@@ 41,7 41,7 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Config (Config, configCreate,
configParseAndLoad, configParseAndLoad', configGetSysRoot, configGetSysRoot',
configParseAndLoadFromMemory, configParseAndLoadFromMemory',
configSetSysRoot, configSetSysRoot', configGetFileInfo, configGetFileInfo')
-import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet (FontSet)
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet (FontSet, FontFaceParser(..))
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet.API (fontSetList, fontSetList',
fontSetMatch, fontSetMatch', fontSetSort, fontSetSort')
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Init (initLoadConfig, initLoadConfigAndFonts,
@@ 16,118 16,173 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (throwNull, throwFalse, throwPtr)
+-- | System configuration regarding available fonts.
type Config = ForeignPtr Config'
data Config'
type Config_ = Ptr Config'
+-- | Creates an empty configuration.
configCreate :: IO Config
configCreate = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy =<< throwNull <$> fcConfigCreate
foreign import ccall "FcConfigCreate" fcConfigCreate :: IO Config_
ptr2config = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy
foreign import ccall "&FcConfigDestroy" fcConfigDestroy :: FunPtr (Config_ -> IO ())
+-- | Sets the current default configuration to config.
+-- Implicitly calls `configBuildFonts` if necessary.
configSetCurrent :: Config -> IO ()
configSetCurrent config = throwFalse =<< (withForeignPtr config $ fcConfigSetCurrent)
foreign import ccall "FcConfigSetCurrent" fcConfigSetCurrent :: Config_ -> IO Bool
+-- | Returns the current default configuration.
configGetCurrent :: IO Config
configGetCurrent = (throwNull <$> fcConfigReference nullPtr) >>=
newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy
foreign import ccall "FcConfigReference" fcConfigReference :: Config_ -> IO Config_
+-- | Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether any of them
+-- has been modified since the configuration was created.
configUptoDate :: Config -> IO Bool
configUptoDate config = withForeignPtr config $ fcConfigUptoDate
foreign import ccall "FcConfigUptoDate" fcConfigUptoDate :: Config_ -> IO Bool
+-- | Return the current user's home directory, if it is available,
+-- and if using it is enabled, and NULL otherwise. (See also `configEnableHome`).
configHome :: IO (Maybe String)
configHome = do
ret <- fcConfigHome
if ret == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just <$> peekCString ret
foreign import ccall "FcConfigHome" fcConfigHome :: IO CString
+-- | If enable is `True`, then Fontconfig will use various files which are
+-- specified relative to the user's home directory (using the ~ notation in
+-- the configuration). When enable is `False`, then all use of the home
+-- directory in these contexts will be disabled. The previous setting of
+-- the value is returned.
foreign import ccall "FcConfigEnableHome" configEnableHome :: Bool -> IO Bool
+-- | Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files
+-- for config. Does not include any subdirectories.
configBuildFonts :: Config -> IO ()
configBuildFonts config = throwFalse =<< (withForeignPtr config $ fcConfigBuildFonts)
+-- | Variant of `configBuildFonts` operating on the current configuration.
configBuildFonts' :: IO ()
configBuildFonts' = throwFalse =<< fcConfigBuildFonts nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigBuildFonts" fcConfigBuildFonts :: Config_ -> IO Bool
+-- | Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files
+-- for config. Does not include any subdirectories.
configGetConfigDirs :: Config -> IO StrList
configGetConfigDirs = configStrsFunc fcConfigGetConfigDirs
+-- | Variant of `configGetConfigDirs` which operates on the current configuration.
configGetConfigDirs' :: IO StrList
configGetConfigDirs' = thawStrList =<< fcConfigGetConfigDirs nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetConfigDirs" fcConfigGetConfigDirs :: Config_ -> IO StrList_
+-- | Returns the list of font directories in config.
+-- This includes the configured font directories along with any directories
+-- below those in the filesystem.
configGetFontDirs :: Config -> IO StrList
configGetFontDirs = configStrsFunc fcConfigGetFontDirs
+-- | Variant of `configGetFontDirs` which operates on the current config.
configGetFontDirs' :: IO StrList
configGetFontDirs' = thawStrList_ $ fcConfigGetFontDirs nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetFontDirs" fcConfigGetFontDirs :: Config_ -> IO StrList_
+-- | Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate config.
configGetConfigFiles :: Config -> IO StrList
configGetConfigFiles = configStrsFunc fcConfigGetConfigFiles
+-- | Variant of `configGetConfigFiles` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetConfigFiles' :: IO StrList
configGetConfigFiles' = thawStrList_ $ fcConfigGetConfigFiles nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetConfigFiles" fcConfigGetConfigFiles :: Config_ -> IO StrList_
+-- | Returns a string list containing all of the directories that fontconfig
+-- will search when attempting to load a cache file for a font directory.
configGetCacheDirs :: Config -> IO StrList
configGetCacheDirs = configStrsFunc fcConfigGetCacheDirs
+-- | Variant of `configGetCacheDirs` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetCacheDirs' :: IO StrList
configGetCacheDirs' = thawStrList_ $ fcConfigGetCacheDirs nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetCacheDirs" fcConfigGetCacheDirs :: Config_ -> IO StrList_
+-- | Whether to operate upon system or application fontlists.
data SetName = SetSystem | SetApplication deriving (Enum, Eq, Show, Read)
+-- | Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified
+-- by set. This font set is owned by the library and must not be modified or
+-- freed. If config is NULL, the current configuration is used.
+-- This function isn't MT-safe.
configGetFonts :: Config -> SetName -> IO FontSet
configGetFonts config set = do
ret <- withForeignPtr config $ flip fcConfigGetFonts $ fromEnum set
thawFontSet $ throwNull ret
+-- | Variant of `configGetFonts` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetFonts' :: SetName -> IO FontSet
configGetFonts' set = do
ret <- fcConfigGetFonts nullPtr $ fromEnum set
thawFontSet $ throwNull ret
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetFonts" fcConfigGetFonts :: Config_ -> Int -> IO FontSet_
+-- | Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration
+-- (in seconds) specified in config. The configuration is checked during
+-- a call to FcFontList when this interval has passed since the last check.
+-- An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.
configGetRescanInterval :: Config -> IO Int
configGetRescanInterval = flip withForeignPtr $ fcConfigGetRescanInterval
+-- | Variant of `configGetRescanInterval` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetRescanInterval' :: IO Int
configGetRescanInterval' = fcConfigGetRescanInterval nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetRescanInterval" fcConfigGetRescanInterval ::
Config_ -> IO Int
+-- | Sets the rescan interval.
+-- An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.
configSetRescanInterval :: Config -> Int -> IO ()
configSetRescanInterval config val =
throwFalse =<< (withForeignPtr config $ flip fcConfigSetRescanInterval val)
+-- | Variant of `configSetRescanInterval` which operates upon current configuration.
configSetRescanInterval' :: Int -> IO ()
configSetRescanInterval' v = throwFalse =<< fcConfigSetRescanInterval nullPtr v
foreign import ccall "FcConfigSetRescanInterval" fcConfigSetRescanInterval ::
Config_ -> Int -> IO Bool
+-- | Adds an application-specific font to the configuration.
configAppFontAddFile :: Config -> String -> IO ()
configAppFontAddFile config file = throwFalse =<<
(withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withCString file $ \file' ->
fcConfigAppFontAddFile config' file')
+-- | Variant of `configAppFontAddFile` which operates upon current configuration.
configAppFontAddFile' :: String -> IO ()
configAppFontAddFile' file =
throwFalse =<< (withCString file $ fcConfigAppFontAddFile nullPtr)
foreign import ccall "FcConfigAppFontAddFile" fcConfigAppFontAddFile ::
Config_ -> CString -> IO Bool
+-- | Scans the specified directory for fonts,
+-- adding each one found to the application-specific set of fonts.
configAppFontAddDir :: Config -> String -> IO ()
configAppFontAddDir config file = throwFalse =<<
(withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withCString file $ fcConfigAppFontAddDir config')
+-- | Variant of `configAppFontAddDir` which operates upon current configuration.
configAppFontAddDir' :: String -> IO ()
configAppFontAddDir' v = throwFalse =<< (withCString v $ fcConfigAppFontAddDir nullPtr)
foreign import ccall "FcConfigAppFontAddDir" fcConfigAppFontAddDir ::
Config_ -> CString -> IO Bool
+-- | Clears the set of application-specific fonts.
configAppFontClear :: Config -> IO ()
configAppFontClear config = throwFalse =<< withForeignPtr config fcConfigAppFontClear
+-- | Variant of `configAppFontClear` which operates upon current configuration.
configAppFontClear' :: IO ()
configAppFontClear' = throwFalse =<< fcConfigAppFontClear nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigAppFontClear" fcConfigAppFontClear :: Config_ -> IO Bool
+-- | What purpose does the given pattern serve?
data MatchKind = MatchPattern | MatchFont | MatchScan deriving Enum
+-- | Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations,
+-- if kind is `MatchPattern`, then those tagged as pattern operations are applied,
+-- else if kind is `MatchFont`, those tagged as font operations are applied and
+-- p_pat is used for <test> elements with target=pattern.
configSubstituteWithPat :: Config -> Pattern -> Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
configSubstituteWithPat config p p_pat kind = unsafePerformIO $
withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withPattern p $ \p' ->
@@ 135,6 190,7 @@ configSubstituteWithPat config p p_pat kind = unsafePerformIO $
ok <- fcConfigSubstituteWithPat config' p' p_pat' $ fromEnum kind
throwFalse ok
thawPattern p'
+-- | Variant of `configSubstituteWithPat` which operates upon current configuration.
configSubstituteWithPat' :: Pattern -> Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
configSubstituteWithPat' p p_pat kind = unsafePerformIO $
withPattern p $ \p' -> withPattern p_pat $ \p_pat' -> do
@@ 144,12 200,14 @@ configSubstituteWithPat' p p_pat kind = unsafePerformIO $
foreign import ccall "FcConfigSubstituteWithPat" fcConfigSubstituteWithPat ::
Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Pattern_ -> Int -> IO Bool
+-- | Calls FcConfigSubstituteWithPat without setting p_pat.
configSubstitute :: Config -> Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
configSubstitute config p kind = unsafePerformIO $
withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withPattern p $ \p' -> do
ok <- fcConfigSubstitute config' p' $ fromEnum kind
throwFalse ok
thawPattern p'
+-- | Variant `configSubstitute` which operates upon current configuration.
configSubstitute' :: Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
configSubstitute' p kind = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern p $ \p' -> do
ok <- fcConfigSubstitute nullPtr p' $ fromEnum kind
@@ 158,11 216,17 @@ configSubstitute' p kind = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern p $ \p' -> do
foreign import ccall "FcConfigSubstitute" fcConfigSubstitute ::
Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Int -> IO Bool
+-- | Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns
+-- the result of `fontRenderPrepare` for that font and the provided pattern.
+-- This function should be called only after `configSubstitute` and
+-- `defaultSubstitute` have been called for p;
+-- otherwise the results will not be correct.
fontMatch :: Config -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
fontMatch config pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
ret <- fcFontMatch config' pattern' res'
throwPtr res' $ thawPattern_ $ pure ret
+-- | Variant of `fontMatch` which operates upon current configuration.
fontMatch' :: Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
fontMatch' pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
ret <- fcFontMatch nullPtr pattern' res'
@@ 170,6 234,12 @@ fontMatch' pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca
foreign import ccall "FcFontMatch" fcFontMatch ::
Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Ptr Int -> IO Pattern_
+-- | Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p. If trim is `True`,
+-- elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage not provided by
+-- earlier elements in the list are elided. The union of Unicode coverage of
+-- all of the fonts is returned in `snd`. This function should be called only
+-- after `configSubstitute` and `defaultSubstitute` have been called for p;
+-- otherwise the results will not be correct.
fontSort :: Config -> Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSort config pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> withNewCharSet $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
@@ 178,6 248,7 @@ fontSort config pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config
x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure $ throwNull ret
y <- thawCharSet $ throwNull csp'
return (x, y)
+-- | Variant of `fontSort` which operates upon current configuration.
fontSort' :: Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSort' pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
withNewCharSet $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
@@ 189,11 260,16 @@ fontSort' pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
foreign import ccall "FcFontSort" fcFontSort ::
Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Bool -> CharSet_ -> Ptr Int -> IO FontSet_
+-- | Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat,
+-- elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat
+-- for elements appearing in both. The result is passed to
+--`configSubstituteWithPat` with kind `matchFont` and then returned.
fontRenderPrepare :: Config -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
fontRenderPrepare config pat font = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withPattern pat $ \pat' -> withPattern font $ \font' -> do
ret <- fcFontRenderPrepare config' pat' font'
thawPattern_ $ pure $ throwNull ret
+-- | Variant of `fontRenderPrepare` which operates upon current configuration.
fontRenderPrepare' :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
fontRenderPrepare' pat font = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pat $ \pat' ->
withPattern font $ \font' -> do
@@ 202,11 278,14 @@ fontRenderPrepare' pat font = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pat $ \pat' ->
foreign import ccall "FcFontRenderPrepare" fcFontRenderPrepare ::
Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Pattern_ -> IO Pattern_
+-- | Selects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing only
+-- the objects in os and returns the set of unique such patterns.
fontList :: Config -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontList config p os = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withPattern p $ \p' -> withObjectSet os $ \os' -> do
ret <- fcFontList config' p' os'
thawFontSet_ $ pure ret
+-- | Variant of `fontList` which operates upon current configuration.
fontList' :: Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontList' p os = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern p $ \p' -> withObjectSet os $ \os' -> do
ret <- fcFontList nullPtr p' os'
@@ 226,40 305,66 @@ configGetFilename' name = unsafePerformIO $ withCString name $ \name' -> do
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetFilename" fcConfigGetFilename :: Config_ -> CString -> IO CString
peekCString' txt = bracket (pure $ throwNull txt) free peekCString-}
+-- | Walks the configuration in 'file' and constructs the internal representation
+-- in 'config'. Any include files referenced from within 'file' will be loaded
+-- and parsed. If 'complain' is `False`, no warning will be displayed if 'file'
+-- does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr.
configParseAndLoad :: Config -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
configParseAndLoad config name complain = withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withCString name $ \name' -> fcConfigParseAndLoad config' name' complain
+-- Variant of `configParseAndLoad` which operates upon current configuration.
configParseAndLoad' :: String -> Bool -> IO Bool
configParseAndLoad' name complain =
withCString name $ \name' -> fcConfigParseAndLoad nullPtr name' complain
foreign import ccall "FcConfigParseAndLoad" fcConfigParseAndLoad ::
Config_ -> CString -> Bool -> IO Bool
+-- | Walks the configuration in 'memory' and constructs the internal representation
+-- in 'config'. Any includes files referenced from within 'memory' will be loaded
+-- and dparsed. If 'complain' is `False`, no warning will be displayed if 'file'
+-- does not exist. Error and warning messages will be output to stderr.
configParseAndLoadFromMemory :: Config -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
configParseAndLoadFromMemory config buffer complain = withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withCString buffer $ \buffer' ->
fcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory config' buffer' complain
+-- | Variant of `configParseAndLoadFromMemory` which operates upon current
+-- configuration.
configParseAndLoadFromMemory' :: String -> Bool -> IO Bool
configParseAndLoadFromMemory' buffer complain = withCString buffer $ \buffer' ->
fcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory nullPtr buffer' complain
foreign import ccall "FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory" fcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory ::
Config_ -> CString -> Bool -> IO Bool
+-- | Obtains the system root directory in 'config' if available.
+-- All files (including file properties in patterns) obtained from this 'config'
+-- are relative to this system root directory.
+-- This function isn't MT-safe.
configGetSysRoot :: Config -> IO String
configGetSysRoot = flip withForeignPtr $ \config' -> do
ret <- fcConfigGetSysRoot config'
peekCString $ throwNull ret
+-- | Variant of `configGetSysRoot` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetSysRoot' :: IO String
configGetSysRoot' = (peekCString .throwNull) =<< fcConfigGetSysRoot nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigGetSysRoot" fcConfigGetSysRoot :: Config_ -> IO CString
+-- | Set 'sysroot' as the system root directory. All file paths used or created
+-- with this 'config' (including file properties in patterns) will be considered
+-- or made relative to this 'sysroot'. This allows a host to generate caches for
+-- targets at build time. This also allows a cache to be re-targeted to a
+-- different base directory if 'configGetSysRoot' is used to resolve file paths.
+-- When setting this on the current config this causes changing current config.
configSetSysRoot :: Config -> String -> IO ()
configSetSysRoot config val = withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withCString val $
fcConfigSetSysRoot config'
+-- | Variant of `configSetSysRoot` which operates upon current configuration.
configSetSysRoot' :: String -> IO ()
configSetSysRoot' val = withCString val $ fcConfigSetSysRoot nullPtr
foreign import ccall "FcConfigSetSysRoot" fcConfigSetSysRoot :: Config_ -> CString -> IO ()
+-- | Retrieves a list of all filepaths & descriptions for all fonts in this
+-- configuration alongside whether each is enabled.
+-- Not thread-safe.
configGetFileInfo :: Config -> IO [(FilePath, String, Bool)]
configGetFileInfo config =
withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> allocaBytes configFileInfoIter'Size $ \iter' -> do
@@ 281,6 386,7 @@ configGetFileInfo config =
return (ent : ents)
Nothing -> return []}
+-- | Variant `configGetFileInfo` which operates upon current configuration.
configGetFileInfo' :: IO [(FilePath, String, Bool)]
configGetFileInfo' = configGetCurrent >>= configGetFileInfo
data ConfigFileInfoIter'