
Qualify Plain interface.
Future-proof records with options.
Bump version to
Mention changed font size in changelog.
Update formatting in golden files.

All golden files are regenerated to use the new formatting.

This only affects whitespace (including newlines), otherwise the golden
values are perfectly equal. You can check this using the command:
`git show --word-diff-regex='[^[:space:]]'`
Reformat golden test output.

The new format should be more in line with the overall code style and
should be more legible even when extended in the future.
Qualify Plain ParagraphData.
Use concise expression for readFromFile.
Prepare for test modules sharing Golden definitions.
Colocate golden test definitions with specs.
Colocate definitions of golden test paths.
Rename golden files for easier tracking.
Prepare for test modules sharing PrettyShow.
Prepare for test modules sharing font options.
Do not expose modules unnecessarily.
Fix compatibility with base < 4.15.
Make demo font size better match window.
Improve terminology around fragments.
Bump version to
Fix documentation: missing Paginable.