
61143e4c27e58f5aac8beb5fa92925173f397e23 — Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago 61cc237
Colocate golden test definitions with specs.
1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs
M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs +30 -62
@@ 1,7 1,5 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayoutSpec (spec) where

import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Golden
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))

@@ 14,15 12,6 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect

type Page = (PageContinuity, ParagraphLayout)

goldenLayoutDir :: FilePath
goldenLayoutDir = ".golden" </> "paragraphLayout"

goldenPagesDir :: FilePath
goldenPagesDir = ".golden" </> "paginatedParagraphLayout"

goldenShapedRunsDir :: FilePath
goldenShapedRunsDir = ".golden" </> "shapedRuns"

goldenPath :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
goldenPath dir name = dir </> name <.> "golden"

@@ 32,44 21,17 @@ actualPath dir name = dir </> name <.> "actual"
fontInfoPath :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
fontInfoPath dir name = dir </> name <.> "fontInfo"

class ShouldBeGolden a where
    shouldBeGolden :: a -> FilePath -> Golden a

instance ShouldBeGolden ParagraphLayout where
    shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
        { output = output_
        , encodePretty = show
        , writeToFile = \ path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
        , readFromFile = \ path -> readFile path >>= return . read
        , goldenFile = goldenPath goldenLayoutDir name
        , actualFile = Just (actualPath goldenLayoutDir name)
        , failFirstTime = True

instance ShouldBeGolden Pages where
    shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
        { output = output_
        , encodePretty = show . getPages
        , writeToFile = \ path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
        , readFromFile = \ path -> readFile path >>= return . Pages . read
        , goldenFile = goldenPath goldenPagesDir name
        , actualFile = Just (actualPath goldenPagesDir name)
        , failFirstTime = True

instance ShouldBeGolden ShapedRuns where
    shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
        { output = output_
        , encodePretty = show . getShapedRuns
        , writeToFile = \ path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
        , readFromFile = \ path -> readFile path >>= return . ShapedRuns . read
        , goldenFile = goldenPath goldenShapedRunsDir name
        , actualFile = Just (actualPath goldenShapedRunsDir name)
        , failFirstTime = True

shapedRuns' :: ParagraphLayout -> ShapedRuns
shapedRuns' = ShapedRuns . shapedRuns
goldenTest :: (PrettyShow a, Show inner, Read inner) =>
    FilePath -> (a -> inner) -> (inner -> a) -> inner -> FilePath -> Golden a
goldenTest goldenDir unwrap wrap innerOutput name = Golden
    { output = wrap innerOutput
    , encodePretty = show . unwrap
    , writeToFile = \ path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
    , readFromFile = \ path -> readFile path >>= return . wrap . read
    , goldenFile = goldenPath goldenDir name
    , actualFile = Just (actualPath goldenDir name)
    , failFirstTime = True

emptyLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptyLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) []

@@ 77,17 39,6 @@ emptyLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) []
emptySpanLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptySpanLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) [SpanLayout []]

-- | Test shaped runs against an expected value, and write metadata about the
-- used font afterwards.
shapedRunsSpecWithFont ::
    FilePath -> Font -> String -> FilePath -> Paragraph -> SpecWith ()
shapedRunsSpecWithFont fontPath font subject name p = do
    let infoPath = fontInfoPath goldenShapedRunsDir name
    let writeInfo = writeFontInfo infoPath fontPath font
    after_ writeInfo $ it subject $ do
        let result = layoutPlain p
        shapedRuns' result `shouldBeGolden` name

paginateAll :: PageOptions -> ParagraphLayout -> [Page]
paginateAll opts pl = case paginate opts pl of
    (c, pl1, next) -> (c, pl1) : case next of

@@ 100,6 51,9 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do

    describe "layoutPlain" $ do
            goldenDir = ".golden" </> "paragraphLayout"
            shouldBeGolden = goldenTest goldenDir id id

        describe "with Arabic font" $ do
            font <- runIO $ loadFont arabicFont 0 testingOptions

@@ 263,6 217,9 @@ spec = do
                result `shouldBeGolden` "hardBreaksLTR"

    describe "paginate" $ do
            goldenDir = ".golden" </> "paginatedParagraphLayout"
            shouldBeGolden = goldenTest goldenDir getPages Pages

        describe "with Arabic font" $ do
            font <- runIO $ loadFont arabicFont 0 testingOptions

@@ 278,7 235,7 @@ spec = do
                        , pageWidows = 2
                    pages = paginateAll popts pl
                Pages pages `shouldBeGolden` "spannedArabicFiller20em"
                pages `shouldBeGolden` "spannedArabicFiller20em"

        describe "with Latin font" $ do
            font <- runIO $ loadFont latinFont 0 testingOptions

@@ 294,9 251,20 @@ spec = do
                        , pageWidows = 3
                    pages = paginateAll popts pl
                Pages pages `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"
                pages `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"

    describe "shaped runs for demo" $ do
            goldenDir = ".golden" </> "shapedRuns"
            shouldBeGolden = goldenTest goldenDir getShapedRuns ShapedRuns
            -- | Test shaped runs against an expected value,
            -- and write metadata about the used font afterwards.
            shapedRunsSpecWithFont fontPath font subject name p = do
                let infoPath = fontInfoPath goldenDir name
                let writeInfo = writeFontInfo infoPath fontPath font
                after_ writeInfo $ it subject $ do
                    let result = layoutPlain p
                    shapedRuns result `shouldBeGolden` name

        describe "with Latin font" $ do
            let fontPath = latinFont