Implement property prioritization & shorthands.
Add descriptions of CSS property-parsing submodules.
Commence reference documentation!
Merge branch 'main' of
Export extended length parser.
Export numeric conversion utility.
Constrain exports from Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length
Rename Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal to Length
Seperate out Font API from internals.
Attempt to fix failure to query system fonts.
Hardcode fallback fontfile, associate vals per span-line not per span.
Enforce harfbuzz scaling to be of Double type.
Actually query for desired font, remove needless Maybe.
Improve font styling & it's configurability, expose font-pattern in output.
Ensure units are converted correctly between CatTrap & Balkon.
Finish implementing preprocessing/CSS parsing & integrating everything with test script.
Draft grid preprocessor which sucessfully compiles.
Parse CSS4 Grid properties.