module CExports where
import Types
import Network.URI.Fetch (Session)
import Render (c_renderDoc)
import Links (c_extractLinks)
-- Types I can export to C
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
-- FIXME: Segfaults, was intended for a playlist feature
--foreign export ccall c_fetchURLs :: StablePtr Session -> PtrPage -> CArray CString -> IO (CArray PtrPage)
--c_fetchURLs c_session c_referer c_srcs = do
-- session <- deRefStablePtr c_session
-- referer <- deRefStablePtr $ castPtrToStablePtr c_referer
-- nil <- newCString ""
-- srcCStrs <- peekArray0 nil c_srcs
-- srcs <- forConcurrently (pairs srcCStrs) $ \(c_mime, c_uri) -> do
-- mime <- peekCString c_mime
-- uri <- peekCString c_uri
-- return $ pair (words mime) <$> parseURIReference uri
-- ret <- fetchURLs session (html referer) (url referer) $ catMaybes srcs
-- c_ret <- forM ret $ \(url, html, css) ->
-- newStablePtr $ Page url css html
-- newArray0 nullPtr $ map castStablePtrToPtr c_ret
--pairs (a:b:c) = (a, b):pairs c
--pairs _ = []
--pair a b = (a, b)
-- FIXME: Segfaults, was intended for the sake of easy concurrency.
foreign export ccall c_docLinksAndRendering :: StablePtr Session -> StablePtr Page -> Bool -> IO (CArray CString)
c_docLinksAndRendering c_session c_page rewriteUrls = do
c_links <- c_extractLinks c_page
ssml <- c_renderDoc c_session c_page rewriteUrls
-- (c_links, ssml) <- c_extractLinks c_page `concurrently` c_renderDoc c_session c_page rewriteUrls
nil <- newCString ""
links <- peekArray0 nil c_links
newArray0 nil (ssml : links)