Implement @font-face 'font-family' property.
Define skeleton for parsing @font-face.
Bind CSS 'font-stretch' to FontConfig 'width' property, has same scale!
Bind CSS 'font-variation-settings' to FontConfig 'variable' property.
Language bind CSS 'font-feature-settings' to FontConfig's 'fontfeatures'.
Language-bind CSS 'font-weight' to FontConfig 'weight' & CSS 'font-style' to FontConfig 'slant'
Bind FontConfig 'size' to CSS 'font-size', ensure old values get overriden.
Start implementing CSS bindings with font-family, build underlying infrastructure.
Commit FontSet API (seperated out to break import loop).
Fixes to decoding FcFontSets, still experiencing segfaults...
Correct FcType (and in turn FcValue) decoding.
Break infinite loop decoding patterns from C.
Fix linking issues, still has issues decoding patterns.
Final memory-safety fixes & expose public API.
Compile and test Init routines.
Remove file utility & throw memory exceptions for String utilities.
Expose more weight APIs & the FcAtomic APIs.
Correct FcConfig memory handling & exception throwing.
Memory handling fixes to FcConfig bindings.