{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Links(extractLinks, linkToText, Link(..), c_extractLinks) where
import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.MIME.Info as MIME
import Network.URI
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, append, pack, replace, strip)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LTxt
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as FTxt
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- FIXME: Expose this API from HURL XML...
import Network.URI.Fetch.XML.Table (splitTable)
import Types
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Exception (catch, IOException)
import System.Directory -- For locating links.xml, suggestions.gmni
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (hPrint, stderr, hGetContents) -- For error reporting, Voice2Json
-- For suggestions.gmni
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (nub, intercalate)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
-- For Voice2Json
import Data.Char
import System.Process
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
data Link = Link {
label :: Text,
title :: Text,
href :: URI
linkToText :: Link -> Text
linkToText (Link label' title' href') =
rmWs label' +++ "\t" +++ rmWs title' +++ "\t" +++ pack (show href')
rmWs text = strip $ replace "\t" " " $ replace "\n" " " text
extractLinks :: Document -> [Link]
extractLinks (Document prologue root misc) =
extractMisc (prologueBefore prologue) ++ extractMisc (prologueAfter prologue) ++
extractEl [] root ++ extractMisc misc
extractMisc :: [Miscellaneous] -> [Link]
extractMisc (MiscInstruction (Instruction target dat):misc)
| Just uri <- parseURIReference $ unpack target = Link dat "" uri : extractMisc misc
extractMisc (_:misc) = extractMisc misc
extractMisc [] = []
extractEl path el@(Element (Name "details" _ _) _ childs) =
[Link (nodesText summary' $ nodesText childs "") "+" nullURI {
uriFragment = '#':'.':intercalate "." (map show $ reverse path)
} | NodeElement summary@(Element (Name "summary" _ _) _ summary') <- childs] ++
extractNodes (0:path) childs
-- Special case for showing Appstream metadata of compatible apps.
-- Fallback for incompatible package manager UIs.
extractEl _ (Element "{https://specifications.freedesktop.org/metainfo/1.0}url" attrs childs)
| Just label <- "{https://specifications.freedesktop.org/metainfo/1.0}type" `M.lookup` attrs,
Just url <- parseAbsoluteURI $ unpack $ nodesText childs "" = [Link label "" url]
extractEl _ el@(Element _ attrs [])
| Just "alternate" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs', Just typ <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs',
Just val <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs', Just uri <- parseURIReference $ unpack val =
-- let Application name _ title _ = mimeInfo $ unpack typ
-- in [Link (pack name) (pack title) uri] -- FIXME `mimeInfo` freezes...
[Link typ "" uri]
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
extractEl _ el@(Element (Name "link" _ _) attrs [])
| Just "stylesheet" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs', Nothing <- "title" `M.lookup` attrs',
Just val <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs', Just uri <- parseURIReference $ unpack val =
let Application name _ title _ = mimeInfo "text/css"
in [Link (pack name) (pack title) uri]
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
extractEl path (Element (Name "table" _ _) _ childs) =
extractTable path (splitTable childs) ++ extractNodes (0:path) childs
extractEl path el@(Element _ _ children) =
extractElAttr el "href" ++
extractElAttr el "longdesc" ++
extractElAttr el "src" ++
extractNodes (0:path) children
extractElAttr (Element _ attrs children) attr
| Just val <- attr `M.lookup` attrs',
Just uri <- parseURIReference $ unpack val = [Link label' title' uri]
| otherwise = []
label' = nodesText children $ M.findWithDefault "" "rel" attrs'
title' = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup "title" attrs'
attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
extractTable path (thead, _, _) = extractTable' path [el | NodeElement el <- thead]
extractTable' path (Element (Name "thead" _ _) _ childs:_) =
extractTable' path [el | NodeElement el <- childs]
extractTable' path (Element (Name "tr" _ _) _ childs:_) = extractTR path 0 childs
extractTable' path (_:els) = extractTable' path els
extractTable' _ [] = []
extractTR path count (NodeElement (Element (Name name _ _) attrs childs):nodes)
| name `elem` ["th", "td"] =
extractTH path count ordering childs : extractTR path count' nodes
count' = count + fromMaybe 1 colspan
colspan = readMaybe =<< unpack <$> M.lookup "colspan" attrs'
ordering = M.lookup "aria-sort" attrs'
attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
extractTR path count (_:nodes) = extractTR path count nodes
extractTR _ _ [] = []
extractTH path count ordering nodes = Link {
label = nodesText nodes "",
title = pack $ show count,
href = nullURI {
uriFragment = '#':'-':'a':'r':'g':'o':'-':'%':
intercalate "." [show n | n <- path] ++ o ordering : show count
o (Just "ascending") = '>'
o _ = '<'
extractNodes p@(n:path) (NodeElement el:nodes) = extractEl p el ++ extractNodes (succ n:path) nodes
extractNodes path (NodeInstruction instruct:nodes) =
extractMisc [MiscInstruction instruct] ++ extractNodes path nodes
extractNodes path (_:nodes) = extractNodes path nodes
extractNodes _ [] = []
(+++) = append
nodesText :: [Node] -> Text -> Text
nodesText (NodeElement (Element _ attrs children):nodes) def =
nodesText children def +++ nodesText nodes def
nodesText (NodeContent text:nodes) def = text +++ nodesText nodes def
nodesText (_:nodes) def = nodesText nodes def
nodesText [] def = def
linksFromPage :: Page RhapsodeCSS -> [Link]
linksFromPage Page {
pageURL = url',
pageTitle = title',
html = html',
apps = apps',
backStack = back', forwardStack = forward'
} =
[link' n desc $ URI "app:" Nothing id "" "" | Application n _ desc id <- apps'] ++
extractLinks html'
head' (a:_) = [a]
head' [] = []
link' l t h = Link (pack l) (pack t) h
readBookmarks :: IO Document
readBookmarks = do
dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
let file = dir </> "links.xml"
exists <- doesFileExist file
if exists then return () else do
-- Copy defaults into userdir
dirs <- getXdgDirectoryList XdgDataDirs
files' <- forM dirs $ \dir' -> do
let file' = dir' </> "rhapsode" </> "links.xml"
exists' <- doesFileExist file'
return $ if exists' then Just file' else Nothing
case catMaybes files' of
[] -> return ()
(file':_) -> copyFileWithMetadata file' file
exists' <- doesFileExist file
if exists' then Text.XML.readFile def file `catch` handleInvalid else nodoc
handleInvalid err@(InvalidXMLFile _ _) = hPrint stderr err >> nodoc
nodoc = return $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) (Element "empty" M.empty []) []
-- | Write out a file of most frequently encountered unvisited links.
-- Hopefully this'll help surfers rely less on YouTube, et al's hueristics.
updateSuggestions :: Page RhapsodeCSS -> IO ()
updateSuggestions page = do
let links = extractLinks $ html page
let domain = maybe "" show $ uriAuthority $ pageURL page
dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
let path = dir </> "suggestions.gmni"
exists <- doesFileExist path
suggestions <- if not exists then return [] else do
file <- readStrict path
return [line' | line <- lines file, line'@(_:uri':_) <- [words line], not (pack uri' `Set.member` visitedURLs page)]
let suggestions' = suggestions ++ nub [["=>", uri', domain] | link <- links,
let uri' = uriToString id (href link) "", not (pack uri' `Set.member` visitedURLs page)]
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
Prelude.writeFile path $ unlines $ map unwords suggestions'
--- Voice2Json language models
-- | Output links to a Voice2Json sentences.ini grammar.
outputSentences _ "" = return ()
outputSentences links dir = do
Prelude.writeFile (dir </> "sentences.ini") $ unlines sentences
createProcess (proc "voice2json" ["--profile", dir, "train-profile"]){ std_err = NoStream, std_out = NoStream }
return ()
`catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> return () -- Assume the UI has already warned Voice2Json isn't available.
sentences = "[links]" : [
unwords $ words $ map validChar line -- Enforce valid sentences.ini syntax.
| line@(_:_) <- map (unpack . label) links ++ map (unpack . title) links ++ map (show . href) links
-- | Can this character appear in a sentences.ini rule without escaping?
validChar ch | not (isAscii ch) || isSpace ch || isAlphaNum ch = ch
validChar _ = ' '
--- C API
foreign export ccall c_extractLinks :: StablePtr (Page RhapsodeCSS) -> CString -> IO (CArray CString)
c_extractLinks c_page c_v2jProfile = do
page <- deRefStablePtr c_page
v2jProfile <- peekCString c_v2jProfile
forkIO $ updateSuggestions page -- background process for useful navigation aid.
bookmarks <- readBookmarks
let links = linksFromPage page ++ extractLinks bookmarks
forkIO $ outputSentences links v2jProfile
ret <- forM links $ \link -> do
c_label <- text2cstring $ strip $ label link
c_title <- text2cstring $ strip $ title link
c_href <- newCString $ uriToString id (href link) ""
return [c_label, c_title, c_href]
nil <- newCString " "
newArray0 nil $ concat ret
text2cstring txt = FTxt.withCStringLen txt $ \s -> (peekCStringLen s >>= newCString)
--- C helper functions
foreign export ccall c_formatLink :: CString -> CString -> CString -> IO CString
c_formatLink c_label c_title c_url = do
label <- ctext c_label
title <- ctext c_title
url <- ctext c_url
sfx <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "rhapsode"
let bulletpoint_el = audio (sfx </> "bulletpoint.wav")
let label_el = prosody [("pitch", "low")] label
let title_el = prosody [("volume", "soft")] title
let link_el = audio (sfx </> "link.wav")
let url_el = style "punctuation" "all" $ style "capital_letters" "pitch" $ prosody [("rate", "fast")] url
let root = el "speak" [] $ map NodeElement [bulletpoint_el, label_el, title_el, link_el, url_el]
let ssml = renderText def $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
newCString $ LTxt.unpack ssml
ctext cstr = pack <$> peekCString cstr
el name attrs childs = Element name (M.fromList attrs) childs
audio src = el "audio" [("src", pack src)] []
prosody attrs txt = el "prosody" attrs [NodeContent txt]
style field mode inner = el "tts:style" [("field", field), ("mode", mode)] [NodeElement inner]
foreign export ccall c_dading :: IO CString
c_dading = do
sfx <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "rhapsode"
let link_el = audio (sfx </> "link.wav")
let root = el "speak" [] [NodeElement link_el]
let ssml = renderText def $ Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
newCString $ LTxt.unpack ssml
el name attrs childs = Element name (M.fromList attrs) childs
audio src = el "audio" [("src", pack src)] []
--- For Voice2JSON
foreign export ccall c_dataDir :: CString -> IO CString
c_dataDir c_subdir = do
subdir <- peekCString c_subdir
cache <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
newCString (cache </> subdir)
foreign export ccall c_recognizeIntent :: CString -> IO CString
c_recognizeIntent c_profile = do
profile <- peekCString c_profile
(_, Just pipe, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "voice2json" [
"--profile", profile,
"-c", "1"]){std_out = CreatePipe}
(_, Just out, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "voice2json" [
"--profile", profile,
"recognize-intent"]){std_in = UseHandle pipe, std_out = CreatePipe}
intent <- LBS.hGetContents out
let transcript = case decode intent of
Just (Object obj) | Just (String txt) <- "text" `HM.lookup` obj -> unpack txt
_ -> ""
newCString transcript