
2e0a2343f591f1e45ba55eae2b3a06d9648c13ff — Adrian Cochrane 3 years ago e7e16d8
Integrate HXT for working XPath support.
5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 1254 deletions(-)

M amphiarao.cabal
M src/Internal/Elements.hs
D src/Internal/Elements/XPath.hs
D src/Internal/Elements/XPathParse.hs
M src/UI/Search.hs
M amphiarao.cabal => amphiarao.cabal +1 -2
@@ 56,7 56,6 @@ executable amphiarao
  -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
  other-modules:       Webdriver, Capabilities, JSON, Messages,
        Internal, Internal.Load, Internal.Elements, Internal.Forms,
        Internal.Elements.XPath, Internal.Elements.XPathParse,
        UI.Templates, UI.Search,
        XML.Selectors.CSS, XML.Selectors.CSS.Parse, XML.Selectors.CSS.Tokens, XML.Selectors.CSS.Types

@@ 74,7 73,7 @@ executable amphiarao
        hurl >= 2.1.1 && <3, network-uri, http-client,
        -- Parse & query XML/HTML
        xml-conduit >= 1.8, html-conduit >= 1.3, css-syntax, array >=0.4,
        attoparsec, time
        attoparsec, time, hxt-xpath, hxt

  build-tools: happy

M src/Internal/Elements.hs => src/Internal/Elements.hs +31 -4
@@ 2,6 2,8 @@
module Internal.Elements (getTitle, Find(..), find) where

import Text.XML
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs (NTree(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text as Txt hiding (find)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

@@ 15,7 17,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
-- Selector engines
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor as X
import qualified XML.Selectors.CSS as CSS
import qualified Internal.Elements.XPath as XPath
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath.XPathEval (getXPath', parseXPathExpr)

import Network.URI (parseURIReference)
import Data.Maybe

@@ 47,9 49,10 @@ find (Find "css selector" sel) root = case CSS.parsePath sel of
find (Find "link text" sel) root = Right $ allLinks (== pack sel) root
find (Find "partial link text" sel) root = Right $ allLinks (Txt.isInfixOf $ pack sel) root
find (Find "tag name" sel) root = Right (X.descendant root >>= X.checkName (== fromString sel))
find (Find "xpath" sel) root = case XPath.runXPath root $ Txt.pack sel of
    Right res -> Right res
    Left msgs -> Left (True, Prelude.unlines msgs)
-- XML Conduit doesn't have an XPath implementation, but HXT does. So convert back & forth!
find (Find "xpath" sel) root = case parseXPathExpr sel of
    Right expr -> Right $ hxts2cursors root $ getXPath' expr $ conduit2hxt $ X.node root
    Left err -> Left (True, err)
find (Find type_ _) _ = Left (False, "Invalid selector type: " ++ Txt.unpack type_)

allLinks test = X.descendant X.>=>

@@ 64,3 67,27 @@ allLinks test = X.descendant X.>=>
        test (Txt.unwords $ Txt.words $ nodesText childs)

union a b cursor = a cursor ++ b cursor

--- XPath Support

map' = Prelude.map

conduit2hxt (NodeElement (Element name attrs childs)) =
    NTree (XTag (n2qn name) $ map' attr2hxt $ M.toList attrs) $ map' conduit2hxt childs
conduit2hxt (NodeInstruction (Instruction target dat)) =
    NTree (XPi (mkName $ unpack target) []) [NTree (XText $ unpack dat) []]
conduit2hxt (NodeContent txt) = NTree (XText $ unpack txt) []
conduit2hxt (NodeComment txt) = NTree (XCmt $ unpack txt) []

attr2hxt (name, value) = NTree (XAttr $ n2qn name) [NTree (XText $ unpack value) []]

n2qn (Name local (Just namespace) (Just prefix)) =
    mkQName (unpack prefix) (unpack local) (unpack namespace)
n2qn (Name local Nothing (Just prefix)) =
    mkName (unpack prefix ++ ':' : unpack local)
n2qn (Name local (Just namespace) Nothing) = mkNsName (unpack local) (unpack namespace)
n2qn (Name local Nothing Nothing) = mkName $ unpack local

hxt2cursor node hxt = lookup hxt [
    (conduit2hxt $ X.node cursor, cursor) | cursor <- X.orSelf X.descendant node]
hxts2cursors node hxts = catMaybes $ map' (hxt2cursor node) hxts

D src/Internal/Elements/XPath.hs => src/Internal/Elements/XPath.hs +0 -567
@@ 1,567 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Internal.Elements.XPath where

import Internal.Elements.XPathParse
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text)

import Text.XML.Cursor hiding (bool)
import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

import Data.Time
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.List (nub)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

-- Loosely transliterated from https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-3/#eval_context
-- TODO How much are noops?
data Context = Context {
        item :: [Value],
        vars :: M.Map Name [Value],
        funcs :: M.Map (Name, Int) (Context -> [[Value]] -> [Value])

---- Typesystem/coercion

atomize :: Value -> [Value]
atomize ret@(Number _) = [ret]
atomize ret@(String _) = [ret]
atomize ret@(Bool _) = [ret]
atomize ret@(Error _ _ _) = [ret]
atomize (Node n) = [String $ Txt.unpack $ nodeText $ node n] -- For a proper implementation, should be parsed via XSD?
atomize (Array vals) = atomsize $ concat vals
atomize (Map _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unnaceptable map item" ""]
atomize (Function _ _ _ _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unacceptable function item" ""]
atomize (FuncRef _ _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unacceptable function item" ""]
atomsize :: [Value] -> [Value]
atomsize = concatMap atomize

nodeText (NodeElement (Element _ _ nodes)) = Txt.concat $ map nodeText' nodes
nodeText (NodeInstruction (Instruction _ ret)) = ret
nodeText (NodeContent ret) = ret
nodeText (NodeComment ret) = ret
nodeText' (NodeElement (Element _ _ nodes)) = Txt.concat $ map nodeText' nodes
nodeText' (NodeContent ret) = ret
nodeText' _ = ""

maybeName (NodeElement (Element n _ _)) = n
maybeName _ = ""

nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") (Just "*")) _ = True
nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") (Just prefixA)) (Name _ _ (Just prefixB)) = prefixA == prefixB
nameMatch (Name "*" Nothing (Just prefixA)) (Name _ _ (Just prefixB)) = prefixA == prefixB
nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") Nothing) (Name _ _ prefix) = isNothing prefix
nameMatch (Name "*" (Just nsA) _) (Name _ (Just nsB) _) = nsA == nsB
nameMatch (Name "*" Nothing _) (Name _ ns _) = isNothing ns
nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") (Just "*")) (Name nameB _ _) = nameA == nameB
nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") (Just prefixA)) (Name nameB _ (Just prefixB)) = nameA == nameB && prefixA == prefixB
nameMatch (Name nameA Nothing (Just prefixA)) (Name nameB _ (Just prefixB)) = nameA == nameB && prefixA == prefixB
nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") Nothing) (Name nameB _ prefix) = nameA == nameB && isNothing prefix
nameMatch (Name nameA (Just nsA) _) (Name nameB (Just nsB) _) = nameA == nameB && nsA == nsB
nameMatch (Name nameA Nothing _) (Name nameB ns _) = nameA == nameB && isNothing ns
nameMatch _ _ = False

hasName name node = nameMatch (maybeName node) name

attribute' name (NodeElement (Element _ attrs _)) =
    [String $ Txt.unpack val | (key, val) <- M.toList attrs, nameMatch name key]
attribute' _ _ = []

bool [] = Right False
bool (Node _:_) = Right True
bool [Bool ret] = Right ret
bool [String ret] = Right $ not $ null ret
bool [Number x] = Right $ not (isNaN x || x == 0)
bool vals | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- vals] = Left ret
bool (val:_) = Left [Error "err:FORG0006" "Invalid argument type" $ show $ val2type val]

nums items | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- items] = Left ret
nums (Number x:items) = (x:) <$> nums items
nums (String str:items) | Just x <- readMaybe str = (x:) <$> nums items
    | otherwise = Left [Error "err:FORG0001" "Invalid cast to number" str]
nums (Bool True:items) = (1:) <$> nums items
nums (Bool False:items) = (0:) <$> nums items
nums [] = Right []
nums items = nums $ atomsize items
num items = case nums items of
    Left errs -> Left errs
    Right (x:_) -> Right x
    Right [] -> Right (0/0) -- NaN

withNums2 x y cb = withNums2' (nums x) (nums y) cb
withNums2' (Right xs) (Right ys) cb = cb xs ys
withNums2' x y _ = fromLeft [] x ++ fromLeft [] y
withNum2 x y cb = withNum2' (num x) (num y) cb
withNum2' (Right x) (Right y) cb = cb x y
withNum2' x y _ = fromLeft [] x ++ fromLeft [] y

text :: [Value] -> Either [Value] [String]
text items | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- items] = Left ret
text (Number x:items) = (show x:) <$> text items
text (String ret:items) = (ret:) <$> text items
text (Bool b:items) = (show b:) <$> text items
text [] = Right []
text items = text $ atomsize items

---Type system

cast (TypeAtomic ty) [x]
    | ty `elem` ["xsd:integer", "xsd:float", "xsd:double", "xsd:decimal"], Right x <- num [x] = [Number x]
    | ty == "xsd:bool", Right b <- bool [x] = [Bool b]
    | Right [str] <- text [x] = [String str]
cast TypeText [x] | Right [str] <- text [x] = [String str]
cast ty [_] = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid type to cast to." $ show ty]
cast _ [] = []
cast _ items = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in cast." $ show $ length items]
cast' :: Quantity -> [Value] -> [Value]
cast' ty val | instanceOf' ty val = val
cast' (Quantity ty _ Many) _ = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Can't cast to non-optional multiplicity" ""]
cast' (Quantity ty _ None) _ = []
cast' (Quantity ty Many One) _ = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Can't cast to non-optional multiplicity" ""]
cast' (Quantity ty One One) val | null $ cast ty $ atomsize val = cast ty $ atomsize val
    | otherwise = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Expected non-zero items in value." "0"]
cast' (Quantity ty None One) val = cast ty $ atomsize val
tryCast' (Just ty) val = let val' = cast (TypeAtomic ty) [val] in if any isErr val' then [] else val'
tryCast' Nothing val = [val]

instanceOf :: XType -> Value -> Bool
instanceOf (TypeDocument type_) (Node cursor) | null $ ancestor cursor = instanceOf type_ $ Node cursor
instanceOf (TypeElement (Just name) type_) (Node cursor)
    | NodeElement (Element n _ _) <- node cursor = instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing type_) $ Node cursor
instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just "xsd:bool")) val
    | Right res <- text [val] = res `elem` [["true"], ["false"]]
instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just "xsd:integer")) val
    | Right x <- num [val] = fromIntegral (floor x) == x
instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just type_)) val
    | type_ `elem` ["xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"] = isRight $ num [val]
    | otherwise = True
instanceOf (TypeArray Nothing) (Array _) = True
instanceOf (TypeArray (Just type_)) (Array vals) = all (instanceOf' type_) vals
instanceOf (TypeMap Nothing') (Map _) = True
instanceOf (TypeMap (Some' _ valType)) (Map m) = all (instanceOf' valType) $ M.elems m -- TODO check keytype
instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Array _) = True
instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Map _) = True
instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (PartialFunc _ _) = True
instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (FuncRef _ _) = True
instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Function _ _ _ _) = True
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity (TypeAtomic "xsd:integer") One One] retty)) (Array vals) =
    all (instanceOf' retty) vals
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity (TypeAtomic _) One One] retty)) (Map m) =
    all (instanceOf' retty) $ M.elems m
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity TypeText One One] retty)) (Map m) =
    all (instanceOf' retty) $ M.elems m
-- FIXME doesn't actually check types, that requires deeper introspection than I currently model.
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys _)) (PartialFunc args _) = length argtys == length args
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys _)) (FuncRef _ nargs) = length argtys == nargs
instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys retty)) (Function args retty' _ _) =
    retty == retty' && and [ty == ty' | (ty, (_, ty')) <- zip argtys args]
instanceOf (TypeSchemaElement _) _ = False -- TODO What's this?
instanceOf TypeNode (Node _) = True
instanceOf TypeNamespaceNode _ = False -- Don't think I support this yet.
instanceOf TypeText (String _) = True
instanceOf TypeText (Node n) | NodeContent _ <- node n = True
instanceOf TypeComment (Node n) | NodeComment _ <- node n = True
instanceOf (TypePI Nothing) (Node n) | NodeInstruction _ <- node n = True
instanceOf (TypePI (Just name)) (Node n) | NodeInstruction (Instruction name' _) <- node n = name == name'
instanceOf (TypeSchemaAttribute _) _ = False -- Don't think I support this yet.
instanceOf (TypeAttribute _ _) _ = False -- XML Conduit's datamodel had me support this indirectly.
instanceOf (TypeAtomic "xsd:bool") (Bool _) = True
instanceOf (TypeAtomic "xsd:integer") (Number x) = fromIntegral (floor x) == x
instanceOf (TypeAtomic type_) (Number _) = type_ `elem` ["xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"]
instanceOf (TypeAtomic type_) (String _) = type_ `notElem` ["xsd:bool", "xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"]
instanceOf TypeItem _ = True
instanceOf _ _ = False
instanceOf' :: Quantity -> [Value] -> Bool
instanceOf' (Quantity ty Many high) vals@(_:_:_) = instanceOf' (Quantity ty None high) vals
instanceOf' (Quantity ty One high) vals@(_:_) = instanceOf' (Quantity ty None high) vals
instanceOf' (Quantity type_ None Many) vals = all (instanceOf type_) vals
instanceOf' (Quantity type_ None One) vals | length vals <= 1 = all (instanceOf type_) vals
instanceOf' (Quantity _ None None) [] = True
instanceOf' _ _ = False

---- Interpretor

evals ctx = concatMap $ eval ctx
eval :: Context -> Expression -> [Value]
eval ctx (ExprRange from to) = withNums2 (eval ctx from) (eval ctx to) inner
    inner (from:_) (to:_) = map Number [from..to]
    inner _ _ = []
eval ctx (ExprUnion exps) = nub $ concat $ map (eval ctx) exps
eval ctx (ExprIntersect a b) = let b' = eval ctx b in
    [v | v <- eval ctx a, v `elem` b' || isErr v] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
eval ctx (ExprExcept a b) = let b' = eval ctx b in
    [v | v <- eval ctx a, v `notElem` b' || isErr v] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]

eval ctx (ExprSum exps) = let (errs, xs) = partitionEithers $ map (num . eval ctx) exps in
    if null errs then [Number $ sum xs] else concat errs
eval ctx (ExprMul a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \x y -> [Number (x*y)]
eval ctx (ExprDiv a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \x y -> [Number (x/y)]
eval ctx (ExprIDiv a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $
    \x y -> [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `div` floor y)]
eval ctx (ExprMod a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $
    \x y -> [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `rem` floor y)]
eval ctx (ExprNegate a) = case num $ eval ctx a of
    Left errs -> errs
    Right x -> [Number $ negate x]

eval ctx (ExprStrConcat texts) = let (errs, texts') = partitionEithers $ map (text . eval ctx) texts
    in if null errs then [String $ concat $ map concat texts'] else concat errs

eval ctx (ExprGe' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' >= b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' >= b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprGt' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' > b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' > b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprLe' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' <= b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' <= b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprLt' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' < b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' < b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprNe' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' /= b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' /= b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprEq' a b)
    | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' == b')]
    | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' == b')]
    | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
eval ctx (ExprGe a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (maximum a' >= minimum b')]
eval ctx (ExprGt a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (maximum a' > minimum b')]
eval ctx (ExprLe a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (minimum a' <= maximum b')]
eval ctx (ExprLt a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (minimum a' < maximum b')]
eval ctx (ExprNe a b) = let (a', b') = (atomsize $ eval ctx a, atomsize $ eval ctx b)
    in if any isErr a' || any isErr b' then [err | err <- a', isErr err] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
    else [Bool $ any (`notElem` b') a']
eval ctx (ExprEq a b) = let (a', b') = (atomsize $ eval ctx a, atomsize $ eval ctx b)
    in if any isErr a' || any isErr b' then [err | err <- a', isErr err] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
    else [Bool $ any (`elem` b') a']
-- TODO node order comparisons.

eval ctx (ExprAnd exps) = let (errs, bools) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . eval ctx) exps
    in if null errs then [Bool $ and bools] else concat errs
eval ctx (ExprOr exps) = let (errs, bools) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . eval ctx) exps
    in if null errs then [Bool $ or bools] else concat errs

eval ctx (ExprInstanceOf a type_) = [Bool $ instanceOf' type_ $ eval ctx a]
eval ctx (ExprTreatAs a type_) | instanceOf' type_ $ eval ctx a = eval ctx a
    | otherwise = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Expression not of expected type" ("Expected " ++ show type_)]
eval ctx (ExprCastAs a type_) = cast' type_ $ eval ctx a
eval ctx (ExprCastableAs a type_) = let val = eval ctx a in if any isErr val
    then [err | err <- val, isErr err] else [Bool $ not $ any isErr $ cast' type_ val] 

eval ctx (ExprFor name expr body) = concat $ map inner $ eval ctx expr
    where inner subitem = eval ctx { vars = M.insert name [subitem] $ vars ctx } body
eval ctx (ExprLet name expr body) = eval ctx { vars = vars' } body
    where vars' = M.insert name (eval ctx expr) $ vars ctx
eval ctx (ExprIf cond pass fail) = case bool $ evals ctx cond of
    Left errs -> errs
    Right cond' -> eval ctx $ if cond' then pass else fail
eval ctx (ExprQuantified variant tests) =
    let (errs, res) = partitionEithers $ map (\x -> bool [x]) $ eval ctx tests
    in if null errs then [Bool $ (case variant of {Some -> or; Every -> and }) res]
    else concat errs

eval ctx (ExprMap a b) = concatMap (\a' -> eval ctx { item = [a'] } b) $ eval ctx a
eval ctx (ExprArrow self func args) =
    evalPostfix ctx { item = [retrieveArrow ctx func $ succ $ length args] } $ PostCall (self:args)
eval ctx (ExprPath (path:paths)) = eval ctx { item = evalPath ctx path } $ ExprPath paths
eval ctx (ExprPath []) = item ctx
eval _ _ = [] -- TODO

retrieveArrow _ (ArrowName n) arity = FuncRef n arity
retrieveArrow ctx (ArrowVar n) _ | Just [ret] <-  n `M.lookup` vars ctx = ret
    | otherwise = Error "err:XPST0008" "Undefined name" $ show n
retrieveArrow ctx (ArrowExpr exps) _ | [ret] <- evals ctx exps = ret
    | otherwise = Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many (or no) items in collection identifying function to call" ""

evalPrimary _ (Literal x) = [x]
evalPrimary ctx (VarRef n) | Just val <- n `M.lookup` vars ctx = val
    | otherwise = [Error "err:XPST0008" "Undefined name" $ show n]
evalPrimary ctx (Expr exprs) = evals ctx exprs
evalPrimary ctx ContextItem | null $ item ctx = [Error "err:XPDY0002" "Absent context item" ""]
    | otherwise = item ctx
evalPrimary ctx (FunctionCall n args)
    | Just cb <- (n, length args) `M.lookup` funcs ctx = cb ctx $ map (eval ctx) args
    | otherwise = [Error "err:XPST0017" "Undefined function" (show n ++ '#':show (length args))]
-- NOTE: No recursion! Great! Not Turing Complete, hopefully!
evalPrimary ctx (FunctionItem args retty body) = [Function args retty body $ vars ctx]
evalPrimary ctx (MapConstruct entries)
    | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . fst) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . fst) entries
    | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . snd) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . snd) entries
    | otherwise = [Map $ M.fromList $ map buildEntry entries]
    where buildEntry (key, val) = (concat $ fromRight [] $ text $ eval ctx key, eval ctx val)
evalPrimary ctx (ArrayConstruct entries)
    | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx) entries
    | otherwise = [Array $ map (eval ctx) entries]
evalPrimary ctx (UnaryLookup key) = evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup key) -- Both the same, both operating on `item ctx`

-- It's a little tricky to get errors thrown correctly this branch...
evalPostfix ctx (PostFilter cond) = concatMap inner $ zip [0..] $ item ctx
    inner (i, item) = case evals ctx { item = [item] } cond of
        [Number x] -> test (x == i)
        v -> case bool v of
            Left ret -> ret
            Right ret -> test ret
      where test cond = if cond then [item] else []
evalPostfix ctx (PostCall _) | length (item ctx) /= 1 = [
    Error "err:XPTY0004" "Function calls require singleton values" (show (length $ item ctx) ++ " items")]
  | not $ null [1 | Error _ _ _ <- item ctx] = [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- item ctx]
evalPostfix ctx (PostCall args) | not $ null [1 | ArgPlaceholder <- args] = [PartialFunc args $ head $ item ctx]
evalPostfix ctx (PostCall args) = case head $ item ctx of
    Array vals | [arg] <- args -> case nums $ eval ctx arg of
        Left errs -> errs
        Right [i] | i >= 1.0 && floor i <= length vals -> vals !! floor i
        Right [i] -> [Error "err:FOAY0001" "Array index out of bounds" $ show i]
        Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in index" $ show $ length items]
    Map m | [arg] <- args -> case text $ eval ctx arg of
        Left errs -> errs
        Right [key] -> fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key m
        Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
    PartialFunc tpl val -> case expandPartial tpl args of
        Left False -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too few arguments to partial" $ show $ length args]
        Left True -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many arguments to partial" $ show $ length args]
        Right args' -> evalPostfix ctx { item = [val] } $ PostCall args'
    FuncRef name arity | arity /= length args -> [
        Error "err:XPTY0004" "Wrong number of args to referenced function." (show arity ++ " not " ++ show (length args))]
    FuncRef name arity | Just cb <- (name, arity) `M.lookup` funcs ctx -> cb ctx $ map (eval ctx) args
    FuncRef name arity -> [Error "err:XPST0017" "Undfined function" (show name ++ '#':show arity)]
    Function params retty body closure -> case assignArgs params args closure ctx of
        Left False -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too few arguments to dynamic function" $ show $ length args]
        Left True -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many arguments to dynamic function" $ show $ length args]
        Right vars -> cast' retty $ evals ctx { item = [], vars = vars } body
    _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid function type" ""]
evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup (KeyExpr exprs)) = case atomsize $ evals ctx exprs of
    [key] -> evalPostfix ctx $ PostLookup $ KeyLiteral key
    items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup KeyWildcard) = case item ctx of
    [Array vals] -> concat $ vals
    [Map m] -> concat $ M.elems m
    _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid collection type or arity" ""]
evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup (KeyLiteral k)) = case item ctx of
    [Array vals] -> case nums [k] of
        Left errs -> errs
        Right [i] | i >= 1.0 && floor i <= length vals -> vals !! floor i
        Right [i] -> [Error "err:FOAY0001" "Array index out of bounds" $ show i]
        Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in index" $ show $ length items]
    [Map m] -> case text [k] of
        Left errs -> errs
        Right [key] -> fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key m
        Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
    _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid collection type or arity" ""]
evalPostfix' ctx (op:ops) = evalPostfix' ctx { item = evalPostfix ctx op } ops
evalPostfix' ctx [] = item ctx

evalPath ctx (PostExpr primary postfix) = evalPostfix' ctx { item = evalPrimary ctx primary } postfix
evalPath ctx (PathStep (Axis axis, test) filters) =
    [n | Node n <- item ctx] >>=
    axis >>=
    check (case test of {Left type_ -> instanceOf type_ . Node; Right name -> hasName name . node }) >>=
    return . Node >>=
    filter' filters ctx
evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Right n) filters) =
    [node n | Node n <- item ctx] >>= attribute' n >>= filter' filters ctx
evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Left (TypeAttribute (Just n) type_)) filters) =
    [node n | Node n <- item ctx] >>= attribute' n >>= tryCast' type_ >>= filter' filters ctx
evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Left (TypeAttribute Nothing type_)) filters) =
    [String $ Txt.unpack val |
        Node n <- item ctx,
        NodeElement (Element _ attrs _) <- [node n],
        (_, val) <- M.toList attrs] >>=
    tryCast' type_ >>=
    filter' filters ctx
evalPath _ (PathStep (Attribute, Left _) _) = []
evalPath _ (PathStep (Namespace, _) _) = [Error "err:XPST0010" "Namespace axis is unsupported" ""]

filter' filters ctx v =
    let (errs, pred) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . evals ctx {item = [v]}) filters
    in [v | and pred] ++ concat errs

---- Dynamic function call support
expandPartial (ArgPlaceholder:tpls) (arg:args) = (arg:) <$> expandPartial tpls args
expandPartial (ArgPlaceholder:_) [] = Left False
expandPartial (tpl:tpls) args = (tpl:) <$> expandPartial tpls args
expandPartial [] (_:_) = Left True
expandPartial [] [] = Right []

assignArgs ((name, type_):params) (arg:args) vars ctx =
    let vars' = M.insert name (cast' type_ $ eval ctx arg) vars
    in assignArgs params args vars' ctx
assignArgs (_:_) [] _ _ = Left False
assignArgs [] (_:_) _ _ = Left True
assignArgs [] [] vars _ = Right vars


fromLeft _ (Left ret) = ret
fromLeft ret (Right _) = ret
fromRight _ (Right ret) = ret
fromRight ret (Left _) = ret

--- standard library

stdLib :: M.Map (Name, Int) (Context -> [[Value]] -> [Value])
stdLib = M.fromList [
    (("fn:node-name", 1), fnNodeName),
    (("fn:node-name", 0), fnNodeName),
--    (("fn:nilled", 1), fnNilled),
--    (("fn:nilled", 0), fnNilled),
    (("fn:string", 1), fnString),
    (("fn:string", 0), fnString),
    (("fn:data", 1), fnData),
    (("fn:data", 0), fnData),
--    (("fn:base-uri", 1), fnBaseURI),
--    (("fn:document-uri", 1), fnDocumentURI),

    (("fn:error", 0), fnError),
    (("fn:error", 1), fnError),
    (("fn:error", 2), fnError),
    (("fn:error", 3), fnError),

    (("op:numeric-add", 2), fnNumericAdd),
    (("op:numeric-subtract", 2), fnNumericSubtract),
    (("op:numeric-multiply", 2), fnNumericMultiply),
    (("op:numeric-divide", 2), fnNumericDivide),
    (("op:numeric-integer-divide", 2), fnNumericIntegerDivide),
    (("op:numeric-mod", 2), fnNumericMod),
    (("op:numeric-unary-plus", 1), fnNumericUnaryPlus),
    (("op:numeric-unary-minus", 1), fnNumericUnaryMinus),

    (("op:numeric-equal", 2), opNumericEqual),
    (("op:numeric-less-than", 2), opNumericLessThan),
    (("op:numeric-greater-than", 2), opNumericGreaterThan),

    (("fn:abs", 1), fnAbs),
    (("fn:ceiling", 1), fnCeiling),
    (("fn:floor", 1), fnFloor),
    (("fn:round", 1), fnRound),
    (("fn:round-half-to-even", 1), fnRoundToEven),

    (("fn:number", 1), fnNumericUnaryPlus),
--    (("fn:format-integer", 2), fnFormatInteger),
--    (("fn:format-integer", 3), fnFormatInteger),
--    (("fn:format-number", 2), fnFormatNumber),
--    (("fn:format-number", 3), fnFormatNumber),

    (("math:pi", 0), fnMathPi),
    (("math:exp", 1), fnMathExp),
    (("math:exp10", 1), fnMathExp10),
    (("math:log", 1), fnMathLog),
    (("math:log10", 1), fnMathLog10),
    (("math:pow", 2), fnMathPow),
    (("math:sqrt", 1), fnMathSqrt),
    (("math:sin", 1), fnMathSin),
    (("math:cos", 1), fnMathCos),
    (("math:tan", 1), fnMathTan),
    (("math:asin", 1), fnMathASin),
    (("math:acos", 1), fnMathACos),
    (("math:atan", 1), fnMathATan),
    (("math:atan2", 2), fnMathATan2)
typeError = [Error "fn:XPTY0004" "Invalid type signature for function" ""]

fnNodeName _ [[Node c]] | NodeElement (Element name _ _) <- node c = [String $ show name]
    | otherwise = typeError
fnNodeName ctx [] = fnNodeName ctx [item ctx]
fnNodeName _ _ = typeError
fnString _ [[Node c]] = [String $ Txt.unpack $ nodeText $ node c]
fnString ctx [] = fnString ctx [item ctx]
fnString _ _ = typeError
fnData _ [val] = atomsize val
fnData ctx [] = atomsize $ item ctx
fnData _ _ = typeError

fnError _ [] = [Error "err:user" "" ""]
fnError _ [code'] | Right [code] <- text code' =
    [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) "" ""]
fnError _ [code', msg'] | Right [code] <- text code', Right [msg] <- text msg' =
    [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) msg ""]
fnError _ [code', msg', items] | Right [code] <- text code', Right [msg] <- text msg' =
    [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) msg $ concat $ fromRight [] $ text items]
fnError _ _ = typeError

fnNumericAdd _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x + y)]
fnNumericAdd _ _ = typeError
fnNumericSubtract _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x - y)]
fnNumericSubtract _ _ = typeError
fnNumericMultiply _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x * y)]
fnNumericMultiply _ _ = typeError
fnNumericDivide _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x / y)]
fnNumericDivide _ _ = typeError
fnNumericIntegerDivide _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `div` floor y)]
fnNumericIntegerDivide _ _ = typeError
fnNumericMod _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `rem` floor y)]
fnNumericMod _ _ = typeError
fnNumericUnaryPlus _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number x]
fnNumericUnaryPlus _ _ = typeError
fnNumericUnaryMinus _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ negate x]
fnNumericUnaryMinus _ _ = typeError

opNumericEqual _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x == y)]
opNumericEqual _ _ = typeError
opNumericLessThan _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x < y)]
opNumericLessThan _ _ = typeError
opNumericGreaterThan _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x > y)]
opNumericGreaterThan _ _ = typeError

fnAbs _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ abs x]
fnAbs _ _ = typeError
fnCeiling _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ ceiling x]
fnCeiling _ _ = typeError
fnFloor _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ floor x]
fnFloor _ _ = typeError
fnRound _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ round x]
fnRound _ _ = typeError
fnRoundToEven _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ toEven $ round x]
  where toEven y = if even y then y else succ y
fnRoundToEven _ _ = typeError

fnMathPi _ [] = [Number pi]
fnMathPi _ _ = typeError
fnMathExp _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ exp x]
fnMathExp _ _ = typeError
fnMathExp10 _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number (10 ** x)]
fnMathExp10 _ _ = typeError
fnMathLog _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ log x]
fnMathLog _ _ = typeError
fnMathLog10 _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ logBase 10 x]
fnMathLog10 _ _ = typeError
fnMathPow _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x ** y)]
fnMathPow _ _ = typeError
fnMathSqrt _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ sqrt x]
fnMathSqrt _ _ = typeError
fnMathSin _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ sin x]
fnMathSin _ _ = typeError
fnMathCos _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ cos x]
fnMathCos _ _ = typeError
fnMathTan _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ tan x]
fnMathTan _ _ = typeError
fnMathASin _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ asin x]
fnMathASin _ _ = typeError
fnMathACos _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ acos x]
fnMathACos _ _ = typeError
fnMathATan _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ atan x]
fnMathATan _ _ = typeError
fnMathATan2 _ [y', x'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ atan2 y x]
fnMathATan2 _ _ = typeError

---- Public API
runXPath' node sel = case parseXPath sel of
    Right ast -> evals Context {
            item = [Node node],
            vars = M.empty,
            funcs = stdLib
        } ast
    Left err -> [Error "err:syntax" err ""]
runXPath node sel = let ret = runXPath' node sel
    in if any isErr ret then Left [msg | Error name msg _ <- ret]
    else Right [n | Node n <- ret]

D src/Internal/Elements/XPathParse.hs => src/Internal/Elements/XPathParse.hs +0 -680
@@ 1,680 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Internal.Elements.XPathParse(parseXPath, parseQName,
    Quantifier(..), Quantity(..), MaybePair(..), XType(..), Value(..), val2type, isErr,
    Expression(..), Arrow(..), PathComp(..), PrimaryExpr(..), PostExpr(..),
    Key(..), Axis'(..), SomeEvery(..)) where

import Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Text (Text(..), pack)

import Text.XML.Cursor
import Text.XML (Name(..), Node(..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

skipSpace' = do
    option () $ do
        char '('
        char ':'
        manyTill anyChar $ string ":)"
pSpaced :: Parser a -> Parser a
pSpaced act = do
    ret <- act
    return ret
-- Transliterated from grammar at https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-3/#nt-bnf
parseXPath = parseOnly pExpr

pParamList = do
    head <- pParam
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    return (head:tail)
pParam = do
    char '$'
    name <- pEQName
    type_ <- option (Quantity TypeItem None Many) $ pTypeDeclaration
    return (name, type_)
pFunctionBody = pEnclosedExpr
pEnclosedExpr = pSpaced $ do
    char '{'
    ret <- option [] $ pExpr
    char '}'
    return ret
pExpr :: Parser [Expression]
pExpr = do
    head <- pExprSingle
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    return (head:tail)
pExprSingle = pSpaced (pForExpr <|> pLetExpr <|> pQuantifiedExpr <|> pIfExpr <|> pOrExpr)

pForExpr = do
    header <- pSimpleForClause
    string "return"
    body <- pExprSingle
    return $ foldr (\(var, val) body' -> ExprFor var val body') body header
pSimpleForClause = do
    string "for"
    head <- pSimpleForBinding
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    return (head:tail)
pSimpleForBinding = do
    char '$'
    var <- pVarName
    skipSpace' >> char 'i' >> char 'n'
    val <- pExprSingle
    return (var, val)

pLetExpr = do
    header <- pSimpleLetClause
    string "return"
    body <- pExprSingle
    return $ foldr (\(var, val) body' -> ExprLet var val body') body header
pSimpleLetClause = do
    string "let"
    head <- pSimpleLetBinding
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    return (head:tail)
pSimpleLetBinding = do
    char '$'
    var <- pVarName
    skipSpace' >> char ':' >> char '='
    val <- pExprSingle
    return (var, val)

pQuantifiedExpr = do
    quantifier <- (string "some" >> return Some) <|> (string "every" >> return Every)
    head <- pSimpleForBinding
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    string "satisfies"
    body <- pExprSingle
    return $ ExprQuantified quantifier $
        foldr (\(var, val) body' -> ExprFor var val body') body (head:tail)

pIfExpr = do
    char 'i' >> char 'f'
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    test <- pExpr
    char ')' >> skipSpace'
    string "then"
    pass <- pExprSingle
    string "else"
    fail <- pExprSingle
    return $ ExprIf test pass fail

pOrExpr = do
    a <- pAndExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced (char 'o' >> char 'r')
    return $ if null bs then a else ExprOr (a:bs)
pAndExpr = do
    a <- pComparisonExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced $ string "and"
    return $ if null bs then a else ExprAnd (a:bs)
pComparisonExpr = do
    a <- pStringConcatExpr
    option a $ do
        op <- pValueComp <|> pGeneralComp <|> pNodeComp -- TODO implement comparisons
        b <- pStringConcatExpr
        return $ op a b
pStringConcatExpr = do
    a <- pRangeExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced (char '|' >> char '|')
    return $ if null bs then a else ExprStrConcat (a:bs)
pRangeExpr = do
    a <- pAdditiveExpr
    option a $ do
        pSpaced (char 't' >> char 'o')
        b <- pAdditiveExpr
        return $ ExprRange a b
pAdditiveExpr = do
    a <- pMultiplicativeExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        op <- pSpaced ((char '-' >> return ExprNegate) <|> (char '+' >> return id))
        b <- pMultiplicativeExpr
        return $ op b
    return $ if null bs then a else ExprSum (a:bs)
pMultiplicativeExpr = do
    a <- pUnionExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        op <- (char '*' >> return ExprMul) <|> (string "div" >> return ExprDiv) <|>
            (string "idiv" >> return ExprIDiv) <|> (string "mode" >> return ExprMod)
        b <- pUnionExpr
        return (`op` b)
    return $ foldl (\a b -> b a) a bs
pUnionExpr = do
    a <- pIntersectExceptExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced (string "union" <|> string "|")
    return $ ExprUnion (a:bs)
pIntersectExceptExpr = do
    a <- pInstanceOfExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        op <- pSpaced ((string "intersect" >> return ExprIntersect) <|> 
            (string "except" >> return ExprExcept))
        b <- pInstanceOfExpr
        return (`op` b)
    return $ foldl (\a b -> b a) a bs
pInstanceOfExpr = do
    a <- pTreatExpr
    option a $ do
        pSpaced (string "instance" >> skipSpace' >> char 'o' >> char 'f')
        type_ <- pSequenceType
        return $ ExprInstanceOf a type_
pAs = pSpaced (char 'a' >> char 's')
pTreatExpr = do
    a <- pCastableExpr
    option a $ do
        skipSpace' >> string "treat" >> pAs
        type_ <- pSequenceType
        return $ ExprTreatAs a type_
pCastableExpr = do
    a <- pCastExpr
    option a $ do
        skipSpace' >> string "castable" >> pAs
        type_ <- pSingleType
        return $ ExprCastableAs a type_
pCastExpr = do
    a <- pArrowExpr
    option a $ do
        skipSpace' >> string "cast" >> pAs
        type_ <- pSingleType
        return $ ExprCastAs a type_
pArrowExpr = do
    a <- pUnaryExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced (char '=' >> char '>')
        spec <- pArrowFunctionSpecifier
        args <- pArgumentList
        return (spec, args)
    return $ foldl (\a (spec, args) -> ExprArrow a spec args) a bs
pUnaryExpr = do
    ops <- many' $ pSpaced (char '+' <|> char '-')
    a <- pValueExpr
    return $ if length (filter (== '-') ops) `rem` 2 == 1 then ExprNegate a else a
pValueExpr :: Parser Expression
pValueExpr = pSimpleMapExpr

char' ch ret = char ch >> return ret
char'eq ch ret = char ch >> char '=' >> return ret
char'2 ch ch2 ret= char ch >> char ch2 >> return ret
pGeneralComp = char' '=' ExprEq <|> char'eq '!' ExprNe <|> char' '<' ExprLt <|>
    char'eq '<' ExprLe <|> char' '>' ExprGt <|> char'eq '>' ExprGe
pValueComp = char'2 'e' 'q' ExprEq' <|> char'2 'n' 'e' ExprNe' <|> char'2 'l' 't' ExprLt' <|>
    char'2 'l' 'e' ExprLe' <|> char'2 'g' 't' ExprGt' <|> char'2 'g' 'e' ExprGe'
pNodeComp = char'2 'i' 's' ExprIs <|> char'2 '<' '<' ExprPrecedes <|> char'2 '>' '>' ExprFollows

pSimpleMapExpr = do
    a <- pPathExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        pSpaced $ char '!'
    return $ foldl ExprMap a bs
pathHead = PathStep (Axis root, Left $ TypeDocument $ TypeElement Nothing Nothing) []
pPathExpr = do
    char '/'
    tail <- (skipSpace' >> return []) <|> pRelativePathExpr
    return $ ExprPath (pathHead:tail)
  <|> do
    let head2 = PathStep (Axis $ orSelf descendant, Left TypeNode) []
    char '/' >> char '/'
    tail <- pRelativePathExpr
    return $ ExprPath (pathHead:head2:tail)
  <|> (ExprPath <$> pRelativePathExpr)
pRelativePathExpr = do
    a <- pStepExpr
    bs <- many' $ do
        char '/'
        descend <- option False (char '/' >> return True)
        b <- pStepExpr
        return $ if descend then [PathStep (Axis $ orSelf descendant, Left TypeNode) [], b] else [b]
    return (a:concat bs)
pStepExpr = pPostfixExpr <|> pAxisStep
pAxisStep = do
    step <- pReverseStep <|> pForwardStep
    preds <- pPredicateList
    return $ PathStep step preds
pForwardStep = do
    axis <- pForwardAxis
    test <- pNodeTest
    return (axis, test)
  <|> pAbbrevForwardStep
string' text ret = string text >> return ret
pForwardAxis = pSpaced $ do
    ret <- string' "child" (Axis child) <|>
        string' "descendant" (Axis descendant) <|>
        string' "attribute" Attribute <|>
        string' "self" (Axis self) <|>
        string' "descendant-or-self" (Axis $ orSelf $ descendant) <|>
        string' "following-sibling" (Axis followingSibling) <|>
        string' "following" (Axis following) <|>
        string' "namespace" Namespace
    skipSpace' >> char ':' >> char ':'
    return ret
pAbbrevForwardStep = do
    attrs <- pSpaced $ option (Axis child) (char '@' >> return Attribute)
    test <- pNodeTest
    return (attrs, test)
pReverseStep = do
    axis <- pReverseAxis
    test <- pNodeTest
    return (axis, test)
  <|> pAbbrevReverseStep
pReverseAxis = pSpaced $ do
    ret <- string' "parent" (Axis parent) <|>
        string' "ancestor" (Axis ancestor) <|>
        string' "preceding-sibling" (Axis precedingSibling) <|>
        string' "preceding" (Axis preceding) <|>
        string' "ancestor-or-self" (Axis $ orSelf $ ancestor)
    skipSpace' >> char ':' >> char ':'
    return ret
pAbbrevReverseStep = do
    pSpaced (char '.' >> char '.')
    return (Axis parent, Left TypeNode)

pNodeTest = (Left <$> pKindTest) <|> (Right <$> pNameTest)
pNameTest = pEQName' True

pPostfixExpr = do
    a <- pPrimaryExpr
    bs <- many' ((PostFilter <$> pPredicate) <|> (PostCall <$> pArgumentList) <|> (PostLookup <$> pLookup))
    return $ PostExpr a bs
pArgumentList = pSpaced $ do
    char '('
    head <- pArgument
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    char ')'
    return (head:tail)
pPredicateList = many' pPredicate
pPredicate = pSpaced $ do
    skipSpace' >> char '['
    ret <- pExpr
    char ']' >> skipSpace'
    return ret
pLookup = do
    pSpaced $ char '?'
pKeySpecifier = (KeyLiteral <$> String <$> show <$> pNCName) <|> (KeyLiteral <$> Number <$> fromIntegral <$> pIntegerLiteral) <|>
    (KeyExpr <$> pParenthesizedExpr) <|> (pSpaced $ char '*' >> return KeyWildcard)

pArrowFunctionSpecifier = ArrowName <$> pEQName <|> ArrowVar <$> pVarRef <|> ArrowExpr <$> pParenthesizedExpr
pPrimaryExpr = Literal <$> pLiteral <|> VarRef <$> pVarRef <|> Expr <$> pParenthesizedExpr
    <|> pContextItemExpr <|> pFunctionCall <|> pFunctionItemExpr <|> UnaryLookup <$> pUnaryLookup <|>
    MapConstruct <$> pMapConstructor <|> ArrayConstruct <$> pArrayConstructor
pLiteral = Number <$> pNumericLiteral <|> String <$> pStringLiteral
pNumericLiteral = double -- I think this matches...

pVarRef = char '$' >> pVarName
pVarName = pEQName
pParenthesizedExpr = pSpaced $ do
    char '('
    ret <- option [] pExpr
    char ')'
    return ret
pContextItemExpr = char '.' >> return ContextItem
pFunctionCall = do
    callee <- pEQName
    args <- pArgumentList
    return $ FunctionCall callee args
pArgument = pExprSingle <|> pArgumentPlaceholder
pArgumentPlaceholder = char '?' >> return ArgPlaceholder
pFunctionItemExpr = pNamedFunctionRef <|> pInlineFunctionExpr
pNamedFunctionRef = do
    name <- pEQName
    pSpaced $ char '#'
    index <- pIntegerLiteral
    return $ Literal $ FuncRef name index
pInlineFunctionExpr = do
    pSpaced $ string "function"
    char '('
    params <- pParamList
    char ')'
    type_ <- option (Quantity TypeItem None Many) (pAs >> pSequenceType)
    body <- pFunctionBody
    return $ FunctionItem params type_ body
pMapConstructor = do
    pSpaced $ string "map"
    char '{'
    head <- pMapConstructorEntry
    tail <- many' $ do
        char ','
    char '}'
    return (head:tail)
pMapConstructorEntry = do
    key <- pExprSingle
    char ':'
    value <- pExprSingle
    return (key, value)
pArrayConstructor = pSquareArrayConstructor <|> pCurlyArrayConstructor
pSquareArrayConstructor = pSpaced $ do
    char '['
    ret <- option [] pExpr
    char ']'
    return ret
pCurlyArrayConstructor = do
    skipSpace' >> string "array"
pUnaryLookup = do
    skipSpace' >> char '?'
pSingleType = do
    type_ <- pSimpleTypeName
    optional <- option False (char '?' >> skipSpace' >> return True)
    return $ if optional then Quantity type_ None One else Quantity type_ One One

pTypeDeclaration = pAs >> pSequenceType
pSequenceType :: Parser Quantity
pSequenceType = do
    skipSpace' >> string "empty-sequence" >> pParens
    return emptySequence
  <|> do
    type_ <- pItemType
    (low, high) <- option (One, One) $ parseQuantity <$> pOccurrenceIndicator
    return $ Quantity type_ low high
pOccurrenceIndicator = char '?' <|> char '*' <|> char '+'
pParens = pSpaced (char '(' >> skipSpace' >> char ')') >> return ()
pItemType = pKindTest <|> do
    skipSpace' >> string "item-type"
    return TypeItem
  <|> pFunctionTest <|> pMapTest <|> pArrayTest <|> pAtomicOrUnionType <|> pParenthesizedItemType
pAtomicOrUnionType = TypeAtomic <$> pEQName
pKindTest = pDocumentTest <|> pElementTest <|> pAttributeTest <|> pSchemaElementTest <|>
    pSchemaAttributeTest <|> pPITest <|> pCommentTest <|> pTextTest <|> pNamespaceNodeTest <|> pAnyKindTest
pAnyKindTest = skipSpace' >> string "node" >> pParens >> return TypeNode
pDocumentTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "document-node"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    arg <- pElementTest <|> pSchemaElementTest <|> return (TypeElement Nothing Nothing) -- FIXME What should the default be?
    char ')'
    return $ TypeDocument arg
pTextTest = skipSpace' >> string "text" >> pParens >> return TypeText
pCommentTest = skipSpace' >> string "comment" >> pParens >> return TypeComment
pNamespaceNodeTest = skipSpace' >> string "namespace-node" >> pParens >> return TypeNamespaceNode
pPITest = pSpaced $ do
    string "processing-instruction"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    arg <- Just <$> pNCName <|> Just <$> pack <$> pStringLiteral <|> return Nothing
    char ')'
    return $ TypePI arg
pAttributeTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "attribute"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    (attribName, type_) <- option (Nothing, Nothing) $ do
        attribName <- pAttribNameOrWildcard
        type_ <- option Nothing $ do
            char ','
            Just <$> pTypeName
        return (attribName, type_)
    char ')'
    return $ TypeAttribute attribName type_
pAttribNameOrWildcard = pSpaced ((Just <$> pAttributeName) <|> (char '*' >> return Nothing))
pAttributeName = pEQName
pSchemaAttributeTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "schema-attribute"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    arg <- pAttributeDeclaration
    char ')'
    return $ TypeSchemaAttribute arg
pAttributeDeclaration = pAttributeName
pElementTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "element"
    pSpaced $ char '('
    (elName, type_) <- option (Nothing, Nothing) $ do
        elName <- pElementNameOrWildcard
        type_ <- option Nothing $ do
            char ','
            Just <$> pTypeName
        return (elName, type_)
    char ')' >> skipSpace'
    return $ TypeElement elName type_
pElementNameOrWildcard = pSpaced ((Just <$> pAttributeName) <|> (char '*' >> return Nothing))
pElementName = pEQName
pSchemaElementTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "schema-element"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    ret <- pElementDeclaration
    char ')'
    return $ TypeSchemaElement ret
pElementDeclaration = pElementName
pSimpleTypeName = TypeAtomic <$> pTypeName
pTypeName = pEQName
pFunctionTest = pAnyFunctionTest <|> pTypedFunctionTest
pAnyFunctionTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "function"
    skipSpace' >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
    return $ TypeFunction Nothing'
pTypedFunctionTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "function"
    pSpaced $ char '('
    args <- option [] $ do
        head <- pSequenceType
        tail <- many' $ do
            char ','
        return (head:tail)
    char ')'
    ret <- option emptySequence $ do
    return $ TypeFunction $ Some' args ret
pMapTest = pAnyMapTest <|> pTypedMapTest
pAnyMapTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "map"
    skipSpace' >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
    return $ TypeMap Nothing'
pTypedMapTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "map"
    skipSpace' >> char '('
    keyType <- pAtomicOrUnionType
    char ','
    valType <- pSequenceType
    char ')'
    return $ TypeMap $ Some' keyType valType
pArrayTest = pAnyArrayTest <|> pTypedArrayTest
pAnyArrayTest = pSpaced $ do
    skipSpace' >> string "array"
    skipSpace' >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
    return $ TypeArray Nothing
pTypedArrayTest = pSpaced $ do
    string "array" >> skipSpace'
    char '('
    type_ <- pSequenceType
    char ')'
    return $ TypeArray $ Just type_
pParenthesizedItemType = pSpaced $ do
    char '('
    ret <- pItemType
    char ')'
    return ret
pEQName = pEQName' False
pEQName' wildcard = pQName wildcard <|> pURIQualifiedName wildcard

--- Terminals
pIntegerLiteral = read <$> pSpaced pDigits
pStringLiteral :: Parser String
pStringLiteral = pSpaced (pStringLiteral' '\'' <|> pStringLiteral' '"')
pStringLiteral' qt = do
    char qt
    ret <- many' (pEscapeQuote qt <|> notChar qt)
    char qt
    return ret
pBracedURILiteral = pSpaced $ do
    char 'Q'
    char '{'
    ret <- takeWhile1 (`notElem` ['{', '}'])
    char '}'
    return ret
pEscapeQuote qt = char qt >> char qt
pDigits = many1 digit

-- XML grammar rules referenced by XPath
-- This is copied from XML Conduit rather than transliterated from the standard
-- because Attoparsec can't recognize (but can preserve) Unicode characters
pNCName = pSpaced $ pNCName' False
pNCName' isWildcard = takeWhile1 valid <?> "identifier"
    valid '*'  = isWildcard
    valid '&'  = False
    valid '<'  = False
    valid '>'  = False
    valid ':'  = False
    valid '?'  = False
    valid '='  = False
    valid '"'  = False
    valid '\'' = False
    valid '/'  = False
    valid ';'  = False
    valid '#'  = False
    valid c    = not $ isXMLSpace c

isXMLSpace :: Char -> Bool
isXMLSpace ' '  = True
isXMLSpace '\t' = True
isXMLSpace '\r' = True
isXMLSpace '\n' = True
isXMLSpace _    = False

parseQName :: Text -> Either String Name
parseQName = parseOnly $ pQName False
pQName isWildcard = pSpaced $ do
    ns <- option Nothing $ do
        ret <- pNCName' isWildcard
        char ':'
        return $ Just ret
    name <- pNCName' isWildcard
    return $ Name name Nothing ns
pURIQualifiedName isWildcard = pSpaced $ do
    ns <- pBracedURILiteral
    name <- pNCName' isWildcard
    return $ Name name (Just ns) Nothing

--- Type Modelling
data Quantifier = None | One | Many deriving (Eq, Show)
parseQuantity '?' = (None, One)
parseQuantity '*' = (None, Many)
parseQuantity '+' = (One, Many)

data Quantity = Quantity XType Quantifier Quantifier deriving (Eq, Show)
emptySequence = Quantity TypeItem None None

data MaybePair a b = Nothing' | Some' a b deriving (Eq, Show)

data XType = TypeDocument XType |
    TypeElement (Maybe Name) (Maybe Name) |
    TypeArray (Maybe Quantity) |
    TypeMap (MaybePair XType Quantity) |
    TypeFunction (MaybePair [Quantity] Quantity) |
    TypeSchemaElement Name |
    TypeNode |
    TypeNamespaceNode |
    TypeText |
    TypeComment |
    TypePI (Maybe Text) |
    TypeSchemaAttribute Name |
    TypeAttribute (Maybe Name) (Maybe Name) |
    TypeAtomic Name |
    TypeItem deriving (Eq, Show)

--- Abstract Syntax Tree
data Expression = ExprFor Name Expression Expression |
    ArgPlaceholder |
    ExprLet Name Expression Expression |
    ExprQuantified SomeEvery Expression |
    ExprIf [Expression] Expression Expression |
    ExprOr [Expression] |
    ExprAnd [Expression] |
    ExprStrConcat [Expression] |
    ExprRange Expression Expression |
    ExprNegate Expression |
    ExprSum [Expression] |
    ExprFollows Expr Expr | ExprPrecedes Expr Expr | ExprIs Expr Expr |
    ExprGe Expr Expr | ExprGt Expr Expr | ExprLe Expr Expr | ExprLt Expr Expr | ExprNe Expr Expr | ExprEq Expr Expr |
    ExprGe' Expr Expr | ExprGt' Expr Expr | ExprLe' Expr Expr | ExprLt' Expr Expr | ExprNe' Expr Expr | ExprEq' Expr Expr |
    ExprMod Expr Expr | ExprIDiv Expr Expr | ExprDiv Expr Expr | ExprMul Expr Expr |
    ExprUnion [Expression] | ExprIntersect Expr Expr | ExprExcept Expr Expr |
    ExprArrow Expression Arrow [Expression] |
    ExprCastAs Expr Quantity | ExprCastableAs Expr Quantity | ExprTreatAs Expr Quantity | ExprInstanceOf Expr Quantity |
    ExprMap Expression Expression |
    ExprPath [PathComp]
type Expr = Expression

data SomeEvery = Some | Every

data Arrow = ArrowName Name | ArrowVar Name | ArrowExpr [Expression]

data PathComp = PostExpr PrimaryExpr [PostExpr] | PathStep (Axis', Either XType Name) [[Expression]]

data PrimaryExpr = Literal Value | VarRef Name | Expr [Expression] | ContextItem |
    FunctionCall Name [Expression] | FunctionItem [(Name, Quantity)] Quantity [Expression] |
    MapConstruct [(Expr, Expr)] | ArrayConstruct [Expression] | UnaryLookup Key

data PostExpr = PostFilter [Expression] | PostCall [Expression] | PostLookup Key

data Key = KeyExpr [Expression] | KeyWildcard | KeyLiteral Value

data Axis' = Axis Axis | Attribute | Namespace

--- Runtime

data Value = Number Double | String String | Bool Bool | Node Cursor | Error Name String String |
    Array [[Value]] | Map (M.Map String [Value]) | PartialFunc [Expression] Value |
    FuncRef Name Int | Function [(Name, Quantity)] Quantity [Expression] (M.Map Name [Value])

instance Eq Value where
    Number x == Number y = x == y
    String x == String y = x == y
    Bool x == Bool y = x == y
    Node x == Node y = node x == node y
    Error x0 x1 x2 == Error y0 y1 y2 = x0 == y0 && x1 == y1 && x2 == y2
    Array x == Array y = x == y
    Map x == Map y = x == y
    FuncRef x0 x1 == FuncRef y0 y1 = x0 == y0 && x1 == y1
    _ == _ = False

val2type (Number _) = TypeAtomic "xsd:double"
val2type (String _) = TypeText
val2type (Bool _) = TypeAtomic "xsd:bool"
val2type (Node _) = TypeNode
val2type (Error _ _ _) = TypeAtomic "xsd:error"
val2type (Array _) = TypeArray Nothing
val2type (Map _) = TypeMap Nothing'
val2type (Function _ _ _ _) = TypeFunction Nothing'

isErr (Error _ _ _) = True
isErr _ = False

self cursor = [cursor]
root = ancestor >=> check (null . ancestor)

M src/UI/Search.hs => src/UI/Search.hs +1 -1
@@ 28,7 28,7 @@ engines = [
    (const "CSS", queryEls "css selector"),
    (flip l LinkSearchExact, queryEls "link text"), -- Only useful if it promotes results higher.
    (flip l LinkSearch, queryEls "partial link text"),
    (const "XPath", queryEls "xpath") -- FIXME parser infinite loops...
    (const "XPath", queryEls "xpath")

result href' = a ! href (stringValue href') ! target "preview"