
ref: 800ee36f4344f770200ee5c3c98883da52969565 haskell-stylist/src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs -rw-r--r-- 1.9 KiB
186cbffa — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago
Improve documentation, release version 1.2
6344dc8e — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago
Rework psuedoelement infrastructure so they can be their own boxes.
e5b85906 — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago
Add support for psuedoelements/classes.
00ed62a1 — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago
Code cleanliness fixes.
af343c17 — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago
Switch to new namespace for consistency with other modules like css-syntax.
c1fca3d5 — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago
Draft alternate API.