
d379817e6fa92b7763f325e3a9497936d5bfd7ce — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 11 months ago 7beb482
Finish implementing preprocessing/CSS parsing & integrating everything with test script.
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +4 -0
@@ 19,6 19,10 @@ layoutGetBox (LayoutGrid _ self _) = zero {
    B.max = containerMax self
setCellBox' (child, cell) = cell { gridItemBox = layoutGetBox child }
layoutGetChilds (LayoutFlow _ _ ret) = ret
layoutGetChilds (LayoutGrid _ _ ret) = map snd ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutFlow ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutGrid ret _ _) = ret

boxMinWidth :: Zero y => Maybe Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Length x)
boxMinWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = (min', LayoutFlow val self' childs')

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +97 -13
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ module Graphics.Layout.CSS where
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser)
import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout

@@ 16,16 17,20 @@ data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    boxSizing :: BoxSizing,
    cssBox :: PaddedBox Unitted Unitted, -- Some units need to be resolved per font. calc()?
    font :: Pattern,
    font' :: CSSFont,
    inner :: a,
    gridStyles :: CSSGrid,
    cellStyles :: CSSCell
    cellStyles :: CSSCell,
    captionBelow :: Bool
data BoxSizing = BorderBox | ContentBox
noborder = Border (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px")

data Display = Block | Grid | Table |
    TableRow | TableHeaderGroup | TableRowGroup | TableFooterGroup | TableCell |
    TableColumn | TableColumnGroup | TableCaption
    TableColumn | TableColumnGroup | TableCaption deriving Eq
rowContainer CSSBox { display = d } =
    d `elem` [Table, TableHeaderGroup, TableRowGroup, TableFooterGroup]

instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    temp = CSSBox {

@@ 40,18 45,22 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
            margin = noborder
        font = temp,
        font' = temp,
        inner = temp,
        gridStyles = temp,
        cellStyles = temp
        cellStyles = temp,
        captionBelow = False
    inherit parent = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = boxSizing parent,
        display = Block,
        cssBox = cssBox (temp :: CSSBox TrivialPropertyParser),
        font = inherit $ font parent,
        font' = inherit $ font' parent,
        inner = inherit $ inner parent,
        gridStyles = inherit $ gridStyles parent,
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent,
        captionBelow = captionBelow parent

    longhand _ self "box-sizing" [Ident "content-box"] = Just self {boxSizing = ContentBox}

@@ 99,25 108,100 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "block"] = Just self { display = Block }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "grid"] = Just self { display = Grid }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table"] = Just self { display = Table }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-row-group"] = Just self {display=TableRowGroup}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-header-group"] =
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-row-group"] =
        Just self { display=TableRowGroup }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-header-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableHeaderGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-footer-group"] =
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-footer-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableFooterGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-row"] = Just self {display = TableRow}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-cell"] = Just self {display = TableCell}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-column-group"] =
    longhand parent self "display" [Ident "table-row"] | rowContainer parent =
        Just self { display = TableRow }
    longhand CSSBox { display = TableRow } self "display" [Ident "table-cell"] =
        Just self { display = TableCell }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-column-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableColumnGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-column"] = Just self {display = TableColumn}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-caption"] = Just self {display=TableCaption}
    longhand CSSBox { display = TableColumnGroup } self "display" [Ident "table-column"] =
        Just self { display = TableColumn }
    longhand CSSBox { display = Table } self "display" [Ident "table-caption"] =
        Just self { display=TableCaption }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {display = Block }

    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "top"] = Just self { captionBelow = False }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "bottom"] = Just self { captionBelow = True }
    longhand _ self "caption-side" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {captionBelow = False}

    longhand a b c d | Just x <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d,
        Just y <- longhand (font' a) (font' b) c d =
            Just b { font = x, font' = y } -- Those properties can overlap!
    longhand a b c d | Just font' <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d = Just b {
        font = font'
    longhand a b c d | Just font <- longhand (font' a) (font' b) c d = Just b {
        font' = font
    longhand a b c d | Just inner' <- longhand (inner a) (inner b) c d = Just b {
        inner = inner'
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

{-finalizeCSS :: CSSBox -> LayoutItem Length-}
finalizeCSS :: PropertyParser x => Font' -> Font' -> StyleTree (CSSBox x) ->
        LayoutItem Length Length x
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
    style = self'@CSSBox { display = Grid, inner = val }, children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow val (finalizeBox self' font_) [
        finalizeGrid (gridStyles self') font_ (map cellStyles $ map style childs)
            (map (finalizeCSS root font_) childs)]
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style = self'@CSSBox { display = Table, captionBelow = False }, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        ([finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs] ++
        [finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') childs])
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
        style = self'@CSSBox { display = Table, captionBelow = True }, children = childs
    } = LayoutFlow (inner self') (finalizeBox self' font_)
        (finalizeTable root font_ (inner self') childs:
        [finalizeCSS root font_ child { style = child' { display = Block } }
            | child@StyleTree { style = child'@CSSBox { display = TableCaption } } <- childs])
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS root parent self@StyleTree {
    style = self'@CSSBox { inner = val }, children = childs
  } = LayoutFlow val (finalizeBox self' font_) (map (finalizeCSS root font_) childs)
    font_ = pattern2font (font self') (font' self') parent root
finalizeCSS' sysfont self@StyleTree { style = self' } =
    finalizeCSS (pattern2font (font self') (font' self') sysfont sysfont) sysfont self

finalizeBox self@CSSBox { cssBox = box } font_ =
    mapY' (flip finalizeLength font_) $ mapX' (flip finalizeLength font_) box

finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutFlow val lengthBox [] -- Placeholder!
{- finalizeTable root parent val childs = LayoutGrid val grid $ zip cells' childs'
  where -- FIXME? How to handle non-table items in <table>?
    grid = Grid {
        rows = take width $ repeat ("", (0,"auto")),
        rowBounds = [],
        subgridRows = 0,
        columns = take height $ repeat ("", (0,"auto")),
        colBounds = [],
        subgridCols = 0,
        gap = Size (0,"px") (0,"px"), -- FIXME where to get this from?
        containerSize = Size Auto Auto, -- Proper size is set on parent.
        containerMin = Size Auto Auto,
        containerMax = Size Auto Auto
    cells' = adjustWidths cells
    (cells, width, height) = lowerCells childs
    lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableRow } cells:rest) =
        (row:rows, max rowwidth width', succ height)
        (row, rowwidth) = lowerRow cells 0 -- FIXME: How to dodge colspans?
        (rows, width', height') = lowerCells rest
    lowerCells (StyleTree self@CSSBox { display = TableHeaderGroup } childs ) =

M Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs +210 -29
@@ 1,12 1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..), serialize)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For warnings.
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (lowerLength)
import Graphics.Layout.Box

import Data.Text.Glyphize as HB
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern(..), Value(..), normalizePattern, getValue', getValue0)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text)
auto :: Unitted

@@ 24,35 31,37 @@ parseLength' [Ident "min-content"] = Just (0,"min-content")
parseLength' [Ident "max-content"] = Just (0,"max-content")
parseLength' toks = parseLength toks

units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin vb vi px cm mm Q in pc pt %"
units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin px cm mm Q in pc pt %"

n2f (NVInteger x) = realToFrac x
n2f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x

lowerLength :: Unitted -> Font' -> Length
lowerLength (x,"cap") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'A'
lowerLength (x,"ch") f = Pixels $ x*fontAdvance f '0'
lowerLength (x,"em") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f
lowerLength (x,"ex") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'x'
lowerLength (x,"ic") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f '水' -- CJK water ideograph
lowerLength (x,"lh") f = Pixels $ x*lineheight f -- Store conversion factors in `f`...
lowerLength (x,"rem") f = Pixels $ x*rootEm f
lowerLength (x,"rlh") f = Pixels $ x*rlh f
lowerLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f
lowerLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f
lowerLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f
lowerLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f
lowerLength (x,"vb") f = Percent $ x*vb f -- This'll be trickier to populate
lowerLength (x,"vi") f = Percent $ x*vi f -- This'll be trickier to populate
lowerLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f
lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x*scale f*96/2.54
lowerLength (x,"mm") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/10
lowerLength (x,"Q") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/40
lowerLength (x,"pc") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/6
lowerLength (x,"pt") f | Pixels x' <- lowerLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/72
lowerLength (x,"%") _ = Percent $ x/100
lowerLength (_,"auto") _ = Auto
lowerLength (_,unit) _ = trace ("Invalid unit " ++ Txt.unpack unit) $ Pixels 0
finalizeLength :: Unitted -> Font' -> Length
finalizeLength (x,"cap") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'A'
finalizeLength (x,"ch") f = Pixels $ x*fontAdvance f '0'
finalizeLength (x,"em") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f
finalizeLength (x,"") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f -- For line-height.
finalizeLength (x,"ex") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'x'
finalizeLength (x,"ic") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f '水' -- CJK water ideograph
finalizeLength (x,"lh") f = Pixels $ x*lineheight f
finalizeLength (x,"rem") f = Pixels $ x*rootEm f
finalizeLength (x,"rlh") f = Pixels $ x*rlh f
finalizeLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f
finalizeLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f
finalizeLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f
finalizeLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f
finalizeLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f
finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x*scale f*96/2.54
finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x*96*scale f
finalizeLength (x,"mm") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/10
finalizeLength (x,"Q") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/40
finalizeLength (x,"pc") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/6
finalizeLength (x,"pt") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/72
finalizeLength (x,"%") _ = Percent $ x/100
finalizeLength (_,"auto") _ = Auto
finalizeLength (_,"min-content") _ = Min
finalizeLength (_,"max-content") _ = Preferred
finalizeLength (_,unit) _ = trace ("Invalid unit " ++ Txt.unpack unit) $ Pixels 0

data Font' = Font' {
    fontHeight :: Char -> Double,

@@ 65,7 74,179 @@ data Font' = Font' {
    vw :: Double,
    vmax :: Double,
    vmin :: Double,
    vb :: Double,
    vi :: Double,
    scale :: Double
placeholderFont = Font' (const 0) (const 0) 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0  1

pattern2hbfont :: Pattern -> [Variation] -> Font
pattern2hbfont pat variations = createFontWithOptions options face
    bytes = unsafePerformIO $ B.readFile $ getValue0 "file" pat
    face = createFace bytes $ toEnum $ fromMaybe 0 $ getValue' "index" pat
    options = foldl value2opt defaultFontOptions $ normalizePattern pat

    value2opt opts ("slant", (_, ValueInt x):_) = opts {
        optionSynthSlant = Just $ realToFrac x
    value2opt opts ("fontvariations", _:_) = opts {optionVariations = variations}
    value2opt opts _ = opts

pattern2font :: Pattern -> CSSFont -> Font' -> Font' -> Font'
pattern2font pat styles parent root = Font' {
        fontHeight = height' . fontGlyphExtents font' . fontGlyph',
        fontAdvance = fromIntegral . fontGlyphHAdvance font' . fontGlyph',
        fontSize = fontSize',
        rootEm = fontSize root,
        lineheight = lineheight',
        rlh = lineheight root,

        vh = vh root,
        vw = vw root,
        vmax = vmax root,
        vmin = vmin root,
        scale = scale root
    } where
        height' (Just x) = fromIntegral $ HB.height x
        height' Nothing = fontSize'
        lineheight' | snd (cssLineheight styles) == "normal",
            Just extents <- fontHExtents font' = fromIntegral $ lineGap extents
            | otherwise = lowerLength' (cssLineheight styles) parent
        fontSize' = lowerLength' (cssFontSize styles) parent
        lowerLength' a = lowerLength (fontSize parent) . finalizeLength a
        fontGlyph' ch = fromMaybe 0 $ fontGlyph font' ch Nothing
        font' = pattern2hbfont pat $ variations' fontSize' styles

data CSSFont = CSSFont {
    cssFontSize :: Unitted,
    cssLineheight :: Unitted,
    variations :: [Variation],
    weightVariation :: Variation,
    widthVariation :: Variation,
    slantVariation :: Variation,
    opticalSize :: Bool,
    defaultFontSize :: Unitted
variations' :: Double -> CSSFont -> [Variation]
variations' fontsize self =
    (if opticalSize self then (Variation opsz (realToFrac fontsize):) else id)
    (slantVariation self:widthVariation self:weightVariation self:variations self)

fracDefault :: CSSFont -> Double -> Maybe CSSFont
fracDefault self frac = Just self {
    cssFontSize = (frac*fst (defaultFontSize self),snd $ defaultFontSize self)
instance PropertyParser CSSFont where
    temp = CSSFont {
        cssFontSize = (12,"pt"),
        cssLineheight = (1,""),
        variations = [],
        weightVariation = Variation wght 400,
        widthVariation = Variation wdth 100,
        slantVariation = Variation ital 0,
        opticalSize = True,
        defaultFontSize = (12,"pt") -- NOTE: Callers should load from system settings.
    inherit parent = parent

    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "xx-small"] = fracDefault self $ 3/5
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "x-small"] = fracDefault self $ 3/4
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "small"] = fracDefault self $ 8/9
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "medium"] = fracDefault self 1
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "large"] = fracDefault self $ 6/5
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "x-large"] = fracDefault self $ 3/2
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "xx-large"] = fracDefault self 2
    longhand _ self "font-size" [Ident "xxx-large"] = fracDefault self 3
    longhand parent self "font-size" [Ident "larger"] =
        Just self { cssFontSize = (x*1.2,unit) }
      where (x,unit) = cssFontSize parent
    longhand parent self "font-size" [Ident "smaller"] =
        Just self { cssFontSize = (x/1.2,unit) }
      where (x, unit) = cssFontSize parent
    longhand _ self "font-size" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks = Just self { cssFontSize = x }

    longhand _ self "line-height" [Ident "normal"] = Just self { cssLineheight = (0,"normal") }
    longhand _ self "line-height" [Number _ x] = Just self { cssLineheight = (n2f x,"em") }
    longhand _ self "line-height" toks
        | Just x <- parseLength toks = Just self { cssLineheight = x }

    longhand _ self "font-variation-settings" [Ident "normal"] = Just self { variations = [] }
    longhand _ self "font-variation-settings" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {variations = []}
    longhand _ self "font-variation-settings" toks
        | Just x <- parseVariations toks = Just self { variations = x }

    longhand _ self "font-weight" [Ident "normal"] =
        Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 400 }
    longhand _ self "font-weight" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 400 }
    longhand _ self "font-weight" [Ident "bold"] =
        Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 700 }
    longhand _ self "font-weight" [Number _ (NVInteger x)] | x >= 100 && x < 1000 =
        Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght $ fromIntegral x }
    longhand parent self "font-weight" [Ident "bolder"]
        | varValue (weightVariation parent) < 400 =
            Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 400 }
        | varValue (weightVariation parent) < 600 =
            Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 700 }
        | otherwise = Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 900 }
    longhand parent self "font-weight" [Ident "lighter"]
        | varValue (weightVariation parent) < 600 =
            Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 100 }
        | varValue (weightVariation parent) < 800 =
            Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 400 }
        | otherwise = Just self { weightVariation = Variation wght 700 }

    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "ultra-condensed"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 50 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "extra-condensed"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 62.5 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "condensed"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 75 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "semi-condensed"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 87.5 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident k] | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 100 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "semi-expanded"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 112.5 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "expanded"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 125 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "extra-expanded"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 150 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Ident "ultra-expanded"] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth 200 }
    longhand _ self "font-stretch" [Percentage _ x] =
        Just self { widthVariation = Variation wdth $ n2f x }

    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "oblique", Dimension _ x "deg"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation slnt $ n2f x }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "oblique", Dimension _ x "grad"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation slnt (n2f x/400*360) }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "oblique", Dimension _ x "rad"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation slnt (n2f x*180/pi) }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "oblique", Dimension _ x "turn"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation slnt (n2f x*360) }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "italic"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation ital 1 }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "normal"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation ital 0 }
    longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "initial"] =
        Just self { slantVariation = Variation ital 0 }

    longhand _ s "font-optical-sizing" [Ident "auto"] = Just s {opticalSize = True}
    longhand _ s "font-optical-sizing" [Ident "initial"] = Just s {opticalSize = True}
    longhand _ s "font-optical-sizing" [Ident "none"] = Just s {opticalSize = False}

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

parseVariations (x@(String _):y@(Number _ _):Comma:toks)
    | Just var <- parseVariation $ Txt.unpack $ serialize [x, y],
        Just vars <- parseVariations toks = Just $ var:vars
parseVariations toks@[String _, Number _ _]
    | Just var <- parseVariation $ Txt.unpack $ serialize toks = Just [var]
parseVariations _ = Nothing

wght = tag_from_string "wght"
wdth = tag_from_string "wdth"
slnt = tag_from_string "slnt"
ital = tag_from_string "ital"
opsz = tag_from_string "opsz"

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +14 -7
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@ import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (lowerLength)
import Graphics.Layout.Box
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout

@@ 257,14 257,14 @@ finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
    } font cells childs = LayoutGrid temp self' $ zip cells' childs
    self' = Grid {
        rows = map lowerFR $ map snd rows0,
        rows = map finalizeFR $ map snd rows0,
        rowBounds = [],
        subgridRows = 0, -- disable
        columns = map lowerFR $ map snd cols0,
        columns = map finalizeFR $ map snd cols0,
        colBounds = [],
        subgridColumns = 0, -- disable
        gap = Size (lowerLength (inline $ cssGap self) font)
            (lowerLength (block $ cssGap self) font),
        gap = Size (finalizeLength (inline $ cssGap self) font)
            (finalizeLength (block $ cssGap self) font),
        containerSize = Size Auto Auto, -- Proper size is set on parent.
        containerMin = Size Auto Auto,
        containerMax = Size Auto Auto

@@ 280,6 280,12 @@ finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
    finalizeCells [] rows cols = ([], rows, cols)
    finalizeCell :: CSSCell -> [([Text], Unitted)] -> [([Text], Unitted)] ->
            (GridItem Length Length, [([Text], Unitted)], [([Text], Unitted)])
    finalizeCell cell@CSSCell {
            rowStart = Autoplace, columnStart = Autoplace
        } rows cols | autoFlow self == Row =
            finalizeCell cell { columnStart = Numbered 1 Nothing } rows cols
        | autoFlow self == Col =
            finalizeCell cell { rowStart = Numbered 1 Nothing } rows cols
    finalizeCell cell rows cols = (GridItem {
            startRow = startRow', endRow = endRow',
            startCol = startCol', endCol = endCol',

@@ 294,6 300,7 @@ finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
        (startCol', endCol', cols') = lowerTrack2 cols ([], autoColumns self) 
                (columnStart cell) (columnEnd cell)

    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start Autoplace = lowerTrack2 tracks auto start $ Span 1 Nothing
    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end@(Span _ _) =
        lowerTrack2 tracks auto start $ Numbered (pred $ length tracks) Nothing
    lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end = (start', end', tracks')

@@ 326,8 333,8 @@ finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
            drop (abs start) $ enumerate (tracks0 ++ repeat ([name],auto)),
            name `elem` names]

    lowerFR (x,"fr") = Right x
    lowerFR x = Left $ lowerLength x font
    finalizeFR (x,"fr") = Right x
    finalizeFR x = Left $ finalizeLength x font
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid { templateColumns = Right colnames } font cells childs =
    LayoutGrid val' self' { subgridColumns = length colnames } childs'

M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +211 -1
@@ 1,4 1,214 @@
module Main where

import Text.XML.Light.Input (parseXMLDoc)
import qualified Text.XML.Light.Types as X
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Control.Monad (forM_, mapM)

import Graphics.Layout.CSS (CSSBox(..), finalizeCSS')
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal (placeholderFont) 
import Graphics.Layout (LayoutItem, boxLayout,
                        layoutGetBox, layoutGetChilds, layoutGetInner)
import Graphics.Layout.Box (zeroBox)
import qualified Graphics.Layout.Box as B

import Stylist.Tree (StyleTree(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), tokenize)

import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Graphics.GL.Core32

import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArrayLen, allocaArray, peekArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Foreign.C.String (withCString)

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, Haskell!"
main = do
    (progname, args) <- getArgsAndInitialize
    source <- readFile $ case args of
        (filename:_) -> filename
        [] -> "styletree.xml"
    let xml = fromJust $ parseXMLDoc source
    let styles = xml2styles temp xml
    let layout = finalizeCSS' placeholderFont styles

    w <- createWindow progname

    vertexShader <- compileOGLShader vertexSource GL_VERTEX_SHADER
    fragmentShader <- compileOGLShader fragmentSource GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
    shader <- compileOGLProgram [] [vertexShader, fragmentShader]
    glDetachShader shader vertexShader
    glDetachShader shader fragmentShader
    glDeleteShader vertexShader
    glDeleteShader fragmentShader

    displayCallback $= do
        clear [ ColorBuffer ]
        Size x y <- get windowSize
        let display = boxLayout zeroBox {
            B.size = B.Size (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
          } layout False

        glUseProgram shader
        attribScale <- withCString "windowsize" $ glGetUniformLocation shader
        glUniform3f attribScale (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) 1

        renderDisplay shader display

xml2styles :: CSSBox Nil -> X.Element -> StyleTree (CSSBox Nil)
xml2styles parent el = StyleTree {
    style = self',
    children = [xml2styles self' child | X.Elem child <- X.elContent el]
  } where self' = foldl (applyStyle parent) temp $ X.elAttribs el

applyStyle parent style (X.Attr (X.QName name _ _) val) =
    fromMaybe style $ longhand parent style (Txt.pack name) $
        filter (/= Whitespace) $ tokenize $ Txt.pack val

data Nil = Nil
instance PropertyParser Nil where
    temp = Nil
    inherit _ = Nil
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

renderDisplay :: GLuint -> LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), a) -> IO ()
renderDisplay shader display = do
    let ((x, y), _) = layoutGetInner display
    let box = layoutGetBox display
    attribColour <- withCString "fill" $ glGetUniformLocation shader

    glUniform3f attribColour 1 0 0
    drawBox x y (B.width box) (B.height box)
    glUniform3f attribColour 0 1 0
    drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box)) (y + B.top (B.margin box))
            (B.width box - B.left (B.margin box) - B.right (B.margin box))
            (B.height box - B.top (B.margin box) - B.bottom (B.margin box))
    glUniform3f attribColour 0 0 1
    drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box))
            (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box))
            (B.inline (B.size box) + B.left (B.padding box) + B.right (B.padding box))
            (B.block (B.size box) + B.top (B.padding box) + B.bottom (B.padding box))
    glUniform3f attribColour 1 1 0
    drawBox (x + B.left (B.margin box) + B.left (B.border box) + B.left (B.padding box))
            (y + B.top (B.margin box) + B.top (B.border box) + B.top (B.padding box))
            (B.inline $ B.size box) (B.block $ B.size box)

    mapM (renderDisplay shader) $ layoutGetChilds display
    return ()

drawBox x y width height = do
    buf <- withPointer $ glGenBuffers 1
    glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf
    glBufferData' GL_ARRAY_BUFFER [
        x, y, 0,
        x + width, y, 0,
        x, y + height, 0,

        x + width, y, 0,
        x + width, y + height, 0,
        x, y + height, 0

    glEnableVertexAttribArray 0
    glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf
    glVertexAttribPointer 0 3 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 nullPtr

    glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 6
    glDisableVertexAttribArray 0

withPointer cb = alloca $ \ret' -> do
    cb ret'
    peek ret'

glBufferData' _ [] _ = return ()
glBufferData' target dat usage =
    withArrayLen (map realToFrac dat :: [Float]) $ \len dat' -> do
        glBufferData target (toEnum $ len*sizeOf (head dat)) (castPtr dat') usage

compileOGLShader :: String -> GLenum -> IO GLuint
compileOGLShader src shType = do
  shader <- glCreateShader shType
  if shader == 0
    then error "Could not create shader"
    else do
      success <-do
        withCString (src) $ \ptr ->
          with ptr $ \ptrptr -> glShaderSource shader 1 ptrptr nullPtr

        glCompileShader shader
        with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
          glGetShaderiv shader GL_COMPILE_STATUS ptr
          peek ptr

      if success == GL_FALSE
        then do
          err <- do
            infoLog <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
                glGetShaderiv shader GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
                logsize <- peek ptr
                allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
                    glGetShaderInfoLog shader logsize nullPtr logptr
                    peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr

            return $ unlines [ "Could not compile shader:"
                             , src
                             , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
          error err
        else return shader

compileOGLProgram :: [(String, Integer)] -> [GLuint] -> IO GLuint
compileOGLProgram attribs shaders = do
  (program, success) <- do
     program <- glCreateProgram
     forM_ shaders (glAttachShader program)
     forM_ attribs
       $ \(name, loc) ->
         withCString name
           $ glBindAttribLocation program
           $ fromIntegral loc
     glLinkProgram program

     success <- with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
       glGetProgramiv program GL_LINK_STATUS ptr
       peek ptr
     return (program, success)

  if success == GL_FALSE
  then with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
    glGetProgramiv program GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
    logsize <- peek ptr
    infoLog <- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
      glGetProgramInfoLog program logsize nullPtr logptr
      peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr
    error $ unlines
          [ "Could not link program"
          , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
  else do
    forM_ shaders glDeleteShader
    return program

vertexSource = unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPositionModelSpace;",
    "uniform vec3 windowsize;",
    "void main() {",
    "gl_Position.xyz = vertexPositionModelSpace/windowsize - 1;",
    "gl_Position.y = -gl_Position.y;",
    "gl_Position.w = 1.0;",
fragmentSource = unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "uniform vec3 fill;",
    "out vec3 colour;",
    "void main() { colour = fill; }"

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +2 -2
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ library
                        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal, Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, css-syntax, scientific, text, stylist-traits, fontconfig-pure, harfbuzz-pure
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, css-syntax, scientific, text, stylist-traits, fontconfig-pure, harfbuzz-pure, bytestring
  -- hs-source-dirs:
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:         -Wincomplete-patterns

@@ 31,7 31,7 @@ executable cattrap
  main-is:             Main.hs
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, cattrap, xml, text, css-syntax, stylist-traits, GLUT, gl
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010