M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs +0 -1
@@ 111,7 111,6 @@ thawPattern pat' = allocaBytes patIter'Size $ \iter' -> do
x <- thawPattern' pat' iter'
ok' <- fcPatternIterNext pat' iter'
xs <- if ok' then go iter' else return []
- xs <- go iter'
return (x : xs)
else return []
foreign import ccall "FcPatternIterStart" fcPatternIterStart ::
M Main.hs => Main.hs +4 -6
@@ 7,11 7,9 @@ import System.Environment (getArgs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
- print "a"
args <- getArgs
- print "b"
- let query = nameParse $ case args of {
- [] -> "serif";
- words -> unwords words}
- print "c"
+ let (name, objects) = case args of {
+ [] -> ("serif", []);
+ name:objects -> (name, objects)}
+ let query = nameParse name
print query