Refine user agent CSS... * Read <img> alt, failing that src. * I'll preprocess HTML forms to insert a better labeled link. * type=button is never meaningful without JS. * Insert alternatives to audio cues that don't come accross yet.
Fix counters parsing & usage.
Parse content & counter properties, cleanup property handling.
Integrate CSS Speech Box Model, improve user agent stylesheet.
Refine useragent CSS to use less 'voice-rate: x-slow' and more 'voice-pitch'.
Upgrade to nonbroken Stylish Haskell.
Psuedo-elements/classes do run, just not correctly.
Integrate stylizer, fix/silence errors. Stylish Haskell's parser is freezing upon certain syntaxes, the commented out code indicates that Rhapsode's logic is fine.
Fixes for CSS engine. * Package default stylesheet in executable. * Test for media attribute. * Decode CSS responses correctly.