
5b9b03db39796dc0993f248954906f9de57c8e81 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 654b3f0
Integrate CSS Speech Box Model, improve user agent stylesheet.
3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

M src/DefaultCSS.hs
M src/Main.hs
M src/SSML.hs
M src/DefaultCSS.hs => src/DefaultCSS.hs +4 -2
@@ 3,6 3,7 @@ module DefaultCSS(userAgentCSS) where
userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "head, link, meta, style, script, title, base {speak: never}",
  "datalist, template {speak: never}",
  "html {speak-as: no-punctuation} body {speak-as: normal}",
  "/** Forms **/",
  "/* Hide buttons that don't do anything */",

@@ 37,6 38,7 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "/** Sectioning **/",
  "footer, header {voice-volume: soft}",
  "nav {speak: never} /* Expose the links for navigation, but not narration */",
  "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, legend, th, summary, dt {voice-stress: strong}",
  "h1 {pause: x-strong; voice-rate: x-slow}",
  "h2 {pause: strong; voice-rate: slow}",

@@ 49,7 51,7 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "hr {pause: x-strong}",
  "p, pre, samp, blockquote {pause: strong}",
  "pre, address, samp {speak-as: literal-punctuation}",
  "pre, samp, code {voice: neutral 2}",
  ":link {cue-before: url(link.wav); voice-pitch: low}",
  ":link:visited {cue-before: url(link.wav) -1db}",

@@ 96,7 98,7 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "abbr[title]::after {content: attr(title); voice-volume: x-soft}",
  "abbr {speak-as: spell-out}",
  "q, blockquote {voice-family: neutral 2}",
  "q, blockquote {voice-family: female 2}",
  "cite {voice-stress: reduce}",
  "dialog:not([open]) {speak: never}",
  "kbd {speak-as: spell-out}",

M src/Main.hs => src/Main.hs +7 -88
@@ 26,7 26,7 @@ import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)

import DefaultCSS
import StyleTree
import qualified SSML
import SSML

main :: IO ()
main = do

@@ 40,6 40,12 @@ main = do
    let transcript = stylize style html
    C8.putStrLn $ renderElLBS $ styleToSSML transcript

renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],
        XML.documentRoot = el,
        XML.documentEpilogue = []

retreiveStyles html manager base = do
    style <- H2C.externalStyles authorStyle testMedia html loadURL
    return style

@@ 62,90 68,3 @@ stylize styles html = H2C.traverseStyles buildNode buildText styles html
        buildNode self children = self {children = children}
        buildText _ txt = Style.temp {content = txt}

styleToSSML StyleTree {speak = False} =
    XML.Element (XML.Name "blank" Nothing Nothing) M.empty []
styleToSSML self =  buildEl0 "prosody" [
            ("volume", volume self),
            ("rate", rate self),
            ("pitch", serializePitch $ pitch self),
            ("range", serializePitch $ range self)
        ] $ buildEl0 "prosody" [
            ("volume", maybeAdjust $ volumeAdjust self),
            ("rate", maybeAdjust $ rateAdjust self),
            ("pitch", maybeAdjust $ pitchAdjust $ pitch self),
            ("range", maybeAdjust $ pitchAdjust $ range self)
        ] $ buildEl0 "emphasis" [("level", stress self)] $
        buildEl0 "say-as" [("interpret-as", speakAs self)] $
        buildEl0 "tts:style" [
            ("field", maybeBool (punctuation self) "punctuation" "punctuation"),
            ("mode", maybeBool (punctuation self) "all" "none")
        ] $ buildVoices (voice self) (
            XML.NodeContent (content self) :
            map (\node -> XML.NodeElement $ styleToSSML node) (children self)

serializePitch Inherit = Nothing
serializePitch (Pitch kw _) = Just kw
serializePitch (Absolute "khz" n) = serializePitch $ Absolute "hz" (1000 * n)
serializePitch (Absolute _ n) | n < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
serializePitch (Relative unit n) = Just $ relativeUnit unit n

relativeUnit "khz" n = relativeUnit "hz" $ 1000 * n
relativeUnit unit n | n < 0 = Txt.pack (show n) `Txt.append` unit
    | otherwise = Txt.pack ('+':show n) `Txt.append` unit

maybeBool (Just True) truthy _ = Just truthy
maybeBool (Just False) _ falsy = Just falsy
maybeBool Nothing _ _ = Nothing

maybeCast (Just n) = Just $ Txt.pack $ show n
maybeCast Nothing = Nothing

maybeAdjust (Just (Unit' unit n)) = Just $ relativeUnit unit n
maybeAdjust Nothing = Nothing

buildVoice (Voice name) children = buildEl "voice" [("name", Just name)] children
buildVoice (VoicePattern age gender variant) children = buildEl "voice" [
        ("age", maybeCast age),
        ("gender", Just gender),
        ("variant", maybeCast variant)
    ] children

buildVoices Nothing = buildEl "blank" []
buildVoices (Just voice) = buildVoice voice

---- XML Output Utils
buildEl name attrs elChildren =
    XML.Element (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) (attrsFromList attrs) elChildren
buildEl0 name attrs child = buildEl name attrs [XML.NodeElement child]

attrsFromList ((name, Just value):attrs) =
    M.insert (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) value $ attrsFromList attrs
attrsFromList ((_, Nothing):attrs) = attrsFromList attrs
attrsFromList [] = M.empty

stripEmptyEls (XML.Element name attrs elChildren) =
    XML.Element name attrs $ stripEmptyNodes elChildren
stripEmptyNodes (XML.NodeElement el@(XML.Element _ attrs elChildren ):nodes)
    | M.null attrs = stripEmptyNodes (elChildren ++ nodes)
    | otherwise = XML.NodeElement (stripEmptyEls el) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes (XML.NodeContent txt : nodes) = -- strip whitespace
    XML.NodeContent (collapseSpaces txt) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes (node:nodes) = stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes [] = []

collapseSpaces txt
    | txt == "" = "" -- Avoids errors from head/tail tests.
    | isSpace $ Txt.head txt = " " `Txt.append` collapseSpaces (Txt.stripStart txt)
    | isSpace $ Txt.last txt = collapseSpaces (Txt.stripEnd txt) `Txt.append` " "
    | otherwise = Txt.unwords $ Txt.words txt

renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],
        XML.documentRoot = stripEmptyEls el,
        XML.documentEpilogue = []

M src/SSML.hs => src/SSML.hs +5 -2
@@ 83,6 83,7 @@ buildBreak self = NodeElement $ buildEl "break" [
        ("strength", strength self),
        ("time", time self)
    ] []
buildCue NoCue = NodeElement $ buildEl "blank" [] []
buildCue self = NodeElement $
    buildEl0 "prosody" [("volume", maybeAdjust $ cueVolume self)] $
    buildEl "audio" [("src", Just $ src self)] []

@@ 118,6 119,8 @@ stripEmptyEls (Element name attrs elChildren) =
stripEmptyNodes (NodeElement el@(Element _ attrs elChildren ):nodes)
    | M.null attrs = stripEmptyNodes (elChildren ++ nodes)
    | otherwise = NodeElement (stripEmptyEls el) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent a : NodeContent b : nodes) =
    stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent (Txt.append a b) : nodes)
stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent txt : nodes) -- strip whitespace
    | Txt.stripStart txt == "" = stripEmptyNodes nodes
    | otherwise = NodeContent (collapseSpaces txt) : stripEmptyNodes nodes

@@ 125,8 128,8 @@ stripEmptyNodes (node:nodes) = stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes [] = []

collapseSpaces txt
    | Txt.stripStart txt == "" = "" -- Avoids errors from head/tail tests.
    | isSpace $ Txt.head txt = " " `Txt.append` collapseSpaces txt
    | txt == "" = "" -- Avoids errors from head/tail tests.
    | isSpace $ Txt.head txt = " " `Txt.append` collapseSpaces (Txt.stripStart txt)
    | isSpace $ Txt.last txt = collapseSpaces (Txt.stripEnd txt) `Txt.append` " "
    | otherwise = Txt.unwords $ Txt.words txt