Attempted fix for errors during error reporting!
Finish denoting compatibility with base-4.15.
Denote compatibility with base-4.15.
Bounds-check exceptions to silence erroneous errors.
Document how to contribute.
Finish testing the FontConfig bridges to FreeType & Harfbuzz!
Bugfixing regarding bridging over to Harfbuzz, exposing more FreeType info.
Start implementing a seperate bridge module to Harfbuzz.
Fix various segfaults & exercise bridging from FcPatterns to Ft_Faces.
Add rudimentary test suite.
Transliterates some of FontConfig's unittests to ensure the language bindings don't break things.
Could still be tested further.
Document FontConfig Strings & Weights bindings, utilize weight bindings for CSS bindings.
Document FcConfig language bindings, compile-fix exposing FontFaceParser.
Document FcRange bindings, expose FontFaceParser, & document LangResult enum.
Document FcLangSet language bindings.
Document FcCharSet language bindings.
Document FcValue language bindings.
Document FcObjectSet language bindings.
Document FreeType integration.