13 && <4.14, stylist-traits >= && < 1,
                       css-syntax, colour >= 2.3.6 && < 3, scientific, text,
                       bytestring, typograffiti, linear, gl, vector, mtl
  hs-source-dirs:      lib
  default-language:    Haskell2010

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs +8 -9
@@ 2,14 2,10 @@ module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Backgrounds(Backgrounds(..), renderBackgrounds) w

import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Background
import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Linear (M44)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))

baseVertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core;",
    "uniform mat4 transform;",
    "in vec2 pos;",
    "void main() { gl_Position = pos * transform; }"
baseFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core;",
    "out vec4 fcolour;",

@@ 17,5 13,8 @@ baseFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "void main() { fcolour = colour; }"

renderBackgrounds :: Backgrounds -> Rects -> IO ()
renderBackgrounds _ _ = return ()
renderBackgrounds :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) =>
    n (Backgrounds -> Rects -> M44 Float -> m ())
renderBackgrounds = do
    base <- renderRectWith baseFragmentShader ["colour"]
    return $ \self -> base [c $ background self] borderBox

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Background.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Background.hs +1 -1
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ import Data.Colour (AlphaColour, transparent)

data Backgrounds = Backgrounds {
    pallet :: ColourPallet,
    background :: AlphaColour Double
    background :: AlphaColour Float

instance PropertyParser Backgrounds where

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Colour.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Colour.hs +10 -10
@@ 23,8 23,8 @@ import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
hsl' h s l = uncurryRGB rgb $ hsl h s l

data ColourPallet = ColourPallet {
    foreground :: AlphaColour Double,
    accent :: AlphaColour Double
    foreground :: AlphaColour Float,
    accent :: AlphaColour Float

instance PropertyParser ColourPallet where

@@ 43,7 43,7 @@ instance PropertyParser ColourPallet where
    shorthand self key val | Just _ <- longhand self self key val = [(key, val)]
        | otherwise = []

parseColour :: ColourPallet -> [Token] -> Maybe ([Token], AlphaColour Double)
parseColour :: ColourPallet -> [Token] -> Maybe ([Token], AlphaColour Float)
parseColour _ (Function "rgb":Percentage _ r:Comma:
        Percentage _ g:Comma:Percentage _ b:RightParen:toks) =
    Just (toks, opaque $ sRGB (pc r) (pc g) (pc b))

@@ 256,7 256,7 @@ parseColour _ (Function "hsl":h':s':l':Delim '/':a':RightParen:toks)

parseColour _ _ = Nothing

sRGBhex :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Colour Double
sRGBhex :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Colour Float
sRGBhex r0 r1 g0 g1 b0 b1 = sRGB24 (h r0 r1) (h g0 g1) (h b0 b1)

h :: Char -> Char -> Word8

@@ 266,20 266,20 @@ h a b
    | otherwise = trace (a:b:" Invalid hexcode!") 0 -- Should already be checked!
    digits = "0123456789abcdef"
h' :: Char -> Char -> Double
h' :: Char -> Char -> Float
h' a b = fromIntegral (h a b) / 255

pc :: NumericValue -> Double
pc :: NumericValue -> Float
pc x = f x / 100
pc' :: Token -> Maybe Double
pc' :: Token -> Maybe Float
pc' (Ident "none") = Just 0
pc' (Percentage _ x) = Just $ pc x
pc' _ = Nothing

f :: NumericValue -> Double
f :: NumericValue -> Float
f (NVInteger x) = fromIntegral x
f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x
f' :: Token -> Maybe Double
f' :: Token -> Maybe Float
f' (Ident "none") = Just 0
f' (Percentage _ x) = Just $ pc x
f' (Number _ x) = Just $ f x

@@ 293,7 293,7 @@ w' (Number _ (NVInteger x)) | x >= 0 && x <= 255 = Just $ fromIntegral $ w x
w' (Percentage _ x) = Just $ toEnum $ fromEnum (pc x * 255)
w' _ = Nothing

d', d :: Token -> Maybe Double
d', d :: Token -> Maybe Float
d (Dimension _ x "deg") = Just $ f x
d (Dimension _ x "grad") = Just $ f x / 400 * 360
d (Dimension _ x "rad") = Just $ f x / pi * 180

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Types.hs +79 -7
@@ 1,13 1,85 @@
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types where
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.Types(Rect(..), Rects(..),
        Uniform, u, c, renderRectWith, liftGL) where

import Linear (M44, V2(..), V4(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV

import Typograffiti.GL
import Graphics.GL.Core32
import Graphics.GL.Types

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Exit (die)

import Data.Colour (AlphaColour, over, alphaChannel)
import Data.Colour.SRGB (RGB(..), toSRGB)
import Data.Colour.Names (white)

data Rect = Rect {
    left :: Double, top :: Double,
    right :: Double, bottom :: Double
    left :: Float, top :: Float,
    right :: Float, bottom :: Float
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
rect2geom Rect{..} = UV.fromList [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl]
    (tl, tr) = (V2 left top, V2 right top)
    (bl, br) = (V2 left bottom, V2 right bottom)

data Rects = Rects {
    content :: Rect,
    padding :: Rect,
    border :: Rect,
    margin :: Rect
    contentBox :: Rect,
    paddingBox :: Rect,
    borderBox :: Rect,
    marginBox :: Rect
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)

vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core;",
    "uniform mat4 transform;",
    "in vec2 pos;",
    "void main() { gl_Position = pos * transform; }"

type Uniform m = GLuint -> GLint -> m ()
u :: (MonadIO m, UniformValue a) => a -> Uniform m
u val prog slot = liftIO $ updateUniform prog slot val

c :: MonadIO m => AlphaColour Float -> Uniform m
c rgba = u $ V4 r g b a
    a = alphaChannel rgba
    -- Workaround for missing APIs in "colour" hackage.
    RGB r g b = toSRGB $ over rgba white

renderRectWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) => ByteString -> [String] ->
        n ([Uniform m] -> (a -> Rect) -> a -> M44 Float -> m ())
renderRectWith fragmentShader uniformNames = do
    vs <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER
    fs <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader fragmentShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
    prog <- liftGL $ compileOGLProgram [("pos", 0)] [vs, fs]
    uniformIDs <- forM uniformNames $ getUniformLocation prog
    matID <- getUniformLocation prog "transform"
    glUseProgram prog
    glEnable GL_BLEND
    return $ \uniforms getter rects mat -> do
        vao <- liftIO $ newBoundVAO
        pbuf <- newBuffer
        bufferGeometry 0 pbuf $ rect2geom $ getter rects

        glUseProgram prog
        liftIO $ updateUniform prog matID mat
        forM (zip uniformIDs uniforms) $ \(slot, cb) -> cb prog slot

        glBindVertexArray vao
        drawVAO prog vao GL_TRIANGLES 6 -- 2 triangles
        glBindVertexArray 0

liftGL :: MonadIO m => IO (Either String a) -> m a
liftGL n = do
    ret <- liftIO n
    case ret of
        Left err -> liftIO $ die err
        Right x -> return x