
ec796896bb8b26a9704a742cb521ad481d0d69ab — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago a59899d
Integrate stylizer, fix/silence errors.

Stylish Haskell's parser is freezing upon certain syntaxes,
the commented out code indicates that Rhapsode's logic is fine.
2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

M src/DefaultCSS.hs
M src/Main.hs
M src/DefaultCSS.hs => src/DefaultCSS.hs +32 -32
@@ 9,30 9,30 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "button[type=button] {speak: never}",
  "button[formaction] {speak: always}",
  "button::before, input[type=button]::before, input[type=submit]::before {",
  "        content: 'Button';",
  "        pitch: high;",
  "select::before, textarea::before, input::before {content: 'Input'; pitch: high}",
  "output::before {content: 'Output'; pitch: high}",
--  "button::before, input[type=button]::before, input[type=submit]::before {",
--  "        content: 'Button';",
--  "        pitch: high;",
--  "}",
--  "select::before, textarea::before, input::before {content: 'Input'; pitch: high}",
--  "output::before {content: 'Output'; pitch: high}",
  "text-area, button, select, input, output {pitch: low}",
  "input, output {content: attr(value)}",
  "text-area {speak-as: literal-punctuation}",
--  "input, output {content: attr(value)}",
--  "text-area {speak-as: literal-punctuation}",
  "option:not([checked]) {speak: never}",
--  "option:not([checked]) {speak: never}",
  "select[multiple] option {cue-before: url(bulletpoint.wav)}",
  "/* Forms themselves require a label in order to support navigation */",
  "form::before {content: 'Form'}",
  "form[action]::before {content: attr(action)}",
  "form[alt]::before {content: attr(alt)}",
  "form[title]::before {content: attr(title)}",
--  "form::before {content: 'Form'}",
--  "form[action]::before {content: attr(action)}",
--  "form[alt]::before {content: attr(alt)}",
--  "form[title]::before {content: attr(title)}",
  "/** Tables **/",
  "table::before {content: 'Table'; voice-volume: x-soft}",
--  "table::before {content: 'Table'; voice-volume: x-soft}",
  "tr {cue-before: url(bulletpoint.wav)}",
  "td, th {cue-before: url(bulletpoint.wav) -1db}",
  "th::th /* Rhapsode-specific, selects inlined table headers */ {speak: never;}",
--  "th::th /* Rhapsode-specific, selects inlined table headers */ {speak: never;}",
  "table caption {voice-volume: soft}",
  "/** Sectioning **/",

@@ 50,8 50,8 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "p, pre, samp, blockquote {pause: strong}",
  "pre, address, samp {speak-as: literal-punctuation}",
  ":link {cue-before: url(link.wav); voice-rate: slow}",
  ":link:visited {cue-before: url(link.wav) -1db}",
--  ":link {cue-before: url(link.wav); voice-rate: slow}",
--  ":link:visited {cue-before: url(link.wav) -1db}",
  "b, strong {voice-rate: x-slow}",
  "i, em {voice-stress: strong}",

@@ 78,29 78,29 @@ userAgentCSS = unlines [
  "ol ol ol ol {counter-reset: -rhaps-ol4}",
  "ol ol ol ol ol {counter-reset: -rhaps-ol5}",
  "ol ol ol ol ol ol {counter-reset: -rhaps-ol6}",
  "ol li::before {content: counter(-rhaps-ol1)}",
  "ol ol li::before {content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2)}",
  "ol ol ol li::before {content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3)}",
  "ol ol ol ol li::before {",
  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4)",
  "ol ol ol ol ol li::before {",
  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4, -rhaps-ol5)",
  "ol ol ol ol ol ol li::before {",
  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4, -rhaps-ol5, -rhaps-ol6)",
--  "ol li::before {content: counter(-rhaps-ol1)}",
--  "ol ol li::before {content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2)}",
--  "ol ol ol li::before {content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3)}",
--  "ol ol ol ol li::before {",
--  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4)",
--  "}",
--  "ol ol ol ol ol li::before {",
--  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4, -rhaps-ol5)",
--  "}",
--  "ol ol ol ol ol ol li::before {",
--  "content: counters(-rhaps-ol1, -rhaps-ol2, -rhaps-ol3, -rhaps-ol4, -rhaps-ol5, -rhaps-ol6)",
--  "}",
  "/** HTML6 **/",
  "abbr[title]::after {content: attr(title); voice-volume: x-soft}",
--  "abbr[title]::after {content: attr(title); voice-volume: x-soft}",
  "abbr {speak-as: spell-out}",
  "q, blockquote {voice-family: neutral 2}",
  "cite {voice-stress: reduce}",
  "dialog:not([open]) {speak: never}",
--  "dialog:not([open]) {speak: never}",
  "kbd {speak-as: spell-out}",
  "progress {content: attr(value) 'of' attr(max)}",
--  "progress {content: attr(value) 'of' attr(max)}"
  "sub {voice-rate: x-fast}",
  "sup {voice-rate: fast}",
  "var {voice-rate: slow}"

M src/Main.hs => src/Main.hs +12 -4
@@ 27,11 27,18 @@ main = do
    -- TODO support more URI schemes, and do nonblocking networking. This could be it's own module.
    request <- HTTP.parseRequest url
    manager <- HTTP.newManager TLS.tlsManagerSettings
    putStrLn "Loading page..."
    response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
    let html = XML.documentRoot $ HTML.parseLBS $ HTTP.responseBody response
    putStrLn "Loaded page!"
    style <- retreiveStyles html manager request
    C8.putStrLn $ HTTP.responseBody response
    C8.putStrLn $ renderElLBS $ stylizeEl style html

renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],
        XML.documentRoot = el,
        XML.documentEpilogue = []

cssPriorityAgent = 1
cssPriorityUser = 2

@@ 39,12 46,12 @@ cssPriorityAuthor = 3

retreiveStyles html manager base = do
    css <- externalStyles html manager base
    return $ authorStyle (css ++ internalStyles html)
    return agentStyle -- $ authorStyle (css ++ internalStyles html) -- FIXME freezes
    emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet Style.TrivialPropertyParser
    emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet MapPropertyParser
    emptyStyle = Style.queryableStyleSheet {Style.priority = cssPriorityAgent}
    agentStyle = CSS.parse emptyStyle $ Txt.pack userAgentCSS
    authorStyle = foldl CSS.parse $ agentStyle {Style.priority = cssPriorityAuthor}
    -- authorStyle = foldl CSS.parse $ agentStyle {Style.priority = cssPriorityAuthor}

externalStyles html manager base = go $ linkedStyles html
    where -- TODO parallelise loads

@@ 97,6 104,7 @@ stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles (XML.NodeElement el:nodes) =
    XML.NodeElement (stylizeEl' up upStyle prev styles el) :
        stylizeNodes up upStyle stylishEl styles nodes
    where stylishEl = Just $ elToStylish el up prev
stylizeNodes a b c d (_:nodes) = stylizeNodes a b c d nodes
stylizeNodes _ _ _ _ [] = []

elToStylish (XML.Element (XML.Name name _ _) attrs _) parent previous =