
c1fca3d5da68761a4b08b93ed0d6f700d73cb705 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 3cd5b4a
Draft alternate API.
A src/Data/CSS/Style.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style.hs +77 -0
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module Data.CSS.Style(
        QueryableStyleSheet(..), queryableStyleSheet,
        PropertyParser(..), cascade
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Index
import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret
import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Specificity
import Data.CSS.Style.Importance
import Data.CSS.Style.Common

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy,
--      or is another Map implementation better?
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

type QueryableStyleSheet parser = QueryableStyleSheet' (ImportanceSplitter (
        PropertyExpander parser (OrderedRuleStore (InterpretedRuleStore StyleIndex))
    )) parser

data QueryableStyleSheet' store parser = QueryableStyleSheet' {
    store :: store,
    parser :: parser,
    priority :: Int -- author vs user agent vs user styles

queryableStyleSheet :: PropertyParser p => QueryableStyleSheet p
queryableStyleSheet = QueryableStyleSheet' {store = new, parser = temp, priority = 0}

instance (RuleStore s, PropertyParser p) => StyleSheet (QueryableStyleSheet' s p) where
    addRule self@(QueryableStyleSheet' store _ priority) rule = self {
            store = addStyleRule store priority $ styleRule' rule

queryRules (QueryableStyleSheet' store _ _) el = lookupRules store el

---- Cascade

cascadeRules rules = cascadeProperties $ concat $ Prelude.map properties rules

cascadeProperties ((name, value):props) = insert name value $ cascadeProperties props

---- Dispatch to property definitions

class PropertyParser a where
    temp :: a
    shorthand :: a -> Text -> [Token] -> [(Text, [Token])]
    shorthand self name value | Just _ <- longhand self self name value = [(name, value)]
        | otherwise = []
    -- longhand parent self name value
    longhand :: a -> a -> Text -> [Token] -> Maybe a

cascade :: PropertyParser p => QueryableStyleSheet p -> Element -> p -> p
cascade self el parent = dispatch parent parent $ toList $ cascadeRules $ queryRules self el

dispatch parent child (name, value):props
    | Just child' <- longhand parent child name value = dispatch parent child' props
    | otherwise = dispatch parent child props

--- Verify syntax during parsing, so invalid properties don't interfere with cascade.
data PropertyExpander parser inner = PropertyExpander parser inner
instance (PropertyParser parser, RuleStore inner) => RuleStore (PropertyExpander parser inner) where
    new = PropertyExpander temp new
    addStyleRule (PropertyExpander parser inner) priority rule =
        PropertyExpander parser $ addStyleRule inner priority $ expandRule parser rule
    lookupRules (PropertyExpander _ inner) el = lookupRules inner el

expandRule parser rule = rule {inner = StyleRule selector $ expandProperties parser properties}
    where (StyleRule selector properties) = inner rule
expandProperties parser ((name, value):props) =
        shorthand parser name value ++ expandProperties parser props
expandProperties _ [] = []

A src/Data/CSS/Style/Common.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Common.hs +44 -0
@@ 0,0 1,44 @@
module Data.CSS.Style.Common(
        RuleStore(..), StyleRule'(..), selector, properties, styleRule',
        Element(..), Attribute(..),
        -- Re-exports
        Text(..), StyleRule(..), Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

data Element = ElementNode {
    parent :: Maybe Element,
    previous :: Maybe Element,
    name :: Text,
    attributes :: [Attribute] -- in sorted order.
data Attribute = Attribute Text String

class RuleStore a where
    new :: a
    addStyleRule :: a -> Int -> StyleRule' -> a
    lookupRules :: a -> Element -> [StyleRule']

type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
data StyleRule' = StyleRule' {
    inner :: StyleRule,
    compiledSelector :: SelectorFunc,
    rank :: (Int, (Int, Int, Int), Int) -- This reads ugly, but oh well.
styleRule' rule = StyleRule' {
    inner = rule,
    compiledSelector = \_ -> True,
    rank = (0, (0, 0, 0), 0)

instance Eq StyleRule' where
    a == b = inner a == inner b
instance Show StyleRule' where show a = show $ inner a
instance Ord StyleRule' where compare x y = rank x `compare` rank y

selector rule | StyleRule selector _ <- inner rule = selector
properties rule | StyleRule _ properties <- inner rule = properties

A src/Data/CSS/Style/Importance.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Importance.hs +28 -0
@@ 0,0 1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.CSS.Style.Importance (
        splitProperties, ImportanceSplitter(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Style.Common

type Property = (Text, [Token])
splitProperties :: [Property] -> ([Property], [Property])
splitProperties (prop@(name, value):rest)
        | (Ident "important":Delim '!':value') <- reverse value =
            (unimportant, (name, reverse value'):important)
        | otherwise = (prop:unimportant, important)
    where (unimportant, important) = splitProperties rest

data ImportanceSplitter a = ImportanceSplitter a
instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (ImportanceSplitter inner) where
    new = ImportanceSplitter new
    addStyleRule (ImportanceSplitter self) priority rule =
            ImportanceSplitter $ addStyleRule (
                addStyleRule self (negate priority) $ buildRule important
            ) priority $ buildRule unimportant
            (important, unimportant) = splitProperties properties
            (StyleRule selector properties) = inner rule
            buildRule properties = rule {inner = StyleRule selector properties}
    lookupRules (ImportanceSplitter self) el = lookupRules self el

A src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Index.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Index.hs +86 -0
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Index (
    ) where

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy.
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.CSS.Style.Common

import Data.Hashable
import Data.Text (unpack, pack)

data StyleIndex = StyleIndex {
    indexed :: HashMap SimpleSelector [StyleRule'],
    unindexed :: [StyleRule']

lookup' :: SimpleSelector -> HashMap SimpleSelector [a] -> [a]
lookup' = lookupDefault []

instance RuleStore StyleIndex where
    new = StyleIndex {indexed = empty, unindexed = []}
    addStyleRule self _ rule | [] == properties rule = self
        | otherwise = addRuleForSelector self rule $ simpleSelector $ selector rule
    lookupRules self element = nub $ Prelude.foldr (++) [] rules
            get key = lookup' key index
            index = indexed self
            rules = unindexed self : Prelude.map get (testsForElement element)

rulesForElement :: StyleIndex -> Element -> [StyleRule] -- For testing
rulesForElement self element = Prelude.map inner $ lookupRules self element


simpleSelector (Element s) = s
simpleSelector (Child _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Descendant _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Adjacent _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Sibling _ s) = s

addRuleForSelector self rule [] = self {unindexed = rule : unindexed self}
addRuleForSelector self rule selector = self {
        indexed = insert key (rule : lookup' key index) index
    } where
        key = selectorKey selector
        index = indexed self

selectorKey (tok@(Tag _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (tok@(Id _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (tok@(Class _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (Property prop _ : _) = Property prop Exists


testsForElement :: Element -> [SimpleSelector]
testsForElement element =
    (Tag $ name element) : (testsForAttributes $ attributes element)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "class" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Class $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "class" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "id" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Id $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "id" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute name _:attrs) =
    Property name Exists : testsForAttributes attrs
testsForAttributes [] = []

-- Implement hashable for SimpleSelector here because it proved challenging to automatically derive it.
instance Hashable SimpleSelector where
    hashWithSalt seed (Tag tag) = seed `hashWithSalt` (0::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack tag
    hashWithSalt seed (Id id) = seed `hashWithSalt` (1::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack id
    hashWithSalt seed (Class class_) = seed `hashWithSalt` (2::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack class_
    hashWithSalt seed (Property prop test) =
        seed `hashWithSalt` (3::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack prop `hashWithSalt` test

instance Hashable PropertyTest where
    hashWithSalt seed Exists = seed `hashWithSalt` (0::Int)
    hashWithSalt seed (Equals val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (1::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Suffix val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (2::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Prefix val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (3::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Substring val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (4::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Include val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (5::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Dash val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (6::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val

A src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs +89 -0
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret(
        compile, SelectorFunc(..),
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Style.Common

import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
type AttrsFunc = [Attribute] -> Bool

compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc
compile (Element selector) = compileInner selector
compile (Child upSelector selector) = direct parent (compile upSelector) $ compileInner selector
compile (Descendant up sel) = indirect parent (compile up) $ compileInner sel
compile (Adjacent up sel) = direct previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel
compile (Sibling up sel) = indirect previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel

compileInner selector = compileInner' $ lowerInner selector
compileInner' :: (Maybe Text, [(Text, String -> Bool)]) -> SelectorFunc
compileInner' (Just tag, attributes) = testTag tag $ testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) matched
compileInner' (Nothing, attributes) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) matched
compileAttrs :: [(Text, String -> Bool)] -> AttrsFunc
compileAttrs ((name, test):attrs) = testAttr name test $ compileAttrs attrs
compileAttrs [] = matched

lowerInner (Tag tag:selector) = (Just tag, snd $ lowerInner selector)
lowerInner (Id id:s) = (tag, ("id", hasWord $ unpack id):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tag, ("class", hasWord $ unpack c):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Property name test:s) = (tag, (name, compileAttrTest test):tail)
    where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner [] = (Nothing, [])

compileAttrTest Exists = matched
compileAttrTest (Equals val) = (== (unpack val))
compileAttrTest (Suffix val) = isSuffixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Prefix val) = isPrefixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Substring val) = isInfixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Include val) = hasWord $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Dash val) = hasLang $ unpack val

sortAttrs = sortBy compareAttrs where compareAttrs x y = fst x `compare` fst y

---- Runtime
testTag :: Text -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
testTag tag success el | name el == tag = success el
    | otherwise = False
testAttrs :: AttrsFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
testAttrs attrsTest success el | attrsTest $ attributes el = success el
    | otherwise = False
direct traverser upTest test el
    | Just parent <- traverser el = test el && upTest parent
    | otherwise = False
indirect :: (Element -> Maybe Element) -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
indirect traverser upTest test el | Nothing <- traverser el = False
    | not $ test el = False
    | upTest (fromJust $ traverser el) = True
    | otherwise = indirect traverser upTest test $ fromJust $ traverser el
matched _ = True

testAttr :: Text -> (String -> Bool) -> AttrsFunc -> AttrsFunc
testAttr expected test next attrs@(Attribute name value : attrs')
    | name < expected = testAttr expected test next attrs'
    | name > expected = False
    | name == expected && test value = next attrs
    | otherwise = False
testAttr _ _ _ [] = False

hasWord expected value = expected `elem` words value
hasLang expected value = expected == value || isPrefixOf (expected ++ "-") value

---- RuleStore wrapper
data InterpretedRuleStore inner = InterpretedRuleStore inner
instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (InterpretedRuleStore inner) where
    new = InterpretedRuleStore new
    addStyleRule (InterpretedRuleStore self) priority rule =
        InterpretedRuleStore $ addStyleRule self priority $ rule {
            compiledSelector = compile $ selector rule
    lookupRules (InterpretedRuleStore self) el = filter call $ lookupRules self el
        where call (StyleRule' _ test _) = test el

A src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs +36 -0
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module Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Specificity(
    ) where

import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Data.CSS.Style.Common
import Data.List

computeSpecificity :: Selector -> (Int, Int, Int)
computeSpecificity (Element selector) = computeSpecificity' selector
computeSpecificity (Child upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Descendant upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Adjacent upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Sibling upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel

computeSpecificity' (Tag _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 0, 1)
computeSpecificity' (Class _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 1, 0)
computeSpecificity' (Property _ _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 1, 0)
computeSpecificity' (Id _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (1, 0, 0)
computeSpecificity' [] = (0, 0, 0)

add :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
add (a, b, c) (x, y, z) = (a + x, b + y, c + z)


data OrderedRuleStore inner = OrderedRuleStore inner Int

instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (OrderedRuleStore inner) where
    new = OrderedRuleStore new 0
    addStyleRule (OrderedRuleStore self count) priority rule = OrderedRuleStore (
            addStyleRule self priority $ rule {
                rank = (priority, computeSpecificity $ selector rule, count)
        ) (count + 1)
    lookupRules (OrderedRuleStore self _) el = sort $ lookupRules self el

A src/Data/CSS/Syntax/Selector.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/Selector.hs +75 -0
@@ 0,0 1,75 @@
module Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector(
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..),
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

-- type Selector = [SimpleSelector]
data Selector = Element [SimpleSelector] |
    Child Selector [SimpleSelector] | Descendant Selector [SimpleSelector] |
    Adjacent Selector [SimpleSelector] | Sibling Selector [SimpleSelector]
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpleSelector = Tag Text | Id Text | Class Text | Property Text PropertyTest
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data PropertyTest = Exists | Equals Text | Suffix Text | Prefix Text | Substring Text |
    Include Text | Dash Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

parseSelectors :: [Token] -> ([Selector], [Token])
parseSelectors tokens = concatP (:) parseCompound parseSelectorsTail $ skipSpace tokens
parseSelectorsTail (Comma:tokens) = parseSelectors tokens
parseSelectorsTail tokens = ([], tokens)
parseCompound tokens = parseCombinators (Element selector) tokens'
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector' op tokens = (op:selector, tokens')
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector (Delim '*':tokens) = parseSelector tokens
parseSelector (Ident tag:tokens) = parseSelector' (Tag tag) tokens
parseSelector (Hash _ id:tokens) = parseSelector' (Id id) tokens
parseSelector (Delim '.':Ident class_:tokens) = parseSelector' (Class class_) tokens
parseSelector (LeftSquareBracket:Ident prop:tokens) =
        concatP appendPropertySel parsePropertySel parseSelector tokens
    where appendPropertySel test selector = Property prop test : selector
parseSelector tokens = ([], tokens)

parseCombinators' selector tokens = parseCombinators selector' tokens'
    where (selector', tokens') = parseCombinator selector tokens
parseCombinators selector (Whitespace:tokens) = parseCombinators' selector tokens
parseCombinators selector tokens@(Delim c:_) = parseCombinators' selector tokens
parseCombinators selector tokens = (selector, tokens)

parseCombinator' cb selector tokens = (cb selector selector', tokens')
    where (selector', tokens') = parseSelector $ skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator :: Selector -> [Token] -> (Selector, [Token])
parseCombinator selector (Whitespace:tokens) = parseCombinator selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '>':tokens) = parseCombinator' Child selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '~':tokens) = parseCombinator' Sibling selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '+':tokens) = parseCombinator' Adjacent selector tokens
-- Take special care to avoid adding a trailing Descendant when not needed.
parseCombinator selector tokens@(LeftCurlyBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightCurlyBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightSquareBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(Comma:_) = (selector, tokens)

parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightParen:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector [] = (selector, [])

parseCombinator selector tokens = parseCombinator' Descendant selector tokens

parsePropertySel (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (Exists, tokens)
parsePropertySel (Delim '=':tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Equals) tokens
parsePropertySel (SuffixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Suffix) tokens
parsePropertySel (PrefixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Prefix) tokens
parsePropertySel (SubstringMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Substring) tokens
parsePropertySel (IncludeMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Include) tokens
parsePropertySel (DashMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Dash) tokens
parsePropertySel tokens = (Exists, skipBlock tokens)

parsePropertyVal wrapper (Ident val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)
parsePropertyVal wrapper (String val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)

A src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StyleSheet.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StyleSheet.hs +96 -0
@@ 0,0 1,96 @@
module Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet (
        parse, TrivialStyleSheet(..),
        StyleSheet(..), skipAtRule,
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

---- Output type class
class StyleSheet s where
    addRule :: s -> StyleRule -> s
    addAtRule :: s -> Text -> [Token] -> (s, [Token])
    addAtRule self _ tokens = (self, skipAtRule tokens)

addRules self (selector:selectors, properties) = addRules self' (selectors, properties)
    where self' = addRule self $ StyleRule selector properties
addRules self ([], _) = self

data StyleRule = StyleRule Selector [(Text, [Token])] deriving (Show, Eq)

data TrivialStyleSheet = TrivialStyleSheet [StyleRule] deriving (Show, Eq)
instance StyleSheet TrivialStyleSheet where
    addRule (TrivialStyleSheet self) rule = TrivialStyleSheet $ rule:self

---- Basic parsing
parse :: StyleSheet s => s -> Text -> s
parse stylesheet source = parse' stylesheet $ tokenize source

-- Things to skip.
parse' stylesheet (Whitespace:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDO:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDC:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (Comma:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens -- TODO issue warnings.

parse' stylesheet [] = stylesheet

parse' stylesheet (AtKeyword kind:tokens) = parse' stylesheet' tokens'
    where (stylesheet', tokens') = addAtRule stylesheet kind tokens
parse' stylesheet tokens = parse' (addRules stylesheet rule) tokens'
    where (rule, tokens') = concatP (,) parseSelectors parseProperties tokens

---- Property parsing
parseProperties (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties tokens
parseProperties [] = ([], [])

parseProperties' (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties' (Ident name:tokens)
    | Colon:tokens' <- skipSpace tokens =
        concatP appendProp scanValue parseProperties' tokens'
    where appendProp value tail = (name, value):tail
parseProperties' (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], tokens)
parseProperties' [] = ([], [])
parseProperties' tokens = parseProperties' (skipValue tokens)

---- Skipping/Scanning utilities
skipAtRule :: [Token] -> [Token]
skipAtRule (Semicolon:tokens) = tokens
skipAtRule (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = skipBlock tokens

skipAtRule (LeftParen:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
skipAtRule (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
skipAtRule (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = RightCurlyBracket:tokens
skipAtRule (RightParen:tokens) = RightParen:tokens
skipAtRule (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = RightSquareBracket:tokens

skipAtRule (_:tokens) = skipAtRule tokens
skipAtRule [] = []

scanValue (Semicolon:tokens) = ([], tokens)
scanValue (Whitespace:tokens) = scanValue tokens

scanValue (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
scanValue (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], RightCurlyBracket:tokens)
scanValue (RightParen:tokens) = ([], RightParen:tokens)
scanValue (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([], RightSquareBracket:tokens)

scanValue tokens = capture scanValue tokens

skipValue tokens = snd $ scanValue tokens

A src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StylishUtil.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StylishUtil.hs +34 -0
@@ 0,0 1,34 @@
module Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils(
        concatP, capture, skipSpace,
        scanBlock, skipBlock, scanInner
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

concatP join left right tokens = (join x y, remainder)
        (x, tokens') = left tokens
        (y, remainder) = right tokens'

capture cb (token:tokens) = (token:captured, tokens')
   where (captured, tokens') = cb tokens
capture _ [] = ([], [])

skipSpace (Whitespace:tokens) = skipSpace tokens
skipSpace tokens = tokens

-- TODO assert closing tags are correct
--    But what should the error recovery be?
scanBlock (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([RightCurlyBracket], tokens)
scanBlock (RightParen:tokens) = ([RightParen], tokens)
scanBlock (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([RightSquareBracket], tokens)

scanBlock (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock

scanBlock tokens = capture scanBlock tokens

skipBlock tokens = snd $ scanBlock tokens

scanInner tokens cb = concatP (++) scanBlock cb tokens