{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import System.Environment
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLS
import Network.URI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8
import qualified Text.HTML.DOM as HTML
import qualified Text.XML as XML
import Data.Text as Txt (pack, unpack, Text(..), append)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens as CSSTok
import qualified Data.List as L
import DefaultCSS
main :: IO ()
main = do
url:_ <- getArgs
-- TODO support more URI schemes, and do nonblocking networking. This could be it's own module.
request <- HTTP.parseRequest url
manager <- HTTP.newManager TLS.tlsManagerSettings
response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
let html = XML.documentRoot $ HTML.parseLBS $ HTTP.responseBody response
style <- retreiveStyles html manager request
C8.putStrLn $ HTTP.responseBody response
cssPriorityAgent = 1
cssPriorityUser = 2
cssPriorityAuthor = 3
retreiveStyles html manager base = do
css <- externalStyles html manager base
return $ authorStyle (css ++ internalStyles html)
emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet Style.TrivialPropertyParser
emptyStyle = Style.queryableStyleSheet {Style.priority = cssPriorityAgent}
agentStyle = CSS.parse emptyStyle $ Txt.pack userAgentCSS
authorStyle = foldl CSS.parse $ agentStyle {Style.priority = cssPriorityAuthor}
externalStyles html manager base = go $ linkedStyles html
where -- TODO parallelise loads
go (link:links) = do
request <- setUriRelative base link
response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
rest <- go links
return (Txt.pack (C8.unpack $ HTTP.responseBody response) : rest)
go [] = return []
linkedStyles (XML.Element "link" attrs _)
| Just link <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs,
Just "stylesheet" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs,
testMedia attrs,
Just uri <- parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack link = [uri]
linkedStyles (XML.Element _ _ children) =
concat [linkedStyles el | XML.NodeElement el <- children]
internalStyles (XML.Element "style" attrs children)
| testMedia attrs = [strContent children]
internalStyles (XML.Element _ _ children) =
concat [internalStyles el | XML.NodeElement el <- children]
testMedia attrs = media == Nothing || media == Just "speech"
where media = "media" `M.lookup` attrs
strContent :: [XML.Node] -> Txt.Text
strContent (XML.NodeContent text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest
-- We do want to read in comments for CSS, just not for display.
strContent (XML.NodeComment text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest
strContent (XML.NodeElement (XML.Element _ _ children):rest) =
strContent children `Txt.append` strContent rest
strContent (_:rest) = strContent rest
strContent [] = ""
stylizeEl = stylizeEl' Nothing Style.temp Nothing
stylizeEl' parent parentStyle previous stylesheet el@(XML.Element _ _ children) =
XML.Element {
XML.elementName = XML.Name "style" Nothing Nothing,
XML.elementAttributes = innerStyle,
XML.elementNodes = stylizeNodes (Just stylishEl) style Nothing stylesheet children
} where
style@(MPP innerStyle) = Style.cascade stylesheet stylishEl overrides parentStyle
stylishEl = elToStylish el parent previous
overrides = [] -- TODO parse style attribute
stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles (XML.NodeContent txt:nodes) =
XML.NodeContent txt : stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles nodes
stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles (XML.NodeElement el:nodes) =
XML.NodeElement (stylizeEl' up upStyle prev styles el) :
stylizeNodes up upStyle stylishEl styles nodes
where stylishEl = Just $ elToStylish el up prev
stylizeNodes _ _ _ _ [] = []
elToStylish (XML.Element (XML.Name name _ _) attrs _) parent previous =
Style.ElementNode {
Style.name = name,
Style.attributes = L.sort [
Style.Attribute (XML.nameLocalName name) (Txt.unpack value)
| (name, value) <- M.toList attrs
Style.parent = parent,
Style.previous = previous
data MapPropertyParser = MPP (M.Map XML.Name Text)
instance Style.PropertyParser MapPropertyParser where
temp = MPP M.empty
longhand _ (MPP self) name value = Just $ MPP $ M.insert xmlName xmlValue self
xmlName = XML.Name name Nothing Nothing
xmlValue = CSSTok.serialize value