
Webform engine, bootstrapping up from hyperlinks
f80f12fd — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 2 months ago
Clarify how to run, release
42227cb5 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 2 months ago
Finish internationalizing Bureaucromancy
1030d237 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 2 months ago
Internationalize form validation.


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Repository | Issues

Magus Elgar: I can hear Udo on the other side of the door! He must be fighting Victus.

Prof Horatio: All that's left is the final trial. What is this? A Chamber of Bureaucromancy? What's that?

Intern Kaley Fawn: You ugh! You can't put whatever you want in front of 'mancy' & call it magic! That's just stupid!

Magus Elgar: Well, it looks we have to properly file out this paperwork to get through... Blasted legalese, I can't even understand half of this! Hold, we have to fill each of these out in triplicate. If we work together we can get it done in time!

Magus Elgar E11 Do S.T.A.M.P.s Dream of Electric Keeps?

Bureaucromancy is a module for parsing webforms out of webpages with the aid of XML-Conduit or HTML-Conduit. This aids rendering these forms independently of the rest of the page, with support for hypertext rendering built-in.

Run cabal run bureaucromancy form.html to run a local serverside webapp facilitate entering data into the first webform found in the HTML file form.html, serving from http://localhost:2018/ .

As a UI-centric component, a test-suite hasn't been implemented yet. It hasn't been prioritized due to the ease of manual testing.