Finish denoting compatibility with base-4.15.
Denote compatibility with base-4.15.
Bugfixing regarding bridging over to Harfbuzz, exposing more FreeType info.
Start implementing a seperate bridge module to Harfbuzz.
Fix various segfaults & exercise bridging from FcPatterns to Ft_Faces.
Add rudimentary test suite.
Transliterates some of FontConfig's unittests to ensure the language bindings don't break things.
Could still be tested further.
Bind FontConfig 'size' to CSS 'font-size', ensure old values get overriden.
Start implementing CSS bindings with font-family, build underlying infrastructure.
Fix linking issues, still has issues decoding patterns.
Final memory-safety fixes & expose public API.
Compile and test Init routines.
Remove file utility & throw memory exceptions for String utilities.
Expose more weight APIs & the FcAtomic APIs.
Get language bindings for FcConfig type compiling.
Refine FontConfig FreeType utility bindings, so it compiles & correct manages memory
Refine memory management of FontSets (until I've enabled FcConfig code).
Get FontSet module compiling (need to review memory management responsibilities).
Get Value & Pattern types compiling correctly.