{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Internal.Forms(findForm, prefillForm, modifyForm, formAction, clearForm,
readInput, readInput', sendText, SendText(..), isTypableEl) where
import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Network.URI (URI(..), parseURIReference, relativeTo, nullURI)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as HTTP
import Internal (Session, Session'(..))
import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
findForm :: Cursor -> HM.HashMap Txt.Text Cursor -> Element
findForm cursor id2els
| NodeElement el@(Element (Name "form" _ _) _ _) <- node cursor = el
| NodeElement el <- node cursor, Just el' <- findForm' el id2els = el'
| (form:_) <- parent cursor = findForm form id2els -- Propagate id2els for the sake of event dispatch.
| otherwise = Element "fail" M.empty [] -- Tombstone value
findForm' :: Element -> HM.HashMap Txt.Text Cursor -> Maybe Element
findForm' (Element (Name name _ _) attrs _) id2els
| name == "label", Just for <- "for" `M.lookup` attrs',
Just input <- for `HM.lookup` id2els = Just $ findForm input id2els
| Just form <- "form" `M.lookup` attrs', Just cursor <- form `HM.lookup` id2els,
NodeElement ret <- node cursor = Just ret
| otherwise = Nothing
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
prefillForm (Element (Name "form" _ _) attrs children) root = HM.fromListWith (++) (
(prefillForm' $ map node $ (descendant >=> checkElement isForForm) root) ++
prefillForm' children)
isForForm (Element _ attrs' _) | Just id <- "id" `M.lookup` M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs,
Just form <- "form" `M.lookup` M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs' = id == form
isForForm _ = False
prefillForm _ _ = HM.empty
prefillForm' (NodeElement (Element (Name "input" _ _) attrs _):nodes)
| Just type_ <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs', Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs', Just value <- "value" `M.lookup` attrs',
type_ `notElem` ["radio", "checkbox", "reset", "submit", "button"] || "checked" `M.member` attrs' =
(name, [value]):prefillForm' nodes
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
prefillForm' (NodeElement (Element (Name "select" _ _) attrs childs):nodes)
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs' =
case [value | NodeElement (Element _ attrs2 _) <- childs,
value <- maybeToList $ M.lookup "value" $ M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs2] of
[] -> prefillForm' nodes
values | "multiple" `M.member` attrs' -> (name, values):prefillForm' nodes
(value:_) -> (name, [value]):prefillForm' nodes
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
prefillForm' (NodeElement (Element (Name "textarea" _ _) attrs childs):nodes)
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs =
(name, [Txt.concat [value | NodeContent value <- childs]]):prefillForm' nodes
prefillForm' (_:nodes) = prefillForm' nodes
prefillForm' [] = []
modifyForm :: ([Txt.Text] -> [Txt.Text]) -> Txt.Text -> Cursor -> Session -> IO ()
modifyForm cb name el session = modifyMVar_ session $ \session' -> do
let form = findForm el $ id2els session'
let blanked = prefillForm form $ fromDocument $ document session'
let old = M.findWithDefault blanked form $ forms session'
let new = HM.insert name (cb $ HM.lookupDefault [] name old) old
return $ case form of
Element (Name "form" _ _) _ _ ->
session' { forms = M.insert form new $ forms session' }
_ -> session'
serializeForm :: HM.HashMap Txt.Text [Txt.Text] -> Txt.Text
serializeForm = Txt.intercalate "&" . map joinEntry . expandValues . HM.toList
expandValues ((a, (b:bs)):rest) = (a, b):expandValues ((a, bs):rest)
expandValues ((a, []):rest) = expandValues rest
expandValues [] = []
joinEntry (key, value) = key `Txt.append` Txt.cons '=' value
formAction :: Cursor -> Session -> IO (URI, Txt.Text, Txt.Text)
formAction el session = withMVar session $ \session' -> do
let form = findForm el $ id2els session'
let blanked = prefillForm form $ fromDocument $ document session'
let inputs = M.findWithDefault blanked form $ forms session'
let query = serializeForm inputs
let fAttrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName $ elementAttributes form
let iAttrs' = case node el of {
NodeElement (Element _ attrs _) -> M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs;
_ -> M.empty
let action = case ("formaction" `M.lookup` iAttrs', "action" `M.lookup` fAttrs') of {
(Just action, _) -> parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack action;
(_, Just action) -> parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack action;
(_, _) -> Nothing
let method = case ("formmethod" `M.lookup` iAttrs', "action" `M.lookup` fAttrs') of {
(Just method, _) -> method;
(_, Just method) -> method;
(_, _) -> "GET"
return (fromMaybe nullURI action `relativeTo` currentURL session', query, method)
clearForm session el = modifyMVar_ session $ \session' -> do
let form = findForm el $ id2els session'
return $ case form of
Element (Name "form" _ _) _ _ ->
session' { forms = M.delete form $ forms session' }
_ -> session'
readInput session el = withMVar session $ \session' -> do
let form = findForm el $ id2els session'
return $ case (form, node el) of
(Element (Name "form" _ _) _ _, NodeElement (Element _ attrs _))
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs,
Just form <- form `M.lookup` forms session' ->
name `HM.lookup` form
_ -> Nothing
readInput' session el = do
res <- readInput session el
return $ case res of
Just (ret:_) -> ret
_ -> ""
data SendText = SendText { text :: Txt.Text } deriving Generic
instance FromJSON SendText
instance ToJSON SendText
sendText input cursor session
| NodeElement el <- node cursor = sendText' input el cursor session
| otherwise = return ()
sendText' input (Element (Name "input" _ _) attrs _) cursor session
-- | Just "file" <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs' = return ()-- TODO define a place in HURL to store files to be uploaded...
| Just "radio" <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs', Just value <- "value" `M.lookup` attrs',
Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs' = modifyForm (const [value]) name cursor session
| Just "checkbox" <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs', Just value <- "value" `M.lookup` attrs',
Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs' = modifyForm (toggleOption value) name cursor session
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs' = modifyForm (const [text input]) name cursor session
| otherwise = return ()
attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
toggleOption value old | value `elem` old = delete value old
| otherwise = value:old
sendText' input (Element (Name "select" _ _) attrs childs) cursor session
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs', "multiple" `M.member` attrs' =
let value = mapMaybe findOption $ Txt.lines $ text input
in modifyForm (const value) name cursor session
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs', Just value <- findOption $ text input =
modifyForm (const [value]) name cursor session
| otherwise = return ()
attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
findOption prefix = (M.lookup "value" . M.mapKeys nameLocalName . elementAttributes) =<<
find (Txt.isPrefixOf prefix . innerText) [
el | NodeElement el@(Element (Name "option" _ _) _ _) <- childs]
innerText (Element _ _ childs) = Txt.concat [txt | NodeContent txt <- childs]
sendText' input (Element (Name "textarea" _ _) attrs _) cursor session
| Just name <- "name" `M.lookup` attrs' = modifyForm (const [text input]) name cursor session
| otherwise = return ()
where attrs' = M.mapKeys nameLocalName attrs
isTypableEl cursor | NodeElement el' <- node cursor = isTypableEl' el'
| otherwise = False
isTypableEl' (Element (Name n _ _) _ _) = n `elem` ["input", "select", "textarea"]