
7beb48286350645043875941093f076bca84e81b — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago ed7d044
Draft grid preprocessor which sucessfully compiles.
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +7 -5
@@ 116,11 116,12 @@ boxWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self childs) = (size', LayoutGrid val self' chil
        containerMin = mapSizeX (lowerLength outerwidth) $ containerMin self,
        containerMax = mapSizeX (lowerLength outerwidth) $ containerMax self,
        gap = mapSizeX (lowerLength outerwidth) $ gap self,
        columns = [("", Left width) | width <- widths],
        columns = map Left widths,

        rows = rows self,
        rowBounds = rowBounds self,
        colBounds = colBounds self
        colBounds = colBounds self,
        subgridRows = subgridRows self, subgridColumns = subgridColumns self
    outerwidth = inline $ size parent
    (size', widths) = gridWidths parent self $ colBounds self

@@ 226,11 227,12 @@ boxHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self childs) = (size', LayoutGrid val self' chi
        gap = mapSizeY (lowerLength width) $ gap self,

        rows = map lowerSize $ rows self, rowBounds = rowBounds self,
        columns = columns self, colBounds = colBounds self
        columns = columns self, colBounds = colBounds self,
        subgridRows = subgridRows self, subgridColumns = subgridColumns self
    (size', heights) = gridHeights parent self $ rowBounds self
    lowerSize (n, Left x) = (n, Left $ lowerLength width x)
    lowerSize (n, Right x) = (n, Right x)
    lowerSize (Left x) = Left $ lowerLength width x
    lowerSize (Right x) = Right x
    width = inline $ size parent

boxPosition :: (Double, Double) -> LayoutItem Double Double x ->

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs +44 -0
@@ 4,6 4,9 @@ module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal where
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For warnings.

import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (lowerLength)

type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text)
auto :: Unitted

@@ 25,3 28,44 @@ units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin vb vi px cm mm Q i

n2f (NVInteger x) = realToFrac x
n2f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x

lowerLength :: Unitted -> Font' -> Length
lowerLength (x,"cap") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'A'
lowerLength (x,"ch") f = Pixels $ x*fontAdvance f '0'
lowerLength (x,"em") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f
lowerLength (x,"ex") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'x'
lowerLength (x,"ic") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f '水' -- CJK water ideograph
lowerLength (x,"lh") f = Pixels $ x*lineheight f -- Store conversion factors in `f`...
lowerLength (x,"rem") f = Pixels $ x*rootEm f
lowerLength (x,"rlh") f = Pixels $ x*rlh f
lowerLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f
lowerLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f
lowerLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f
lowerLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f
lowerLength (x,"vb") f = Percent $ x*vb f -- This'll be trickier to populate
lowerLength (x,"vi") f = Percent $ x*vi f -- This'll be trickier to populate
lowerLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f
lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x*scale f*96/2.54
lowerLength (x,"mm") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/10
lowerLength (x,"Q") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/40
lowerLength (x,"pc") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/6
lowerLength (x,"pt") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/72
lowerLength (x,"%") _ = Percent $ x/100
lowerLength (_,"auto") _ = Auto
lowerLength (_,unit) _ = trace ("Invalid unit " ++ Txt.unpack unit) $ Pixels 0

data Font' = Font' {
    fontHeight :: Char -> Double,
    fontAdvance :: Char -> Double,
    fontSize :: Double,
    rootEm :: Double,
    lineheight :: Double,
    rlh :: Double,
    vh :: Double,
    vw :: Double,
    vmax :: Double,
    vmin :: Double,
    vb :: Double,
    vi :: Double,
    scale :: Double

M Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs +29 -24
@@ 8,11 8,14 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Box as B

import Debug.Trace (trace)

-- TODO implement subgrid support...
data Grid m n = Grid {
    rows :: [(Name, Either m Double)],
    rows :: [Either m Double],
    rowBounds :: [(Double, Double)],
    columns :: [(Name, Either n Double)],
    subgridRows :: Int,
    columns :: [Either n Double],
    colBounds :: [(Double, Double)],
    subgridColumns :: Int,
    gap :: Size m n,
    containerSize :: Size m n, -- wrap in a Flow box to get padding, etc.
    containerMin :: Size m n,

@@ 28,10 31,12 @@ data Alignment = Start | Mid | End
type Name = Text

buildGrid rows columns = Grid {
    rows = zip (repeat "") rows,
    rows = rows,
    rowBounds = [],
    columns = zip (repeat "") columns,
    subgridRows = 0, -- disables
    columns = columns,
    colBounds = [],
    subgridColumns = 0, -- disables
    gap = Size (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0),
    containerSize = Size Auto Auto,
    containerMin = Size Auto Auto,

@@ 65,7 70,7 @@ gridMinWidths :: Double -> Grid b Length -> [GridItem y Double] -> (Double, [Dou
gridMinWidths parent self childs =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength parent $ inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map colMinWidth $ enumerate $ map snd $ columns self
    ret = map colMinWidth $ enumerate $ columns self
    colMinWidth (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colMinWidth (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent
    colMinWidth arg@(ix, Left Preferred) =

@@ 76,7 81,7 @@ gridNatWidths :: Double -> Grid b Length -> [GridItem y Double] -> (Double, [Dou
gridNatWidths parent self childs =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength parent $ inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map colNatWidth $ enumerate $ map snd $ columns self
    ret = map colNatWidth $ enumerate $ columns self
    colNatWidth (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colNatWidth (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent
    colNatWidth arg@(ix, Left Min) =

@@ 87,12 92,12 @@ gridMaxWidths :: PaddedBox b Double -> Grid y Length -> [(Double, Double)] -> (D
gridMaxWidths parent self subwidths =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map (colMaxWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ map snd $ columns self
    ret = map (colMaxWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ columns self
    fr = Prelude.max 0 fr'
    fr' = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ map snd $ columns self)
    fr' = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ columns self)
    outerwidth = inline $ size parent
    estimate = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) $
        map (colMaxWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ map snd $ columns self
        map (colMaxWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ columns self
    colMaxWidth _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colMaxWidth _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*(inline $ size parent)
    colMaxWidth _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat

@@ 103,11 108,11 @@ gridWidths :: PaddedBox b Double -> Grid y Length -> [(Double, Double)] -> (Doub
gridWidths parent self subwidths =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map (colWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ map snd $ columns self
    fr = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ map snd $ columns self)
    ret = map (colWidth fr) $ zip subwidths $ columns self
    fr = (outerwidth - estimate)/(countFRs $ columns self)
    outerwidth = inline $ size parent
    estimate = sum $ intersperse (lowerLength outerwidth $ inline $ gap self) $
        map (colWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ map snd $ columns self
        map (colWidth 0) $ zip subwidths $ columns self
    colWidth fr ((min, nat), size) = Prelude.max min $ colWidth' fr ((min, nat), size)
    colWidth' _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colWidth' _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*(inline $ size parent)

@@ 120,7 125,7 @@ gridNatHeights :: Double -> Grid Length Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> (D
gridNatHeights parent self childs =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength parent $ block $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map rowNatHeight $ enumerate $ map snd $ rows self
    ret = map rowNatHeight $ enumerate $ rows self
    rowNatHeight (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    rowNatHeight (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent
    rowNatHeight arg@(ix, Left Min) =

@@ 131,7 136,7 @@ gridMinHeights :: Double -> Grid Length Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> (D
gridMinHeights parent self childs =
    (sum $ intersperse (lowerLength parent $ block $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map rowMinHeight $ enumerate $ map snd $ rows self
    ret = map rowMinHeight $ enumerate $ rows self
    rowMinHeight (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    rowMinHeight (_, Left (Percent x)) = x * parent
    rowMinHeight arg@(ix, Left Preferred) =

@@ 142,12 147,12 @@ gridMaxHeights :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Double ->
    [(Double, Double)] -> (Double, [Double])
gridMaxHeights parent self subheights = (sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map (colMaxHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ map snd $ rows self
    fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ map snd $ rows self)
    ret = map (colMaxHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ rows self
    fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ rows self)
    outerwidth = inline $ size parent
    outerheight = block $ size parent
    estimate = sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) $
        map (colMaxHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ map snd $ rows self
        map (colMaxHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ rows self
    colMaxHeight _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colMaxHeight _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*outerwidth
    colMaxHeight _ ((_, nat), Left Preferred) = nat

@@ 158,12 163,12 @@ gridHeights :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Double ->
    [(Double, Double)] -> (Double, [Double])
gridHeights parent self subheights = (sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) ret, ret)
    ret = map (colHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ map snd $ rows self
    fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ map snd $ rows self)
    ret = map (colHeight fr) $ zip subheights $ rows self
    fr = (outerheight - estimate)/(countFRs $ rows self)
    outerwidth = inline $ size parent
    outerheight = block $ size parent
    estimate = sum $ intersperse (inline $ gap self) $
        map (colHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ map snd $ rows self
        map (colHeight 0) $ zip subheights $ rows self
    colHeight fr ((min, nat), size) = Prelude.max min $ colHeight' fr ((min, nat), size)
    colHeight' _ (_, Left (Pixels x)) = x
    colHeight' _ (_, Left (Percent x)) = x*outerwidth

@@ 186,7 191,7 @@ gridPosition self childs = map gridCellPosition childs
        extraHeight = height - block (size $ gridItemBox child)
    gridCellPosition' child =
        Size (startCol child `track` columns self) (startRow child `track` rows self)
    track ix (size:sizes) = fromRight 0 (snd size) + track (pred ix) sizes
    track ix (size:sizes) = fromRight 0 size + track (pred ix) sizes
    track 0 _ = 0
    track ix [] = trace "WARNING! Malformed input table!" 0
    align _ Start = 0

@@ 199,9 204,9 @@ gridLayout parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions childs)
    positions = gridPosition self' childs
    self' = self {
        rows = zip (map fst $ rows self) $ map Left rows',
        rows = map Left rows',
        rowBounds = rowBounds',
        columns = zip (map fst $ rows self) $ map Left cols',
        columns = map Left cols',
        colBounds = colBounds',
        gap = Size (lowerLength width' gapX) (lowerLength width' gapY),
        containerSize = Size width' height',

@@ 216,7 221,7 @@ gridLayout parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions childs)
    (_, rowNats) = gridNatHeights width' self0 childs

    self0 = self {
        columns = zip (map fst $ columns self) $ map Left cols',
        columns = map Left cols',
        colBounds = colBounds',
        gap = Size (lowerLength width' gapX) gapY,
        containerSize = let Size _ y = containerSize self in Size width' y,

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +213 -10
@@ 1,12 1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS where

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (lowerLength)
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout

data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
    autoColumns :: Unitted,

@@ 14,15 19,18 @@ data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
    autoFlowDense :: Bool,
    autoRows :: Unitted,
    templateAreas :: [[Text]],
    templateColumns :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [Text],
    templateRows :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [Text]
    templateColumns :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [[Text]],
    templateRows :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [[Text]],
    cssGap :: Size Unitted Unitted,
    alignItems :: Size Alignment Alignment
data Axis = Row | Col
data Axis = Row | Col deriving Eq
data CSSCell = CSSCell {
    columnStart :: Placement,
    columnEnd :: Placement,
    rowStart :: Placement,
    rowEnd :: Placement
    rowEnd :: Placement,
    alignSelf :: Size (Maybe Alignment) (Maybe Alignment)
data Placement = Autoplace | Named Text | Numbered Int (Maybe Text) |
        Span Int (Maybe Text)

@@ 35,7 43,9 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
        autoRows = auto,
        templateAreas = [],
        templateColumns = Left [],
        templateRows = Left []
        templateRows = Left [],
        cssGap = Size (0,"px") (0,"px"),
        alignItems = Size Start Start -- FIXME: Should be stretch, unsupported.
    inherit _ = temp

@@ 72,6 82,58 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
        Just self { templateColumns = x }
    longhand _ self "grid-template-rows" toks | Just x <- parseTemplate toks =
        Just self { templateRows = x}

    longhand _ self "row-gap" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssGap = (cssGap self) { inline = x } }
    longhand _ self "column-gap" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
        Just self { cssGap = (cssGap self) { block = x } }

    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "flex-start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "self-start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "left"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Mid } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "flex-end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "self-end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "right"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
    longhand parent self "justify-items" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
        longhand parent self "justify-items" toks
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "initial"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }

    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "flex-start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "self-start"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Mid } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "flex-end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "self-end"] =
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
    longhand parent self "align-items" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
        longhand parent self "align-items" toks
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "initial"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
        Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

instance PropertyParser CSSCell where

@@ 79,7 141,8 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSCell where
        columnStart = Autoplace,
        columnEnd = Autoplace,
        rowStart = Autoplace,
        rowEnd = Autoplace
        rowEnd = Autoplace,
        alignSelf = Size Nothing Nothing
    inherit _ = temp

@@ 88,9 151,58 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSCell where
    longhand _ s "grid-column-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {columnEnd=x}
    longhand _ s "grid-row-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {rowStart = x}
    longhand _ s "grid-row-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s { rowEnd = x }
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

{-finalizeGrid :: CSSBox -> LayoutItem Length-}
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "self-start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "flex-start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Mid } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "self-end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "flex-end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME should be stretch, unsupported
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
    longhand parent self "align-self" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
        longhand parent self "align-self" toks
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "auto"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Nothing } }
    longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Nothing } }

    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "self-start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "flex-start"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "left"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "center"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Mid } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "self-end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "flex-end"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "right"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME should be stretch, unsupported
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
    longhand parent self "justify-self" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
        longhand parent self "justify-self" toks
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "auto"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Nothing } }
    longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Nothing } }

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

parseFR [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR toks = parseLength toks

@@ 128,7 240,7 @@ parseTrack (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
parseTrack toks = ([], toks)
parseSubgrid (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks, (names,toks'') <- parseSubgrid toks' =
        (names' ++ names, toks')
        (names' : names, toks')
parseSubgrid (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
    | x > 0, (names@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseSubgrid toks =
        (concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) names, toks')

@@ 137,3 249,94 @@ parseNames (Ident x:toks)
    | Just (names,toks') <- parseNames toks = Just (x:names,toks')
parseNames (RightSquareBracket:toks) = Just ([], toks)
parseNames _ = Nothing

finalizeGrid :: PropertyParser x => CSSGrid -> Font' ->
    [CSSCell] -> [LayoutItem Length Length x] -> LayoutItem Length Length x
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
        templateColumns = Left cols', templateRows = Left rows'
    } font cells childs = LayoutGrid temp self' $ zip cells' childs
    self' = Grid {
        rows = map lowerFR $ map snd rows0,
        rowBounds = [],
        subgridRows = 0, -- disable
        columns = map lowerFR $ map snd cols0,
        colBounds = [],
        subgridColumns = 0, -- disable
        gap = Size (lowerLength (inline $ cssGap self) font)
            (lowerLength (block $ cssGap self) font),
        containerSize = Size Auto Auto, -- Proper size is set on parent.
        containerMin = Size Auto Auto,
        containerMax = Size Auto Auto

    (cells', rows0, cols0) = finalizeCells cells rows' cols'
    finalizeCells :: [CSSCell] -> [([Text], Unitted)] -> [([Text], Unitted)] ->
            ([GridItem Length Length], [([Text], Unitted)], [([Text], Unitted)])
    finalizeCells (cell:cells) rows cols = (cell':cells', rows_, cols_)
        (cell', rows0, cols0) = finalizeCell cell rows cols
        (cells', rows_, cols_) = finalizeCells cells rows0 cols0
    finalizeCells [] rows cols = ([], rows, cols)
    finalizeCell :: CSSCell -> [([Text], Unitted)] -> [([Text], Unitted)] ->
            (GridItem Length Length, [([Text], Unitted)], [([Text], Unitted)])
    finalizeCell cell rows cols = (GridItem {
            startRow = startRow', endRow = endRow',
            startCol = startCol', endCol = endCol',
            gridItemBox = lengthBox,
            alignment = Size
                (fromMaybe (inline $ alignItems self) (inline $ alignSelf cell))
                (fromMaybe (inline $ alignItems self) (inline $ alignSelf cell))
        }, rows', cols')
        (startRow', endRow', rows') = lowerTrack2 rows ([], autoRows self)
                (rowStart cell) (rowEnd cell)
        (startCol', endCol', cols') = lowerTrack2 cols ([], autoColumns self) 
                (columnStart cell) (columnEnd cell)

    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end@(Span _ _) =
        lowerTrack2 tracks auto start $ Numbered (pred $ length tracks) Nothing
    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end = (start', end', tracks')
        (end', tracks0) = lowerTrack tracks auto 0 end -- Already checked for spans.
        (start', tracks') = lowerTrack tracks auto (negate end') start
    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start end = (start', end', tracks')
        (start', tracks0) = lowerTrack tracks auto 0 start -- already checked for spans.
        (end', tracks') = lowerTrack tracks auto start' end
    lowerTrack tracks auto _ (Named name)
        | ix:_ <- [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <- enumerate tracks, name `elem` names] = (ix, tracks)
        | otherwise = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])

    -- TODO Take into account placement strategy.
    lowerTrack tracks auto _ Autoplace = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])
    lowerTrack tracks _ _ (Numbered ix Nothing) = (ix, tracks)
    lowerTrack tracks auto _ (Numbered ix (Just name))
        | ix < length tracks' = (tracks' !! ix, tracks)
        | otherwise = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])
      where tracks' = [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <- enumerate tracks, name `elem` names]
    lowerTrack tracks _ start (Span x Nothing)
        | start > 0 = (start + x,tracks)
        | otherwise = (-start - x,tracks)
    lowerTrack tracks (_, auto) start (Span x (Just name)) = (tracks' !! x,tracks)
        tracks0 | start < 0 = reverse tracks
            | otherwise = tracks
        tracks' = [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <-
            drop (abs start) $ enumerate (tracks0 ++ repeat ([name],auto)),
            name `elem` names]

    lowerFR (x,"fr") = Right x
    lowerFR x = Left $ lowerLength x font
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid { templateColumns = Right colnames } font cells childs =
    LayoutGrid val' self' { subgridColumns = length colnames } childs'
    LayoutGrid val' self' childs' = finalizeGrid self {
        templateColumns = Left $ zip colnames $ repeat (1,"fr")
      } font cells childs
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid { templateRows = Right rownames } font cells childs =
    LayoutGrid val' self' { subgridRows = length rownames } childs'
    LayoutGrid val' self' childs' = finalizeGrid self {
        templateRows = Left $ zip rownames $ repeat (1,"fr")
      } font cells childs

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +1 -1
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ library
                        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal, Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, css-syntax, scientific, text, stylist-traits, fontconfig-pure
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, css-syntax, scientific, text, stylist-traits, fontconfig-pure, harfbuzz-pure
  -- hs-source-dirs:
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:         -Wincomplete-patterns