{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Exposes data for a menu of timezones.
module Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.TZ(tzdata, continents) where
import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal, toGVal, orderedDict, (~>), list)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Time.Zones.All (tzNameLabelMap, tzByLabel)
import Data.Time.Zones (diffForPOSIX)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
-- | Parses timezone data into a menu for Ginger templates.
tzdata :: Int64 -> String -> GVal m
tzdata now prefix = list [orderedDict [
"label" ~> label,
"value" ~> (diffForPOSIX tz' now `div` 60),
"offset" ~> formatOffset (diffForPOSIX tz' now `div` 60)
] | (label, tz) <- M.toList tzNameLabelMap,
BSC.pack prefix `contains` label,
let tz' = tzByLabel tz]
contains "" = BSC.notElem '/'
contains "..." = BSC.notElem '/'
contains x = BS.isPrefixOf x
-- | Serialize an offset to string, ensuring 0 is prepended to minutes when needed.
formatOffset :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> [Char]
formatOffset offset
| minutes < 10 = show hours ++ ':':'0': show minutes
| otherwise = show hours ++ ':': show minutes
hours = offset `div` 60
minutes = abs $ offset `rem` 60
-- | Retrieves continents list for Ginger templates.
continents :: GVal m
continents = list $ map toGVal $ nub $ "...":[prefix |
(label, _) <- M.toList tzNameLabelMap,
let (prefix, _) = BSC.breakEnd (== '/') label]