
e92c514980b34e43c2d3958129b94fc8ac0b64dc β€” Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago b6d38fd
Future-proof records with options.
@@ 2,6 2,9 @@

## -- TBD

* Future-proofed `ParagraphOptions` and `SpanOptions` by hiding their
  constructors. Use `defaultParagraphOptions` and `defaultSpanOptions` instead.

## -- TBD

* Increased font size for the "shaped runs" output so that it better fits

M lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout.hs => lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout.hs +4 -3
@@ 27,14 27,15 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
    , Paragraph (Paragraph)
    , ParagraphLayout (ParagraphLayout, paragraphRect, spanLayouts)
    , ParagraphOptions
        ( ParagraphOptions
        , paragraphFont
        ( paragraphFont
        , paragraphLineHeight
        , paragraphMaxWidth
    , Span (Span, spanLength, spanOptions)
    , SpanLayout (SpanLayout)
    , SpanOptions (SpanOptions, spanLanguage)
    , SpanOptions (spanLanguage)
    , defaultParagraphOptions
    , defaultSpanOptions
    , layoutPlain
    , paginate
    , paragraphSpanBounds

M lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphConstruction.hs => lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphConstruction.hs +2 -2
@@ 2,8 2,8 @@
-- Example construction:
-- > let en = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }
-- >     ja = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }
-- > let en = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }
-- >     ja = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }
-- > in "ignored prefix" |< en "one two " >|< ja "δΈ‰ε››" >| "ignored suffix"
-- Special syntax for paragraphs with no contents:

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ParagraphOptions.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ParagraphOptions.hs +15 -2
@@ 1,14 1,19 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphOptions
    ( ParagraphOptions (..)
    , defaultParagraphOptions

import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font, emptyFont)

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.LineHeight

-- | Defines options relevant to the entire paragraph.
-- This record type is likely to be extended in the future.
-- Use `defaultParagraphOptions` and update it with specific record selectors
-- instead of constructing `ParagraphOptions` directly.
data ParagraphOptions = ParagraphOptions

    { paragraphFont :: Font

@@ 27,4 32,12 @@ data ParagraphOptions = ParagraphOptions
    -- be further broken down, it will overflow.

    deriving (Eq, Show)
    deriving (Eq)

-- | `ParagraphOptions` with default values.
defaultParagraphOptions :: ParagraphOptions
defaultParagraphOptions = ParagraphOptions
    { paragraphFont = emptyFont
    , paragraphLineHeight = Normal
    , paragraphMaxWidth = maxBound

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Span.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Span.hs +13 -2
@@ 2,6 2,7 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Span
    ( Span (..)
    , SpanLayout (..)
    , SpanOptions (..)
    , defaultSpanOptions
    , spanFragments
    , spanRects

@@ 25,9 26,13 @@ data Span = Span
    -- ^ Options applying to this specific span.

    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
    deriving (Eq)

-- | Defines options relevant to the layout of a single span of text.
-- This record type is likely to be extended in the future.
-- Use `defaultSpanOptions` and update it with specific record selectors
-- instead of constructing `SpanOptions` directly.
data SpanOptions = SpanOptions

    { spanLanguage :: String

@@ 40,7 45,13 @@ data SpanOptions = SpanOptions

    -- TODO: Add all relevant attributes.
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
    deriving (Eq)

-- | `SpanOptions` with default values.
defaultSpanOptions :: SpanOptions
defaultSpanOptions = SpanOptions
    { spanLanguage = ""

-- | The resulting layout of each span, which may include multiple fragments
-- as required by line breaking, text writing direction, and changes of script.

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain/ParagraphData.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain/ParagraphData.hs +11 -6
@@ 20,28 20,33 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain.ParagraphData

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (Paragraph, ParagraphOptions, SpanOptions (..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
    ( Paragraph
    , ParagraphOptions
    , SpanOptions (spanLanguage)
    , defaultSpanOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphConstruction

-- | Span with text in the Czech language.
cs :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
cs = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "cs" }
cs = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "cs" }

-- | Span with text in the English language.
en :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
en = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }
en = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }

-- | Span with text in the Japanese language.
ja :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
ja = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }
ja = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }

-- | Span with text in the Serbian language.
sr :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
sr = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "sr" }
sr = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "sr" }

-- | Span with text in no language.
zxx :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
zxx = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "zxx" }
zxx = (,) defaultSpanOptions { spanLanguage = "zxx" }

emptyParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
emptyParagraph = "x" |<>| "zzzzzzz"

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs +48 -33
@@ 36,39 36,41 @@ spec = do

        describe "with Arabic font" $ do
            font <- runIO $ loadFont arabicFont 0 testingOptions
            let opts_ = defaultParagraphOptions { paragraphFont = font }

            it "handles input with no spans" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ emptyParagraph opts
                result `shouldBe` emptyLayout

            it "wraps filler text at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ arabicFillerParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "arabicFiller20em"

            it "wraps filler text with spans at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ spannedArabicFillerParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "spannedArabicFiller20em"

            it "spans do not reposition filler text at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let withoutSpans = layoutPlain $ arabicFillerParagraph opts
                let withSpans = layoutPlain $ spannedArabicFillerParagraph opts
                paragraphRect withoutSpans `shouldBe` paragraphRect withSpans

            it "applies hard breaks correctly" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 6000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 6000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ hardBreaksRTLParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "hardBreaksRTL"

        describe "with Devanagari font" $ do
            font <- runIO $ loadFont devanagariFont 0 testingOptions
            let opts_ = defaultParagraphOptions { paragraphFont = font }

            describe "lone accent character" $ do
                    opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                    opts = opts_
                    result = layoutPlain $
                        devanagariAccentParagraph opts

@@ 80,7 82,7 @@ spec = do

            describe "lone accent character after prefix" $ do
                    opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                    opts = opts_
                    result = layoutPlain $
                        devanagariPrefixedAccentParagraph opts

@@ 91,107 93,108 @@ spec = do
                    result `shouldBeGolden` "devanagariPrefixedAccent"

            it "handles input without wrapping" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 9000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ devanagariParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "devanagari"

        describe "with Latin font" $ do
            -- Note: This font does not contain Japanese glyphs.
            font <- runIO $ loadFont latinFont 0 testingOptions
            let opts_ = defaultParagraphOptions { paragraphFont = font }

            it "handles input with no spans" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ emptyParagraph opts
                result `shouldBe` emptyLayout

            it "handles one span with no text" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ emptySpanParagraph opts
                result `shouldBe` emptySpanLayout

            it "handles Czech hello" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHello"

            it "renders an \"ffi\" ligature" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ ligatureParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "ligature"

            it "breaks an \"ffi\" ligature into \"ff\" + \"i\"" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 2418
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 2418 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ ligatureParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "ligatureParagraphBreak1"

            it "breaks an \"ffi\" ligature into \"f\" + \"fi\"" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 1800
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 1800 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ ligatureParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "ligatureParagraphBreak2"

            it "handles mixed languages in LTR layout" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ mixedLanguageLTRParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "mixedLanguageLTR"

            it "handles normal line height" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
                let opts = opts_
                let result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightNormal"

            it "handles larger line height" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font (Absolute 1600) 8000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphLineHeight = Absolute 1600 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightLarger"

            it "handles smaller line height" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font (Absolute 599) 8000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphLineHeight = Absolute 599 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightSmaller"

            it "wraps mid-word when line is narrow" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 1300
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 1300 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHelloParagraphNarrow"

            it "wraps by characters when line is ultra narrow" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 100
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 100 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHelloParagraphUltraNarrow"

            it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"

            it "wraps lorem ipsum at 100em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 100000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 100000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum100em"

            it "wraps lorem ipsum with spans at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ spannedLoremIpsumParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "spannedLoremIpsum20em"

            it "spans do not reposition lorem ipsum at 20em" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
                let withoutSpans = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph opts
                let withSpans = layoutPlain $ spannedLoremIpsumParagraph opts
                paragraphRect withoutSpans `shouldBe` paragraphRect withSpans

            it "wraps mixed-script words correctly" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 6000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 6000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ mixedScriptWordsParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "mixedScriptWords"

            it "trims spaces around lines" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 6000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 6000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ manySpacesParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "manySpaces"

            it "applies hard breaks correctly" $ do
                let opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 5000
                let opts = opts_ { paragraphMaxWidth = 5000 }
                let result = layoutPlain $ hardBreaksLTRParagraph opts
                result `shouldBeGolden` "hardBreaksLTR"

@@ 205,7 208,10 @@ spec = do

            it "wraps filler text with spans at 20em" $ do
                    opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                    opts = defaultParagraphOptions
                        { paragraphFont = font
                        , paragraphMaxWidth = 20000
                    pl = layoutPlain $ spannedArabicFillerParagraph opts
                    popts = PageOptions
                        { pageCurrentHeight = 1000

@@ 221,7 227,10 @@ spec = do

            it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em" $ do
                    opts = ParagraphOptions font Normal 20000
                    opts = defaultParagraphOptions
                        { paragraphFont = font
                        , paragraphMaxWidth = 20000
                    pl = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph opts
                    popts = PageOptions
                        { pageCurrentHeight = 2500

@@ 248,9 257,15 @@ spec = do
        describe "with Latin font" $ do
            let fontPath = latinFont
            font <- runIO $ loadFont fontPath 0 demoOptions
            let shapedRunsSpec = shapedRunsSpecWithFont fontPath font

            shapedRunsSpec "wraps lorem ipsum with spans at 20em"
                opts = defaultParagraphOptions
                    { paragraphFont = font
                    , paragraphMaxWidth = 640
                shapedRunsSpec = shapedRunsSpecWithFont fontPath font

                "wraps lorem ipsum with spans at 20em"
                "spannedLoremIpsum20em" $
                spannedLoremIpsumParagraph $
                ParagraphOptions font Normal 640
                spannedLoremIpsumParagraph opts