{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Infrastructure for parsing & desugaring length units & keywords, -- in reference to the selected font. module Graphics.Layout.CSS.Length(Unitted, auto, parseLength, parseLength', n2f, finalizeLength, px2pt, Font'(..)) where import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..)) import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat) import Debug.Trace (trace) -- For warnings. import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font) import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern(..)) import Graphics.Layout.Box -- | A number+unit, prior to resolving side units. -- The unit may alternately represent a keyword, in which case the number is -- ignored & typically set to 0. type Unitted = (Double, Txt.Text) -- | The CSS `auto` keyword. auto :: Unitted auto = (0,"auto") -- | Parse a pre-tokenized CSS length value. parseLength :: [Token] -> Maybe Unitted parseLength [Percentage _ x] = Just (n2f x,"%") parseLength [Dimension _ x unit] | n2f x == 0 && unit == "" = Just (0,"px") | unit `elem` units = Just (n2f x,unit) parseLength [Ident "auto"] = Just (0,"auto") parseLength [Ident "initial"] = Just (0,"auto") parseLength _ = Nothing -- | Variant of `parseLength` which supports min-content & max-content keywords. parseLength' [Ident "min-content"] = Just (0,"min-content") parseLength' [Ident "max-content"] = Just (0,"max-content") parseLength' toks = parseLength toks -- | Supported length units. units = Txt.words "cap ch em ex ic lh rem rlh vh vw vmax vmin px cm mm Q in pc pt %" -- | Convert a lexed number to a Double. n2f :: (Fractional x, RealFloat x) => NumericValue -> x n2f (NVInteger x) = realToFrac x n2f (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x -- | Resolve a parsed length according to the sizing parameters in a given `Font'`. finalizeLength :: Unitted -> Font' -> Length finalizeLength (x,"cap") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'A' finalizeLength (x,"ch") f = Pixels $ x*fontAdvance f '0' finalizeLength (x,"em") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f finalizeLength (x,"") f = Pixels $ x*fontSize f -- For line-height. finalizeLength (x,"ex") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f 'x' finalizeLength (x,"ic") f = Pixels $ x*fontHeight f '水' -- CJK water ideograph finalizeLength (x,"lh") f = Pixels $ x*lineheight f finalizeLength (x,"rem") f = Pixels $ x*rootEm f finalizeLength (x,"rlh") f = Pixels $ x*rlh f finalizeLength (x,"vh") f = Pixels $ x*vh f finalizeLength (x,"vb") f = Pixels $ x*vh f -- TODO: Support vertical text finalizeLength (x,"vw") f = Pixels $ x*vw f finalizeLength (x,"vi") f = Pixels $ x*vw f -- TODO: Support vertical text finalizeLength (x,"vmax") f = Percent $ x*vmax f finalizeLength (x,"vmin") f = Percent $ x*vmin f finalizeLength (x,"px") f = Pixels $ x*scale f finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x*scale f*96/2.54 finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x*96*scale f finalizeLength (x,"mm") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/10 finalizeLength (x,"Q") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"cm") f = Pixels $ x'/40 finalizeLength (x,"pc") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/6 finalizeLength (x,"pt") f | Pixels x' <- finalizeLength (x,"in") f = Pixels $ x'/72 finalizeLength (x,"%") _ = Percent $ x/100 finalizeLength (_,"auto") _ = Auto finalizeLength (_,"min-content") _ = Min finalizeLength (_,"max-content") _ = Preferred finalizeLength (x, " ") _ = Pixels x -- Internal constant value... finalizeLength (_,unit) _ = trace ("Invalid unit " ++ Txt.unpack unit) $ Pixels 0 -- | Convert from a computed length to the "pt" unit. px2pt f x = x / scale f / 96 * 72 -- | A Harfbuzz font with sizing parameters. data Font' = Font' { -- | The Harfbuzz font used to shape text & query character-size information. hbFont :: Font, -- | The FontConfig query result. Useful to incorporate into output rendering. pattern :: Pattern, -- | Query the height of a character. -- Used for cap, ex, or ic units. fontHeight :: Char -> Double, -- | Query the width of a character, used for ch unit. fontAdvance :: Char -> Double, -- | The desired font-size, used for em unit. fontSize :: Double, -- | The root font's size, used for rem unit. rootEm :: Double, -- | The desired line-height, used for lh unit. lineheight :: Double, -- | The root font's line-height, used for rlh unit. rlh :: Double, -- | Scale-factor for vh unit. vh :: Double, -- | Scale-factor for vw unit. vw :: Double, -- | Scale-factor for vmax unit. vmax :: Double, -- | Scale-factor for vmin unit. vmin :: Double, -- | How many device pixels in a CSS px? scale :: Double }