
af343c17aff209814fad0bbc9918eb2fda049ee7 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago c1fca3d
Switch to new namespace for consistency with other modules like css-syntax.
18 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)

M src/Data/CSS/Style.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/Selector.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StyleSheet.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StylishUtil.hs
D src/Stylish/Element.hs
D src/Stylish/Parse.hs
D src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs
D src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs
D src/Stylish/Style.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Common.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Importance.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Index.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs
D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs
M stylish-haskell.cabal
M test/Test.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Style.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style.hs +2 -1
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@ import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret
import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Specificity
import Data.CSS.Style.Importance
import Data.CSS.Style.Common
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet (StyleSheet(..))

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy,
--      or is another Map implementation better?

@@ 58,7 59,7 @@ class PropertyParser a where
cascade :: PropertyParser p => QueryableStyleSheet p -> Element -> p -> p
cascade self el parent = dispatch parent parent $ toList $ cascadeRules $ queryRules self el

dispatch parent child (name, value):props
dispatch parent child ((name, value):props)
    | Just child' <- longhand parent child name value = dispatch parent child' props
    | otherwise = dispatch parent child props

M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs +1 -1
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@ module Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Specificity(
    ) where

import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector
import Data.CSS.Style.Common
import Data.List

M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/Selector.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/Selector.hs +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ module Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector(
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtil

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StyleSheet.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StyleSheet.hs +1 -1
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@ module Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet (

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtil

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

M src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StylishUtil.hs => src/Data/CSS/Syntax/StylishUtil.hs +1 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
module Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtils(
module Data.CSS.Syntax.StylishUtil(
        concatP, capture, skipSpace,
        scanBlock, skipBlock, scanInner
    ) where

D src/Stylish/Element.hs => src/Stylish/Element.hs +0 -13
@@ 1,13 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Element(
        Element(..), Attribute(..)
    ) where

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

data Element = ElementNode {
    parent :: Maybe Element,
    previous :: Maybe Element,
    name :: Text,
    attributes :: [Attribute] -- in sorted order.
data Attribute = Attribute Text String

D src/Stylish/Parse.hs => src/Stylish/Parse.hs +0 -98
@@ 1,98 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse (
        parse, TrivialStyleSheet(..),
        StyleSheet, addRule, addAtRule,
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Stylish.Parse.Utils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

---- Output type class
class StyleSheet s where
    addRule :: s -> StyleRule -> s
    addAtRule :: s -> Text -> [Token] -> (s, [Token])
    addAtRule self _ tokens = (self, skipAtRule tokens)

addRules self (selector:selectors, properties) = addRules self' (selectors, properties)
    where self' = addRule self $ StyleRule selector properties
addRules self ([], _) = self

data StyleRule = StyleRule Selector [(Text, [Token])] deriving (Show, Eq)

data TrivialStyleSheet = TrivialStyleSheet [StyleRule] deriving (Show, Eq)
instance StyleSheet TrivialStyleSheet where
    addRule (TrivialStyleSheet self) rule = TrivialStyleSheet $ rule:self

---- Basic parsing
parse :: StyleSheet s => s -> Text -> s
parse stylesheet source = parse' stylesheet $ tokenize source

-- Things to skip.
parse' stylesheet (Whitespace:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDO:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDC:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (Comma:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens -- TODO issue warnings.

parse' stylesheet [] = stylesheet

parse' stylesheet (AtKeyword kind:tokens) = parse' stylesheet' tokens'
    where (stylesheet', tokens') = addAtRule stylesheet kind tokens
parse' stylesheet tokens = parse' (addRules stylesheet rule) tokens'
    where (rule, tokens') = concatP (,) parseSelectors parseProperties tokens

---- Property parsing
parseProperties (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties tokens
parseProperties [] = ([], [])

parseProperties' (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties' (Ident name:tokens)
    | Colon:tokens' <- skipSpace tokens =
        concatP appendProp scanValue parseProperties' tokens'
    where appendProp value tail = (name, value):tail
parseProperties' (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], tokens)
parseProperties' [] = ([], [])
parseProperties' tokens = parseProperties' (skipValue tokens)

---- Skipping/Scanning utilities
skipAtRule :: [Token] -> [Token]
skipAtRule (Semicolon:tokens) = tokens
skipAtRule (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = skipBlock tokens

skipAtRule (LeftParen:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
skipAtRule (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
skipAtRule (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = RightCurlyBracket:tokens
skipAtRule (RightParen:tokens) = RightParen:tokens
skipAtRule (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = RightSquareBracket:tokens

skipAtRule (_:tokens) = skipAtRule tokens
skipAtRule [] = []

scanValue (Semicolon:tokens) = ([], tokens)
scanValue (Whitespace:tokens) = scanValue tokens

scanValue (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
scanValue (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], RightCurlyBracket:tokens)
scanValue (RightParen:tokens) = ([], RightParen:tokens)
scanValue (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([], RightSquareBracket:tokens)

scanValue tokens = capture scanValue tokens

skipValue tokens = snd $ scanValue tokens

D src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs => src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs +0 -75
@@ 1,75 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Selector(
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..),
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse.Utils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

-- type Selector = [SimpleSelector]
data Selector = Element [SimpleSelector] |
    Child Selector [SimpleSelector] | Descendant Selector [SimpleSelector] |
    Adjacent Selector [SimpleSelector] | Sibling Selector [SimpleSelector]
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data SimpleSelector = Tag Text | Id Text | Class Text | Property Text PropertyTest
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data PropertyTest = Exists | Equals Text | Suffix Text | Prefix Text | Substring Text |
    Include Text | Dash Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

parseSelectors :: [Token] -> ([Selector], [Token])
parseSelectors tokens = concatP (:) parseCompound parseSelectorsTail $ skipSpace tokens
parseSelectorsTail (Comma:tokens) = parseSelectors tokens
parseSelectorsTail tokens = ([], tokens)
parseCompound tokens = parseCombinators (Element selector) tokens'
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector' op tokens = (op:selector, tokens')
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector (Delim '*':tokens) = parseSelector tokens
parseSelector (Ident tag:tokens) = parseSelector' (Tag tag) tokens
parseSelector (Hash _ id:tokens) = parseSelector' (Id id) tokens
parseSelector (Delim '.':Ident class_:tokens) = parseSelector' (Class class_) tokens
parseSelector (LeftSquareBracket:Ident prop:tokens) =
        concatP appendPropertySel parsePropertySel parseSelector tokens
    where appendPropertySel test selector = Property prop test : selector
parseSelector tokens = ([], tokens)

parseCombinators' selector tokens = parseCombinators selector' tokens'
    where (selector', tokens') = parseCombinator selector tokens
parseCombinators selector (Whitespace:tokens) = parseCombinators' selector tokens
parseCombinators selector tokens@(Delim c:_) = parseCombinators' selector tokens
parseCombinators selector tokens = (selector, tokens)

parseCombinator' cb selector tokens = (cb selector selector', tokens')
    where (selector', tokens') = parseSelector $ skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator :: Selector -> [Token] -> (Selector, [Token])
parseCombinator selector (Whitespace:tokens) = parseCombinator selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '>':tokens) = parseCombinator' Child selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '~':tokens) = parseCombinator' Sibling selector tokens
parseCombinator selector (Delim '+':tokens) = parseCombinator' Adjacent selector tokens
-- Take special care to avoid adding a trailing Descendant when not needed.
parseCombinator selector tokens@(LeftCurlyBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightCurlyBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightSquareBracket:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector tokens@(Comma:_) = (selector, tokens)

parseCombinator selector tokens@(RightParen:_) = (selector, tokens)
parseCombinator selector [] = (selector, [])

parseCombinator selector tokens = parseCombinator' Descendant selector tokens

parsePropertySel (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (Exists, tokens)
parsePropertySel (Delim '=':tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Equals) tokens
parsePropertySel (SuffixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Suffix) tokens
parsePropertySel (PrefixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Prefix) tokens
parsePropertySel (SubstringMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Substring) tokens
parsePropertySel (IncludeMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Include) tokens
parsePropertySel (DashMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Dash) tokens
parsePropertySel tokens = (Exists, skipBlock tokens)

parsePropertyVal wrapper (Ident val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)
parsePropertyVal wrapper (String val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)

D src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs => src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs +0 -34
@@ 1,34 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Utils(
        concatP, capture, skipSpace,
        scanBlock, skipBlock, scanInner
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

concatP join left right tokens = (join x y, remainder)
        (x, tokens') = left tokens
        (y, remainder) = right tokens'

capture cb (token:tokens) = (token:captured, tokens')
   where (captured, tokens') = cb tokens
capture _ [] = ([], [])

skipSpace (Whitespace:tokens) = skipSpace tokens
skipSpace tokens = tokens

-- TODO assert closing tags are correct
--    But what should the error recovery be?
scanBlock (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([RightCurlyBracket], tokens)
scanBlock (RightParen:tokens) = ([RightParen], tokens)
scanBlock (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([RightSquareBracket], tokens)

scanBlock (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock

scanBlock tokens = capture scanBlock tokens

skipBlock tokens = snd $ scanBlock tokens

scanInner tokens cb = concatP (++) scanBlock cb tokens

D src/Stylish/Style.hs => src/Stylish/Style.hs +0 -25
@@ 1,25 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Style(
    ) where

style :: Style a => Stylist a -> Element -> a
-- Stylist consists of internal types, implements StyleSheet.

class Style s where
    initial :: s
    shorthand :: Text -> [Token] -> [(Text, [Token])]
    shorthand name value
        | Just _ <- longhand initial initial name value = (name, value)
        | otherwise = []
    longhand :: s -> s -> Text -> [Token] -> Maybe s

data Element = Element {
    prev :: Maybe Element,
    parent :: Maybe Element,
    name :: Text,
    attrs :: [Attribute]
data Attribute = Attr Text Text

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector.hs +0 -80
@@ 1,80 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Style.Selector(
        QueryableStyleSheet(..), queryableStyleSheet,
        PropertyParser(..), cascade
    ) where

import Stylish.Style.Selector.Index
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Interpret
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Specificity
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Importance
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common

import Stylish.Parse (StyleSheet(..), StyleRule(..))

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy,
--      or is another Map implementation better?
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

type QueryableStyleSheet parser = QueryableStyleSheet' (ImportanceSplitter (
        PropertyExpander parser (OrderedRuleStore (InterpretedRuleStore StyleIndex))
    )) parser

data QueryableStyleSheet' store parser = QueryableStyleSheet' {
    store :: store,
    parser :: parser,
    priority :: Int -- author vs user agent vs user styles

queryableStyleSheet :: PropertyParser p => QueryableStyleSheet p
queryableStyleSheet = QueryableStyleSheet' {store = new, parser = temp, priority = 0}

instance (RuleStore s, PropertyParser p) => StyleSheet (QueryableStyleSheet' s p) where
    addRule self@(QueryableStyleSheet' store _ priority) rule = self {
            store = addStyleRule store priority $ styleRule' rule

queryRules (QueryableStyleSheet' store _ _) el = lookupRules store el

---- Cascade

cascadeRules rules = cascadeProperties $ concat $ Prelude.map properties rules

cascadeProperties ((name, value):props) = insert name value $ cascadeProperties props

---- Dispatch to property definitions

class PropertyParser a where
    temp :: a
    shorthand :: a -> Text -> [Token] -> [(Text, [Token])]
    shorthand self name value | Just _ <- longhand self self name value = [(name, value)]
        | otherwise = []
    -- longhand parent self name value
    longhand :: a -> a -> Text -> [Token] -> Maybe a

cascade :: PropertyParser p => QueryableStyleSheet p -> Element -> p -> p
cascade self el parent = dispatch parent parent $ toList $ cascadeRules $ queryRules self el

dispatch parent child (name, value):props
    | Just child' <- longhand parent child name value = dispatch parent child' props
    | otherwise = dispatch parent child props

--- Verify syntax during parsing, so invalid properties don't interfere with cascade.
data PropertyExpander parser inner = PropertyExpander parser inner
instance (PropertyParser parser, RuleStore inner) => RuleStore (PropertyExpander parser inner) where
    new = PropertyExpander temp new
    addStyleRule (PropertyExpander parser inner) priority rule =
        PropertyExpander parser $ addStyleRule inner priority $ expandRule parser rule
    lookupRules (PropertyExpander _ inner) el = lookupRules inner el

expandRule parser rule = rule {inner = StyleRule selector $ expandProperties parser properties}
    where (StyleRule selector properties) = inner rule
expandProperties parser ((name, value):props) =
        shorthand parser name value ++ expandProperties parser props
expandProperties _ [] = []

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Common.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Common.hs +0 -31
@@ 1,31 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Style.Selector.Common(
        RuleStore(..), StyleRule'(..), selector, properties, styleRule'
    ) where

import Stylish.Element
import Stylish.Parse

class RuleStore a where
    new :: a
    addStyleRule :: a -> Int -> StyleRule' -> a
    lookupRules :: a -> Element -> [StyleRule']

type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
data StyleRule' = StyleRule' {
    inner :: StyleRule,
    compiledSelector :: SelectorFunc,
    rank :: (Int, (Int, Int, Int), Int) -- This reads ugly, but oh well.
styleRule' rule = StyleRule' {
    inner = rule,
    compiledSelector = \_ -> True,
    rank = (0, (0, 0, 0), 0)

instance Eq StyleRule' where
    a == b = inner a == inner b
instance Show StyleRule' where show a = show $ inner a
instance Ord StyleRule' where compare x y = rank x `compare` rank y

selector rule | StyleRule selector _ <- inner rule = selector
properties rule | StyleRule _ properties <- inner rule = properties

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Importance.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Importance.hs +0 -30
@@ 1,30 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stylish.Style.Selector.Importance (
        splitProperties, ImportanceSplitter(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Stylish.Parse (StyleRule(..))
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common

type Property = (Text, [Token])
splitProperties :: [Property] -> ([Property], [Property])
splitProperties (prop@(name, value):rest)
        | (Ident "important":Delim '!':value') <- reverse value =
            (unimportant, (name, reverse value'):important)
        | otherwise = (prop:unimportant, important)
    where (unimportant, important) = splitProperties rest

data ImportanceSplitter a = ImportanceSplitter a
instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (ImportanceSplitter inner) where
    new = ImportanceSplitter new
    addStyleRule (ImportanceSplitter self) priority rule =
            ImportanceSplitter $ addStyleRule (
                addStyleRule self (negate priority) $ buildRule important
            ) priority $ buildRule unimportant
            (important, unimportant) = splitProperties properties
            (StyleRule selector properties) = inner rule
            buildRule properties = rule {inner = StyleRule selector properties}
    lookupRules (ImportanceSplitter self) el = lookupRules self el

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Index.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Index.hs +0 -89
@@ 1,89 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stylish.Style.Selector.Index (
    ) where

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy.
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.List (nub)
import Stylish.Parse
import Stylish.Element
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common

import Data.Hashable
import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

data StyleIndex = StyleIndex {
    indexed :: HashMap SimpleSelector [StyleRule'],
    unindexed :: [StyleRule']

lookup' :: SimpleSelector -> HashMap SimpleSelector [a] -> [a]
lookup' = lookupDefault []

instance RuleStore StyleIndex where
    new = StyleIndex {indexed = empty, unindexed = []}
    addStyleRule self _ rule | [] == properties rule = self
        | otherwise = addRuleForSelector self rule $ simpleSelector $ selector rule
    lookupRules self element = nub $ Prelude.foldr (++) [] rules
            get key = lookup' key index
            index = indexed self
            rules = unindexed self : Prelude.map get (testsForElement element)

rulesForElement :: StyleIndex -> Element -> [StyleRule] -- For testing
rulesForElement self element = Prelude.map inner $ lookupRules self element


simpleSelector (Element s) = s
simpleSelector (Child _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Descendant _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Adjacent _ s) = s
simpleSelector (Sibling _ s) = s

addRuleForSelector self rule [] = self {unindexed = rule : unindexed self}
addRuleForSelector self rule selector = self {
        indexed = insert key (rule : lookup' key index) index
    } where
        key = selectorKey selector
        index = indexed self

selectorKey (tok@(Tag _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (tok@(Id _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (tok@(Class _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (Property prop _ : _) = Property prop Exists


testsForElement :: Element -> [SimpleSelector]
testsForElement element =
    (Tag $ name element) : (testsForAttributes $ attributes element)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "class" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Class $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "class" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "id" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Id $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "id" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute name _:attrs) =
    Property name Exists : testsForAttributes attrs
testsForAttributes [] = []

-- Implement hashable for SimpleSelector here because it proved challenging to automatically derive it.
instance Hashable SimpleSelector where
    hashWithSalt seed (Tag tag) = seed `hashWithSalt` (0::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack tag
    hashWithSalt seed (Id id) = seed `hashWithSalt` (1::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack id
    hashWithSalt seed (Class class_) = seed `hashWithSalt` (2::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack class_
    hashWithSalt seed (Property prop test) =
        seed `hashWithSalt` (3::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack prop `hashWithSalt` test

instance Hashable PropertyTest where
    hashWithSalt seed Exists = seed `hashWithSalt` (0::Int)
    hashWithSalt seed (Equals val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (1::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Suffix val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (2::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Prefix val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (3::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Substring val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (4::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Include val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (5::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val
    hashWithSalt seed (Dash val) = seed `hashWithSalt` (6::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack val

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs +0 -92
@@ 1,92 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stylish.Style.Selector.Interpret(
        compile, SelectorFunc(..),
    ) where

import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Stylish.Element
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
type AttrsFunc = [Attribute] -> Bool

compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc
compile (Element selector) = compileInner selector
compile (Child upSelector selector) = direct parent (compile upSelector) $ compileInner selector
compile (Descendant up sel) = indirect parent (compile up) $ compileInner sel
compile (Adjacent up sel) = direct previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel
compile (Sibling up sel) = indirect previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel

compileInner selector = compileInner' $ lowerInner selector
compileInner' :: (Maybe Text, [(Text, String -> Bool)]) -> SelectorFunc
compileInner' (Just tag, attributes) = testTag tag $ testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) matched
compileInner' (Nothing, attributes) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) matched
compileAttrs :: [(Text, String -> Bool)] -> AttrsFunc
compileAttrs ((name, test):attrs) = testAttr name test $ compileAttrs attrs
compileAttrs [] = matched

lowerInner (Tag tag:selector) = (Just tag, snd $ lowerInner selector)
lowerInner (Id id:s) = (tag, ("id", hasWord $ unpack id):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tag, ("class", hasWord $ unpack c):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Property name test:s) = (tag, (name, compileAttrTest test):tail)
    where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner [] = (Nothing, [])

compileAttrTest Exists = matched
compileAttrTest (Equals val) = (== (unpack val))
compileAttrTest (Suffix val) = isSuffixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Prefix val) = isPrefixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Substring val) = isInfixOf $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Include val) = hasWord $ unpack val
compileAttrTest (Dash val) = hasLang $ unpack val

sortAttrs = sortBy compareAttrs where compareAttrs x y = fst x `compare` fst y

---- Runtime
testTag :: Text -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
testTag tag success el | name el == tag = success el
    | otherwise = False
testAttrs :: AttrsFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
testAttrs attrsTest success el | attrsTest $ attributes el = success el
    | otherwise = False
direct traverser upTest test el
    | Just parent <- traverser el = test el && upTest parent
    | otherwise = False
indirect :: (Element -> Maybe Element) -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
indirect traverser upTest test el | Nothing <- traverser el = False
    | not $ test el = False
    | upTest (fromJust $ traverser el) = True
    | otherwise = indirect traverser upTest test $ fromJust $ traverser el
matched _ = True

testAttr :: Text -> (String -> Bool) -> AttrsFunc -> AttrsFunc
testAttr expected test next attrs@(Attribute name value : attrs')
    | name < expected = testAttr expected test next attrs'
    | name > expected = False
    | name == expected && test value = next attrs
    | otherwise = False
testAttr _ _ _ [] = False

hasWord expected value = expected `elem` words value
hasLang expected value = expected == value || isPrefixOf (expected ++ "-") value

---- RuleStore wrapper
data InterpretedRuleStore inner = InterpretedRuleStore inner
instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (InterpretedRuleStore inner) where
    new = InterpretedRuleStore new
    addStyleRule (InterpretedRuleStore self) priority rule =
        InterpretedRuleStore $ addStyleRule self priority $ rule {
            compiledSelector = compile $ selector rule
    lookupRules (InterpretedRuleStore self) el = filter call $ lookupRules self el
        where call (StyleRule' _ test _) = test el

D src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Selector/Specificity.hs +0 -36
@@ 1,36 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Style.Selector.Specificity(
    ) where

import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common
import Data.List

computeSpecificity :: Selector -> (Int, Int, Int)
computeSpecificity (Element selector) = computeSpecificity' selector
computeSpecificity (Child upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Descendant upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Adjacent upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel
computeSpecificity (Sibling upSel sel) = computeSpecificity upSel `add` computeSpecificity' sel

computeSpecificity' (Tag _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 0, 1)
computeSpecificity' (Class _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 1, 0)
computeSpecificity' (Property _ _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (0, 1, 0)
computeSpecificity' (Id _:sel) = computeSpecificity' sel `add` (1, 0, 0)
computeSpecificity' [] = (0, 0, 0)

add :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
add (a, b, c) (x, y, z) = (a + x, b + y, c + z)


data OrderedRuleStore inner = OrderedRuleStore inner Int

instance RuleStore inner => RuleStore (OrderedRuleStore inner) where
    new = OrderedRuleStore new 0
    addStyleRule (OrderedRuleStore self count) priority rule = OrderedRuleStore (
            addStyleRule self priority $ rule {
                rank = (priority, computeSpecificity $ selector rule, count)
        ) (count + 1)
    lookupRules (OrderedRuleStore self _) el = sort $ lookupRules self el

M stylish-haskell.cabal => stylish-haskell.cabal +2 -2
@@ 48,7 48,7 @@ cabal-version:       >=1.10

  -- Modules exported by the library.
  -- exposed-modules:     Stylish.Parse
  -- exposed-modules:     Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet, Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector, Data.CSS.Style
  -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
  -- other-modules:       

@@ 70,5 70,5 @@ test-suite test-stylish
  default-language:     Haskell2010
  type:     exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is:              Test.hs
  other-modules:        Stylish.Parse
  other-modules:        Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet, Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector, Data.CSS.Style
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10, css-syntax, text, unordered-containers, hashable, hspec, QuickCheck

M test/Test.hs => test/Test.hs +7 -6
@@ 5,12 5,13 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

import Stylish.Parse
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Index
import Stylish.Element
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Interpret
import Stylish.Style.Selector.Common
import Stylish.Style.Selector
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector

import Data.CSS.Style.Common
import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Index
import Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret
import Data.CSS.Style

main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec