
e9b55ceca3da63a72dba7939a4f252b4c479ae42 — Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago 07b8b39
Reformat golden test output.

The new format should be more in line with the overall code style and
should be more legible even when extended in the future.
1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/PrettyShow.hs
M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/PrettyShow.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/PrettyShow.hs +72 -46
@@ 6,6 6,7 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.PrettyShow

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment (ShapedRun)

@@ 16,11 17,8 @@ newtype ShapedRuns = ShapedRuns { getShapedRuns :: [ShapedRun] }
    deriving (Eq)

instance PrettyShow ShapedRuns where
    prettyShow (ShapedRuns xs) = concat
        [ "["
        , concat $ indentedList indent0 $ map (prettyShow . ShapedRun') xs
        , "]"
    prettyShow (ShapedRuns xs) =
        concat $ commaFirstList indent0 $ map (prettyShow . ShapedRun') xs

newtype ShapedRun' = ShapedRun' ShapedRun

@@ 28,15 26,11 @@ instance PrettyShow ShapedRun' where
    prettyShow (ShapedRun' (x, y, glyphs)) = concat
        [ "("
        , show x
        , ","
        , ", "
        , show y
        , ","
        , newline
        , indent1
        , "["
        , concat $ indentedList indent1 $ map show glyphs
        , "]"
        , ", "
        , newline
        , concat $ commaFirstList indent1 $ map prettyShowPair glyphs
        , ")"

@@ 46,11 40,9 @@ newtype Pages = Pages { getPages :: [Page] }
    deriving (Eq)

instance PrettyShow Pages where
    prettyShow (Pages ps) = concat
        [ "["
        , concat $ indentedList indent0 $ map (prettyShow . Page') ps
        , "]"
    prettyShow (Pages ps) =
        concat (commaFirstList indent0 $ map (prettyShow . Page') ps)
        ++ newline

newtype Page' = Page' Page

@@ 65,49 57,68 @@ instance PrettyShow Page' where

instance PrettyShow ParagraphLayout where
    prettyShow (ParagraphLayout pr sls) = concat
        [ "ParagraphLayout {paragraphRect = "
        [ "ParagraphLayout"
        , newline
        , indent1
        , "{ paragraphRect = "
        , show pr
        , commaSpace
        , "spanLayouts = ["
        , newline
        , indent1
        , concat $ indentedList indent1 $ map prettyShow sls
        , ", spanLayouts = ["
        , newline
        , concat $ commaAloneList indent2 $ map prettyShow sls
        , newline
        , indent1
        , "]}"
        , newline

instance PrettyShow SpanLayout where
    prettyShow (SpanLayout frags) = concat
        [ "SpanLayout ["
        , concat $ inlineList $ map prettyShow frags
        , "]"
        [ "SpanLayout"
        , newline
        , concat $ commaFirstList indent2 $ map prettyShow frags

instance PrettyShow Fragment where
    prettyShow (Fragment r pen glyphs) = concat
        [ "Fragment {fragmentRect = "
        [ "Fragment"
        , newline
        , indent3
        , "{ fragmentRect = "
        , show r
        , commaSpace
        , "fragmentPen = "
        , show pen
        , commaSpace
        , "fragmentGlyphs ="
        , newline
        , indent2
        , "["
        , concat $ indentedList indent2 $ map show glyphs
        , "]"
        , indent3
        , ", fragmentPen = "
        , prettyShowPair pen
        , newline
        , indent1
        , indent3
        , ", fragmentGlyphs ="
        , newline
        , concat $ commaFirstList indent4 $ map prettyShowPair glyphs
        , newline
        , indent3
        , "}"

inlineList :: [String] -> [String]
inlineList items = suffixInit commaSpace items

indentedList :: String -> [String] -> [String]
indentedList indent items = prefixTail indent $ suffixInit commaNewline items
prettyShowPair :: (Show a, Show b) => (a, b) -> String
prettyShowPair (a, b) = "(" ++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b ++ ")"

commaAloneList :: String -> [String] -> [String]
commaAloneList indent items =
    map (indent ++) $
    suffixInit newline $
    intersperse "," $

commaFirstList :: String -> [String] -> [String]
commaFirstList indent [] = [indent ++ "[]"]
commaFirstList indent items =
    prefixHead (indent ++ "[ ") $
    prefixTail (indent ++ ", ") $
    suffixInit newline $
    suffixLast (newline ++ indent ++ "]") $

suffixInit :: String -> [String] -> [String]
suffixInit suffix = mapInit (++ suffix)

@@ 124,6 135,21 @@ mapTail :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapTail _ [] = []
mapTail f (x : xs) = x : (map f xs)

prefixHead :: String -> [String] -> [String]
prefixHead prefix = mapHead (prefix ++)

mapHead :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapHead _ [] = []
mapHead f (x : xs) = f x : xs

suffixLast :: String -> [String] -> [String]
suffixLast suffix = mapLast (++ suffix)

mapLast :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapLast _ [] = []
mapLast f [x] = [f x]
mapLast f (x : y : ys) = x : mapLast f (y : ys)

indent0 :: String
indent0 = ""

@@ 133,11 159,11 @@ indent1 = "    "
indent2 :: String
indent2 = indent1 ++ indent1

newline :: String
newline = "\n"
indent3 :: String
indent3 = indent1 ++ indent2

commaSpace :: String
commaSpace = ", "
indent4 :: String
indent4 = indent1 ++ indent3

commaNewline :: String
commaNewline = "," ++ newline
newline :: String
newline = "\n"