Export C APIs from files defining underlying functions.
Output converted webpage.
Partially fix segfaults, enough to continue on.
Still questions remain, and there's broken C APIs exposed.
Switch to C for I/O. FIXME currently segfaults.
Draft C Bindings, so C APIs can be used for I/O.
Prepare API to expose to C.
This'll be useful for accessing text-to-speech/vice-versa APIs.
Avoid reading out webforms, that's another to-be-implemented mode.
Integrate dispatching to native apps.
CSS fixes, start implementing downloads.
Fix CSS charset detection.
Previously I didn't handle cases where the charset was unspecified,
or where it wasn't valid text in the charsets I trialled.
Extract URL resolver into 'hurl' hackage
Find links in the document (for interactions).
Add new URL & commandline arguments input interface.
Simplify CSS parsing with new Haskell Stylist API.
Integrate var(), @import, @document, @media, & @supports support.
Fix crash upon pause/rest-before/after: none