
8abf298021bdbd08bbac04628ff88f5b0ad69ad0 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago cf26946
Fix various segfaults & exercise bridging from FcPatterns to Ft_Faces.
M FreeType/FontConfig.hs => FreeType/FontConfig.hs +5 -3
@@ 1,6 1,8 @@
-- NOTE: Not tested
module FreeType.FontConfig (ftCharIndex, ftCharSet, ftCharSetAndSpacing,
    ftQuery, ftQueryAll, ftQueryFace) where
    ftQuery, ftQueryAll, ftQueryFace,
    FTFC_Instance(..), FTFC_Metrics(..), FTFC_Subpixel(..), instantiatePattern,
    FTFC_Glyph(..), glyphForIndex) where

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet (CharSet, CharSet_, thawCharSet, thawCharSet_)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (Pattern, Pattern_, thawPattern, thawPattern_)

@@ 149,14 151,14 @@ data FTFC_Subpixel = SubpixelNone -- ^ From FontConfig.
instantiatePattern :: FT_Library -> Pattern -> (Double, Double) -> IO FTFC_Instance
instantiatePattern ftlib pattern (req_pt_size, req_px_size) = do
    let dpi = fromMaybe 75 $ getValue' "dpi" pattern :: Double
    let size = fromMaybe req_pt_size $ getValue' "size" pattern

    ft_face <- case getValue "ftface" pattern of
        ValueFTFace x -> return x
        _ -> ft_New_Face ftlib (getValue0 "file" pattern) -- is a mutex needed?
            (toEnum $ fromMaybe 0 $ getValue' "index" pattern)

    ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ft_face 0 $ toEnum $ getValue0 "pixelsize" pattern
    ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ft_face 0 $ toEnum $ fromEnum $
        fromMaybe req_px_size $ getValue' "pixelsize" pattern
    let scalable = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "scalable" pattern
    let outline = fromMaybe True $ getValue' "outline" pattern
    (pixel_fixup, fixup_estimated) <- case getValue "pixelsizefixupfactor" pattern of

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs +13 -12
@@ 59,18 59,19 @@ withCharSet chars cb = withNewCharSet $ \chars' -> do
foreign import ccall "FcCharSetAddChar" fcCharSetAddChar :: CharSet_ -> Word32 -> IO Bool

thawCharSet :: CharSet_ -> IO CharSet
thawCharSet chars' = allocaBytes fcCHARSET_MAP_SIZE $ \iter' -> alloca $ \next' -> do
    first <- fcCharSetFirstPage chars' iter' next'
    let go = do {
        ch <- fcCharSetNextPage chars' iter' next';
        if ch == maxBound then return []
        else do
            chs <- go
            return (ch:chs)
    if first == maxBound then return Set.empty else do
        rest <- go
        return $ Set.fromList $ map (unsafeChr . fromIntegral) (first:rest)
thawCharSet chars'
    | chars' == nullPtr = return Set.empty
    | otherwise = allocaBytes fcCHARSET_MAP_SIZE $ \iter' -> alloca $ \next' -> do
        first <- fcCharSetFirstPage chars' iter' next'
        let go = do
                ch <- fcCharSetNextPage chars' iter' next';
                if ch == maxBound then return []
                else do
                    chs <- go
                    return (ch:chs)
        if first == maxBound then return Set.empty else do
            rest <- go
            return $ Set.fromList $ map (unsafeChr . fromIntegral) (first:rest)
foreign import ccall "FcCharSetFirstPage" fcCharSetFirstPage ::
    CharSet_ -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO Word32
foreign import ccall "FcCharSetNextPage" fcCharSetNextPage ::

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs +1 -0
@@ 12,6 12,7 @@ import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes, free)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.C.String (CString, peekCString, withCString)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Set (empty) -- For testing segfault source.

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (throwNull, throwFalse, throwPtr)

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +1 -1
@@ 63,7 63,7 @@ thawFontSet fonts' = do
    if n == 0 then return []
    else do
        print "c"
        ret <- forM [0..pred n] (thawPattern_ . get_fontSet_font fonts')
        ret <- forM [0..pred n] (\i -> thawPattern =<< get_fontSet_font fonts' i)
        print "d"
        return ret
foreign import ccall "get_fontSet_nfont" get_fontSet_nfont :: FontSet_ -> IO Int

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Result.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Result.hs +4 -2
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@ import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, throw, Exception)

data Result = Match | NoMatch | TypeMismatch | ResultNoId | OutOfMemory
data Result = Match | NoMatch | TypeMismatch | ResultNoId | OutOfMemory | Other
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum)

resultFromPointer :: Ptr Int -> IO Result

@@ 22,7 22,9 @@ throwResult ResultNoId _ = throwIO ErrResultNoId
throwResult OutOfMemory _ = throwIO ErrOutOfMemory

throwInt :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
throwInt = throwResult . toEnum
throwInt x
    | x >= 0 && x <= 4 = throwResult $ toEnum x
    | otherwise = throwResult $ Other
throwPtr :: Ptr Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
throwPtr a b = resultFromPointer a >>= flip throwResult b

A app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +41 -0
@@ 0,0 1,41 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Graphics.GL.Core32

import FreeType.Core.Base
import FreeType.FontConfig

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose as Font

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    (progName, args) <- getArgsAndInitialize

    w <- createWindow progName

    args <- getArgs
    let query = nameParse $ case args of
            [] -> "serif"
            (q:_) -> q
    let query' = defaultSubstitute $ configSubstitute' query MatchPattern
    font <- case fontSort' query' False of
        Just (f:_, _) -> return f
        _ -> do
            putStrLn ("Failed to locate font " ++ show query)

    ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> do
        inst <- instantiatePattern ft font (fromMaybe 12 $ getValue' "size" font, 20)

        displayCallback $= do
            clear [ ColorBuffer ]

M cbits/pattern.c => cbits/pattern.c +1 -1
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@
#include <stddef.h>

    return FC_CHARSET_MAP_SIZE*sizeof(FcChar32);

FcBool my_FcPatternAdd(FcPattern *p, const char *object,

M fontconfig-pure.cabal => fontconfig-pure.cabal +8 -0
@@ 107,3 107,11 @@ test-suite test-fontconfig
  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is: Test.hs
  build-depends: base >= 4.12 && <4.13, fontconfig-pure, hspec, QuickCheck

executable view-font
  main-is:             Main.hs
  build-depends:       base >=4.12 && <4.13, typograffiti>=0.2, text,
                        GLUT >= 2.7, gl, mtl, fontconfig-pure, freetype2
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  default-language:    Haskell2010