
ed7d0445f81669bd8fc7bec6f79a42ce1ca5108a — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 11 months ago 17c324d
Parse CSS4 Grid properties.
4 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs
A Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs
A Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs
M cattrap.cabal
M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +35 -25
@@ 1,29 1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.CSS where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), TrivialPropertyParser)
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern(..))
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS

data CSSBox a = CSSBox {
    display :: Display,
    boxSizing :: BoxSizing,
    cssBox :: PaddedBox Unitted Unitted, -- Some units need to be resolved per font. calc()?
    font :: Pattern,
    inner :: a
    inner :: a,
    gridStyles :: CSSGrid,
    cellStyles :: CSSCell
data BoxSizing = BorderBox | ContentBox
type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text)
auto = (0,"auto")
noborder = Border (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px") (0,"px")

data Display = Block | Grid | Table |
    TableRow | TableHeaderGroup | TableRowGroup | TableFooterGroup | TableCell |
    TableColumn | TableColumnGroup | TableCaption

instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    temp = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = ContentBox,
        display = Block,
        cssBox = PaddedBox {
            B.min = Size auto auto,
            size = Size auto auto,

@@ 33,13 40,18 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
            margin = noborder
        font = temp,
        inner = temp
        inner = temp,
        gridStyles = temp,
        cellStyles = temp
    inherit parent = CSSBox {
        boxSizing = boxSizing parent,
        display = Block,
        cssBox = cssBox (temp :: CSSBox TrivialPropertyParser),
        font = inherit $ font parent,
        inner = inherit $ inner parent
        inner = inherit $ inner parent,
        gridStyles = inherit $ gridStyles parent,
        cellStyles = inherit $ cellStyles parent

    longhand _ self "box-sizing" [Ident "content-box"] = Just self {boxSizing = ContentBox}

@@ 84,6 96,22 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    longhand _ self@CSSBox {cssBox = box} "min-height" toks | Just x <- parseLength' toks =
        Just self { cssBox = box { B.min = (B.min box) { block = x } } }

    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "block"] = Just self { display = Block }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "grid"] = Just self { display = Grid }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table"] = Just self { display = Table }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-row-group"] = Just self {display=TableRowGroup}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-header-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableHeaderGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-footer-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableFooterGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-row"] = Just self {display = TableRow}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-cell"] = Just self {display = TableCell}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-column-group"] =
        Just self { display = TableColumnGroup }
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-column"] = Just self {display = TableColumn}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "table-caption"] = Just self {display=TableCaption}
    longhand _ self "display" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {display = Block }

    longhand a b c d | Just font' <- longhand (font a) (font b) c d = Just b {
        font = font'

@@ 92,22 120,4 @@ instance PropertyParser a => PropertyParser (CSSBox a) where
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

parseLength :: [Token] -> Maybe Unitted
parseLength [Percentage _ x] = Just (n2f x,"%")
parseLength [Dimension _ x unit]
    | n2f x == 0 && unit == "" = Just (0,"px")
    | unit `elem` units = Just (n2f x,unit)
parseLength [Ident "auto"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength [Ident "initial"] = Just (0,"px")
parseLength _ = Nothing
parseLength' [Ident "min-content"] = Just (0,"min-content")
parseLength' [Ident "max-content"] = Just (0,"max-content")
parseLength' [Ident "auto"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength' toks = parseLength toks

units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin vb vi px cm mm Q in pc pt %"

n2f (NVInteger x) = realToFrac x
n2f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x

{-finalizeCSS :: CSSBox -> LayoutItem Length-}

A Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS/Internal.hs +27 -0
@@ 0,0 1,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)

type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text)
auto :: Unitted
auto = (0,"auto")

parseLength :: [Token] -> Maybe Unitted
parseLength [Percentage _ x] = Just (n2f x,"%")
parseLength [Dimension _ x unit]
    | n2f x == 0 && unit == "" = Just (0,"px")
    | unit `elem` units = Just (n2f x,unit)
parseLength [Ident "auto"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength [Ident "initial"] = Just (0,"auto")
parseLength _ = Nothing
parseLength' [Ident "min-content"] = Just (0,"min-content")
parseLength' [Ident "max-content"] = Just (0,"max-content")
parseLength' toks = parseLength toks

units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin vb vi px cm mm Q in pc pt %"

n2f (NVInteger x) = realToFrac x
n2f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x

A Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +139 -0
@@ 0,0 1,139 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS where

import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)

data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
    autoColumns :: Unitted,
    autoFlow :: Axis,
    autoFlowDense :: Bool,
    autoRows :: Unitted,
    templateAreas :: [[Text]],
    templateColumns :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [Text],
    templateRows :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [Text]
data Axis = Row | Col
data CSSCell = CSSCell {
    columnStart :: Placement,
    columnEnd :: Placement,
    rowStart :: Placement,
    rowEnd :: Placement
data Placement = Autoplace | Named Text | Numbered Int (Maybe Text) |
        Span Int (Maybe Text)

instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
    temp = CSSGrid {
        autoColumns = auto,
        autoFlow = Row,
        autoFlowDense = False,
        autoRows = auto,
        templateAreas = [],
        templateColumns = Left [],
        templateRows = Left []
    inherit _ = temp

    longhand _ s "grid-auto-columns" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns=x}
    longhand _ s "grid-auto-rows" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns = x}

    longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "row"] = Just self {
        autoFlow = Row, autoFlowDense = False
    longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "column"] = Just self {
        autoFlow = Col, autoFlowDense = False
    longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "row", Ident "dense"] = Just self {
        autoFlow = Row, autoFlowDense = True
    longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "column", Ident "dense"] = Just self {
        autoFlow = Col, autoFlowDense = True

    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "none"] = Just self {templateAreas = []}
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {templateAreas=[]}
    longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" toks
        | all isString toks, validate [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] =
            Just self { templateAreas = [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] }
        isString (String _) = True
        isString _ = False
        validate grid@(row:rows) =
            all isValidName (concat grid) && all (\x -> length row == length x) rows
        validate [] = False
        isValidName name = Txt.all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') name

    longhand _ self "grid-template-columns" toks | Just x <- parseTemplate toks =
        Just self { templateColumns = x }
    longhand _ self "grid-template-rows" toks | Just x <- parseTemplate toks =
        Just self { templateRows = x}
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

instance PropertyParser CSSCell where
    temp = CSSCell {
        columnStart = Autoplace,
        columnEnd = Autoplace,
        rowStart = Autoplace,
        rowEnd = Autoplace
    inherit _ = temp

    longhand _ self "grid-column-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks =
        Just self { columnStart = x}
    longhand _ s "grid-column-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {columnEnd=x}
    longhand _ s "grid-row-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {rowStart = x}
    longhand _ s "grid-row-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s { rowEnd = x }
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

{-finalizeGrid :: CSSBox -> LayoutItem Length-}

parseFR [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR toks = parseLength toks
parseFR' [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR' toks = parseLength' toks

placement [Ident "auto"] = Just $ Autoplace
placement [Ident x] = Just $ Named x
placement [Number _ (NVInteger x)] = Just $ Numbered (fromEnum x) Nothing
placement [Number _ (NVInteger x), Ident y] = Just $ Numbered (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement [Ident "span", Number _ (NVInteger x)]
    | x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) Nothing
placement [Ident "span", Ident x] = Just $ Span 1 $ Just x
placement [Ident "span", Number _ (NVInteger x), Ident y]
    | x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement [Ident "span", Ident y, Number _ (NVInteger x)]
    | x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement _ = Nothing

parseTemplate [Ident "none"] = Just $ Left []
parseTemplate [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Left []
parseTemplate toks | (tracks@(_:_), []) <- parseTrack toks = Just $ Left tracks
parseTemplate (Ident "subgrid":toks)
    | (names@(_:_), []) <- parseSubgrid toks = Just $ Right names
parseTemplate _ = Nothing
parseTrack (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks,
        ((names,size):cells,toks) <- parseTrack toks' = ((names' ++ names,size):cells,toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks = ([(names',(0,"end"))],toks')
parseTrack (tok:toks) | Just x <- parseFR' [tok] =
    (([], x):fst (parseTrack toks), snd $ parseTrack toks)
parseTrack (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
    | x > 0, (tracks@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseTrack toks =
        (concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) tracks, toks')
parseTrack toks = ([], toks)
parseSubgrid (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks, (names,toks'') <- parseSubgrid toks' =
        (names' ++ names, toks')
parseSubgrid (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
    | x > 0, (names@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseSubgrid toks =
        (concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) names, toks')
parseSubgrid toks = ([], toks)
parseNames (Ident x:toks)
    | Just (names,toks') <- parseNames toks = Just (x:names,toks')
parseNames (RightSquareBracket:toks) = Just ([], toks)
parseNames _ = Nothing

M cattrap.cabal => cattrap.cabal +2 -1
@@ 18,7 18,8 @@ cabal-version:       >=1.10

  exposed-modules:     Graphics.Layout, Graphics.Layout.CSS, Graphics.Layout.Flow,
                        Graphics.Layout.Grid, Graphics.Layout.Box, Graphics.Layout.Arithmetic
                        Graphics.Layout.Grid, Graphics.Layout.Box, Graphics.Layout.Arithmetic,
                        Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal, Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
  -- other-modules:
  -- other-extensions:
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.16, css-syntax, scientific, text, stylist-traits, fontconfig-pure